HomeMy WebLinkAboutSection VI Consumer Assistance, Railroad & Pipeline.pdf CONSUMER ASSISTANCE Complaints by Industry The Consumer Assistance staff responded to 1,364 complaints and inquiries in fiscal year 2023, a 26% increase when compared to the previous fiscal year. The majority (90%) of complaints and inquiries were from residential customers. The chart below illustrates the complaints and inquiries by industry. 0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40% Complaints by Industry Miscellaneous (unregulated services, unidentified utility, general information requests) Water companies Energy companies (electric, natural gas) Telecommunications companies Summary of Issues Commission. While the Consumer Assistance staff is s Summary of Issues Billing Credit and Collection (deposits, disconnection, payment arrangements) Miscellaneous Issues Rates and policies Telecommunications Issues Line extensions and service upgrades Service quality and repair Unable to follow up with person who inquired or filed complaint *Source: ITD (2017) RAILROAD SAFETY The Commission conducts inspections of Idaho’s railroads to determine compliance with state and federal laws, rules has a State Program Manager and one FRA certified hazardous material inspector. Hazardous material Commission inspects railroad-highway grade crossings where incidents occur, investigates citizen complaints of -crossing surveys. Commission also plays a role when rail lines are abandoned. Federal law governs rail line abandonments, and the federal Surface Transportation ), formerly the Interstate Commerce Commission. The STB decides the final outcome of abandonment Idaho law, however, after a railroad files its federal notice of intent to abandon, the Commission Commission then In reaching a conclusion, the Commission considers whether abandonment would Railroad Activity Summary Idaho Railroad Track Miles 1710/996 Class I * Hazmat Inspections 261 Rail Cars inspected 12,212 Railcar Violations 9 Railcar Defects 165 Railroad Grade Crossings Inspected 327 Crossing Accidents Investigated 28 Crossing Complaints Investigated 3 Crossing Complaints Validated 5 Locomotives Inspected 4 Locomotive defects 0 PIPELINE SAFETY Idaho Code § 61-515 empowers the Commission to require every utility to “maintain and operate its line, plant, § 60105, Chapter 601, the Commission is a certified partner with the U.S. Department of ipeline facilities under annual certification. more stringent standards for intrastate pipeline facilities provided the standards are compatible Commission has a state program manager and two trained and certified pipeline safety field installed equipment inspections on all intrastate natural gas pipeline Pipeline Safety Activity Summary Standard Inspection Days 135 Compliance Inspection Days 5 Damage Prevention Inspection Days 3.5 Construction Inspection Days 145 Operator Qualification Inspection Days 9.5 Integrity Management Program Inspection Days Compliance Enforcement Actions CONTACT LIST Contact IPUC: 208-334-0300 Website: www.puc.idaho.gov Commission Secretary 1-208-334-0338 Public Information 1-208-334-0339 Utilities Division 1-208-344-0367 Legal Division 1-208-334-0324 Rail and Pipeline Safety 1-208-334-0338 Consumer Assistance 1-208-334-0369 Outside Boise, Toll-Free Consumer Assistance 1-800-432-0369 Idaho Telephone Relay Service (statewide) Voice: 1-800-377-3529 Text Telephone: 1-800-368-6185 TRS Information: 1-800-368-6185 Commission’s Website at www.puc.idaho.gov. 3 Annual Report.” This report satisfies Idaho Code § 61-214; this is a “full and complete account” of the most significant cases to come before the Commission during 9 through June 30, 2023.) Anyone with access to the Internet may also Commission’s agendas, notices, case information and decisions by visiting the IPUC’s Web site at: www.puc.idaho.gov. Commission Commission’s Boise office, 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Commission, as outlined in its Strategic Plan, serves the citizens and utilities of Idaho by determining fair, just, and reasonable rates for utility the Commission also had Commission also has a pipeline safety