HomeMy WebLinkAbout20091207_2778.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KEMPTON COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER REDFORD COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:BRY AN LANSPERY DATE:DECEMBER 4, 2009 RE:IDAHO POWER COMPANY TARIFF ADVICE 09-12; MODIFICATIONS TO SCHEDULE 23 On November 20 2009, Idaho Power Company ("Company ) submitted modifications to Schedule 23 , Irrigation Peak Rewards Program ("Program ). The Program is an optional service in which participating Schedule 24 customers permit the Company to turn off specified irrigation pumps during the Program season in return for a financial incentive payment. According to the Company s filing, a meeting was held with the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association ("lIP A") on October 8, 2009 to review the first season of the Program. As a result, it was deemed by the parties that the Program could be enhanced by a number of minor alterations. Specifically, the Company s filing modifies the length of the Program season, eligible days and hours of implementation, and the manner in which the financial incentive is awarded to participating irrigators. It is noted that these modifications do not adversely impact the financial incentives nor the cost-effectiveness of the Program. Regarding the length of the Program, the Company proposes to define the Program season to be June 15 through August 15 each year. Last year the season ended on July 31. Staff believes that extending the Program an additional couple of weeks into August has merit as it provides the Company with greater flexibility to dispatch the load control option during periods when it would provide the greatest benefit. Traditionally, local temperatures in early August have been near or above July temperatures, generally corresponding to higher power supply costs. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 -DECEMBER 4, 2009 The Company also proposes to extend the eligible hours for interruption during the day by starting at 1 :00 pm DST rather than the current 2:00 pm. Also, the Company proposes to include Saturday as a potential day for interruption where the prior year was constrained to weekdays only. Again, Staff notes that these modifications serve to increase the flexibility of the Program operation and that the Company will continue to operate in a manner that maximizes the benefits of the load reduction. The Company has accordingly changed the language in the tariff to maintain the half-hour notice to participants should a pending load control notice be revoked. The Company proposes two changes affecting participants with multiple pumps and at least 1 000 cumulative horsepower (Option 3). Last season, Program KW was based on the difference between the monthly billing demand less average demand. Next season the Company proffers to base this on the maximum measured interval demand during the 24-hour period immediately preceding the event minus the average demand during the event. Staff believes this to be a more accurate method for calculating Program KW for large participants. Also, Option 3 customers that manually interrupt service (as opposed to using the two-way communicating device) would receive the financial credit within 30 days of billing rather than the following corresponding bill. The Company requests this due to the extensive data needed to calculate and process interval metering data. Staff does not believe this unduly harms participants and in no way discourages participation. Finally, the Company proposes clarifying language regarding the payment of the financial incentive. The Company proposes removing ambiguous language stating that the payment would be in the form of either a check or Bill Credit in favor of distributing incentives primarily through a Bill Credit corresponding to the Program season. Any remaining balance would then be issued through a check. Staff has debated this issue before with Rocky Mountain Power s Irrigation Load Control Program (Case No. PAC-09-1). Staff believes it is appropriate to provide payment directly through customer bills as it reduces administrative costs and has the ancillary benefit of reducing uncollectables and delinquent accounts, which benefits the class as a whole. lIP A actively participated in Case No. P AC-09-1 and concluded that issuing bill credits in lieu of checks would not adversely impact participation in the Irrigation Load Control Program. Given that this DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2 -DECEMBER 4 , 2009 filing is a direct result of lIP A and Company meetings, Staff assumes the same is true for participants in Idaho Power s Program. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff has reviewed the Company s filing and has noted either its support for the proposed changes or its belief that the Program is held unharmed by the modifications. Staff again notes that these modifications are a direct result of the Company and lIP A meeting. Staff has confirmed with the lIP A. that the proposed changes reflect the discussion that took place in October and it has no issue with the submitted tariff language. Staff therefore recommends that the Commission approve the modifications to Schedule 23 as submitted by the Company. CO MMISSI 0 N D ECISI Does the Commission wish to accept Idaho Power Company s modifications to Schedule , Irrigation Peak Rewards Program, as submitted, with an effective date of January 4, 2010? i:udmemos/decision memorandum schedule 23.doc DECISION MEMORANDUM - 3 -DECEMBER 4 , 2009