HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190415_bab3jo.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:BEVERLY BARKER DATE:APRIL 11,2019 SUBJECT:IDAHO POWER TARIFF ADVICE NO.19-04 PROPOSED REVISION TO IDAHO POWER'S RULE C TARIFF PROVISIONS On February 14,2019,Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power"or "the Company") submitted Tariff Advice No.19-04 to the Commission.The Company requests to revise Rule C of the Company's Tariff to include specific language clarifying the Company's right to access a customer's property to trim tree branches and other vegetation that may interfere with the Company's lines.See the attached marked-up copy of Rule C.7,Rights of Way. The Company points out that Rule 101 of the Commission's Safety and Accident Reporting Rules requires electric utilities to abide by the provisions of the National Electric Safety Code (NESC).See IDAPA Rule 218 requires electric utilities to maintain both vertical and horizontal clearances near its power lines for public safety and service reliability. The Company indicates that it mirrored language previouslyapproved by the Commission as found in Rocky Mountain Power's Electric Service Regulation No.6,Section 2(c).The Company states that the proposed language is consistent with trespass exemptions outlined in Idaho Code §§6-202 and 18-7008.The Company requests an effective date of April 16,2019. DECISION MEMORANDUM 1 APRIL 11,2019 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff has no objection to Idaho Power's proposed revision to Rule C.Staff reviewed NESC Rule 218,Idaho Code §§6-202 and 18-7008,and Rocky Mountain Power's Electric Service Regulation No.6,Section 2(c).Staff verified that the Company's proposed language mirrors previously approved language for Rocky Mountain Power and is consistent with the rules and statutes cited by Idaho Power.Staff recommends the Commission accept Idaho Power's proposed tariff revisions as submitted with an effective date of April 16,2019. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to approve Idaho Power's proposed revision to Rule C with an effective date of April 16,2019? BeverlyB e Udmemos/ldaho Power Tariff Advice 19-04 DECISION MEMORANDUM 2 APRIL 11,2019 Idaho Power Company SecondThird Revised Sheet No.C-2 CancelsI.P.U.C.No.29,Tariff No.101 F-iFetSecond Revised Sheet No.C-2 RULE C SERVICE AND LIMITATIONS (Continued) 5.Point of Delivery Service Requirements (Continued) Where separate Points of Delivery exist for supplying service to a Customer at a singlePremisesorseparatemetersaremaintainedformeasurementofservicetoaCustomeratasinglePremises,the meter readings will not be combined or aggregated for any purpose except fordeterminingiftheCustomer's total power requirements exceed 20,000 kW.Special contractarrangementswillberequiredwhenaCustomer's aggregate power requirement exceeds 20,000 kW. Service delivered at low voltage (600 volts or under)will be supplied from the Company'sdistributionsystemtotheoutsidewalloftheCustomer's building or service pole,unless an exception isgrantedbytheCompanyandtheCityorStateElectricalInspector. The Customer's facilities will be installed and maintained in accordance with the requirements oftheNationalElectricalCode. 6.Limitation of Use.A Customer will not resell electricity received from the Company to anypersonexcept(1)where the Customer is owner,lessee,or operator of a commercial building,shoppingcenter,apartment house,mobile home court,or other multi-family dwelling where the use has been sub-metered prior to July 1,1980,and the use is billed to tenants at the same rates that the Company wouldchargeforservice,unless the Commission authorizes alternative procedures,or (2)where the electricity is purchased from a public utility (as defined in Idaho Code §61-129)to charge the batteries of an electricmotorvehicleasprovidedbyorderorruleoftheCommission. A Customer's wiring will not be extended or connected to furnish service to more than onebuildingorplaceofusethroughonemeter,even though such building,property,or place of use isownedbytheCustomer.This rule is not applicable where the Customer's residence or businessconsistsofoneormoreadjacentbuildingsorplacesofuselocatedonthesamePremisesoroperated as an integral unit,under the same name and carrying on parts of the same residence or business. 7.Riqhts of Way.The Customer shall,without cost to the Company,grant the Company arightofwayfortheCompany's lines and apparatus across and upon the property owned or controlled bytheCustomer,necessary or incidental to the supplying of Electric Service and shall permit access thereto by the Company's employees at all reasonable hours.The Customer shall also permit the Company totrimtreesandothervegetationtotheextentnecessarytoavoidintelferencewiththeCompany's linesandtoprotectpublicsafety. IDAHO Issued by IDAHO POWER COMPANYIssued--February 14,201 Timothy E.Tatum,Vice President,RegulatoiEffective--July-1-2945April 16,2019 1221 West Idaho Street,Boise,IdahoAdviceNo.46-9519-04