HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200825_mh1.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM 1 DECISION MEMORANDUM TO: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL FROM: MATT HUNTER DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE: AUGUST 20, 2020 SUBJECT: IN THE MATTER OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER’S APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF A POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN PACIFICORP AND BIRCH HYDRO COMPANY; CASE NO. PAC-E-20-07 On June 3, 2020, Rocky Mountain Power (“Company”), a division of PacifiCorp, applied for consideration of a power purchase agreement (“PPA”) with Birch Hydro Company for energy generated by a small hydro facility in Clark County, Idaho (“Facility”). The Facility is a qualifying facility under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (“PURPA”), and has a nameplate capacity of 2.65 megawatts. On June 26, 2020, the Commission issued a Notice of Application and Modified Procedure, setting an August 10, 2020 comment deadline and an August 17, 2020 reply comment deadline. Commission Staff comments Commission Staff filed timely written comments, recommending several amendments to the PPA. Most significantly, Staff noted that the PPA’s formula for calculating the “Non- Conforming Energy Purchase Price” is inconsistent with prior Commission orders. See Application, Attachment 1, Exhibit K. Staff explained that in Order No. 29632 the Commission established that energy delivered outside of the 90/110 performance band (i.e., non-conforming energy) would be priced at 85% of the non-firm market price or the contract price, whichever is less. In Order No. 33053, the Commission approved an 82.4% discount to convert firm market price to non-firm market price. The conversion can be described as follows: Non-firm market price = firm market price * 0.824 DECISION MEMORANDUM 2 Staff explained that firm energy is more valuable than non-firm energy and therefore must be discounted to comply with the intent of Order No. 29632. Staff asserted that “the 82.4% discount has been used in Idaho Power’s and Avista’s PURPA contracts when non-firm market prices are not available.” Staff Comments at 4. Staff noted the Company’s PPA uses firm market price to calculate the Non- Conforming Energy Purchase Price but does not apply the 82.4% discount.1 See Application, Attachment 1 at 4, Exhibit K. Staff recommend the Company amend the PPA to include the discount. Staff recommended the Commission approve an amended PPA that includes Staff’s recommended updates. The Company’s reply comments The Company filed timely reply comments and accepted all of Staff’s recommendations.2 The Company stated that the “Company and the Seller will work expeditiously to file an updated contract and exhibits incorporating Commission Staff’s comments as soon as possible.” Company Reply Comments at 3. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Commission issue an interlocutory order granting the Company 14 days to file an amended PPA. Based on conversations with the Company, Staff believes 14 days will give the Company sufficient time to file an amended PPA. Additionally, Staff recognizes the Commission might wish to give the public an opportunity to comment on the amended PPA. If the Commission chooses to set a public comment period, Staff recommends a seven-day comment period (beginning when the 14-day filing period ends), and a seven-day Company reply comment period. /// 1 In response to Production Request 12, the Company explained that the “term ‘Index price’ in Exhibit K was used in error,” and that it “should be a reference to the ‘Firm Market Price Index.” 2 Staff believes the Company’s reply comments misunderstood Sta ff’s recommendation regarding the calculation of the “Non-Conforming Energy Purchase Price.” Staff and the Company have had several conversations since the Company filed its reply comments, and Staff believes the Company now fully understands and accepts t he recommendations in Staff’s comments. DECISION MEMORANDUM 3 COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to: 1. Grant the Company 14 days from the issuance of the Commission’s order to file an amended PPA? 2. Set a seven-day public comment period immediately after the 14-day filing period, followed by a seven-day Company reply period? __________________________ Matt Hunter Deputy Attorney General I:\Legal\ELECTRIC\PAC-E-20-07\memos\PACE2007_filing_time_mh.docx