HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160919_5071.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM 1 DECISION MEMORANDUM TO: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSIONER ANDERSON COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF FROM: BRANDON KARPEN DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE: SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 SUBJECT: QUESTAR GAS AND DOMINION RESOURCES MERGER AGREEMENT, CASE NO. QST-G-16-01 Following extensive negotiations relating to the above captioned merger, Staff signed onto a Settlement Stipulation that concluded the regulatory approval process before the Utah Public Service Commission (PSC). Th e PSC’s adoption of the Stipulation grants regulatory approval of the merger in Utah and a portion of Franklin County, Idaho. While the merger Application is not before the Idaho Commission, Staff represented Idaho interests during negotiations. Staff now requests that the Commission issue notice of the Settlement Stipulation and allow Idaho customers affected by it an opportunity to comment. At the conclusion of the comment period, if Commission deems it appropriate, Staff recommends adoption of the Stipulation and that this matter be closed. BACKGROUND Questar’s operations are almost entirely in Wyoming and Utah. Franklin County, Idaho is the only area outside those states served by Questar. Franklin County is located on the Idaho-Utah border. Its small population and unique geography make the number of customers served by Questar low with service coming out of Utah. Accordingly, in August 1990, the Commission approved “a regulatory service contract” with the Utah PSC pursuant to Idaho Code § 61-505, allowing the Utah PSC regulatory authority over Questar operations in Idaho. Order No. 23282. On March 3, 2016, Questar filed a copy of its “Notice of Agreement and Plan of Merger” between itself and Dominion Resources, Inc. that was filed in front of the Utah PSC. Therein, the parties gave notice that Dominion Resources would acquire Questar Corporation. DECISION MEMORANDUM 2 Dominion stated that it “will continue its tradition of providing safe and reliable service at reasonable costs to its customers in Utah, Idaho and Wyoming.” According to the Companies, regulation of Questar Gas will not be affected by the merger. Transmittal Letter at 1-2. In April 2016, in anticipation of the underlying merger, the Commission updated its contract with the Utah PSC. The updated contract removed references to Questar’s predecessor, Mountain Fuel Supply Company, included reference to the Commission’s winter moratorium Rule 306, and provided a mechanism for automatic renewal or the service contract. IDAPA Additionally, Idaho customers served by Questar were notified of the proposed merger on multiple occasions through press releases and direct communications—in February, March, and May 2016. Both Companies also posted the information on their web sites. Under the agreement between the Commission and the Utah PSC, customers in Idaho were able to participate in the case before the PSC. After filing the Application, Questar and Dominion convened settlement negotiations with the Utah Division of Public Utilities, the Utah Office of Consumer Services, the Utah Governor’s Office of Energy Development, and other interested parties. Commission Staff participated in these negotiations and represented Idaho interests. The parties spent considerable time over several months discussing the merger and its effect on ratepayers. On August 15, 2016, the parties concluded negotiations and signed onto a Settlement Stipulation. SETTLEMENT STIPULATION Attached for your review is the Settlement Stipulation now before the Commission. The terms of the Stipulation include provisions relating to company management, employment matters, regulatory and financial terms, customer rates, allocation of transaction-related costs, customer standards, and ring fencing provisions. Idaho Commission Staff is a signatory to the Settlement Stipulation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission issue notice of the Settlement Stipulation, implement a ten-day customer comment period, and after that time, if appropriate, issue an Order adopting the Settlement Stipulation and close this docket. DECISION MEMORANDUM 3 COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to: 1. Issue notice of the Settlement Stipulation; 2. Implement a ten-day public comment period; and 3. At the appropriate time, adopt the Settlement Stipulation entered into by Staff? M:QST-G-16-01_bk