HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171005_sean.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM 1 DECISION MEMORANDUM TO: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL FROM: SEAN COSTELLO DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE: SEPTEMBER 29, 2017 SUBJECT: PETITION OF RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION FOR LATE INTERVENTION IN IDAHO POWER COMPANY’S 2017 INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLAN, CASE NO. IPC-E-17-11. On June 30, 2017, Idaho Power Company (Idaho Power or Company) filed its 2017 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). An IRP is a status report on a utility’s ongoing, changing plans to adequately and reliably serve its customers at the lowest system cost and least risk over the next 20 years. The report informs the Commission and the public about the utility’s plans, and is similar to an accounting balance sheet; i.e., it is a “freeze frame” look at the utility’s fluid, resource planning process. See Order No. 22299. The Commission requires the utility to update the IRP every two years, allow the public to participate and comment during the IRP process, and implement the IRP. See id. and Order No. 25260. The Commission issued an Order providing notice of the filing and setting a deadline for interventions of August 21, 2017. See Order No. 33827. The Commission granted timely- filed motions to intervene from the Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc., Idahydro, Industrial Customers of Idaho Power, Micron Technology, Inc., Sierra Club, and Stop B2H. See Order Nos. 33845, 33852, 33828, 33878, and 33864. On September 18, 2017, Renewable Energy Coalition (REC) filed a petition for late intervention in Case No. IPC-E-17-11 (Petition). The Commission received no objections to the petition for late intervention by the September 25, 2017, deadline per Rule 75. REC’s Petition is now before the Commission. DECISION MEMORANDUM 2 LATE PETITIONS TO INTERVENE Commission Rules provide that a petitioner seeking intervention must state its “direct and substantial interest . . . in the proceeding.” IDAPA Petitions to intervene that are not timely filed “must state a substantial reason for delay.” IDAPA “The Commission may deny or conditionally grant petitions to intervene that are not timely filed for failure to state good cause for untimely filing, to prevent disruption, prejudice to existing parties or undue broadening of the issues, or for other reasons.” Id. Also, “Intervenors who do not file timely petitions are bound by orders and notices earlier entered as a condition of granting the untimely petition.” Id. REC’S PETITION FOR INTERVENTION REC states that it is an organization whose membership consists mainly of small hydro PURPA qualifying facility (QF) power producers that have power purchase agreements (PPAs) with Idaho utilities, or who may seek PPAs with Idaho utilities. Petition at 2. As a result, REC states that it has a direct and substantial interest in the IRP case because of the potential impact Idaho Power’s proposal may have on avoided cost rates that would be available to PURPA QFs. Id. at 3. REC states that its late petition is also the result of “changed circumstances.” Id. REC is participating as a party to Case No. GNR-E-17-02, however, it notes that Idaho Power has moved to withdraw its pleading in that case and REC assumes that that docket will be closed. Id. In that case Idaho Power proposed to alter the gas-price forecast used for calculation of standard avoided cost rates. Id. Relatedly, because of the “occasional reliance on the IRP for inputs to avoided cost rates” REC now asserts it has a substantial interest in this case, and should be granted late intervention, to protect the same interests it had originally intended to protect in GNR-E-17-02. Id. For these reasons, and because a schedule had not been set in this case at the time of REC’s petition1, REC asserts it has good cause for late intervention because of the material impact it may have on prices REC members receive from Idaho Power and “without the opportunity to intervene herein, REC would be without a manner or means of participating in the 1 The Notice of Modified Procedure and Comment Deadline was issued on September 26, 2017. See Order No. 33889. DECISION MEMORANDUM 3 lawful determination of issues which may affect the avoided costs rates or contract terms and conditions regarding PPAs for REC members.” Id. at 4. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to find that REC has shown good cause for its late petition, identified direct and substantial interest in this case, and that its intervention will not unduly broaden the issues, and thus grant the late petition to intervene? I:\Legal\LMEMOS\IPCE1711_sc3_late intervention.doc