HomeMy WebLinkAbout20091019_2739.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KEMPTON COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER REDFORD COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:BRYAN LANSPERY DATE:OCTOBER 16, 2009 RE:IDAHO POWER COMPANY TARIFF ADVICE 09-08 REVISIONS TO SCHEDULE 41 - STREET LIGHTING SERVICE AND REMOVAL OF SCHEDULE 39 - STREET LIGHTING SERVICE SUPPLEMENTAL SEASONAL OR VARIABLE ENERGY On September 2 2009, Idaho Power Company ("Company ) filed modifications to Schedule 41 , Street Lighting Service, while requesting the termination of Schedule 39, Street Lighting Service Supplemental Seasonal or Variable Energy. Schedule 39 is a temporary tariff approved by the Commission as part of the settlement in the Company s 2005 general rate case (see Order No. 30035), and relates to vintage non-metered street lighting systems that may have variable energy usage during the course of the year. The Company stated that such systems do not adhere to the language in Schedule 41 , and proposed Schedule 39 as an interim measure until (1) there is no potential for seasonal or variations in usage, (2) the street lighting service is converted to Metered Service, or (3) May 31 , 2011 , whichever is sooner. See IPC-05- Pengilly Direct, p. 53. The Company s current proposal would add language to Schedule 41 to facilitate charges for unbilled energy usage on street lighting facilities, making Schedule 39 unnecessary. The Company requests an effective date of November 1 2009. The Company s filing provides dual rationale for terminating Schedule 39 prior to the May 31 2011 date. First, after meetings with its customers, the Company deemed the timetable for conversion of facilities to metered service was not reasonable given customer technical operational, and budgetary challenges. Secondly, the language of the tariff only relates to customer-owned facilities. At the time of the original filing, it was believed that Company- owned street lighting facilities falling under Schedule 41 did not have the capability to provide DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 -OCTOBER 16, 2009 variable energy. That assumption has since proven to be false. Prior to June 1 , 2004 , there were a small number of Company-owned street lighting facilities that were constructed in such a fashion as to provide for variable usage. The Company proposes to add language to Schedule 41 to charge for unbilled energy usage on such units. The Company further proposes language to prevent the modification of Company-owned systems installed after June 1 , 2004 in such a way as to allow variable energy usage. The variable energy rate is proffered to be equal to the energy rate for Schedule 40, Unmetered General Service. Furthermore, the Company proposes modifying language in Schedule 41 relating to Service Area and Location. Prior to automation of the Company s billing system, changes to facilities were documented under "Exhibit A" for each customer. These changes are now kept electronically and provided to customers. The Company s proposed language modification would reflect this advancement. Staff has reviewed the Company s filing and believes it is appropriate to terminate Schedule 39 prior to the May 31 , 2011 deadline. Staff agrees that the cost to convert affected facilities to metered services is unwarranted. As was the case for Schedule 40 customers, the monetary impact of a variable energy charge is de minimis from both a Company and customer standpoint in relation to conversion costs, and relates only to a subset of customers receiving service under this tariff (as of 2008, there are an average of 140 customers served under Schedule 41). Staff finds that the calculation of variable energy usage used for Schedule 40 customers is appropriate for Schedule 41 customers, i., the yearly variable usage is calculated then divided by 12 and charged on a monthly basis. It is Staff s understanding that the Company is currently working with its customers in conducting variable energy audits for determining unbilled usage. Staff also finds that the additional proposed language to include Company-owned street lighting facilities is necessary for strict adherence to the tariff. The Company has taken sufficient steps toward minimizing the number of units that fall into this category, as units with variable usage capability installed after June 1 , 2004 are metered and billed under the appropriate tariff. Staff also finds that the deletions of references to "Exhibit A" are justified and have no adverse effects on customers, who still receive the information electronically. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2 -OCTOBER 16, 2009 ST AFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission accept the proposals of the Company in reference to Schedules 39 and 41. Specifically, Staff recommends that the Commission approve the revisions to Schedule 41 as it pertains to seasonal or variable energy usage for both Company- owned and customer-owned street lighting systems and the removal of language referring to Exhibit A. Should the Commission accept Staff s recommendation regarding Schedule 41 , Staff recommends that Schedule 39 be terminated as it would be rendered moot. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to accept the Company s revision to Schedule 41 as it relates to seasonal or variable energy usage, and does it wish to terminate Schedule 39, with an effective date of November 1 , 20097 i:udmemos/Schedule 41.doc DECISION MEMORANDUM - 3 -OCTOBER 16, 2009