HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200128_ct2jo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:CURTIS THADEN DATE:JANUARY 23,2020 RE:INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY TARIFF ADVICE NO.19-01 REVISION TO RATE SCHEDULE FT (FRANCHISEFEEITAX ADJUSTMENT) BACKGROUND On December 13,2019,Intermountain Gas Company submitted Tariff Advice No.19-01 to revise Rate Schedule FT (Franchise Fee/Tax Adjustment),Sheet No.15,to reflect currently effective franchise fee ordinance numbers in the jurisdiction it serves.The ordinance numbers are being updated but the existing three percent franchise fee remains unchanged.A copy of the proposed revision to Sheet No.15 is attached. Since July 1,2014,sixteen franchise fee agreements have expired and have been replaced with new agreements.The agreements continue to impose a three percent franchise fee from the sale of natural gas within the corporate limits of each respective city and all the agreements will remain in effect unless amended in the manner set forth by the terms of the Ordinance. A matrix showing the ordinance numbers;dates of when the franchise fee agreements were approved by each respective City;the date the agreements were accepted by Intermountain Gas;the duration of the agreement;the effective date and expiration dates are attached. Staff has communicated with Intermountain Gas and recommended in the future,the Company file a tariff advice prior to the expiration date of a franchise fee agreement when the agreement is being replaced with a new one. Idaho Title 50,Chapter 3,§50-329A allows cities to establish franchise fees assessed upon a public service provider up to one percent without the consent of the public service DECISION MEMORANDUM -1 -JANUARY 23,2020 provider or the approval of a majority of voters of the city voting on the question at an election. Franchise fees up to three percent are allowed with the consent of the public service provider or the approval of a majority of voters of the city voting on the question at an election. Staff has reviewed the proposed tariff change,the franchise agreements,and the franchise fee requirements under Idaho Title 50,Chapter 3 §50-329A.Staff recommends that the Commission accept Intermountain Gas Company's proposed revision to Rate Schedule FT (Franchise Fee/Tax Adjustment).Staff recommends an effective date of February 1,2020. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to accept Intermountain Gas Company's proposed revision to Rate Schedule FT (Franchise Fee/Tax Adjustment)with an effective date of February 1,2020? Curtis Thaden i:udmemos/Tariff Advice No.19-01 DECISION MEMORANDUM -2 -JANUARY 23,2020 Ol d Ne w Fr a n c h i s e Ci t y Or d i n a n c e Or d i n a n c e Ef f e c t i v e Da t e Ex p i r a t i o n Da t e Ci t y Ap p r o v a l Co m p a n y Ac c e p t a n c e Du r a t i o n Fe e Ab e r d e e n 21 6 29 5 lu l y 1, 20 1 4 Ju n e 30 , 20 2 4 Ma r c h 11 , 20 1 4 Ma r c h 14 , 20 1 4 10 ye a r s 3% Am e r i c a n Fa l l s 41 4 62 8 la n u a r y 25 , 20 1 6 Ja n u a r y 25 , 20 4 6 Fe b r u a r y 17 , 20 1 6 Fe b r u a r y 19 , 20 1 6 30 ye a r s 3% Ba s a l t 97 12 5 Ma y 4, 20 1 7 Ma y 3, 20 3 7 Fe b r u a r y 9, 20 1 7 Fe b r u a r y 16 , 20 1 7 20 ye a r s 3% Bl a c k f o o t 91 1 21 4 0 Ma y 6, 20 1 6 Ma y 6, 20 4 6 Ma r c h 1, 20 1 6 Ma r c h 4, 20 1 6 30 ye a r s 3% Bu h l 72 3 98 1 Ja n u a r y 4, 20 1 6 la n u a r y 3, 20 4 6 la n u a r y 25 , 20 1 6 Ja n u a r y 26 , 20 1 6 30 ye a r s 3% Ca l d w e l l 17 1 8 30 3 6 )a n u a r y 30 , 20 1 6 la n u a r y 31 , 20 4 6 Ma r c h 7, 20 1 6 Ma r c h 9, 20 1 6 30 ye a r s 3% Ea g l e 90 71 5 Ap r i l 22 , 20 1 4 Ap r i l 21 , 20 3 4 Ap r i l 22 , 20 1 4 Ma y 12 , 20 1 4 20 ye a r s 3% Go o d i n g 64 8 69 9 la n u a r y 12 , 20 1 6 la n u a r y 12 , 20 2 6 Ja n u a r y 19 , 20 1 6 Ja n u a r y 20 , 20 1 6 10 ye a r s 3% Gr a c e 20 1 20 1 6 - 1 Ja n u a r y 28 , 20 1 6 ja n u a r y 28 , 20 4 6 ja n u a r y 6, 20 1 6 Ja n u a r y 8, 20 1 6 30 ye a r s 3% Ha i l e y 93 1 11 9 0 De c e m b e r 15 , 20 1 5 De c e m b e r 14 , 20 2 5 De c e m b e r 7, 20 1 5 De c e m b e r 7, 20 1 5 10 ye a r s 3% He y b u r n 29 6 58 1 Ma r c h 12 , 20 1 6 Ma r c h 12 , 20 4 6 Fe b r u a r y 10 , 20 1 6 Fe b r u a r y 16 , 20 1 6 30 ye a r s 3% Id a h o Fa l l s 18 2 0 30 5 2 Ma r c h 5, 20 1 6 Ma r c h 2, 20 3 1 la n u a r y 26 , 20 1 6 Fe b r u a r y 18 , 20 1 6 15 ye a r s 3% Ke t c h u m 95 0 11 3 4 ju l y 1, 20 1 5 Ju n e 30 , 20 2 5 lu n e 15 , 20 1 5 Ju n e 15 , 20 1 5 10 ye a r s 3% Pa r m a 40 4 57 9 Oc t o b e r 1, 20 1 6 Oc t o b e r 31 , 20 4 6 3c t o b e r 24 , 20 1 6 Oc t o b e r 31 , 20 1 6 30 ye a r s 3% So d a Sp r i n g s 37 6 65 4 Fe b r u a r y 1, 20 1 6 Fe b r u a r y 1, 20 2 6 Fe b r u a r y 17 , 20 1 6 Fe b r u a r y 19 , 20 1 6 10 ye a r s 3% Su n Va l l e y 40 1 51 4 Oc t o b e r 1, 20 1 7 Se p t e m b e r 30 , 20 2 7 Au g u s t 8, 20 1 7 Au g u s t 15 , 20 1 7 10 ye a r s 3% r Ü Gas Ta i IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Rate Schedules Approved Effective four rRevision F fLh Sheet Na 15 (Page 1 of 1) ommy intermountain Gas Company Rate Schedule FT FRANCHISE FEEITAX ADJUSTMENT APPUCABlUTY: To all charges for natural gas service rendered within the jurisdiction imposing a fee tax or chargeasprovidedinSectionA,paragraph 4.4 of the Company's General Service Provisions ADJUSTMENT: The rates and charges shall be increased by an adjustment equivalent to the amount of the chargeimposedbythejurisdictionThefollowingcitieschargea3%franchise fee CITY ORDINANCE NO.CITY ORDINANCE NO. Aberdeen if6 N Kuna 397AmericanFalls4442LavaHotSprmgs1985-3Ammon463Levnsville01.95 Arimo 4 Malta 28Bancroft210McCammon255Sasalta125Menan396Beñavue95-04 Meridian 462Blackfool#‡†g M ddleton 532Bose6444Monipelier593Buhl42&R Mountam Home 1064 Burley 1210 Murtaugh 94-68Caldwed†††8 10.3Ê Nampa 2006Chubbuck360NewPlymouth170 Decio 123 Parker 72Eagle*Z.LS Parma -4e4-579Emmett780Paul2006-1Fler554Payette961Firth131Pocatello2802Fruitland358Rexburg954 Garden City 849-08 Rigby 2015-576Georgetown52Ririe136GleansFerry375Rupert06.507Gooding446-§99 St Anthony 01-04Grace96f2016-1 Shelley 324Greenieaf84Shoshone496Halley9641.1jt0 Soda Spangs -3¥&j654Hansen121Star66Heybum29€r .5Ë1 Sugar City 296Homedale345SunValleydef _514IdahoFaßs4829-3912 Twin Falls 2165inkom85-166 Ucon 117lona62Weiser957Jerome688Wended493Ketchum451134Wilder365Kimbedy409 ÏnÏermounÏaÏn Gas Company By .Ma un Loti A,Blattner Title Director Regulatory Affairs e ebruary 1 020 Rate Schedules Fifth Revision Sheet No 15 (Page 1 of 1) Name of unidy Intermountain Gas Company Rate Schedule FT FRANCHISE FEEITAX ADJUSTMENT APPLICABIUTY: To alf charges for natural gas service rendered w,thin the jurisdiction imposing a fee,tax or chargeasprovidedinSectionA,paragraph 4.4 of the Company's General Service Provisions ADJUSTMENT: The rates and charges shall be increased by an adjustment equivalent to the amount of the chargeimposedbythejurisdectionThefolowingcitieschargea3%franchise fee CITY ORDINANCE NO.CITY ORDINANCE NO. Aberdeen 295 Kuna 397AmericanFaus628LavaHotSprings1985-3Arnmon463Lewisvile01-95Arimo4Malta28Bancrofi210McCammon255Basalt125Menan396Bellevue95-04 Meridian 462Blackfoot2140Middleton532Boise6444Montpeler593Buhl981MountaanHome1064Burley1210Martaugh94-68Caldwell3036Nampa2006Chubbuck380NewP,ymouth 170Declo123Parker72Eagle715Parma579Emmett780Paul2006-1Filer554Payette961Firth131Pocatelo2802Fruittand358Rexburg954GardenCity849.06 Rigby 2015-576Georgetown52Rine136GlennsFerry375Rupert06-507Gooding699StAnthony01-04Grace2016-1 Shelley 324Greenleaf84Shoshone496Hailey1190SodaSprings654Hansen121Star66Heybum581SugarCity296Homedale345SunVatey514IdahoFalls3052TwmFalls2165Inkom85-16ô Ucon 117lona62Weiser957Jerome688Wendel493Ketchum1134Wider365Kimberly409 issued by Intermountain Gas Company By Loti A Blattner Title Director -Regutatory Affa sEffective.February 1 2020