HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200324_tc1jo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:TERRI CARLOCK DATE:MARCH 20,2020 RE:INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TARIFF ADVICE NO.20-02 BACKGROUND On March 18,2020,Intermountain Gas Company filed Tariff Advice No.20-02 requesting a change to General Service Provisions,Section A,4.5.The proposed thirteenth revision to Sheet No.3 will change the word will to May and allow the Company not to charge interest on past due accounts effective with the April billing period. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Tariff Advise No.20-02 be approved. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to approve Tariff Advise No.20-02? Terri CNÍock Udmemos/intermountain gas tariff advice dec memo DECISION MEMORANDUM -1 -MARCH 19,2020 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIONl.P.U.C.Gas Tariff Approved EffectiveRAevised Thirteenth Sheet No.3 Name of Utility InÍGrmOuntain Gas Company 4.3 All billings rendered shall be net and each monthly bill shall be due and payable within 15 days from the date of rendition,except as provided for in the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's ("lPUC")Utility Customer Relations Rules.When the customer account is participating in the electronic transfer of funds,the billings shall be due and payable within 11 days from the date of rendition. 4.4 The respective obligations of Company and customer,whether in contract or not,are subject to valid laws,orders,and rules of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission and any other authority having jurisdiction thereof. The customer shall reimburse the Company for the customer's proportionate part of any new or existing tax or franchise fee,user fee,increased tax or fee, rate,increased rate,or charge (other than ad valorem and income taxes) assessed,imposed or levied against the Company or upon its business,or on or in respect of gas sold or transported as a result of any law,amendment of law,order or regulation of any agency,public body or court having jurisdiction, which shall be an addition to any tariff rate schedules in effect. ma 4.5 With the exception of the state and its taxing districts,amounts due for ut service which remain unpaid at the time of the next cyclical billing wi&e assessed interest at the rate of 1%per month as specified by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission.Interest«HFbe assessed against the state and its taxing districts at the rate of 1%per fgónth sixty (60)days after receipt of the bill. Participants in the Level Payme‡t Program will be exempt from late payment interest charges. 4.6 Customers will be assessed a $15.00 fee as a "Field Collection Charge"if a Company representative visits the premises to disconnect service and receives payment in lieu of disconnection.Application of this charge will be waived if service is discontinued during the field collection visit. 4.7 Customers will be assessed a "Non-sufficient Funds Charge".This charge shall apply when a customer tenders payment for utility service with a dishonored check or makes an electronic payment on an account with insufficient funds. 4.8 Company employees collecting payment at the customer's premises will not accept cash.If the customer offers payment in cash during a field collection visit,discontinuance of service will be postponed and the customer given the opportunity to either make payment at a designated payment agency or provide an alternative form of payment acceptable to the Company. Issued by:Intermountain Gas Company By:-Mic-hae‡-P-MeGeat-h-Lori A.Blattner Title:Director -RegulatoryAffairs Effective:-May--28-2G44-April 1,2020