HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220405_jk2rq.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSIONER CHATBURN COMMISSIONER HAMMOND COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:JOHAN E.KALALA-KASANDA DAYN HARDIE DATE:APRIL 1,2022 RE:2021 IDAHO TELECOMMUNICATIONS RELAY SERVICE ANNUAL REPORT;CASE NO.GNR-T-22-03 BACKGROUND Every year,in February,the Administrator of the Idaho Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS or relay)files a report detailing the activities and status of the program during the previous year.The Administrator also determines the fundingrequirements for the following year and submits a recommended budget with the annual report. In 1992,the Idaho Legislature established the Telecommunications Relay Service Act (TRS Act)in accordance with the federal Title IV of the American with Disabilities Act.The TRS enables citizens who are hearing or speech-impaired to engage in telephone communications "in a manner functionallyequivalent to that of individuals without hearing or speech impairments."Idaho Code §61-1301.Under the Idaho TRS Act,all telephone corporations providing local or long-distance service (not includingwireless or VolP services) must provide TRS as set forth in the program and pay into the TRS Fund based upon an allocation methodology adopted by the Commission.Idaho Code §61-1305.Pursuant to TRS Rule 202,the Commission sets the TRS fundinglevels each year based upon the Administrator's Annual Report.IDAPA The Idaho TRS service provider,Hamilton Telecommunications (Hamilton),operates the relay center where oral conversations are converted or "relayed"to text-type and vice versa.The DECISION MEMORANDUM -1 -APRIL 1,2022 relay center also provides speech-to-speech,Spanish-to-Spanish,video,and Internet relay services. The 2021 Annual Report On February 15,2022,the TRS fund Administrator,Ms.Kathleen Toohill,submitted the 2021 Annual Report of the Idaho TRS Fund and the 2022 Idaho TRS Fund Budget for Commission approval.The Administrator reported that the relay center handled 1,853 calls in 2021.This was a decrease of 253 completed calls (12%)compared to the 2,106 reported in 2020. In 2021,there were 7,489.57 session minutes reported for Caption Telephone Service (37%decrease),15,081.03 Session Minutes for TRS (19%decrease),and 812 Session minutes for Speech to Speech (41%decrease).The number of CaptionedTelephone (CapTel)!units held steady.An amendment was made with Hamilton's contract which changed the price per minute and compensation from conversation2 to session minutes.3 For the year 2021,total disbursements from the TRS fund to Hamilton amounted to $97,051.70.Including$60,000 for Outreach and $37,051.70for TRS,CapTel Relay Service (CTRS),and Speech to Speech (STS)Relay Service.This is less than the $123,081.74 reimbursed in 2020--a 21%decrease.In-state traditional relay and CapTel services are reimbursed by Idaho's TRS fund,while the firm of Rolka Loube Saltzer Associates,LLC reimburses Hamilton for out-of-state relay calls as well as intrastate Internet relay and Internet video relay service usage. A key performance indicator for TRS and CapTel is the average speed of answer (ASA) for a call to reach the relay switchboard and to be answered by a communication assistant.In 2021,Hamilton's average answer time was 0.85 seconds-a significant increase as compared to the 0.41 seconds of previous years.This increase from past years was caused by the increased i CapTel allows hard-of-hearingusers to hear the conversation as well as read the words on the phone's built-in screen.A trained operator "re-voices"the conversation from a caller into the voice recognition technology that converts the words into a text message and provides the CapTel user with a more natural conversation. 2 A conversation minute shall include the time the calling party is connected to the called pany or to an answering machine at the called party's number or to a recorded message or intercept for the called number.A call minute does not include time in queue (call is ringing,waiting for a liveanswer),call set-up,call wrap-up,or calls that have reached numbers that are busy or received no answer. 3 A session minute is defined as the time from the moment a Communications Assistant (CA)connects to an incoming relay call until the moment the CA disconnects the last party.This includes incoming calls (busy,no answer,or wrong number)that do not reach the intended called party and includes call set-up and wrap-up. DECISION MEMORANDUM -2 -APRIL 1,2022 usage due to the pandemic.Hamilton was granted an FCC waiver for call answer times starting March 16,2020,which is still effective.Communications Assistants were also granted permission to work from home due to the pandemic. 2021 Expenses For 2021,TRS expenses totaled $145,780.10.-including$97,051.70 to Hamiltonand $40,068.00 in administrative fees and expenses for the reporting year.The end-of-year TRS fund balance was reported to be $121,352.80. 2021 Revenues and Allocations The TRS fund is supported by assessments on local exchange telephone service (residential and business)access lines and on billed intrastate long-distance minutes.The total number of intrastate long-distance minutes reported by the telephonecompanies in 2021 was 65,058,266compared to 82,015,033 in 2020,a 21%decrease.The average monthlynumber of telephonelines reported decreased by 30%from 126,760 in 2020 to 89,110 in 2021. As illustrated in Table No.1,below,the 2021 total annual contribution to the TRS fund was $105,245,an increase of $38,408.19 (57%)from 2020 annual contributions.Local exchange services contributed $41,687 (39.23%)and MTS/WATS contributed $64,418 (60.77%).In Commission Order No.34988,the per-line and per-minute assessments for 2021 were increased to $0.05 and $0.001,respectively4 Table No.1:2021 ITRS Revenue 2021 Revenue sources Amount Percentage of Total Local Service Providers ($0.05/month/line)$41,687 39.23% MTS/WATS Providers ($0.001/min)$64,418 60.77% TOTAL $105,245 100% The new rates did not go into effect until May 1,2021,before that it was $0.03 per line and $0.0008 per min. DECISION MEMORANDUM -3 -APRIL 1,2022 Proposed 2022 Budget As illustrated in Attachment D of the annual report,the administrator projects an annual operating budget of $142,350.This budget includes the anticipated administrative costs as contracted,the travel/conference costs,the Hamilton TRS payments,and NASRA membership dues. 2022 TRS Funding Levels From Order No.34988,the rates of contribution for ITRS were raised to $0.05 per line and $0.001 per long distance minute and were effective May 1,2021.Revenue for the fund can be estimated with the current contributions and current rates to be approximately $92,146.The 2022 budget is estimated to be $142,350and a 2021 year-end balance of $121,352.80.For,at least this year,the current rates can sustain the fund.However,a review will need to be made next year. Idaho TRS is now entering year 3 of an amended 3-year contract which was mutually agreed upon with Hamilton Relay and the Idaho PUC in 2019.Monies were allocated for Outreach services as a result of that contract,in addition to the provision of TRS,CapTel,and Speech-to-Speech Services.Idaho Relay also contracts to provide Advanced Speech-to-Speech Services.From the year 2020 and in early 2021,there was higher than average TRS and CapTel usage.However,this stabilized later in 2021 returning to typical usage.Budget needs for TRS and CapTel do not appear to be as great as expected in 2021.A new Request for Proposal has been sent out and responses are due by May 2,20225.The current contract sunsets November 30,2022. STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION Staff has reviewed the Administrator's Annual Report.Staff believes the Idaho citizens continue to be well served by the Administrator and the relay services provided by Hamilton Telecommunications.Staff also believes that the 2022 budget projection of $142,350 is reasonable,based on the anticipated TRS expenses.The projected revenue,based on the current rates,together with the current fund balance should be sufTicient to meet 2022 expenses, Hamilton Relay and T-Mobile are the only two companies providingstate relay service. DECISION MEMORANDUM -4 -APRIL 1,2022 includingany unforeseen events.The current rates approved in Order No.34988 continue to be reasonable. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to accept the annual report,adopt the Administrator'sbudget for 2022,and maintain current TRS rates? Johan E.Kalala-Kasanda Udmemos/GNR-T-22·03 TRS 2021 Decision Memo DECISIONMEMORANDUM -5 -APRIL 1,2022 Id a o Rel.ay- Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS)Administrator's Annual Report idaho TRS Fund January 1 -December 31,2021 Revenues Revenues collected in all of 2021 totaled $105,245 with $41,687 being received from local exchange services and $64,418 was received from MTS/WATS services.The staiting balance was $180,933.83 as of 1/1/2021,and the final balance was $121,352.80 as of 12/31/2021.The current rate is $.05 per local exchange line service and $0.001 for Message Telecommunication Services (MTS)I Wide Area Telephone Service (WATS)services as of May 1,2021. 2021 ITRS Revenue Local Exchange Quarter Services %MTSIWATS %Total 1 $9,508 39 14,871 61 $24,378 2 $8,049 35 14,949 65 $22,998 3 $11,616 44.6 14,429 55.4 $26,046 4 $12,514 38.3 20,169 61.7 $32,683 Total $41,687 39.23 $64,418 60.77 100% Call and Line Count In 2021,providers and carriers reported the following to Idaho TRS: 89,110 monthly average local exchange lines (a 30%decrease in monthly line count from 2020) or 1,069,321 total reported across the entire year. 65,058,266.417 long distance minutes (a 21 %decrease)reported throughout2021. Lines and Minutes Chart Year Lines Change from Minutes Change frompreviousyearpreviousyear 2021 89,110 30%decrease 65,058,266 21%decrease 2020 126,760 41%decrease 82,015,033 18%decrease 2019 215,423 15%decrease 100,128,800 20%decrease 2018 253,004 15%decrease 125,050,000 less than 1% increase 2017 297,462 24%decrease 124,961,000 21%decrease 2016 391,132 3%increase 158,535,000 23%decrease 2015 377,860 1%decrease 205,405,200 17%increase 90 telecommunications companies filed $0 reports in 2021 on a monthly,quarterly,or annual basis. Attachment A -Zero Reporting Disbursements -Hamilton Relay Total disbursements to Hamilton Relay for the provision of all-encompassing telecommunications relay services (TRS)for the year were $97,051.70.TRS,CapTel Relay Service (CTRS),and Speech to Speech (STS)Relay Senrice totaled $37,051.70 while Outreach totaled $60,000.00. Attachment B -Hamilton Relay Disbursements A total 1853 completed calls were placed throughoutthe year while 2021 saw decreases in usage as the numbers were higher in 2020 due to the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.TRS decreased by about 24 %,CTRS decreased by about 40%and Advanced STS decreased by 80%. Session Minutes In 2021,7,489.57 Session Minutes were reported for Captioned Telephone Relay Sentice, 15,081.03 Session Minutes for TRS,and 812 Session Minutes for Speech to Speech for 2021. Average Speed of Answer A key performance indicator for TRS and CapTel is typically the average speed of answer (ASA) for a call to reach the relay switchboard and to be answered by a Communication Assistant,and that was calculated as an average of 0.85 seconds for the entire year as opposed to 2019 which was 0.41 seconds.Because of the COVID-19 pandemic during 2020 and 2021,the FCC has extended Hamilton's waivers since March 16,2020 which have been extended a couple of times through the most recent of March 31,2022 due to being unable to meet standards.The ongoing pandemic also grants permission to Communication Assistants to be able to work from home. Administrative Fees and Expenses Administrative Fees and Expenses totaled $40,068 for 2021 for TRS Administrator Kathleen Toohill consulting and reimbursement for payment of NASRA annual membership dues for 2021-2022. Attachment C -Administrator Billing Funds Starting Balance January 1,2021 -$180,933.83 Q1 Balance (3/31)Q2 Balance (6/30)Q3 Balance (9/30)Q4 Balance (12/31) $145,735.07 5132,740.32 $122,374.94 $121,352.80 Recommendations and Overview Idaho TRS is now entering year 3 of an amended 3 year contract which was mutually agreed upon with Hamilton Relay and the Idaho PUC in 2019.Monies were allocated for Outreach services as a result of that contract,in addition to the provision of TRS,CapTel,and Speech-to-Speech Services.Idaho Relay also contracts to provide Advanced Speech to Speech Senrices.2020 and into early 2021 saw higher than average TRS and CapTel usage however later in 2021 realized more typical usage.Budget needs for TRS and CapTel do not appear to be as high as expected in 2021.A new Request for Proposalwill soon be sent out for bids for a new TRS contract as the current contract sunsets November 30,2022. 2021 tumed out to be a year of primarily continued virtual outreach events,however Idaho's Outreach Specialist has begun to schedule in-person outreach training and events in 2022. Nationally the trend of other states are experiencing a drop in traditional relay service and captioned telephone relay service because of migration to Intemet Protocol (IP)Relay and Video Relay Senrices. Attachment D -TRS BudgetWorksheet LEC and MTSIWATS From Order #34988 dated May 1,2021,the rates of contribution to ITRS were raised to $0.05 per line and $0.001 per long distance minute. The following are options in 2022: Option1 -Continue the present rates of contribution to ITRS at $0.05 per line and $0.001 per minute. With the trend of recent years of diminishing inventory of landlines,2022 Local Exchange Lines can potentially be estimated to be 74,000 and that same year's Long Distance Minutes can potentially be estimated at 52,000,000.Revenue can be estimated with the current contributions and current rates for ITRS to be approximately $92,146.With a 2022 budget estimate of $142,350 and a 2021 year-end balance of $121,352.80 with the proJected contributions,the end of year balance for 2022 could conceivably fall around $73,775. Option2 -Continue with the current long distance per minute rate of $0.001 while raising the per line rate to a range somewhere between $0.06 or $0.10 per line to try and level out the contributions to closer to 50%of LEC lines and MTS/WATS.Raising the LEC rate to $0.07 or $0.08 would balance the contributions and should allow a fund balance of at least $85,000-$95,000. (Note:rate change would occur almost halfway through the year which affects how much is projected due to delay in reporting and payments.There is a lag in reporting month by telecommunications companies monthly but especially when the companies report quarterly.) With a long distance per minute rate (currently assessed at $0.001): Option3-If both rates were raised,the contributions would be less balanced,however the fund balance would end up higher.When the MTS/WATS rate is raised the payments seem to fall on just a few companies,resulting in very high payments from justa few companies.If further breakdown is desired,then I would be able to provide this in more detail. For further breakdowns of local exchange lines/long distance minute splits,fund balance projections,and revenue breakdowns,please see Attachment E -ITRS Projections. The Administrator will continue to monitor all areas of relay with respect to meeting standards for the FCC,NASRA,and Hamilton Relay while continuing to work closely with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission.