HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170814_Daphne2.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM 1 DECISION MEMORANDUM TO: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF FROM: DAPHNE HUANG DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE: AUGUST 8, 2017 SUBJECT: AVISTA’S APPLICATION TO INCREASE ITS ENERGY EFFICIENCY RIDER ADJUSTMENT SCHEDULE 91, CASE NO. AVU-E-17-06 On August 2, 2017, Avista Corporation applied to the Commission to increase its “Energy Efficiency Rider” in tariff Schedule 91 (tariff rider), which would increase electric customers’ rates by 1.6%. The funds collected by the tariff rider “are used to maintain and operate programs to encourage customers to use electricity and natural gas efficiently.” Order No. 32278 at 1. The tariff rider is designed to recover Company costs associated with providing electric efficiency services to customers, Order No. 30918 at 1, and to “match future revenue with budgeted [energy efficiency] expenditures,” Application at 1. The Company states that the purpose of this filing is to “establish tariff riders that are sufficient to fund the following twelve months of [Demand Side Management (DSM) programs] as well as amortize any tariff rider imbalance, thus minimizing the amount of future under- or over-collections.” Id. Avista asks that its Application be processed by Modified Procedure, and requests an effective date of October 1, 2017. THE APPLICATION A. The Rider Programs The (Schedule 91) tariff rider funds DSM programs described in Avista’s Schedule 90, and is applied only to electric efficiency service (as opposed to natural gas programs which are funded through Schedule 191). Id. at 3; see Order No. 32650 at 1. Schedule 90 includes about 30 programs that provide rebates for residential and non-residential energy efficiency measures, such as appliance, HVAC, lighting, maintenance, weatherization and sustainable DECISION MEMORANDUM 2 building measures; and conversion from electric to natural gas space and water heating. Application at 3-4. The Company also helps fund programs through the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA), which promotes market transformation for energy efficiency through a regional approach. Id. at 4. In addition, the Company provided about $750,000 for low-income weatherization in 2016 through a program administered by the Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho. Id. In determining the cost-effectiveness of its DSM programs, the Company applies tests including the Total Resource Cost (TRC) test and the Utility Cost Test (UCT). Id. at 5. The TRC measures the net costs of a program based on the total costs of the program, including the participants’ and utility’s costs. Id., n. 1. The UCT measures the net costs of a program based on the costs incurred by the program administrator (including incentive costs) and excluding any net costs incurred by the participant. Id. B. The Proposed Increase The Company reports that, as of June 30, 2017, the tariff rider account was underfunded by about $9.7 million. Id. at 2. According to the Company, this underfunded amount was primarily due to the Company’s “nonresidential T-LED market transformation” lighting incentive program exceeding budget by $9 million. Id. The Company reports that its “forecasted expenditures aligned closely with the actual tariff rider revenues throughout 2016,” but that “actual expenditures began trending upwards in April,” with a significant steady increase from September through the end of the year. Id. at 2-3. However, the Company reports that “actual energy savings matched the upward trend in expenditures and the Company exceeded its annual energy savings goal by 32,630,677 kWhs.” Id. at 3. The Company proposes “to increase rates collected in Schedule 91 (the tariff rider) to bring the forecasted tariff balance close to $0 by September 30, 2020, [and] provide an appropriate level of funding for ongoing DSM operations.” Id. The Company estimates its proposal would result in “an annual [revenue] increase of approximately $3.9 million,” and would result in a $1.37 (or 1.6%) increase to the average monthly bill of residential electric customers using 910 kWh. Id. at 5. The following table shows the proposed increase to the tariff rider for various customer classes: DECISION MEMORANDUM 3 SCHEDULE EXISTING RATE PROPOSED RATE – – – – – – Attachment B to Application. With its Application, Avista submitted a proposed customer notice, to be posted on its website and included as a bill insert, and copies of the current and proposed Schedule 91 tariff sheets. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff agrees with the Company’s recommendation to process the case by Modified Procedure. Avista has informed Staff it does not intend to file a reply in this case. Staff proposes a comment deadline of September 14, 2017. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to process this case under Modified Procedure with a comment deadline of September 14, 2017? M:AVU-E-17-06_djh