HomeMy WebLinkAboutIPUC 2023 Annual Report.pdf IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ANNUAL REPORT 2023 www.puc.idaho.gov 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Building 8 Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83714 PO Box 83720-0074 Table of Contents Commissioners ...................................................................................................................................... 5 Financial summary ................................................................................................................................. 7 Fiscal Years 2019 – 2023 ................................................................................................................... 7 Commission Structure & Operations ...................................................................................................... 8 Commission staff ................................................................................................................................. 10 Administration .................................................................................................................................. 10 Legal ................................................................................................................................................ 11 Utilities Division ................................................................................................................................ 11 Railroad Safety ................................................................................................................................. 12 Pipeline Safety ................................................................................................................................. 12 WHY CAN’T YOU JUST TELL THEM NO? .......................................................................................... 13 Electric ................................................................................................................................................. 14 Atlanta Power Company ................................................................................................................... 15 Avista Utilities ................................................................................................................................... 16 Idaho Power Company ..................................................................................................................... 20 Rocky Mountain Power .................................................................................................................... 26 General ............................................................................................................................................ 31 Water ................................................................................................................................................... 32 Regulated Water Companies ........................................................................................................... 32 Algoma Water System ...................................................................................................................... 33 Falls Water Company ....................................................................................................................... 34 Gem State Water ............................................................................................................................. 35 Island Park Water Company ............................................................................................................. 36 Kootenai Heights Water System ....................................................................................................... 37 Sunbeam Water ............................................................................................................................... 38 Veolia Water Idaho ........................................................................................................................... 38 Telecommunications ............................................................................................................................ 42 Regulated Telecommunication Companies ...................................................................................... 42 Natural Gas ......................................................................................................................................... 44 Consumption and prices increased in FY2023 ................................................................................. 44 Individual Idaho Gas Utility Profiles .................................................................................................. 44 Natural Gas Consumption ................................................................................................................ 45 Natural Gas Demand ........................................................................................................................ 46 Natural Gas Prices ........................................................................................................................... 46 Natural Gas Production .................................................................................................................... 48 Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) ........................................................................................................ 49 Natural Gas Summary ...................................................................................................................... 49 Intermountain Gas Company ............................................................................................................ 50 Consumer Assistance .......................................................................................................................... 53 Complaints by Industry ..................................................................................................................... 53 Summary of Issues .......................................................................................................................... 54 Railroad Safety .................................................................................................................................... 55 Railroad Activity Summary ............................................................................................................... 55 Pipeline Safety ..................................................................................................................................... 56 Pipeline Safety Activity Summary ..................................................................................................... 56 Contact List .......................................................................................................................................... 57 December 1, 2023 The Honorable Brad Little Governor of Idaho Statehouse Boise, ID 83720-0034 Dear Governor Little: It is our distinct pleasure to submit to you, in accordance with Idaho Code §61-214, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission’s 2023 Annual Report. This report is a detailed description of the most significant cases, decisions, and other activities during 2023. The financial report on page seven is a summary of the Commission’s budget through the conclusion of Fiscal Year 2023, which ended June 30, 2023. It has been a privilege and honor serving the people of Idaho this past year. Sincerely, Eric Anderson President, Idaho Public Utilities Commission John R. Hammond, Jr. Commissioner Edward Lodge Commissioner Idaho Public Utilities Commission COMMISSIONERS Commission President Eric Anderson was appointed to his current six-year term in January 2019 by Gov. Brad Little. It is his second term on the Commission, having been initially appointed in December 2015 by former Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter. Commissioner Anderson serves on the National Association of Regulatory Utilities Commissioners (NARUC) Committee on Water as well as its Committee on International Relations. In November 2019 Commissioner Anderson was appointed Chair of NARUC’s Committee on Water. Before joining the Commission, Anderson served five terms in the Idaho Legislature, from 2004-2014, and was chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. As a member of the Idaho House of Representatives, Anderson served on a number of committees, including Environment, Energy and Technology, Commerce and Human Resources, Resource and Conservation, Business, and State Affairs. He also chaired a legislative Interim Subcommittee on Renewable Energy. -based -Owned Utilities Association, the National Rural Electric nd the Pacific Northwest Economic Region’s Executive Council. was appointed to his first term with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission by Governor Brad Little in January of 2022. Prior to being appointed to the Commission, John worked for the Idaho Office of the Attorney General as a Deputy Attorney General and later as the Commission’s lead Deputy Attorney General. During his career, John was a partner at Fisher Pusch LLP in Boise. Prior to this John served as a law clerk to the Hon. Terry L. Myers, United States Bankruptcy Judge for the District of Idaho and as the pro se law clerk to the Federal District Court for the District of Idaho. Commissioner Hammond serves as the State of Idaho representative on the Western Energy Imbalance Market Body of State Regulators (WEIM- BOSR), Committee of State Representatives (COSR), a standing committee of the Western Resource Adequacy Program (WRAP), the Committee on Regional Electric Power Cooperation (CREPC) and the Committee on Electricity with the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC). John earned his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Idaho and his Juris Doctor degree from the University of Idaho School of Law. He is licensed to practice law in the state of Idaho. Commissioner Edward Lodge was appointed to his first six-year term with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission by Governor Brad Little in February of 2023. Before joining the Commission, Lodge served as a Policy Assistant and Communications Director under Governor Philip Batt (1994-1998), Special Assistant to Governor Dirk Kempthorne (1999), and as Government Affairs Specialist for Connolly and Smyser, Chartered (1999-2004). Lodge also served as Director of Government and Regulatory Affairs for Qwest/CenturyLink (2004-2020). Commissioner Lodge serves on the National Association of Regulatory Utilities Commissioners (NARUC) Committee on Water. Lodge received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Management and Organizational Leadership from George Fox University in 2005 as well as a Master of Business Administration degree from George Fox University in 2008. Commissioner Lodge serves as President of Lodge Cattle Company and Random Ventures and sits on the Executive Board for Caldwell Night Rodeo, Western Idaho Fair and the Western Heritage Foundation. FINANCIAL SUMMARY – 2023 Financial Summary - Fund 0229 Description FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Communication Costs 23,100 27,500 26,000 53,500 25,800 Employee Development Costs 95,400 51,300 41,600 64,300 88,100 Professional Services 35,800 7,500 17,600 47,000 55,500 Legal Fees 602,600 630,500 524,500 595,500 603,400 Employee Travel Costs 219,700 140,000 17,000 164,300 234,000 Fuel & Lubricants 7,700 7,300 3,400 5,800 7,500 Insurance 3,900 7,300 7,800 8,600 7,700 Rentals & Leases 76,100 390,600 250,500 250,500 281,000 Misc. Expenditures 1,663,500 969,000 241,400 143,800 201,700 Computer Equipment 5,300 2,200 89,500 14,000 11,800 Office Equipment - 39,000 2,200 5,400 2,900 Motorized/Non-Motorized Equip - - 59,200 - - Specific Use Equipment 1,300 - - 1,500 1,200 Total Expenditures 6,725,200 5,849,000 4,636,900 4,972,800 5,726,400 Fund 0229-20 Appropriation 8,556,700 7,512,400 5,998,300 6,148,500 6,593,600 Fund 0229-20 Encumbrances 393,200 124,900 1,700 11,400 10,000 Unexpended Balance 1,438,300 1,538,500 1,359,700 1,164,300 857,200 COMMISSION STRUCTURE & Under state law, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission or IPUC) -owned utilities – electric, gas, and water – assuring adequate service and affixing just, Commission does not regulate publicly owned, municipal, or cooperative utilities. Commissioners with confirmation by the Idaho Senate. No more than two ers may be of the same political party. The Commissioners serve staggered six-year terms. Commissioner before his/her term has expired for dereliction of duty, corruption or -member Commission Commission of the State of Idaho. In 1951 it was reorganized as the Idaho Public Commission. Statutory authorities for the Commission are established in Idaho Code Titles 61 and 62. Commission has quasi-legislative, quasi-judicial, and executive powers and duties. In its quasi-legislative capacity, the Commission sets rates and makes rules governing utility operations. In its quasi- judicial mode, the Commission hears and decides complaints, issues written orders that are similar to court orders and may have its decisions appealed to the Idaho Supreme Court. In its executive capacity, the Commission affecting public utilities and the rail industry. Commission operations are funded by fees assessed on the utilities and railroads it regulates. Annual assessments are set by the Commission each year in April within limits set by law. The Commission president is its chief executive officer. Commissioners meet on the first Monday in April in odd- numbered years to elect one of their own to a two-year term as president. The president signs contracts on the Commission’s behalf, is the final authority in personnel matters and handles other administrative tasks. Chairmanship of individual cases is rotated among all three Commissioners. The Commission conducts its business in two types of meetings – hearings and decision meetings. Decision meetings are typically held once a week, usually on Tuesday. Formal are held on a case-by-case basis, sometimes in the service area of the impacted utility. These hearings resemble judicial proceedings and are recorded and transcribed by a court reporter. technical hearings and customer hearings. At technical hearings, formal parties who have been granted -examination by attorneys from the other parties, Staff attorneys and the Commissioners. At customer hearings, members of the public may testify before Commission. In 2009, the Commission began conducting telephonic public hearings on a case-by-case basis to save expense and allow customers to listen from the comfort of their own homes. Commissioners and other interested parties gather in the hearing room and are telephonically connected to ratepayers who call in on a toll-free line to provide testimony or listen in. A court reporter is present to take testimony.. Commissioners and attorneys may also direct questions to those testifying. Commission also conducts regular decision meetings to consider issues on an agenda prepared by the Commission Decision meetings consist of the Commission’s Staff (Staff). Minutes of the meetings Commission . Under the Idaho Open Meeting Law, ers may also privately deliberate PUC hearing room PUC headquarters 11331 W. Chinden Blvd. Building 8, Suite 201-A, Boise, Idaho 83714. COMMISSION STAFF To help ensure its decisions are fair and workable, the Commission employs a Staff of about 55 people – engineers, secretaries, and other support personnel. The Staff is – administration, legal and utilities. OUR MISSION - Determine fair, just, and reasonable rates and utility practices for electric, gas, telephone, and water consumers. - Ensure that delivery of utility services is safe, reliable, and efficient. - Ensure safe operation of pipelines and rail carriers within the state. The Administrative Division is responsible for coordinating overall IPUC activities. The division includes the three Commissioners, three policy strategists, the Commission Secretary, an Executive Director, and support personnel. Commission Commission budget and supervising fiscal, administration, public information, personnel, information systems, rail Executive Director also serves as a liaison between the Commission and Contact Maria Barratt-Riley, Executive Director, at 208-334-0337. The Commission Secretary, a post established by Idaho law, keeps a precise public record of all Commission Commission Secretary issues notices, orders and other documents to the proper parties and is the Commission. Most of these documents are public records. Contact Commission Secretary, at 208-334-0338. The Policy Strategists are executive level positions reporting directly to the Commissioners with policy and technical and natural gas. The Policy Strategists are also charged with developing comprehensive policy strategy, issues before the Commission, public agencies, and organizations. Contact Josh Haver, Policy Strategist, at 208-334-0351 -334-0354. The Public Information Officer is responsible for public communication between the Commission, the general public Commission workshops and public hearings. Contact Adam Rush, Public Information Officer, at 208-334-0339. Legal Four deputy attorneys general are assigned to the Commission from the Idaho Office of the Attorney General and have offices at IPUC headquarters. The IPUC attorneys represent the Staff in all matters before the Commission, working closely with Staff auditors, engineers, investigators, utility analysts as they develop their recommendations for cases and proceedings. In the hearing room, attorneys help coordinate the presentation of the Staff’s case and cross-examine other parties who submit testimony. The attorneys also represent the Commission itself in state and federal courts and before other state or federal regulatory agencies. Contact Keri Hawker, Legal Admin Support, at 208-334-0324. Utilities Division The Utilities Division, responsible for technical analysis of utility matters before the Commission, is divided into four sections; Audit, Engineering, Technical Analysis, Telecommunications, Consumer Assistance. The Staff analyzes each petition, complaint, rate change request or application for an operating certificate received by the Commission. In formal proceedings before the Commission, the Staff acts as a separate party to the case, presenting its own testimony, evidence and expert witnesses. The Commission considers staff recommendations along with those of other participants in each case - including utilities, public, agricultural, industrial, business and consumer groups. Contact Terri Carlock, Utilities Division Administrator, at 208-334-0356. The Audit section of six auditors and one program manager audits utility books and records to verify reported revenue, expenses and compliance with Commission orders. Staff auditors present the results of their findings in audit reports as well as in formal testimony and exhibits. When a utility requests a rate increase, cost-of-capital studies are performed to determine a recommended rate of return. Revenues, expenses and investments are analyzed to determine the amount needed for the utility to earn the recommended return on its investment. Contact Donn English, Accounting Section Program Manager, at 208-334-0362. The Engineering section of two engineers, three utility analysts, and one program manager reviews the physical operations of utilities. The Staff of engineers and analysts analyzes computer models of utility operations and compares alternative costs to repair, replace and acquire facilities to serve utility customers. The group establishes the price of acquiring cogeneration and renewable generation facilities, ensures the resources the Company acquires to serve customers are prudent, identifies the cost of serving various types of customers, evaluate the adequacy of utility services, and frequently help resolve customer complaints. Contact Mike Louis, Engineering Section Program Manager, at 208-334-0316. The Technical Analysis section of four utility analysts and one program manager determines the cost effectiveness of all Demand Side Management (DSM) programs including energy efficiency and demand response. They identify potential for new DSM programs and track the impact on utility revenues. They review utility forecasts of energy, water, and natural gas usage with focus on residential self-generation and rate design. Contact Taylor Thomas, Technical Analysis Program Manager, at 208-334-0363. The Telecommunications section oversees tariff and price list filings, area code oversight, Idaho Universal Service Fund, Idaho Telecommunications Service Assistance Program, Telephone Relay Service, and Lifeline. They assist and advise the Commission on technical matters that include advanced services, 911 and other matters as requested. Contact Johan E. Kalala-Kasanda, Utility Analyst 2, at 208-334-0361. The Consumer Assistance section includes four division investigators and one program manager who resolve conflicts between utilities and their customers. Consumer Assistance may mediate disputes over billing, deposits, line extensions and other service problems. Consumer Assistance monitors Idaho utilities to verify they are complying with Commission orders and regulations. Investigators participate in general rate and policy cases when rate design and customer service issues are brought before the Commission. Contact Chris McEwan, Consumer Assistance Program Manager, at 208-334-0352. Railroad Safety The Railroad Safety section oversees the safe operations of railroads that move freight in and through Idaho and enforces state and federal regulations safeguarding the transportation of hazardous materials by rail in Idaho. The Commission’s rail safety specialists inspect railroad crossings and rail clearances for safety and maintenance deficiencies. The Rail Safety section helps investigate all railroad-crossing accidents and makes recommendations for safety improvements to crossings. As part of its regulatory authority, the Commission evaluates the discontinuance and abandonment of railroad service in Idaho by conducting an independent evaluation of each case to determine whether the abandonment of a particular railroad line would adversely affect Idaho shippers and whether the line has any profit potential. Should the Commission determine abandonment would be harmful to Idaho interests, it then represents the state before the federal Surface Transportation Board, which has authority to grant or deny line abandonments. Contact Wayne Andrews, Rail Inspector, at 208-334-0317. Pipeline Safety The Pipeline Safety section oversees the safe operation of the intrastate natural gas pipelines in Idaho. The Commission’s pipeline safety personnel verify compliance with state and federal regulations by performing on- site inspections of intrastate pipeline distribution, gathering and transmission systems. Part of the inspection process includes a review of record-keeping practices and compliance with design, construction, operation, maintenance and drug/alcohol abuse regulations. Key objectives of the program are to monitor accidents and violations, to identify their contributing factors and to implement practices to avoid accidents. All reportable accidents are investigated and appropriate reports filed with the U.S. Department of Transportation in a timely manner. Contact Jeff Brooks, Pipeline Safety Program Manager, at 208-334-0333. WHY CAN’T YOU JUST TELL THEM NO? One of the most frequently asked questions the Commission receives after a utility files a rate increase application is, “Why can’t you just tell them no?” Actually, we can, but not without evidence. regulatory compact between utilities and ies are igh enough to attract investors for the utility’s capital-intensive Commission must consider the needs of both the utility and its customers. The Commission , to e safe, -saving, service for Idaho’s -owned electric utilities to file annual In light of these continued requests for rate increases, the Commission walks a fine line in iscovery, presenting evidence, and cross-examining the company and other parties to the Staff, which operates independently of the Commission, will also file its own comments that result from its -member Commission a utility, Staff, and intervening parties is presented and testimony from hearings and written Commission can render a decision. necessary to prudently incurred, the Commission must allow the utility to recover that expense. The can -- and often does -- Commission is confident, it has the legal justification to do so. Utilities and parties to a rate case have the right Commission for reconsideration. Following reconsideration, utilities or customer groups can appeal the ’s decision to the Idaho Supreme Court. Commission ELECTRIC Avista Utilities* 2022 Average Number of Customers/Avg. Revenue/kwh** 361,607 Residential Customers/$0.09987 44,578 Commercial Customers/$0.10580 1,194 Industrial Customers/$0.0697 Idaho Power Company 2022 Average Number of Customers/Avg. Revenue/kwh** 498,920 Residential Customers/$0.1070 91,823 Commercial Customers/$0.0829 119 Industrial Customers/$0.0616 Rocky Mountain Power 2022 Average Number of Customers/Avg. Revenue/kwh** 71,799 Residential Customers/$0.1090 10,762 Commercial Customers/$0.0918 5,865 Industrial Customers/$0.0725 *INCLUDES BOTH IDAHO AND WASHINGTON CUSTOMERS. * THE INFORMATION ABOVE SHOWS EACH REGULATED ELECTRIC UTILITY’S AVERAGE NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS KILOWATT-HOUR (KWH) FOR 2022. Electric Press Releases from the Commission for the Fiscal Year 2023 Atlanta Power Company COMMISSION SCHEDULES ONLINE PUBLIC WORKSHOP, PUBLIC HEARING ON APPLICATION SEEKING APPROVAL OF A PURCHASE AGREEMENT INVOLVING ATLANTA POWER COMPANY The Idaho Public Utilities Commission will host an online, virtual public workshop and a public hearing on an application filed by Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC, an Idaho limited liability company, requesting approval of its proposed purchase of all shares of stock, assets and Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity of Atlanta Power Company, Inc., an Idaho corporation and electric utility regulated by the Commission. Atlanta Power Company provides electricity to approximately 75 customers in and around Atlanta, Idaho. The proposed purchase agreement is asking for approval for Greylock to pay $365,000 for Atlanta Power Company. On Tuesday, Nov. 29, the Commission will host a virtual public workshop to share information on the application. The workshop will be held from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (MST). In addition to sharing information, Commission staff will be available to answer questions. To participate, please visit idahogov.webex.com and enter meeting number 2466 435 2419 (no space between the numbers). At the next window, please enter your name, e-mail address and this password: Tuesday Workshop. To participate in the workshop over the phone, please call 1-415-655-0001, and enter meeting number 2466 435 2419. The PowerPoint presentation staff will be sharing at the workshop will be available online on Tuesday afternoon at approximately 3:00 p.m. To view the PowerPoint file on Tuesday, please visit puc.idaho.gov. It will be in the News Updates section on the upper right side of the page. On Tuesday, Dec. 13, the Commission will host a telephonic public hearing to accept testimony on the application. To participate, please call 1-415-655-0001, and enter meeting number 2459 066 3124. The hearing will be from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (MST). Written comments from customers and the public on Greylock’s application are being accepted until Dec. 15, 2022. Comments are required to be filed by e-mail unless e-mail is unavailable. To submit comments via e-mail, please visit the Commission’s webpage at puc.idaho.gov. Click on the “Case Comment Form” link toward the top left of the page. Please use case number ATL-E-22-02 when filling out the form. Any comments should also be sent to Greylock Energy Holdings and Atlanta Power at the e-mail addresses listed below. If e-mail is unavailable, comments may be mailed to the Commission, Greylock and Atlanta Power at these addresses: For more information on Greylock’s application, please visit: puc.idaho.gov/case/Details/6943. COMMISSION APPROVES SALE OF ATLANTA POWER COMPANY The Idaho Public Utilities Commission on Friday approved the sale of Atlanta Power Company, Inc. to Greylock Energy Holdings, LLC. Greylock Energy Holdings requested approval to purchase all shares of stock, assets, and the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity of Atlanta Power. Atlanta Power is regulated by the Commission and provides electricity to approximately 75 customers in and around Atlanta, Idaho. For additional information on the approval, please visit: puc.idaho.gov/case/Details/6943. Avista Utilities COMMISSION STAFF WILL HOST CUSTOMER WORKSHOP ON AVISTA APPLICATION TO INCREASE ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS RATES Idaho Public Utilities Commission staff will hold an online customer workshop on May 3 to share information on an application from Avista to increase the rates it charges for natural gas and electric service. If the utility’s application is approved by the Commission, rates would increase for residential natural gas customers and residential electric customers in 2023 and 2024. In 2023, residential electric customers using an average of 927 kilowatt hours per month could expect to see an increase of 15.4 percent, or $13.18. The total monthly bill would be $98.58, up from $85.40. In 2024, residential electric customers who are also using an average of 927 kilowatt hours per month could expect to see an increase of 4.7 percent, or $4.66 per month. The monthly bill would be $103.24, up from $98.58. In 2023, residential natural gas customers using an average of 64 therms per month could expect to see an increase of 3.5 percent, or $2.60. The monthly bill would be $76.02, up from $73.42. In 2024, residential natural gas customers who also are using an average of 64 therms per month could expect to see an increase of 0.2 percent, or $0.14. The monthly bill would increase to $76.16, up from $76.02. The online public workshop will be Wednesday, May 3, beginning at 6:00 p.m. (MDT). Commission staff will present information on the application and answer questions. To participate online, please visit idahogov.webex.com, and enter meeting number 2459 362 1261. Then, click on the green “Join” button. At the next window, please enter the password AvistaWorkshop. Next, please click on the green “Join Webinar” button. At the next window, please enter your name and e-mail address, and then click on the “next” button. Then click on the green “Join Webinar” button. To participate over the phone, please call 1-415-655-0001, enter meeting number 2459 362 1261 when prompted, then enter the numeric password 284 78 296. Avista said the rate increases would allow it to recover costs for fixed expenses, ongoing investments in infrastructure, investments in technology and other expenses. The Commission can approve, deny or modify the application. CUSTOMER HEARINGS SCHEDULED TO TAKE TESTIMONY ON PROPOSED ELECTRIC AND NATURAL GAS RATE INCREASES The Idaho Public Utilities Commission will host customer hearings in late July to take testimony on applications from Avista to increase rates for natural gas and electric service. Avista is asking for approval to increase base rates for natural gas customers and electric customers in 2023 and 2024. Under the terms of a proposed settlement involving parties in the case, natural gas customers would see an increase of approximately 2.7 percent beginning Sept. 1, 2023, and an additional increase of 0.01 percent beginning Sept. 1, 2024. Electric service customers would see an increase of 8.0 percent beginning Sept. 1, 2023, and an additional increase of 1.4 percent beginning Sept. 1, 2024. The Commission may approve the proposed settlement, deny it, or modify it. Customer hearings will be held in Lewiston, Coeur d’Alene, and Sandpoint. Those attending the hearings in-person will have the opportunity to submit testimony for the record. The hearings may be listened to by calling in, but testimony will not be accepted over the phone. The Lewiston hearing will be held on Tuesday, July 25, at 10:00 a.m. (Pacific Daylight Time) at the Elks Lodge, 3444 Country Drive Club Drive. It will conclude at 1:00 p.m. or after all customer testimony has been taken, whichever comes first. Those wanting to listen to it can call 1-415-655-0001, and enter meeting number 2632 065 8514 when prompted. The Coeur d’Alene hearing will be held on Tuesday, July 25, at 6:00 p.m. (Pacific Daylight Time) at the College of Northern Idaho’s Meyer 106 Lecture Hall, 1000 W. Garden Avenue. It will conclude at 9:00 p.m. or after all customer testimony has been taken, whichever comes first. Those wanting to listen to the hearing can call 1-415-655-0001 and enter meeting number 2632 824 2575 when prompted. The Sandpoint hearing will be held on Wednesday, July 26, at 11:00 a.m. (Pacific Daylight Time) at the Sandpoint Community Hall, 204 South 1st Avenue. It will conclude at 2:00 p.m. or after all customer testimony has been received, whichever comes first. Those interested in listening to the hearing can call 1-415-655-0001 and enter meeting number 2631 407 0012 when prompted. Written comments on the proposed settlement are being accepted until July 26, 2023. Comments are required to be filed using the Commission’s website or by e-mail unless computer access is not available. To comment using the website, please visit puc.idaho.gov. Please click on the “Case Comment Form” link on the upper left side of the page. If commenting on the proposed natural gas rate increase, please use case number AVU-G-23-01. If commenting on the proposed electric rate increase, please use case number AVU-E-23-01. Those submitting comments using e-mail are required to send them to the Commission secretary and Avista at the e-mail addresses listed below. TECHNICAL HEARINGS SCHEDULED ON PROPOSED NATURAL GAS, ELECTRIC REVENUE INCREASE The Idaho Public Utilities Commission is holding technical hearings in early August on an application from Avista Utilities to increase revenues for natural gas and electric service it provides to customers. Avista, which serves customers in northern Idaho, is asking for approval to increase base revenues in 2023 and 2024. Under the terms of a proposed settlement involving parties in the case, base revenues for natural gas service would increase by 2.7 percent beginning Sept. 1, 2023, and increase by 0.01 percent beginning Sept. 1, 2024. Base revenues for electric service would increase by 8.03 percent beginning Sept. 1, 2023, and increase by 1.37 percent beginning Sept. 1, 2024. Technical hearings are scheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 2 and Thursday, Aug. 3. They will start at 9:00 a.m. each day and conclude at 5:00 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time. They may conclude before 5:00 p.m. on Aug. 3 if the full two days are not needed. To listen to the Aug. 2 hearing, please call 1-415-655-0001 and enter meeting number 2452 863 7546 when prompted. Next, enter this numeric password: 933 63 732. To watch the hearing online, please visit idahogov.webex.com and enter meeting number 2452 863 7546. Then click on the green “Join” button. At the next window, please enter this password: WednesdayHearing. Next, please click on the green “Join Webinar” button. At the next window, please enter your name and e-mail address, and then click on the “next” button. Then click on the green “Join Webinar” button. To listen to the Aug. 3 hearing, please call 1-415-655-0001 and enter meeting number 2460 458 1126 when prompted. Next, enter this numeric password: 848 77 329. To watch the hearing online, please visit idahogov.webex.com and enter meeting number 2460 458 1126. Then click on the green “Join” button. At the next window, please enter this password: ThursdayHearing. Next, please click on the green “Join Webinar” button. At the next window, please enter your name and e-mail address, and then click on the “next” button. Then click on the green “Join Webinar” button. Written comments on the proposed settlement are being accepted until July 26, 2023. Comments are required to be filed using the Commission’s website or by e-mail unless computer access is not available. To comment using the website, please visit puc.idaho.gov. Please click on the “Case Comment Form” link on the upper left side of the page. If commenting on the proposed natural gas revenue increase, please use case number AVU-G-23-01. If commenting on the proposed electric revenue increase, please use case number AVU-E-23-01. Those submitting comments using e- mail are required to send them to the Commission secretary and Avista at the e-mail addresses listed below. If computer access is not available, comments can be mailed to the Commission and Avista at these addresses: AVISTA UTILITIES FILES APPLICATION SEEKING APPROVAL TO IMPLEMENT RESIDENTIAL AND SMALL FARM ENERGY RATES Avista Utilities has filed an application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission seeking approval to implement residential and small farm energy rates for electric service. The utility, which serves customers in northern Idaho, said the electric residential and farm energy rate adjustment results from an agreement between it and the Bonneville Power Administration. The agreement provides a share of the benefits of the federal Columbia River power system to residential and small farm customers of the six investor- owned utilities in the Pacific Northwest. Avista is proposing a residential and small farm energy rate adjustment credit rate for rate schedules 1, 12, 22, 32 and 48 of 0.366 cents per kilowatt-hour. This represents a $0.2 million, or 0.1 percent increase to qualifying customers. Residential customers using an average of 927 kilowatt-hours per month would see their monthly bills increase from $85.40 to $85.53, or 0.2 percent. Written comments on the application are being accepted until Sept. 13, 2023. Comments must be filed through the Commission’s website or by e-mail unless computer access is not available. To comment through the Commission’s website, please visit puc.idaho.gov and click on the “Case Comment Form” link on the upper left side of the page. Please use case number AVU-E-23-11 when filling out the form. If submitting comments using e-mail, please send them to the Commission secretary and Avista at the e-mail addresses listed below. AVISTA UTILITIES FILES ANNUAL POWER COST ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION Written comments are being accepted on an Avista Utilities application seeking approval of its annual power cost adjustment. If approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, the average residential electric customer’s monthly bill would increase by $3.23, or 3.8 percent. The utility’s power cost adjustment tracks revenue and cost changes associated with variations in hydroelectric generation, secondary prices, thermal fuel costs and changes in power contract revenues and expenses. The Commission is accepting written comments until Sept. 12, 2023. Comments are required to be filed through the Commission’s website or by e-mail unless computer access is not available. To comment electronically, please visit the Commission website at puc.idaho.gov and click on the “Case Comment Form” link on the upper left side of the page. Please complete the form using case number AVU-E-23-08. If filing by e-mail, comments are required to be sent to the Commission secretary and Avista at the e-mail addresses listed below. AVISTA UTILITIES FILES APPLICATION TO ADJUST FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT RATES FOR NATURAL GAS SERVICE Avista Utilities has filed an application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission seeking approval to adjust the fixed cost adjustment rates for natural gas service from Nov. 1, 2023, through Oct. 31, 2024. If approved by the Commission, natural gas residential customers will see a rebate of 1.219 cents per therm, or a 0.2 decrease. Natural gas non-residential customers would see a rebate of 0.632 cents per therm, or a 1.2 decrease. The application is a proposal and subject to Commission review and approval. The fixed cost adjustment is a rate adjustment mechanism designed to address the link between the energy a utility sells and the revenue it collects to recover fixed costs of providing service, which decouples the utility’s revenues from its customers’ energy usage. The decoupling aims to remove a utility’s incentive to increase sales to increase revenue and profits and encourages energy conservation. The Commission is accepting written comments until Oct. 4, 2023. Comments are required to be filed through the Commission’s website or by e-mail unless computer access is not available. To comment electronically, please visit the Commission website at puc.idaho.gov and click on the “Case Comment Form” link on the upper left side of the page. When filling out the form, please use case number AVU-G-23-05. COMMISSION APPROVES NORTHERN IDAHO UTILITY’S APPLICATIONS THAT WILL CHANGE CUSTOMER RATES The Idaho Public Utilities Commission has approved four applications from Avista Utilities that will increase customer monthly rates by an average of $1.14 beginning Oct. 1. Avista’s applications asked for approval to decrease its Schedule 91 – Energy Efficiency Rider Adjustment rates, approval to change the Power Cost Adjustment surcharge rate, approval of deferrals from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 and for authorization to adjust its Fixed Cost Adjustment rates for electric service as well as approval to implement changes to residential and small farm credit rates for electric service. Schedule 91 is designed to recover costs associated with energy efficiency services and programs offered to customers. It also provides customers with financial incentives or rebates for participating in electric energy efficiency programs offered by Avista. The Commission approved Avista’s request, which will decrease the average residential customer’s bill by approximately 97 cents per month relative to Schedule 91. The utility’s Power Cost Adjustment is an annual adjustment mechanism that monitors changes in hydroelectric generation, secondary prices, thermal fuel costs and other changes in power contract revenues and expenses. Avista said residential customers using an average of 927 kilowatt-hours per month would see monthly bills increase from $85.40 to $88.63. The Fixed Cost Adjustment is a rate adjustment mechanism that is designed to break the link between the energy a utility sells and the revenue it collects to recover the fixed costs of providing service. This decouples the utility’s revenues from its customers’ energy usage. Avista said residential customers would see a change in their rebate rate from $0.405 cents to a rate of $0.540 cents per kilowatt-hour and non-residential customers would see a rebate rate change from $0.034 cents to $0.048 cents per kilowatt-hour. The credit rates are provided to residential and small farm customers as part of an agreement between Avista and the Bonneville Power Administration. The agreement provides a share of the benefits of the federal Columbia River power system to these customers. Avista said residential customers using an average of 927 kilowatt-hours per month would see monthly bills increase from $85.40 to $85.53. COMMISSION APPROVES NATURAL GAS UTILITY’S APPLICATIONS THAT WILL CHANGE CUSTOMER RATES The Idaho Public Utilities Commission has approved two applications submitted by Avista Utilities that will change the rates customers pay for natural gas. Avista asked the Commission for approval to adjust the fixed cost adjustment (FCA) rates and approval to change purchased gas cost adjustment (PGA) rates. The FCA is a rate adjustment mechanism that is designed to separate the link between the energy a utility sells and the revenue it collects to recover fixed costs of providing service, which decouples Avista’s revenues from customers’ energy usage. The decoupling removes a utility’s incentive to increase sales to increase revenue and profits and encourages energy conservation. The approval of the FCA application will reduce residential customers’ rates by 0.2 percent. This represents a rebate of 1.219 cents per therm. Non-residential customers will see a decrease of 1.2 percent, which represents a rebate of 0.632 cents per therm. The PGA is a Commission-approved mechanism that adjusts rates up or down to reflect changes in Avista’s costs to buy natural gas from suppliers. These include changes in transportation, storage and other related costs. The approval of the PGA will increase residential customers’ rates by $3.54, or 4.7 percent per month. Other groups of customers also will see an increase in rates. Idaho Power Company COMMISSION SCHEDULES ONLINE PUBLIC WORKSHOPS ON TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT The Idaho Public Utilities Commission will host public workshops on April 17 and April 19 to share information on applications from two electric utilities that have applied for permits to build a 500-kilovolt transmission line. Rocky Mountain Power and Idaho Power have applied for certificates of public convenience and necessity as part of the process to build the Boardman-to-Hemingway transmission line, which they will co-own. A certificate of public convenience and necessity is a permit granted to a utility that allows it to provide service to a new geographic area, enter into a franchise agreement, build and operate a new facility or build an extension of an existing facility. The permit covers activities that are outside of a utility’s usual course of business. Rocky Mountain Power said the transmission line is needed to create lower-cost and more reliable electricity transmission service for its growing customer load and to avoid spending more for higher-cost generation and transmission resources. Idaho Power said population and business growth in the region are increasing demand for electricity, and existing transmission lines can’t carry additional electricity when it is most needed. The workshop for Idaho Power’s application will be Monday, April 17. Staff with the public utilities Commission will present information on the application and answer questions. It will start at 6:00 p.m. (MDT) and end at 9:00 p.m., or after questions from the public have been answered, whichever comes first. To participate over the phone, please call 1-415-655-0001 and enter meeting number 2454 319 4150 when prompted. Next, enter this numeric password: 66632963. To participate online, please visit idahogov.webex.com, and enter meeting number 2454 319 4150. Then, click on the green “Join” button. At the next window, please enter this password: MondayMeeting. Next, please click on the green “Join Webinar” button. At the next window, please enter your name and e-mail address, and then click on the “Next” button. Then click on the green “Join Webinar” button. The workshop for Rocky Mountain Power’s application will be Wednesday, April 19. Staff with the Commission will present information on the application and answer questions. It will start at 6:00 p.m. (MDT) and end at 9:00 p.m., or after all questions from the public have been answered, whichever comes first. To participate over the phone, please call 1-415-655-0001 and enter meeting number 2459 471 9482 when prompted. Next, enter this numeric password: 93363732. To participate online, please visit idahogov.webex.com, and enter meeting number 2459 471 9482. Then, click on the green “Join” button. At the next window, please enter the password WednesdayMeeting. Next, please click on the green “Join Webinar” button. At the next window, please enter your name and e-mail address, and then click on the “Next” button. Then click on the green “Join Webinar” button. Those interested in attending either workshop in-person can do so at the Commission’s office, 11331 W. Chinden Blvd, Building 8, Suite 201-A, Boise. The transmission line, once built, will be approximately 300 miles long and cross five counties in Oregon. It will connect to Idaho Power’s existing Hemingway Substation in Owyhee County in Idaho. The Commission is accepting written comments on both applications until May 25, 2023. To submit comments on Rocky Mountain Power’s application online, please visit the Commission’s homepage at puc.idaho.gov. Click on the “Case Comment Form” link on the upper left side of the page and complete the form using Case Number PAC-E-23-01. To file by e-mail, comments should be sent to the Commission secretary and Rocky Mountain Power at the e-mail addresses listed below. To submit comments on Idaho Power’s application for its certificate of public convenience and necessity, please visit the Commission’s homepage at puc.idaho.gov. Click on the “Case Comment Form” link on the upper left side of the page and complete the form using Case Number IPC-E-23-01. COMMISSION SCHEDULES PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED TRANSFER OF LAND FROM IDAHO POWER TO PARKS AND RECREATION The Idaho Public Utilities Commission is hosting a telephonic public hearing on May 11 to take formal testimony on an Idaho Power application to transfer land on Ritter Island to the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation. The application asks for approval from the Commission to transfer 1.09 acres of land on the island, which is located along the Snake River and is part of the Thousand Springs State Park. The proposed asset transfer is part of negotiations that ultimately led to the relicensing of Idaho Power Company’s mid-Snake hydro facilities. This proposal arose, in part, due to the understanding that the asset transfer would assist with aquatic habitat mitigation requirements. Those interested in submitting testimony for the record are asked to call 1-415-655-0001, and enter meeting number 2451 727 1983 when prompted shortly before 11:00 a.m. (MDT) on Thursday, May 11. Testimony also can be submitted in person at the Commission, 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard, Building 8, Suite 201-A. The Commission is accepting written comments on the proposed transfer until May 3, 2023. Comments are required to be filed through the Commission’s website or by e-mail unless computer access is not available. To comment electronically, please visit the Commission’s webpage at puc.idaho.gov. Please click on the “Case Comment Form” link on the upper left side of the page and use case number IPC-E-23-07 when filling out the form. If submitting comments using e-mail, comments are required to be sent to the Commission and Idaho Power at the e- mail addresses listed below. COMMISSION APPROVES ENERGY SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN IDAHO POWER AND BRISBIE On May 11, 2023, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission approved an energy services agreement that allows Idaho Power to provide electric service to a new data center in the Kuna, Idaho area. The data center, owned by Brisbie, LLC, will be a large power service customer of Idaho Power. Large power service customers are those who use between 10,000 kilowatts and 20,000 kilowatts of power. Customers that receive in excess of 20,000 kilowatts are required to make special contract arrangements with Idaho Power. Before the energy services agreement was approved, staff with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission reviewed it and additional supporting materials that were filed by Idaho Power to ensure existing Idaho Power customers would not see their rates increase as a result of the energy service agreement, among other items. An evaluation of the energy services agreement was intended to address concerns about Brisbie being Idaho Power’s largest customer with a significant impact to Idaho Power’s system and cost structure, which had the potential to increase the risk to other utility customers. In addition, how the rates Idaho Power will charge were determined may be used as a model for this type of customer in the future, which could increase the risk to other customers. Idaho Power is planning to obtain enough renewable resources to meet Brisbie’s initial annual energy requirements in the short-term through a power purchase agreement and will build or obtain additional resources to meet the data center’s energy requirements going forward. Brisbie plans to support 100 percent of its operations through the addition of renewable resources, which would be connected to Idaho Power’s system. CUSTOMER HEARINGS SCHEDULED IN JUNE ON APPLICATIONS THAT WOULD ADVANCE TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT The Idaho Public Utilities Commission will host customers hearings in mid-June to take testimony on applications that are part of a proposed 500-kilovolt transmission line. Idaho Power and Rocky Mountain Power have partnered to work on the Boardman to Hemingway transmission line. Plans call for the line to be 300 miles long. It will cross five Oregon counties and connect to Idaho Power’s existing Hemingway Substation in Idaho’s Owyhee County. The two utilities have applied for certificates of public convenience and necessity as part of the project. A certificate of public convenience and necessity is a certificate granted to a utility that allows it to provide service to a new geographic area, enter into a franchise agreement, build and operate a new facility or build an extension of an existing facility. Four customer hearings will be held to take testimony for the record. Those who plan to submit testimony are required to attend in-person. Those interested in listening only can call in. A hearing to take testimony on Rocky Mountain Power’s application will be Monday, June 12, at the Idaho Falls Public Library, 457 W. Broadway Street. It will begin at 6:00 p.m. (MDT) and conclude at 9:00 p.m. or until all testimony has been submitted, whichever comes first. To listen, please call 1-415-655-0001, and enter meeting number 2465 142 0344. When prompted, please enter numeric password 925 67 866. Customer hearings will be in Pocatello on June 13 and in Twin Falls on June 13 regarding Idaho Power’s application. The Pocatello hearing will begin at 11:00 a.m. (MDT) at the Idaho Department of Fish and Game Regional Office, 1345 Barton Road. It will conclude at 2:00 p.m. or until all testimony has been submitted, whichever comes first. To listen to the hearing, please call 1-415-655-0001, and enter meeting number 2461 541 7580. When prompted, please enter numeric password 993 93 292. The Twin Falls hearing will be in the Roper Auditorium at Twin Falls High School, 1615 Filer Avenue East. It will begin at 6:00 p.m. (MDT) and conclude at 9:00 p.m. or until all testimony has been submitted, whichever comes first. To listen to the hearing, please call 1-415-655-0001, and enter meeting number 2466 427 3060. When prompted, please enter numeric password 653 89 279. The final hearing to take testimony on Idaho Power’s application will be in Boise on Wednesday, June 14, at the Commission, 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard, Building 8, Suite 201-A. It will begin at 6:00 p.m. (MDT) and end at 9:00 p.m. or until all testimony has been submitted, whichever comes first. To listen, please call 1-415-655-0001, and enter meeting number 2452 650 4011. When prompted, please enter numeric password 447 89 853. The Commission is accepting written comments on Idaho Power’s application until May 23, 2023, and on Rocky Mountain Power’s application until May 25, 2023. To submit comments on Rocky Mountain Power’s application online, please visit the Commission’s homepage at puc.idaho.gov. Click on the “Case Comment Form” link on the upper left side of the page and complete the form using Case Number PAC-E-23-01. To file by e-mail, comments should be sent to the Commission secretary and Rocky Mountain Power at the e-mail addresses listed below. COMMISSION APPROVES IDAHO POWER APPLICATIONS THAT WILL CHANGE RATES The Idaho Public Utilities Commission has approved two Idaho Power applications that will change customer rates. The utility received approval for its power cost adjustment (PCA) rates and fixed cost adjustment (FCA) rates. The PCA allows Idaho Power to increase or decrease the PCA rates to reflect the utility’s annual costs of supplying power. Because of a diverse generation portfolio, Idaho Power’s actual costs of providing electricity varies annually depending on factors such as river streamflow, the amount of purchased power, fuel costs, and the market price of power, among other factors. The annual PCA is combined with Idaho Power’s base rates to create a customer’s overall energy rate. The PCA can only be used to pay power supply expenses. Neither Idaho Power or its shareholders receive a financial return from the PCA. To assist customers, this year’s PCA will be spread equally over two years to mitigate impacts on customers. For the average residential customer using 950 kilowatt-hours per month, the expected increase is approximately $12.72 per month. The FCA annually adjusts rates up or down to recover the difference between the fixed costs authorized by the Commission and the actual fixed costs Idaho Power recovers from customers for the sale of electricity during the previous year. Fixed costs are a utility’s costs to provide service that do not vary with fluctuations in energy consumption. Variable costs change based on the energy generated and consumed. The FCA applies to residential and small commercial customers. A typical residential customer using 950 kilowatt-hours per month will see an approximate $1.66 decrease in their monthly bill from June 1, 2023, through May 31, 2024. This represents a 1.56 percent decrease. This decrease also will apply to small general service customers for the same timeframe. Accounting for the PCA and FCA, residential customers will see an increase of 10.34 percent, small general service customers will see an increase of 8.08 percent, large general service customers will see an increase of 16.19 percent, large power customers will see an increase of 20.26 percent and irrigation customers will see an increase of 15.01 percent. A typical residential customer will see an overall monthly increase of $11.06 between the two filings. VIRTUAL PUBLIC WORKSHOPS SCHEDULED ON IDAHO POWER APPLICATION TO INCREASE RATES AND CHARGES Online public workshops will be held on Aug. 14 and Aug. 15 to share information on an application from Idaho Power to increase the rates and charges to offer electric service. The utility is seeking approval from the Idaho Public Utilities Commission to increase overall rates by 8.61 percent. The online workshops will be hosted by Commission staff. An overview of the utility’s application will be presented, and staff will be available to answer questions from the public. The first workshop is on Monday, Aug. 14, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time and ending at 9:00 p.m. or after all customer questions have been answered, whichever comes first. To participate over the phone, please call 1-415-655-0001 and enter meeting number 2631 958 1582 when prompted. To participate online, visit idahogov.webex.com and enter meeting number 2631 958 1582 (no spaces between numbers). Then, click on the green “Join” button. At the next window, please enter this password: MondayWorskhop. Next, please click on the green “Join Webinar” button. At the next window, please enter your name and e-mail address, and then click on the “Next” button. Then click on the green “Join Webinar” button. The second workshop is Tuesday, Aug. 15, beginning at 12:00 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time and ending at 3:00 p.m., or after all customer questions have been answered, whichever comes first. To participate over the phone, please call 1-415-655-0001 and enter meeting number 2630 644 9497 when prompted. To participate online, please visit idahogov.webex.com and enter meeting number 2630 644 9497 when prompted. Then, click on the green “Join” button. At the next window, please enter this password: TuesdayWorkshop. Next, please click on the green “Join Webinar” button. At the next window, please enter your name and e-mail address, and then click on the “Next” button. Then click on the green “Join Webinar” button. WORKSHOPS SCHEDULED FOR IDAHO POWER APPLICATION TO CHANGE ON- SITE AND SELF-GENERATION TARIFFS Idaho Public Utilities Commission staff will hold two public, online workshops to share information on an Idaho Power application that is seeking to make changes to the utility’s on-site and self-generation tariffs. Idaho Power is asking the Commission to allow real-time net billing with an avoided cost-based financial credit rate for exported energy, a methodology to determine annual updates to the export credit rate, a modified project eligibility cap for commercial, industrial and irrigation customers, related changes to the accounting for and transferability of excess net energy financial credits and updated tariff schedules needed to administer the modified on-site generation offering. Staff will hold online workshops on Wednesday, Sept. 6, and Thursday, Sept. 7 to present information regarding the application and to answer questions. The Sept. 6 workshop will begin at 6:00 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time and conclude at 9:00 p.m. or after all questions have been answered, whichever comes first. To participate over the phone, please call 1-415-655-0001, and enter meeting number 2630 705 2269 when prompted. To participate online, please visit idahogov.webex.com and enter meeting number 2630 705 2269 (no spaces between numbers). Then, click on the green “Join” button. At the next window, please enter this password: 0906Workshop. Then click on the green “Join Webinar” button. At the next window, please enter your name and e-mail address, and then click on the “Next” button. Then click on the green “Join Webinar” button. The Sept. 7 workshop will begin at 12:00 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time and conclude at 3:00 p.m. or after all questions have been answered, whichever comes first. To participate over the phone, please call 1-415-655-0001 and enter meeting number 2631 951 3680 when prompted. To participate online, please visit idahogov.webex.com and enter meeting number 2631 951 3680 (no spaces between numbers). Then click on the green “Join” button. At the next window, please enter this password: 0907Workshop. Next, click on the green “Join Webinar” button. At the next window, please enter your name and e-mail address, and then click on the “Next” button. Then click on the green “Join Webinar” button. Written comments on Idaho Power’s application are being accepted until Oct. 12, 2023. Comments are required to be filed through the Commission’s website or by e-mail unless computer access is not available. To comment using the Commission website, please visit www.puc.idaho.gov and click on the “Case Comment Form” link that is on the upper left side of the page. When filling out the form, please use case number IPC-E-23-14. If using e-mail, comments need to be sent to the Commission secretary and Idaho Power at the e-mail addresses listed below. IDAHO POWER APPLICATION TO EXPAND OPTIONAL CLEAN ENERGY OFFERINGS APPROVED BY COMMISSION The Idaho Public Utilities Commission has approved an application from Idaho Power that will allow the utility to expand optional clean energy offerings to customers. The approval will allow Idaho Power to rename the existing Schedule 62 – Green Power Purchase Program Rider to Clean Energy Your Way. In addition, Idaho Power will be allowed to maintain and expand procurement options for the renewable energy certificate offering under the name Clean Energy Your Way – Flexible, establish a regulatory framework for a future voluntary subscription green power service offering named Clean Energy Your Way – Subscription and offer a tailored renewables option to the utility’s largest customers called Clean Energy Your Way – Construction. Idaho Power said the Clean Energy Your Way – Flexible option would operate similarly to its existing Green Power Program. The utility asked for approval to expand renewable energy certificate purchase options to keep up with demand and satisfy customers with near-term clean energy goals that can be met with renewable energy certificates. Idaho Power proposed two options for customers regarding renewable energy certificates, the limited bulk purchase option and the renewable energy certificate “sleeve” option. Under the limited bulk purchase option, the utility would buy a limited number of renewable energy certificates (not to exceed $5,000 at any time); and sell them to interested customers later under customer-specific sale agreements. The “sleeve” option will allow Idaho Power to connect customers to non-company renewable energy certificate purchases. Idaho Power said this option would work similarly to the limited bulk purchase option, where the utility would sell procured renewable energy certificates to interested customers at cost. This option would not create proceeds that would pass through the utility’s power cost adjustment. The Clean Energy Your Way – Subscription option will allow customers to subscribe to a portion of the output from a new renewable resource on the utility’s system. This option would be open to any customer. However, Idaho Power proposed an individual customer cap of 15 percent of program activity. The proposed individual subscription size would be based on a customer’s average prior year energy usage.   The Clean Energy Your Way – Construction option offers large customers a tailored approach to cover 100 percent of their energy use with a new renewable resource. A customer’s energy usage is reconciled against the generation of a renewable resource, or resources, on an hourly basis. CUSTOMER HEARINGS SCHEDULED ON IDAHO POWER APPLICATION TO CHANGE ON-SITE AND SELF-GENERATION TARIFFS The Idaho Public Utilities Commission will host customer hearings in Boise and Twin Falls to take testimony on an Idaho Power application to make changes to on-site and self-generation tariffs. The utility is seeking approval from the Commission to allow real-time net billing with an avoided cost-based financial credit rate for exported energy, a methodology for determining annual updates to the export credit rate, a modified project eligibility cap for commercial, industrial, and irrigation customers, related changes to the accounting for and transferability of excess net energy financial credits and updated tariff schedules needed to administer the modified on-site generation offering. The two hearings will allow those interested to submit testimony that will become part of the formal record. The hearing in Boise will be Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2023. It will begin at 3:00 p.m. and end at 6:00 p.m. or after all customer testimony has been taken, whichever comes first. The hearing will be held at the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard, Building 8, Suite 201-A, Boise, ID 83714. In-person attendance is required to submit testimony. Those interested in listening to the hearing can call 1-415-655-0001 and enter meeting number 2631 928 7050 when prompted. Testimony will not be taken over the phone. The hearing in Twin Falls will be on Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023. It will begin at 4:00 p.m. and end at 7:00 p.m. or after all customer testimony has been taken, whichever comes first. The hearing will be at the American Legion Post 7 Building, 447 Seastrom Street, Twin Falls, ID 83301. In-person attendance is required to submit testimony. Those interested in listening to the hearing can call 1-415-655-0001 and enter meeting number 2630 970 9750 when prompted. Testimony will not be taken over the phone. Written comments on Idaho Power’s application are being accepted until Nov. 8, 2023. Comments are required to be filed through the Commission’s website or by e-mail unless computer access is not available. To comment electronically, please visit the Commission’s homepage at puc.idaho.gov and click on the “Case Comment Form” link on the upper left side of the page. Please use case number IPC-E-23-14 when filling out the form. To file by e-mail, the customer is required to submit comments to the Commission secretary and Idaho Power at the e-mail addresses listed below. Rocky Mountain Power COMMISSION SCHEDULES PUBLIC WORKSHOP, HEARING ON ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER APPLICATION TO CHANGE RATES. Idaho Public Utilities Commission staff will host a public and customer workshop as well as a public hearing regarding an application from Rocky Mountain Power to change its rates. The utility, which serves approximately 86,500 customers in eastern Idaho, is asking for Commission approval to gradually transition, over five years, an increase to the customer service charge for two residential rate schedules to $29.25 per month and at the same time reduce energy charges proportionately. This change is proposed for Electric Service Schedule No. 1 – residential service, and Electric Service Schedule No. 36 – optional time-of-day residential service. The utility also proposes to eliminate inclining block tiered rates for Schedule 1, so that the current first- and second- tier energy charge rates would be the same within a season. The application also asks for approval to change the time of use periods in Schedule 36, so the definitions of on- and off-peak periods match those listed on Electric Service Schedule 9 (general service – high voltage). Staff with the Commission will host a customer and public workshop to share information regarding the application on Tuesday, March 14, at the Idaho Department of Fish and Game regional office in Idaho Falls, 4279 Commerce Cir. The workshop will start at 6:00 p.m. (MDT). Customers and the public can attend in-person or online. To listen to the workshop, please call 1-415-655-0001 and enter meeting number 2457 690 7571. To watch the workshop online, please visit idahogov.webex.com and enter meeting number 2457 690 7571. At the next window, please enter your name, e-mail address and this password: March14Workshop. During the workshop, customers and the public will have the opportunity to ask staff questions about the application. The workshop will conclude at 9:00 p.m. (MDT) or until all questions have been answered, whichever comes first. The Commission also will host a customer and public hearing on Tuesday, April 18, starting at 6:00 p.m. (MDT) at the Idaho Department of Fish and Game regional office in Idaho Falls, 4279 Commerce Cir. The hearing is being held to take testimony that will become part of the record. Those interested in submitting testimony are required to attend in- person. Those interested in listening only and not submitting testimony can call 1-415-655-0001 and enter meeting number 2464 260 4164. The hearing will conclude at 9:00 p.m. (MDT) or until all testimony has been submitted, whichever comes first. COMMISSION SCHEDULES ONLINE PUBLIC WORKSHOPS ON TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT The Idaho Public Utilities Commission will host public workshops on April 17 and April 19 to share information on applications from two electric utilities that have applied for permits to build a 500-kilovolt transmission line. Rocky Mountain Power and Idaho Power have applied for certificates of public convenience and necessity as part of the process to build the Boardman-to-Hemingway transmission line, which they will co-own. A certificate of public convenience and necessity is a permit granted to a utility that allows it to provide service to a new geographic area, enter into a franchise agreement, build and operate a new facility or build an extension of an existing facility. The permit covers activities that are outside of a utility’s usual course of business. Rocky Mountain Power said the transmission line is needed to create lower-cost and more reliable electricity transmission service for its growing customer load and to avoid spending more for higher-cost generation and transmission resources. Idaho Power said population and business growth in the region are increasing demand for electricity, and existing transmission lines can’t carry additional electricity when it is most needed. The workshop for Idaho Power’s application will be Monday, April 17. Staff with the public utilities Commission will present information on the application and answer questions. It will start at 6:00 p.m. (MDT) and end at 9:00 p.m., or after questions from the public have been answered, whichever comes first. To participate over the phone, please call 1-415-655-0001 and enter meeting number 2454 319 4150 when prompted. Next, enter this numeric password: 66632963. To participate online, please visit idahogov.webex.com, and enter meeting number 2454 319 4150. Then, click on the green “Join” button. At the next window, please enter this password: MondayMeeting. Next, please click on the green “Join Webinar” button. At the next window, please enter your name and e-mail address, and then click on the “Next” button. Then click on the green “Join Webinar” button. The workshop for Rocky Mountain Power’s application will be Wednesday, April 19. Staff with the Commission will present information on the application and answer questions. It will start at 6:00 p.m. (MDT) and end at 9:00 p.m., or after all questions from the public have been answered, whichever comes first. To participate over the phone, please call 1-415-655-0001 and enter meeting number 2459 471 9482 when prompted. Next, enter this numeric password: 93363732. To participate online, please visit idahogov.webex.com, and enter meeting number 2459 471 9482. Then, click on the green “Join” button. At the next window, please enter the password WednesdayMeeting. Next, please click on the green “Join Webinar” button. At the next window, please enter your name and e-mail address, and then click on the “Next” button. Then click on the green “Join Webinar” button. Those interested in attending either workshop in-person can do so at the Commission’s office, 11331 W. Chinden Blvd, Building 8, Suite 201-A, Boise. The transmission line, once built, will be approximately 300 miles long and cross five counties in Oregon. It will connect to Idaho Power’s existing Hemingway Substation in Owyhee County in Idaho. The Commission is accepting written comments on both applications until May 25, 2023. To submit comments on Rocky Mountain Power’s application online, please visit the Commission’s homepage at puc.idaho.gov. Click on the “Case Comment Form” link on the upper left side of the page and complete the form using Case Number PAC-E-23-01. To file by e-mail, comments should be sent to the Commission secretary and Rocky Mountain Power at the e-mail addresses listed below. If computer access is not available, comments may be mailed to the Commission and the utility at these addresses: To submit comments on Idaho Power’s application for its certificate of public convenience and necessity, please visit the Commission’s homepage at puc.idaho.gov. Click on the “Case Comment Form” link on the upper left side of the page and complete the form using Case Number IPC-E-23-01. To file by e-mail, comments should be sent to the Commission secretary and Idaho Power at the e-mail addresses listed below. If computer access is not available, comments may be mailed to the Commission and the utility at these addresses: CUSTOMER HEARINGS SCHEDULED IN JUNE ON APPLICATIONS THAT WOULD ADVANCE TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT The Idaho Public Utilities Commission will host customers hearings in mid-June to take testimony on applications that are part of a proposed 500-kilovolt transmission line. Idaho Power and Rocky Mountain Power have partnered to work on the Boardman to Hemingway transmission line. Plans call for the line to be 300 miles long. It will cross five Oregon counties and connect to Idaho Power’s existing Hemingway Substation in Idaho’s Owyhee County. The two utilities have applied for certificates of public convenience and necessity as part of the project. A certificate of public convenience and necessity is a certificate granted to a utility that allows it to provide service to a new geographic area, enter into a franchise agreement, build and operate a new facility or build an extension of an existing facility. Four customer hearings will be held to take testimony for the record. Those who plan to submit testimony are required to attend in-person. Those interested in listening only can call in. A hearing to take testimony on Rocky Mountain Power’s application will be Monday, June 12, at the Idaho Falls Public Library, 457 W. Broadway Street. It will begin at 6:00 p.m. (MDT) and conclude at 9:00 p.m. or until all testimony has been submitted, whichever comes first. To listen, please call 1-415-655-0001, and enter meeting number 2465 142 0344. When prompted, please enter numeric password 925 67 866. Customer hearings will be in Pocatello on June 13 and in Twin Falls on June 13 regarding Idaho Power’s application. The Pocatello hearing will begin at 11:00 a.m. (MDT) at the Idaho Department of Fish and Game Regional Office, 1345 Barton Road. It will conclude at 2:00 p.m. or until all testimony has been submitted, whichever comes first. To listen to the hearing, please call 1-415-655-0001, and enter meeting number 2461 541 7580. When prompted, please enter numeric password 993 93 292. The Twin Falls hearing will be in the Roper Auditorium at Twin Falls High School, 1615 Filer Avenue East. It will begin at 6:00 p.m. (MDT) and conclude at 9:00 p.m. or until all testimony has been submitted, whichever comes first. To listen to the hearing, please call 1-415-655-0001, and enter meeting number 2466 427 3060. When prompted, please enter numeric password 653 89 279. The final hearing to take testimony on Idaho Power’s application will be in Boise on Wednesday, June 14, at the Commission, 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard, Building 8, Suite 201-A. It will begin at 6:00 p.m. (MDT) and end at 9:00 p.m. or until all testimony has been submitted, whichever comes first. To listen, please call 1-415-655-0001, and enter meeting number 2452 650 4011. When prompted, please enter numeric password 447 89 853. The Commission is accepting written comments on Idaho Power’s application until May 23, 2023, and on Rocky Mountain Power’s application until May 25, 2023. To submit comments on Rocky Mountain Power’s application online, please visit the Commission’s homepage at puc.idaho.gov. Click on the “Case Comment Form” link on the upper left side of the page and complete the form using Case Number PAC-E-23-01. To file by e-mail, comments should be sent to the Commission secretary and Rocky Mountain Power at the e-mail addresses listed below. If computer access is not available, comments may be mailed to the Commission and the utility at these addresses: To submit comments on Idaho Power’s application for its certificate of public convenience and necessity, please visit the Commission’s homepage at puc.idaho.gov. Click on the “Case Comment Form” link on the upper left side of the page and complete the form using Case Number IPC-E-23-01. To file by e-mail, comments should be sent to the Commission secretary and Idaho Power at the e-mail addresses listed below. COMMISSION APPROVES TWO APPLICATIONS THAT WILL CHANGE RATES FOR EASTERN IDAHO ELECTRIC UTILITY CUSTOMERS The Idaho Public Utilities Commission has approved two applications submitted by Rocky Mountain Power that will change the rates the utility charges customers for electricity service. Rocky Mountain Power asked for approval to adjust rates under the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism (ECAM). The utility also asked for approval to implement a residential rate modernization plan. The ECAM allows Rocky Mountain Power to increase or decrease rates each year to reflect changes in power supply costs. These costs vary year by year based on the utility’s costs relating to gas, coal, surplus power sales, power purchases, and transmission costs. Rates for customers will increase from 1.6 percent to 3.0 percent depending on the category a customer is in. The monthly average bill for a residential customer using 783 kilowatt hours will increase by approximately $1.57. Rocky Mountain Power will be allowed to recover $32.5 million because of the approved changes. In addition to the ECAM, the Commission approved a rate modernization plan that will be fully implemented over a five-year period. Rocky Mountain Power bills residential customers monthly. Customers pay a fixed service charge as well as an energy charge based on the amount of electricity used. The utility said the current $8.00 per month customer service charge does not cover the fixed costs incurred by residential customers. Because of that, the recovery of fixed costs have been shifted to the volumetric energy charges. Rocky Mountain Power asked for, and received, approval to increase the customer service charge for certain classes of customers from $8.00 per month to $29.25 per month over the course of five years. The volumetric energy charges will be lowered as the raises to the service charge are implemented. TELEPHONIC PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED TO TAKE TESTIMONY ON PROPOSED ASSET TRANSFER AGREEMENT The Idaho Public Utilities Commission will host a telephonic public hearing on July 10 to take testimony on a proposed agreement that would transfer assets from Rocky Mountain Power to the city of Idaho Falls. In an application submitted to the Commission, Rocky Mountain Power proposes to transfer assets located on or near Pioneer Road in Idaho Falls to the city. The application also outlines the city’s compensation for the assets and compensation for the transfer of a Rocky Mountain Power customer to the city. The telephonic hearing is Monday, July 10, at 11:00 a.m. to take testimony from the public and Rocky Mountain Power customers. Those interested in submitting testimony can call 1-415-655-0001, and enter meeting number 2632 070 9027 when prompted. Next, please enter this numeric password: 282 48 429. Those planning to testify are encouraged to start calling in at 10:45 a.m. on July 10. COMMISSION APPROVES EASTERN IDAHO UTILITY’S APPLICATION TO DECREASE RESIDENTIAL AND SMALL FARM CREDIT The Idaho Public Utilities Commission has approved an application from Rocky Mountain Power to decrease the residential and small farm credit provided by the Bonneville Power Administration. The Northwest Power Act of 1980 created the Residential Exchange Program that is administered by the Bonneville Power Administration. The program allows participating utilities to pass the benefits of the federal Columbia River power system to eligible residential, small farm and irrigation customers through rate credits. Rocky Mountain Power asked the Commission to approve a Schedule 34 Residential Exchange Program credit of $0.007376 per kilowatt-hour for rate schedules 1, 6A, 7A, 10, 23A, 35A and 36. The utility asked that the new rate be effective from Oct. 1, 2023, through Sept. 30, 2025. The previous rate credit was $0.010133 per kilowatt-hour. The change in the credit rate will increase the monthly power bill of a typical residential customer by $2.27. COMMISSION ACKNOWLEDGES EASTERN IDAHO ELECTRIC UTILITY’S INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN The Idaho Public Utilities Commission has acknowledged Rocky Mountain Power’s 2023 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) to meet future energy and demand requirements for its customers. The utility’s IRP is filed with the Commission on a biennial basis. Rocky Mountain Power said the plan fulfills its commitment to develop a long-term resource plan that considers cost, risk, uncertainty and the public interest. The utility said the 2023 IRP preferred portfolio includes new resources from the 2020 all-Source Request for Proposals (RFP) including 1,792 megawatts (“MW”) of wind and 495 MW of solar additions with 200 MW of battery storage capacity. The utility said these are scheduled to come online between 2024 and 2025. Rocky Mountain Power’s plan also calls for acquiring and repowering the Rock River I and Foote Creek II-IV wind projects in Wyoming. The utility also said the 2023 IRP preferred portfolio includes the 500 megawatt advanced nuclear Natrium demonstration project, which is anticipated to go online by the summer of 2030, 1,000 megawatts of additional advanced nuclear resources through 2033 and 1,240 megawatts of non-emitting peaking resources through 2037. The preferred portfolio also includes construction of the Gateway South 416-mile 500-kilovolt transmission line that will connect southeastern Wyoming and northern Utah, the Gateway West Segment D.1 59-mile 230 kilovolt transmission line in eastern Wyoming and the Boardman to Hemingway 500 kilovolt, 290-mile transmission line across eastern Oregon and southwestern Idaho. The Commission’s acknowledgement of the integrated resource plan reflects that it is a working document that incorporates assumptions and projections at a specific point in time. The Commission acknowledges Rocky Mountain Power’s ongoing planning process, not the conclusions or results reached through that process. General CITING CONCERNS, COMMISSION DECLINES PARTICIPATION IN INITIATIVE TO CREATE WESTERN-BASED ENERGY MANAGEMENT GROUP The Idaho Public Utilities Commission issued the following response regarding an invitation to participate in the West- Wide Governance Pathway Initiative: Having considered the representations, actions, and current goals of the West-Wide Governance Pathway Initiative, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission unanimously chooses not to participate with the Initiative. The IPUC’s concerns include, among other things, that: (1) the Initiative has been less than transparent concerning its creating and funding; (2) there is no evidence that the Initiative’s goal of independent governance is feasible without changes in California’s legislation; (3) the Initiative’s timeline of seating a board by January 2024 is premature and unrealistic; and (4) at its core, the Initiative presumes economic benefits for western states without justification or specifics. “As always, the IPUC respects other Commission, State and Stakeholders’ decisions concerning participation with the Initiative,” Commission President Eric Anderson said. “However, given the IPUC’s concerns, the inherent flaws in the creation of the Initiative, and the Initiative’s current actions and goals, the IPUC does not see a viable path forward for the Initiative or that participation would result in any specific net economic benefits for Idaho customers.” WATER Regulated Water Companies Town Algoma Water Company 27 Sagle Aspen Creek 47 Fish Haven Atomic Water Works 31 Atomic City Capitol Water 3,019 Boise CDS Stoneridge Utilities, LLC 384 Blanchard Falls Water Company, Inc. 6,510 Ammon/Rigby Gem State Water 1040 Coeur d'Alene Grouse Point Water 24 Kuna Island Park Water Company 425 Island Park Kootenai Heights Water System, Inc. 11 Kootenai Mayfield Springs Water Company 101 Kuna North Star Water 10 Caldwell Picabo Livestock Company 40 Picabo Ponderosa Terrace Estates Water System, Inc. 22 Sagle Resort Water Company 539 Sandpoint Rocky Mountain Utility Company, Inc. 120 Rigby Schweitzer Basin Water LLC 470 Sandpoint Sunbeam Water Company 22 American Falls Teton Water and Sewer Company, LLC 311 Driggs Veolia Water Idaho 105,445 Boise Commission for the Fiscal Year Algoma Water System WRITTEN COMMENTS BEING ACCEPTED ON WATER UTILITY PROPOSED RATE INCREASE Commission is taking written comments until mid-October on an application from Algoma Commission can approve, deny or Commission’s website or -mail unless computer access is not available. To comment using the Commission’s website, please visit -W-23-01 when filling out the form. If submitting comments through e-mail, comments are required to be sent to goma and the Commission secretary at the e-mail addresses listed below. If computer access is not available, Commission and the utility at these addresses: Commission staff have scheduled a workshop and customer hearing to share information and Commission Commission staff’s analysis regarding how Algoma’s proposed rate ck on the green “Join” shop. Next, please click on the green “Join -mail address, and then click on the “next” -415-655-0001 and enter meeting number 2633 090 8387 when 3:00 p.m. or after all testimony has been submitted, whichever comes first. It will be held at the Sandpoint Community Hall, 204 S. 1st Avenue, Sandpoint, ID 83864. Those interested in listening to the hearing can call 1-415-655-0001 -person attendance is required to submit testimony. Falls Water Company WORKSHOP SCHEDULED ON WATER UTILITY’S APPLICATION TO CHANGE RATES. Commission ary irrigation systems. Commission will provide an overview of the utility’s application. To attend over -415-655-0001 and enter meeting number 2630 606 3424 when prompted. To attend n click on the green “Join” -mail address and th Commission’s website or by e-mail unless computer access is not available. To comment using the ’s website, please visit puc.idaho.gov and click on the “Case Comment Form” link on the upper left side of -W-23-01 when filling out the form. If submitting comments using e-mail, comments Commission and Falls Water at the e-mail addresses listed below. Commission Commission can accept, deny s first. Those attending the hearing in-person will have the opportunity to -415-655-0001, and enter -person attendance is required to submit testimony. Commission’s website or by e-mail unless computer access is not available. To comment using the ’s website, please visit puc.idaho.gov and click on the “Case Comment Form” on the upper left side of the -W-23-01 when filling out the form. PUBLIC COMMENTS ARE BEING ACCEPTED ON PROPOSED PURCHASE OF WATER Commission is accepting comments on an application that would allow Gem State Water to Commission, Gem State Water will determine what, if any, capital investments are needed. These potentially Commission is accepting written comments until June 22, 2023. Comments are required to be filed through the ’s website or by e-mail unless computer access is not available. To submit comments through the -W-23-01 when filling out the form. To submit comments through e- Commission secretary and the company at the e-mail addresses listed below. APPROVES GEM STATE WATER APPLICATION TO CHANGE RATES Commission has approved an application from Gem State Water to change the rates it who have a one- nth to $35.00 per month. Customers who have https://puc.idaho.gov/case/Details/6894. WILL HOST CUSTOMER AND PUBLIC HEARING ON JAN. 18 Commission will host a hearing on Jan. 18 in Athol to take customer and public testimony Commission, rates for customers would change based on the diameter of their water $25.55 to $35.00. Bar Circle “S” customers decrease from $41.00 per month to $35.00 per month. The public hearing is on Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2023, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Pacific Time) at the Athol Community Center, 30355 3rd Street. Those attending in- -415-655-0001, and enter meeting number 2467 617 1016. Those who call in will not be able Commission Order No. issues an earlier order accepting, rejecting, or modifying the proposed rate changes. The rate changes may approve, reject, or modify the proposed rates and charges and may find rates and charges -mail unless e-mail is unavailable. To submit comments via e-mail, please visit the ’s webpage at puc.idaho.gov. Click on the “Case Comment Form” link toward the top left of the page. -W-22-01 when filling out the form. Any comments should also be sent to Gem State -mail addresses listed below. For more information on Gem State Water’s application, please visit: https://puc.idaho.gov/case/Details/6894. Island Park Water Company COMMISSION SCHEDULES SHOW CAUSE HEARING, CUSTOMER HEARING FOR Commission is ordering the Island Park Water Company to appear before it and explain Commission should not impose penalties for the utility’s alleged violations of regulatory requirements. Commission why it should not impose -415-655-0001, and enter meeting number 2458 419 2917. - ning to the hearing can call 1-415-655-0001 and enter meeting number 2456 167 2001 when . EASTERN IDAHO WATER UTILITY FINED FOR VIOLATING IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITY LAWS Commission (Commission) has found that the Island Park Water Company (Company) has vice and failing to respond to requests from the Commission for records, among other Commission days of the issuance of the Commission’s Order. Commission received testimony from customers who said the Company Lane, and the Valley View Subdivision. -one (21) days of the service date Kootenai Heights Water System PUBLIC WORKSHOP SCHEDULED ON PROPOSED WATER RATE INCREASE Commission staff will hold an online public workshop in mid-August to share information on an Commission staff will present an overview of the utility’s application and answer questions. The -415-655-0001 and enter meeting number 2633 940 2402 when , please enter this password: -mail address, and then click on the “Next” button. Then click on the green “Join Webinar” button. Commission’s website or by e-mail unless computer access is not available. If using the Commission’s -W-23-01 when filling out the form. Those submitting comments using e-mail are required to send them to the Commission secretary and Kootenai Heights Water at the e-mail addresses listed below. Commission will hold a customer hearing to take testimony on an application from Kootenai st Avenue in Sandpoint. It will Commission approval to increase the Commission -415-655-0001 and enter meeting number 2631 521 2642 -person attendance is required to submit testimony for the record. puc.idaho.gov/case/Details/7017. Sunbeam Water COMMISSION SCHEDULES CUSTOMER WORKSHOP REGARDING MANAGEMENT Commission will hold a customer workshop in late June regarding Sunbeam Commission Commission staff. puc.idaho.gov/case/Details/6952. Veolia Water Idaho COMMISSION WILL HOST CUSTOMER/PUBLIC WORKSHOP ON JAN. 31 Commission will host a customer and public workshop on Tuesday, Jan. 31, to share Veolia to increase rates. Commission staff will present information on the application, and be available to answer questions. not become formal testimony until the customer/public hearing is held at a later date. - TECASE. To participate over the phone, please call 1-415-655-0001 and Commission Commission, Veolia r service. Commission for additional revenues to recover increased or $27.92 each ay or $25.46 a month. -recurring, including those of special contract may approve, reject, or modify the rates and charges proposed and may find that rates and charges Commission approved a settlement agreement that allowed SUEZ Water Idaho to acquire -in ill be set at 50 percent of SUEZ’s -in rates will increase by approximately For additional information about Veolia’s SCHEDULES CUSTOMER/PUBLIC HEARING, TECHNICAL HEARING Commission will host a customer and public hearing on March 27 to take testimony on an Commission’s hearing room, 11331 W. -A, Boise, ID, 83714. Those attending in person will have the opportunity to o the -415-655-0001 and entering meeting number 2464 879 8267 when prompted. Testimony Commission ’s hearing room, 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard, Building 8, Suite 201-A, Boise, ID, 83714. A technical hearing is an opportunity for parties to the case to present witnesses, testimony and exhibits. If the hearing does not conclude on April 4, it also is scheduled for April 5, April 6, and April 7 as needed. -mail address and this password: April4Hearing. Those interested in listening over the phone to the -415-655-0001 and enter meeting number 2450 028 9817. ting number 2455 300 2652. At the next window, please enter your name, e- -415-655-0001 eeting number 2463 130 5116. At the next window, please enter your name, e- -415-655-0001 and enter ting number 2452 246 0382. At the next window, please enter your name, e- -415-655-0001 and enter ISSUES DECISION IN VEOLIA WATER IDAHO RATE CASE Commission Commission established a rate base for Veolia of $255,162,220, and a revenue requirement of - ement is the total amount of money a utility needs to collect from Commission APPROVES WATER MAIN INSTALLATION FOR UTILITY Commission has approved a water main installation agreement between Ada County and Ada County has been given a federal grant as part of the American Rescue Plan Act to pay for the project. The residents will pay the same rates as other utility customers once their properties are connected. The water main will serve approximately more than 160 new customers, and construction will start close to the end of this year. Under the American Rescue Plan Act, funds are available to make necessary investments in water infrastructure. For a number of reasons, some wells in southern Ada County are not adequate to provide drinking water. TELECOMMUNICATIONS Regulated Telecommunication Companies Albion Telephone Corp. Albion, ID Cambridge Telephone Co. Cambridge, ID CenturyLink* Denver, CO CenturyTel of Idaho, Inc.* Denver, CO CenturyTel of the Gem State* Denver, CO Columbine, dba Silver Star Communications Freedom, WY Direct Communications Rockland, Inc. Rockland, ID E4 Connect, Inc Meridian, ID Fremont Telecom, Inc. Missoula, MT Inland Telephone Co. Roslyn, WA Midvale Telephone Company Midvale, ID Pine Telephone System, Inc. Halfway, OR Potlach Telephone Company* Kendrick, ID Rural Telephone Company Glenns Ferry Ziply Fiber of Idaho, LLC * Kirkland, WA Ziply Fibert Northwest LLC * Kirkland, WA * These companies are no longer rate regulated; however, they are still regulated for customer service. Telecommunications Press Releases from the Commission for ACCEPTS ANNUAL REPORTS, BUDGETS FOR Commission has accepted the 2022 annual reports and this year’s budgets for the state’s - or speech-impaired residents to use used, which converts or relays verbal conversations to text-type and vice versa. The -to-speech, Spanish-to-Spanish, video, and Internet relay services. -distance minutes. Commission also approved the annual report for 2022 and this year’s budget for the Idaho Telecommunications Commission-ordered surcharge on all end-user business, residential, and -income customers. Commission 1 The Idaho Public Utilities Commission’s fiscal year is July 1st through June 30th. 2 Transportation is nonutility owned gas transported for another party under contractual agreement. NATURAL GAS Consumption and prices increased in FY20231 In Idaho, natural gas is supplied to customers by Avista Corporation, Dominion Energy, and Intermountain Gas Company. Idaho is fortuitous to be located between two large natural gas producing basins: The Rocky Mountain Basin (Rockies) and the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin (WCSB). Individual Idaho Gas Utility Profiles FY 2023 Statistics Total Residential Commercial Industrial Transportation2 Avista Corporation Customers 93,382 83,660 9,645 69 8 % of Total 100% 89.59% 10.33% .07% .01% Therms (millions) 154.28 61.42 35.64 2.29 54.94 % of Total 100% 39.81% 23.10% 1.48% 35.61% Revenue (millions) $106.26 $70.46 $33.47 $1.76 $0.57 % of Total 100% 66.31% 31.50% 1.66% 0.53% Dominion Questar Gas Customers 2,535 2,270 263 0 2 % of Total 100% 89.55% 10.37% - .08% Therms (millions) 3.17 1.78 1.21 - 0.18 % of Total 100% 56.32% 38.14% - 5.54% Revenue (millions) $3.40 $2.12 $1.26 - $0.03 % of Total 100% 62.13% 37.11% - 0.75% Intermountain Gas Customers 412,897 377,145 35,607 35 110 % of Total 100% 91.34% 8.62% 0.01% 0.03% Therms (millions) 862.60 312.63 153.80 13.80 382.37 % of Total 100% 36.24% 17.83% 1.60% 44.33% Revenue (millions) $415.17 $272.67 $124.21 $8.40 $9.89 % of Total 100% 65.68% 29.92% 2.02% 2.38% In FY 2023, overall consumption of natural gas in Idaho increased approximately 2.8 percent. Residential customers consumed roughly 14.2 percent more and commercial customers consumed roughly 11 percent more natural gas than the previous year. Industrial consumption increased approximately 2.6 percent and consumption of gas for electric FIGURE 1. Idaho Historical Natural Gas Consumption Volume FIGURE 2. Idaho Natural Gas Consumption FY 2023 Percentages 3 Northwest Gas Association 2022 Pacific Northwest Gas Market Outlook Natural Gas Demand The Northwest Gas Association (NWGA) forecasts demand for natural gas in the Northwest to grow at a rate of approximately 0.2 percent per year.3 Forecast demand growth is 1 percent in the residential and 1.4 percent -1.7 percent per year primarily due to policy mandates. • Geopolitical issues and worldwide market demands. • LNG and petrochemical production and exports. • Energy policies, regulations, and legislation. Natural Gas Prices Historical Prices: -term volatility Widespread, below-normal temperatures High natural gas consumption Reduced natural gas flows Pipeline constraints, including maintenance in West Texas Low natural gas storage levels in the Pacific region FIGURE 3. Idaho Historical Natural Gas Price The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) projects that additional U.S. LNG exports would increase the natural because end-use natural gas prices are influenced by spot prices, rising natural gas spot prices ultimately -use sectors to some degree. Delivered natural gas prices for nsumers tend to cause changes in spot prices more directly because delivery costs to – Effects of Liquified Natural Gas Exports on the U.S. Natural Gas Market FIGURE 4. Natural Gas Spot Prices Natural Gas Spot Price at the Henry Hub, AEO 2023 4 BLM.gov https://www.blm.gov/programs/energy-and-minerals/oil-and-gas/about/idaho Natural Gas Production Until 2008, no commercially viable oil or gas resources had been found in Idaho, despite the drilling of around 150 wells was discovered in southwest Idaho near Payette private lands. The resource is a relatively small, is accessed via vertical and directional drilling, and does not fracturing (also referred to as fracking).4 FIGURE 5. Idaho Historical Natural Gas Production The number of wells producing reflects the number of producing wells reporting production as of June 30th of the -FY 2020 shows 503,289 Mcf (1,000 cubic feet) produced during the year, all wells were a maximum number of FIGURE 6. Idaho Historical Natural Gas Producing Wells Summary 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Idaho Natural Gas Production Source Idaho Department of Lands 10/2/2023 Th o u s a n d s C u b i c F e e t M c f RNG is pipeline-quality biomethane produced from biogas. Biogas is the mixture of gases produced by the breakdown of terials such as agricultural waste, manure, municipal waste, plant material, sewage, or food in their operations or used the gas to generate electricity. A number of than traditional natural gas. Given current State ies are monitoring RNG production activity and government policies as they continue to look for Natural Gas Summary Idaho residential, commercial, industrial, and transportation users of natural gas experienced increased prices and, in constrained availability of natural gas, this fiscal year. Price volatility and natural gas inventories are reserves could put upward pressure on prices. - Commission for the Fiscal Intermountain Gas Company COMMISSION SCHEDULES PUBLIC WORKSHOPS ON INTERMOUNTAIN GAS Commission has scheduled public informational workshops to share information on an Commission may approve, reject, Commission, the monthly bill for the average residential customer 4.4 percent. The monthly bill for the average commercial customer would staff will hold public informational workshops in Pocatello and Twin Falls on Wednesday, March 15. A Commission - hop, please call 1-415-655-0001 and enter meeting number 2457 823 8326. To watch the -mail address and this password: Pocatello attending can do so in-person or online. To listen to the workshop, please call 1-415-655-0001 please enter your name, e-mail address and this Falls Meeting. The workshop in Twin Falls will conclude at 9:00 p.m. (MDT) or after all questions have Commission -A. Those interested in attending can do so in-person or online. To participate -415-655-0001 and enter meeting number 2461 848 6162. To watch the workshop hogov.webex.com and enter meeting number 2461 848 6162. At the next window, please -mail address and this password: Boise Meeting. The workshop in Boise will conclude at 9:00 p.m. Written comments on the application are being accepted until Wednesday, April 26, 2023. Comments must be filed through the Commission’s website or by e-mail unless computer access is unavailable. To comment using the website, -G-22-07. -mail, those submitting comments must e-mail their comments to the Commission secretary and -mail addresses listed below. puc.idaho.gov/case/Details/6936. Commission will hold two hearings on a proposed settlement that would set new rates for the Commission, average residential customer bills would increase by $0.70 per -person at the Commission, 11331 W. Chinden Boulevard, Building 8, Suite 201- -415-655-0001, and enter meeting number 2630 884 3847. Next, please enter numeric password d in listening to the hearing can call 1-415-655-0001, and enter meeting number 2633 028 3230. Hearing. Next, please click on the -mail address, and then click on the Commission is accepting written comments on the proposed settlement until June 8, 2023. Comments are required Commission’s website or by e-mail unless computer access is not available. To comment Commission -G-22-07. To file by e-mail, comments must Commission secretary and Intermountain Gas at the e-mail addresses listed below. APPROVES NATURAL GAS UTILITY’S APPLICATION THAT WILL Commission recently approved Intermountain Gas Company’s application that will reduce will see a monthly decrease of $72.88. -rate component and a gas-related cost component. The base-rate component is Purchased Gas Adjustment—gas-related costs— CONSUMER ASSISTANCE Complaints by Industry The Consumer Assistance staff responded to 1,364 complaints and inquiries in fiscal year 2023, a 26% increase when compared to the previous fiscal year. The majority (90%) of complaints and inquiries were from residential customers. The chart below illustrates the complaints and inquiries by industry. 0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40% Complaints by Industry Miscellaneous (unregulated services, unidentified utility, general information requests) Water companies Energy companies (electric, natural gas) Telecommunications companies Summary of Issues Commission. While the Consumer Assistance staff is s Summary of Issues Billing Credit and Collection (deposits, disconnection, payment arrangements) Miscellaneous Issues Rates and policies Telecommunications Issues Line extensions and service upgrades Service quality and repair Unable to follow up with person who inquired or filed complaint *Source: ITD (2017) RAILROAD SAFETY The Commission conducts inspections of Idaho’s railroads to determine compliance with state and federal laws, rules has a State Program Manager and one FRA certified hazardous material inspector. Hazardous material Commission inspects railroad-highway grade crossings where incidents occur, investigates citizen complaints of -crossing surveys. Commission also plays a role when rail lines are abandoned. Federal law governs rail line abandonments, and the federal Surface Transportation ), formerly the Interstate Commerce Commission. The STB decides the final outcome of abandonment Idaho law, however, after a railroad files its federal notice of intent to abandon, the Commission Commission then In reaching a conclusion, the Commission considers whether abandonment would Railroad Activity Summary Idaho Railroad Track Miles 1710/996 Class I * Hazmat Inspections 261 Rail Cars inspected 12,212 Railcar Violations 9 Railcar Defects 165 Railroad Grade Crossings Inspected 327 Crossing Accidents Investigated 28 Crossing Complaints Investigated 3 Crossing Complaints Validated 5 Locomotives Inspected 4 Locomotive defects 0 PIPELINE SAFETY Idaho Code § 61-515 empowers the Commission to require every utility to “maintain and operate its line, plant, § 60105, Chapter 601, the Commission is a certified partner with the U.S. Department of ipeline facilities under annual certification. more stringent standards for intrastate pipeline facilities provided the standards are compatible Commission has a state program manager and two trained and certified pipeline safety field installed equipment inspections on all intrastate natural gas pipeline Pipeline Safety Activity Summary Standard Inspection Days 135 Compliance Inspection Days 5 Damage Prevention Inspection Days 3.5 Construction Inspection Days 145 Operator Qualification Inspection Days 9.5 Integrity Management Program Inspection Days Compliance Enforcement Actions CONTACT LIST Contact IPUC: 208-334-0300 Website: www.puc.idaho.gov Commission Secretary 1-208-334-0338 Public Information 1-208-334-0339 Utilities Division 1-208-344-0367 Legal Division 1-208-334-0324 Rail and Pipeline Safety 1-208-334-0338 Consumer Assistance 1-208-334-0369 Outside Boise, Toll-Free Consumer Assistance 1-800-432-0369 Idaho Telephone Relay Service (statewide) Voice: 1-800-377-3529 Text Telephone: 1-800-368-6185 TRS Information: 1-800-368-6185 Commission’s Website at www.puc.idaho.gov. 3 Annual Report.” This report satisfies Idaho Code § 61-214; this is a “full and complete account” of the most significant cases to come before the Commission during 9 through June 30, 2023.) Anyone with access to the Internet may also Commission’s agendas, notices, case information and decisions by visiting the IPUC’s Web site at: www.puc.idaho.gov. Commission Commission’s Boise office, 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Commission, as outlined in its Strategic Plan, serves the citizens and utilities of Idaho by determining fair, just, and reasonable rates for utility the Commission also had Commission also has a pipeline safety