HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151026_4819.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM 1 DECISION MEMORANDUM TO: COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF FROM: KATHY STOCKTON, AUDITOR DON HOWELL, DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE: OCTOBER 21, 2015 SUBJECT: IDAHO POWER’S REQUEST TO SELL A PARCEL OF LAND TO ACHD On October 1, 2015, Idaho Power Company notified the Commission via letter that it intends to convey a 19,000 square-foot parcel of bare land and adjacent easements to the Ada County Highway District (ACHD) near the corner of Franklin Road and Five Mile Road as part of an ACHD road widening project in Boise. The property is part of a large parcel of land owned by Idaho Power that includes a warehouse building and its Boise operations center. The letter sought a confirmation from the Commission that Idaho Code § 61-328 would not apply to this land transfer. Section 61-328 requires that electric utilities obtain the Commission’s approval for the sale or transfer of property in Idaho “which is used in the generation, transmission, distribution or supply of electric power and energy to the public.” The Company asserts that the transaction will not interfere with the delivery of electric service to customers. The Company requests that the Commission confirm that this transfer of real property does not require the Commission’s formal approval per Section 61-328. The letter included copies of the survey drawings showing the location of the property proposed for transfer. The letter also included a compensation summary prepared by an independent appraiser detailing the payments to Idaho Power from ACHD for the land transfer. The compensation includes: DECISION MEMORANDUM 2 Idaho Power agreed that the proposed compensation is fair and reasonable. Letter at 1. STAFF ANALYSIS Staff has reviewed the proposed transaction and believes that the conveyance of this particle of real property to ACHD will not disrupt the delivery of electric service to Idaho Power’s customers. Because the real property in question is currently in rate base, Staff believes that it is appropriate for the Commission to formally review this matter. The property to be transferred is adjacent to the Company’s operations center which is directly involved in the supply of power to the public. However, it is Staff’s view that transferring the subject property will not affect service or cause rates to increase. Staff believes the total amount of compensation is reasonable for the utility’s property. Staff reviewed the information contained with the letter – the drawing and compensation study – as well as visiting the property. In addition, Staff reviewed the appraisal and the book value of the property. Staff also notes that the transfer avoids having ACHD seek condemnation, forcing Idaho Power to incur more costs. In past cases involving the sale of buildings and real property, Staff has determined that such transactions would not be subject to Idaho Code § 61-328. However, because the subject property is currently in rate base, Staff believes it is appropriate for the Commission to formally review this matter at a decision meeting. Section 61-328 provides that “any property located in this state which is used in the generation, transmission, distribution or supply of electric power [may not be transferred] directly or indirectly, in any manner whatsoever, . . . except when authorized to do so by order of the public utilities commission.” STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the transfer. Idaho Power should be required to file final accounting entries with the Commission when the transaction is completed and the new improvements are installed. Staff recommends that the Commission find this transaction: (1) is consistent with the public interest; (2) will not cause rates to increase by reason of the transaction; and (3) is not subject to Idaho Code § 62-328. Finally, Staff recommends that it instruct Staff counsel to advise the utility in a letter that the proposed transaction does not require a Commission hearing under Idaho Code § 61-328. COMMISSION DECISION 1. Does the Commission agree that the transfer of this property is in the public interest and will not cause rates to increase? 2. Does the Commission instruct Staff counsel to send a letter to the Company confirming that Idaho Code§ 61-328 does not require a hearing in the subject transaction? 3. Does the Commission also want to include in any letter that the Company is required to file final accounting entries with the Commission when the transaction and construction has been completed? Don Howell Deputy Attorney General bls/M:ldaho Power Property_2015_db DECISION MEMORANDUM 3 PATRICK A. HARRINGTON Corporate Secretary pharrington@ldahopower.com September 28, 2015 Donald L. Howell Z015 ®T .1 1 ·AH 8: 25 Lead Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 Re: Idaho Power Company Land Conveyance Dear Mr. Howell: H •DAHD -.,.POWER. An IDACORP company Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company") plans to sell certain lands and easements to the Ada County Highway District ("ACHD") for ACHD's Franklin Road-Five Mile Road intersection improvement project ("Project'1 in Boise. ACHD and Idaho Power previously entered into a Right-of-Entry Agreement ("ROE Agreement") for the Project, which recognizes ACHD's right of condemnation and authorizes ACHD to enter the Company's property for construction of the Project. ACHD has substantially completed the Project, and Idaho Power and ACHD have identified the lands and easements to be conveyed by Idaho Power to ACHD for the Project, along with the proposed compensation levels for the lands and easements, and for the related "Improvements" and "Cost to Cure Items" associated with the Project, as discussed below. The Idaho Power property sale to ACHD would include the conveyance of fee lands (18,994 square feet), a permanent slope easement (9,778 square feet), a wall maintenance easement (1,987 square feet), and a temporary construction easement (7,710 square feet), all as depicted on the drawing attached hereto as Exhibit A (collectively, the "Property''). The Property is located at the northwest comer of the Franklin Road-Five Mile Road intersection, and is part of Idaho Power's larger 53.43- acre parcel which includes the Company's Boise Operations Center building and Mechanical & Engineering building and related facilities (the "BOC Property"), also as depicted on Exhibit A Attached as Exhibit B is a copy of the ACHD Compensation Summary, which provides for $230,366.49 in total compensation to Idaho Power for the Project. The fee land and easement valuations are based on an appraised value of $3.25 per square foot for the Property, pursuant to an independent appraisal conducted for ACHD by Hugh T. Pomtier, Certified Appraiser CGA-420, working for Robert C. Williams, MAI, Real Estate Appraising & Consulting. Idaho Power has reviewed the appraisal and has determined that it provides a fair valuation for each of the Fee Acquisition ($46,033.00 + $7,848.75), Permanent Slope Easement ($23,833.88), Wall Maintenance Easement ($4,843.31), and Temporary Construction Easement ($2,505.75). P.O. Box 70 (83707) 1221 W. Idaho St. Boise, ID 83702 Idaho Public Utilities Commission September 28, 2015 Page2 The Compensation Summary also provides for additional compensation to Idaho Power for "Improvements" and "Cost to Cure Items" in connection with the Project. The "Improvements" include landscaping additions on the Property and the BOC Property, and the "Cost to Cure Items" include fencing and materials relocation, to accommodate the new boundary between the BOC Property and the expanded road right-of-way. Idaho Power has worked closely with ACHD regarding the "Improvements" and "Cost to Cure Items", including the installation of a retaining wall along the east side of the BOC Property adjacent to Five Mile Road, to limit the encroachment of the slope easement on the BOC Property. Idaho Power believes that all appropriate steps have been taken to minimize the impact of the Project on the BOC Property, and that the valuations included for the "Improvements" and "Cost to Cure Items" on the Compensation Summary are fair and reasonable. Idaho Code § 61-328 requires that electric public utilities in Idaho obtain Idaho Public Utilities Commission approval for the sale or transfer of property in Idaho "which is used in the generation, transmission, distribution or supply of electric power and energy to the public." Idaho Power does not believe that§ 61-328 is applicable to the Company's proposed conveyance of the Property to ACHD. Idaho Power has coordinated with ACHD to assure that the Project does not materially interfere with Idaho Power's operations at the BOC Property, and the sale of the Property will not impact Idaho Power's utility operations. Finally, it is important to note that ACHD has the right of eminent domain and could condemn the Property for the Project if needed. Such an action would likely result in significant legal costs to Idaho Power and could also result in lower compensation paid by ACHD than currently offered under the Compensation Summary. If you agree with Idaho Power's assessment that the proposed conveyance of the Property to ACHD as described above would not require Commission approval under § 61-328, please provide confirmation to my attention at the address above. Idaho Power will file final accounting entries with the Commission for the conveyance of the Property to ACHD when the transaction is completed. Sincerely, " Patrick A. Harrington Enclosures cc: Terri Carlock, IPUC b. • Storage • M& E SHOPS 10792 W FRANKLIN ROAD 1 0 0 • Guard-....... Haut1t1 " Main Enlranca lf) 0 + * "' + Cl. --g-~-0> --ai-or DE8CRIPllDll 1 •• • Storage M ::s :II s-Lift Stallarl '"LO!imG • """"'~ IDAHO POWER CO BOISE OPERATIONS CENTER 10790 W FRANKLIN ROAD EXHIBIT "A" ·-·'-·~ ..... ~ 11 -··I lJ - O> DB. I DR. WllUE Sac:t DaClllEllll 1.1 B;IF Wllllla. B~f HF 5 i12 PROPERTY ACQUIRED: 1. PMCl!IJI A Alm I caMPRllll! lll.911ACRl!ll, CONllE'IED BY SPECIAL WARiWITY mm, INllT. lllll. 11flMl1 .. RECORDED 111114121111, G11A111011: UNI! IRllRI AllllOCIATEI, LP 8&I! PABI! 1 FOR Dl!TAIUI ON "A"T AND~ PARCEL 2. PARCEL 'O' caMPRl8Ell D.DACREll, CONVEYED BY WARRAN1Y DEED, INIT. ND.-. Rl!CORDl!D D71111/t ... GIWITORll: W. ROIERTllCllllDIEV AND FRANCllll MCBIRIEY, HUllllAND AND Wll'I!. AIEWIWAM ROBl!RT llC8IRNEY JR.. 8EEALllO, THI! FaLLaNNG WARIWITY DlllD8: 111CM1111, 111117111, 1117111AllD 11 ....... TDTAL D&l!D ACQUIRl!DACRE(ll)o !!Ml PROPERIY DISPOSED: 1. D1!!D .. Mvma Of ADA mlllflY 111811WAYDIS1llCl', llGllTCF WAY 18,!l!MIQ.Fr. IBT • ..,. • ...,.,. TOTAL PlilDPERTT llllPCllW.ACAE(B)a Ml!!. MEW CUllmlT ACRl!ll l!l'Fl!C11VE tll/_.12111 .. a .. ACHD FIVE MILE ROAD WIDENING PROJECT PROPOSED ROW EXACTION AND EASEMENTS - - - -1l!llPORM¥ CONllTRIJOTION EAllEllEllT AREA 7,710 IQ. FT. -. -•• -PRCPER'IYLIE - - - - - ---Et. ElllllTDl6 II.OPE EAlilD&IT ..... IQ. FT. lllT. lllD.1271'11111112/t-(l'N8 AREA IS INCLUDED II THI! PRDP08llD ROW l!XACTIOll (IEE 1iE1DWJ. Ni-... C 1 S C J &10. PROP011ED lit.OPE EASEMENT 1.m IQ. FT. ••••••• Et1. PRDPOliED WALL MAINTENANCE liAllElllENT 1,11118Q. FT. I DI . ....a8EDRIGHTOFWAY 18,IMSQ. l'T. ACHD PROJECT TOTAL •ACT TO IDAHO POWER PROPERTY: ACHD ROW EIACTIClll i1.-IQ. FT. M:ltD tll!WPl!RIWmn' 11.DPE l!AlllMEllf. I.Ml 8Q. FT. M:ltD MEW tETo\1111111 M.LllADITEllMCE MllElllDIT-1,1111 IQ. PT. t 0 11111' 21111' ----l'llllPl!Rl'Y ....... IW' -C1111U11189-­M:llDMEaaDD-Pml!llT ~mlll'V,IWID llEC.10, T.111, R. tE, aM. a •. .. __ ., .. EXHIBIT "B" Project Name: Five Mlle-Franklin to Fairview Project No: 702041 Name: Idaho Power Company R/W Parcel No: 1 T3N, R1E, Sec 10 APN: 81110449504 COMPENSATION SUMMARY Fee Acquisition: 14,164 sf@$3.25 per sf Fee Acquisition: 4,830 sf @ $3.25 per sf x 50% Permanent Slope Easement: 9,778 sf@ $3.25 per sf x 75% Wall Maintenance Easement: 1.987 s.f. @ $3.25 per sf x 75% Temporarv Construction Easement: Improvements: Cost to Cure Items: 71710 sf@ $3.25 per sf x 10% Earth Work: 399 cy @ $35 per cy Evergreen Trees: 3 @ $1 1500 each Plants (Carpet Rose, Fountain Grass) Turf Grass: 8,000 sf @ $1.65 per sf Railroad Ties: 140 @ $8.00 per railroad tie Landscaping Curb: 350 If @ $2.50 per If Asphalt Paving: 2,600 sf @ $3.00 per sf Gravel Mulch & Weed Barrier Grass Seeding Irrigation System Fencing (Relocation and Temporary): 650 If Fencing (Permanent): 650 If Electric Sign at Entry Sign Electrical Installation Work Relocate 2 Solar Lights: 2 @ $100 each Relocate Material and Inventory (Based on Owners Bid) Labor and Vehicle Costs Fencing Adjustments at Retaining Wall (Relocation) Temporary Irrigation Main Line Irrigation Repair $46,033.00 $ 7,848.75 $23,833.88 $ 4,843.31 $ 2,505.75 $ 13,965.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 8,500.00 $ 13,200.00 $ 1, 120.00 $ 875.00 $ 7,800.00 $ 10,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 10,390.00 $ 17,000.00 $ 25,850.00 $ 5,066.80 $ 2,250.00 $ 200.00 $ 8,600.00 $ 5,250.00 $ 3,380.00 $ 2,285.00 $ 2,070.00 Total Compensation .................................................................................... $230.366.49