HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150928_4781.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER RAPER COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:MARK ROGERS DATE:SEPTEMBER 24,2015 SUBJECT:IDAHO POWER’S TARIFF ADVICE NO.15-10 MODIFICATION TO SCHEDULE 5-RESIDENTIAL SERVICE TIME-OF-DAY PILOT PLAN On August 21,2015,Idaho Power Company filed a Tariff Advice with the Commission seeking authority to modify its Electric Service Schedule 5,Residential Service Time-of-Day Pilot Plan.In this Tariff Advice,Idaho Power proposes that when a customer requests service be transferred from Schedule Ito Schedule 5,the transfer be made the day after the next billing cycle.Currently,Schedule 5 specifies that the transfer will occur within 7 days of the request. Idaho Power requests that the Tariff Advice be processed under Modified Procedure and that the proposed change be effective October 1,2015. BACKGROUND Idaho Power’s Schedule 5 Residential Service Time-of-Day Pilot is an optional schedule available to certain customers.The schedule provides residential customers with the option to take electric service with seasonal time-of-day energy rates.According to Idaho Power,the steps currently used to transfer a customer from Schedule 1 to Schedule 5 result in the customer not being able to view their historical usage information on their myAccount website. Idaho Power states that a new process has been identified in the customer relationship and billing system that will allow historic usage information to continue to be available on the website when a customer transfers service.However,under the new process the transfer from one rate schedule to another can only occur at the time of the cycle billing.Therefore,Idaho Power proposes that in the future all new changes between residential schedules be made the day after the end of the billing cycle following the request. DECISION MEMORANDUM 1 SEPTEMBER 24,2015 STAFF ANALYSIS Staff has assessed the benefits and issues associated with the transfer of a customer from Schedule I to Schedule 5.The main disadvantage to the customer is that it may take longer than the currently required 7 days to be placed on Schedule 5.Specifically,if a customer requests a transfer I to 2 days after the billing cycle,they would need to wait nearly the whole billing cycle before being placed on the new Schedule.Conversely,to the customers benefit,if a request is made within a few days of the end of their billing cycle,they could be placed on the new schedule in less than the currently required seven days. Staff discovered that Idaho Power’s IT department will not be implementing the new process that enables the historical usage to be seen until the spring of 2016.Staff confirmed that customers who switch to Schedule S will not be able to see historical usage for the past 12 months until this IT process is implemented in the spring. Staff believes the changes to Schedule S can be made effective October 1 despite the fact that customers will not see their historical usage until spring.Since customers are currently unable to see their historical usage on Schedule 5,the only effects of the change is the length of time required to be placed on the Schedule;as previously described.However,given that the main goal of the modification to ScheduleS is to enable customers to see their historical usage, Stall believes that the IT changes should be implemented as soon as possible. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff believes that the modification to Schedule 5 Residential Service Time-of-Day Pilot Plan is fair and reasonable,and recommends approval with an October 1,2015 effective date. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to approve Idaho Power’s proposed changes to its Schedule 5 —Residential Service Time-of-Day Pilot Plan to be effective October 1,2015? M42 Udmemos/Idaho Power Tariff Advice 15-10 dec memo DECISION MEMORANDUM 2 SEPTEMBER24,2015