HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200818_jh1.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM 1 DECISION MEMORANDUM TO: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF FROM: JOHN R. HAMMOND JR. DATE: AUGUST 12, 2020 RE: CDS STONERIDGE UTILITIES, LLC CHARGING CUSTOMERS IN EXCESS OF THE COMMISSION-APPROVED TARIFF RATE FOR A NEW WATER SERVICE CONNECTION CDS Stoneridge Utilities, LLC, owned by JD Resort, Inc. (collectively the “Company”) is in northern Idaho near the city of Blanchard, where it provides water service to its customers. The Commission Staff’s (“Staff”) audit of the Company has uncovered that the Company is charging customers more for new connections to the Company’s system than the $1,200 non- recurring rate (the “Hook-Up Fee”) allowed by the Company’s tariff. See CDS Stoneridge Utilities, LLC’s Tariff Schedule 2. Additionally, customers have complained that the Company is charging more than the tariff rate for a new connection to the Company’s water system or is refusing to connect customers unless they pay more than the $1,200 Hook-up Fee specified in the tariff. BACKGROUND In Case No. SWS-W-18-01, the Commission considered whether to approve the transfer of the Company to J.D. Resort, Inc. The Commission stated there, “we remind the current operator of the water company that no rates, charges, terms, or conditions of service can be altered without Commission approval.” Order No. 34291 at 3. J.D. Resort, Inc. took control of and began operating the Company’s water system in November 2018, before the Commission approved the transfer. On August 2, 2019, the Commission approved the sale of the Company and transfer of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity No. 395 to JD Resort, Inc. See Order No. 34391. Order No. 34391 required the Company to report quarterly on all non-recurring charges it collected during the preceding quarter to ensure that the Company was collecting only Commission- approved charges. Order No. 34391 at 4. Further, the Commission stated “[the Company] cannot DECISION MEMORANDUM 2 bill customers for rates or charges that are not in [the Company’s] current Commission-approved Tariffs.” Id. citing Idaho Code § 61-313. On June 4, 2020, the Company filed a Tariff Advice requesting that it be allowed to increase the Hook-up Fee from $1,200 to $9,735. Tariff Advice at 1, Case No. SWS-W-20-01. The Company requests that its proposed Hook-Up Fee take effect on July 27, 2020. Id. On June 25, 2020, the Commission found that “[d]ue to the significant, proposed increase to the Hook-up Fee and the complexity of issues surrounding it, the Commission treats the Company’s tariff advice as an application[.]” See Order No. 34702 at 1. The Commission issued a Notice of Application and Notice of Modified Procedure, and suspended the Company’s proposed effective date for the requested, increased Hook-up Fee until January 26, 2021. Id. at 3. STAFF AUDIT AND CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS Staff’s audit has uncovered evidence that from November of 2018 until the end of the 2019 calendar year, the Company has charged 16 customers at least $4,000 each to connect to the water system.1 The Company’s tariff only allows the Company to charge a $1,200 Hook-up Fee. See CDS Stoneridge Tariff Schedule 2. Staff has also received at least 10 customer complaints involving the amount the Company is charging to connect customers to the water system, and/or the Company’s refusal to connect a customer to the water system unless they pay charges exceeding $1,200. In a March 25, 2020 complaint, a customer complained that they were charged $4,600 to connect to the water system. Staff requested that the Company respond. After continued requests the Company finally responded that it charged the customer an additional $2,800 (over the $1,200 in the tariff) to connect the customer because it needed to expand its water system to reach the customer and that the Company’s actual cost to connect this customer exceeded $6,000.2 Based on the information received by Staff, the customer was within the Company’s service territory. In a July 22, 2020 complaint, the customer forwarded Staff a copy of the Company’s APPLICATION FOR WATER/SEWER CONNECTION. See Exhibit A. The Application provides that a “WATER HOOK-UP” costs $1,200 and that a “CONTRIBUTION IN AID OF 1 One customer was allegedly charged $4,600 and the remaining 15 customers were charged $4,000 each. The cumulative total of these overcharges in 2019 is $45,400. 2 Due to the Company’s lack of response it is unclear whether it charged this customer $4,000 or $4,600 to connect to the water system, in either case such amount is well over the $1,200 Hook -up Fee in the tariff. DECISION MEMORANDUM 3 CONSTRUCTION OF EXPANSION OF SYSTEM” has a $2,800 charge. Id. The Application states that although the fee for a water connection is $1,200 it requires the customer to acknowledge that: I understand that this fee is only for the right to connect unto the Stoneridge Utility water system and DOES NOT include any costs associated with the purchase of parts or installation necessary to do the physical connection from one’s home to the water meter. It also DOES NOT include any costs associated with purchase or installation of pressure reducing and/or backflow prevention devices that may be necessary for your particular lot to properly connect to the system. See Exhibit A. The Company’s Application also discusses a contribution in aid of construction to expand the system and provides: There is a CAP Ex fee (operating expense) of $2,800.00. I understand that this fee is only for the right to connect onto the StoneRidge Utility system. This fee DOES NOT include any costs associated with the purchase of parts or installation necessary to do the physical connection from one’s home to the system collection lines. Id. The additional fees set forth in the Company’s Application are not in the Company’s tariff. Based on the foregoing, Staff asserts that the Company is violating Idaho Code § 61- 313, Commission Order No. 34691 and the tariff on an ongoing basis by charging and/or demanding customers pay more to connect to the water system than authorized. STAFF’S RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission investigate whether the Company has violated Idaho Code § 61-313, Commission Order No. 34691 and the tariff by charging or threatening to charge its customers more than a $1,200 Hook-Up Fee. If the Commission finds the Company violated these authorities, then the Commission should order the Company to refund to customers any fees they paid over $1,200 to connect to the Company’s water system. Staff also recommends that the Commission order the Company to cease refusing to connect customers to the water system unless they pay more than $1,200. Further, Staff recommends that the Commission consider imposing penalties on the Company for its failure to comply with Commission authorities. See Idaho Code § 61-701 et seq. Staff also recommends that based on the results of Staff’s ongoing audit and the customer complaints that the Commission on its own motion issue an emergency Order directing the Company to: DECISION MEMORANDUM 4 (1) cease all billing practices that conflict with the tariff; (2) refrain from terminating service to customers who did not pay amounts that conflict with the tariff; (3) refrain from rejecting requests to connect to the water system unless the customer pays an amount for a Hook-up Fee over the tariff rate of $1,200; (4) send a copy to Staff of all records concerning new customer connections to the water system since November of 2018 until present, including an itemization and description of all charges the customer paid to connect to the Company’s water system; and (5) such other relief as the Commission deems necessary. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to open an investigation to determine whether the Company has violated Idaho Code § 61-313, Commission Order No. 34691 and the Company’s tariff by charging customers more than a $1,200 Hook-Up Fee? Due to the results of Staff’s ongoing audit and the customer complaints, does the Commission wish to issue an emergency Order directing the Company to: (1) cease all billing practices that conflict with the tariff; (2) refrain from terminating service to customers who did not pay amounts that conflict with the tariff; (3) refrain from rejecting requests to connect to the water system unless the customer pays an amount for a Hook-up Fee over the tariff rate of $1,200; (4) send a copy to Staff of all records concerning new customer connections to the water system since November of 2018 until present, including an itemization and description of all charges the customer paid to connect to the Company’s water system; and (5) such other relief as the Commission deems necessary. ___________________________ John R. Hammond Jr. Deputy Attorney General I:\Legal\WATER\SWS_W_00_00_dec.memo.jh.docx