HomeMy WebLinkAbout20211130_jt1rq.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER R4PER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:JOSEPH TERRY TERRI CARLOCK DATE:NOVEMBER 24,2021 RE:IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF FALLS WATER COMPANY,INC.FOR AUTHORITY TO INCUR DEBT TO ACQUIRE REAL PROPERTY;CASE NO.FLS-W-21-02 On November 5,2021,Falls Water Company Inc.(“Company”or “Falls Water”)filed an application requesting authority to issue up to $691,500 in debt to buy the office,warehouse,and storage yard that the Company is currently leasing.According to the Application,the interest rate on the loan is 0.99%for the first year,2.99%for years two through ten,and 6.5%for the remaining five years.Application at 2.The Application was missing four items that are required either by rule or statute: 1.Financial Statements showing the authorized and outstanding classes of securities and certified copies of the resolutions of stockholders or directors authorizing the proposed debt transaction.IDAPA 2.A proposed order granting the application.IDAPA 3.A statement that notice of the application has been published or will be published withing seven (7)days of the of the application in newspapers in circulation in the applicant’s service area.IDAPA 4.Application fee of 5259.25.Idaho Code §61-905 The Company included three exhibits with their application.The first exhibit is an Indication of Interest from Zions Bank.The second exhibit isa legal description of the property. The third exhibit is an appraisal for the property indicating the estimated market value is $922,000. DECISION MEMORANDUM -I -NOVEMBER 24,2021 On November 22.2021,the Company paid the application fee and filed a Statement of Public Notice and Proof of Publication with the Commission,along with a Proposed Order. Public notice of the Application was published in the Post Register in Bonneville County on November 19,2021.Staff does not believe lack of financial statements should disquali’this Application because the Commission has the 2020 Annual Report on file.For small water Companies,the Annual Report is adequate for Staffs analysis. STAFF ANALYSIS The proposed debt meets the requirement under Idaho Code §61-901.The term is for more than twelve months (15 years)and is for the express use of the acquisition of property used for utility service. Reviewing the Company’s 2020 Annual Report and most recent rate case (Case No.FLS W-20-03).Staff believes the Company has the ability to meet the cash flow requirements of the debt.The current lease payments are S3,496 per month but will increase to S5,500 per month if the Company continues to lease the property.The Company stated that the monthly payments on the Loan will be less that the S5.500 lease payments.Application at 3.The Company reported in its 2020 Annual Report net income of $219,000. The Indication of Interest from Zions Bank stated that the loan was for S737,000.while the Application stated $691,500.The Company plans on a 25%down payment on the property (Application at 2)while Zions Bank based its amounts on a 20%down payment.(Exhibit No.3 pg.1)The Indication of Interest also indicated that the interest rate for the final five years of the loan would be based on the five-year US Treasury Index plus 2.00%,while the Application stated 6.50%.The Company informed Staff that the 6.50%interest rate in the Application was a “worst case scenario”but confirmed that the interest rate stated in the Indication of Interest was correct.In current markets the five-year US Treasury Index rate is approximately 1.35%making 3.35%(1.35%±2%)the interest rate if issued today. The new debt should not affect the Company’s capital structure significantly.In the previous rate case.Case No.FLS-W-20-03,the Commission approved a hypothetical capital structure that had a debt amount of S2.3M above what the Company had actually incurred.The additional S69 1 ,500 will not impact the Commission approved capital structure.The Commission also approved a weighted average debt interest rate of 3.5%.For the first 10 years DECISION MEMORANDUM -2-NOVEMBER 24,2021 of the loan the indicated interest rate would be below the approved debt interest rate and depending on the five-year treasury index the last five year may also be below that amount. As part of the acquisition by NW Natural Water Company.LLC,Case No.FLS-W-1 8-01, the Company would have better access to capital markets.This appears to be evident as the interest rates are comparable to more recent interest rates achieved by larger companies.Avista Corporation’s most recent debt issuance had an interest rate of 3.07%while Rocky Mountain Power’s has a rate of 2.90%. The Company requested the Commission determine prudency as much is feasible in this case.Staff does not believe prudency of the purchased property should be determined in this case.The time constraints imposed by Idaho Code §61-904 do not allow for proper analysis for prudency.Staff recommends prudency be determined in the Company’s next general rate case. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission authorize the Company to issue up to $691,500 in debt to purchase the property indicated in the Application. Staff recommends the Commission require the Company to file with the Commission the final loan documents showing the amount borrowed and all other terms of the loan within seven days of those documents being available. COMMISSION DECISION Does the commission wish to approve Falls Water’s request to issue up to $691,500 in debt to purchase the real property mentioned in the Application? Does the Commission wish to require the Company to file with the Commission the loan documents showing the amount borrowed and aLL other terms of the loan within seven days of those documents being avaiLable? Aoseph —%.. Udmcmos/FLS-W-21-02 Decision Mcmo DECISION MEMORANDUM -3-NOVEMBER 24,2021