HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220906_FMTT2202_jk4.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSIONER CHATBURN COMMISSIONER HAMMOND COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:JOHAN E.KALALA-KASANDA MICHAEL DUVAL DATE:SEPTEMBER 6,2022 RE:FARMERS MUTUAL TELEPHONE COMPANY FILED A PETITION FOR A SAFETY VALVE WAIVER OF FCC THRESHOLDREQUIREMENTSFORNUMBERINGRESOURCESINFRUITLAND AND PAYETTE,IDAHO RATE CENTERS;CASE NO.FMT-T-22-02. BACKGROUND On August 22,2022,Famers Mutual Telephone Company ("Farmers"or "the Company") contacted the Idaho Public Commission ("Commission")Staff requesting that the Commission enter an order waiving the Federal Communications Commission's ("FCC")Threshold Numbering Resource Requirements for the Fruitland and Payette,Idaho rate centers. On August 23,2022,Staff contacted the Company regarding its petition and instructed the company on how to formally refile.On August 25,2022,the Company formally resubmitted its petition to the Commission,with the proper documentation. In the Petition,the Company asserted that it is replacing its existing Metaswitch VP3510 equipment/facilities in its Fruitland and Payette,Idaho exchanges.Because of this change,a new Number Plan Area ("NPA-NXX")and Location Routing Number ("LRN")'are required to establish homing arrangements for Local Exchange Routing Guide 7 Switching Homing Arrangement information ("LERG7SHA")so the Company can order and install new trunking.2 I The NPA,or Numbering Plan Area,is commonly called the area code.The NXX refers to the three digits ofa phone number immediately following the area code and is also called the "exchange"or Central Switching Office Designation.The LRN,or Location Routing Number,is a unique 10-digit number used to identifya switch that holds ported or pooled numbers.Calls to ported or pooled numbers are routed based on the NPA-NXX of the numbers associated with the LRN. 2 The LERG provides routing data obtained from the iconectiv Business Integrated Routing and Rating Database System ("BIRRDS")into which data is entered by service providers ("SPs")and/or their agents. DECISIONMEMORANDUM -1 -SEPTEMBER 6,2022 Petition at 1.The Company stated once the new switch is operational,its existing customers will be ported to it from the old switch.Id.Any unneeded 1,000 blocks will be returned to the North American Numbering Plan Administrator ("NANPA").Id. On August 22,2022,the Company applied through the Pooling Administration System ("PAS")of the NANPA for an LRN for the new Fruitland and Payette,Idaho switch within its Local Access Transport Area ("LATA").NANPA's administrator,Somos,Inc.,denied the Company's application because the Company did not meet the months-to-exhaustand/or utilization requirements in the Thousands-Block Number Pooling Administration Guidelines3 (the "Guidelines").See Petition,Attachment A. STAFF ANALYSIS Federal regulations allow a carrier to appeal a NANPA decision to withhold numbering resources.See 47 C.F.R.§52.15(g)(4)(iv)and (5).The Commission "may affirm or overturn the NANPA's decision to withhold numbering resources from the carrier based on its determination of compliance with the reporting and numbering resource"requirements.See 47 C.F.R.§52.15(g)(4)(iv)and (5).The Commission "also may overturn the NANPA's decision to withhold numbering resources from the carrier based on its determination that the carrier has demonstrated a verifiable need for numbering resources and has exhausted all other available remedies."47 C.F.R.§52.15(g)(5).Lastly,the Company is a Title 61 regulated telephone corporation organized under the laws of the state of Idaho and is authorized to do business in Idaho and to provide basic and local exchange telecommunications services pursuant to a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No.305 that was issued to it by the Commission. After evaluating the Company's Petition,Staff believes that granting this waiver will not have any detrimental effect on the numbering resources in the Fruitland and Payette rate centers. Because of the Company's business need to replace the existing Metaswitch equipment/facilities, it is reasonable for the Company to upgrade its facilities for the consumers of the Fruitland and Payette rate centers.Staff believes that the new switch is going to improve the performance of the two exchanges and will increase the need for additional numbers. 3 To be assigned an additional thousands-block (NXX-X)for growth,"Months to Exhaust"must be less than or equal to 6 months.(FCC 00-104,Section 52.I5(g)(3)(iii)) DECISIONMEMORANDUM -2 -SEPTEMBER 6,2022 According to FCC orders and numbering guidelines,carriers may appeal NANPA decisions of this nature to the appropriatestate regulatory authority.This Commission has granted similar waivers in the past to meet similar requests of other carriers.(See Commission Orders Nos.33976,34108,34238,34364,34501). RECOMMENDATION Staffrecommends that the waiver request for the full NXX-LRN be granted with the caveat that any unused numbers be returned to the pooling administrator. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to approve this Petition? an E.Kalala-Kasanda Udmemos/FMT-T-22-02 Decision Memo DECISION MEMORANDUM -3 -SEPTEMBER 6,2022