HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150323_4614.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER REDFORD COMMISSIONER R4PER COMMISSLON SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:KEVIN KEYT DATE:MARCH 19,2015 SUBJECT:INTERMOUNTAIN GAS TARIFF ADVICE NO.15-01-REVISIONS TO ITS RATE SCHEDULES AND GENERAL SERVICE PROVISIONS THE APPLICATION On February 27,2015,Intermountain Gas submitted Tariff Advice No.15-01 with a proposed effective date of April 13,2015.On March 13,2015,Intermountain Gas submitted Revised Tariff Advice No.15-01 with a proposed effective date of April 1,2015.Staff has been working with the Company for several months to revise tariffs to clarify and more accurately reflect current business practices.The Company simplified the title of three rate schedules, added schedule numbering,clarified the applicability and availability of rates,and updated its Franchise Fee Schedules to reflect current cities and ordinance numbers. The Company’s most notable changes include updating the Purchased Gas Adjustment (PGA)Schedule to reflect current Intermountain Gas account numbers and revision dates.The Company also modified the location of its Exit Fee Provision.The Exit Fee Provision applies to Large Volume Firm Sales (LV-1)customers who move from Interruptible Distribution Transportation Service (T-3)or Firm Distribution Only Transportation Service (T-4).Moving the Exit Fee Provisions to the LV-l tariff better illustrates the costs to customers considering switching to LV-1 service.The T-4 Schedule was also revised to more accurately specify how a customers’historical maximum usage is determined.Instead of having a fixed date specified in the tariff,the Company proposes using the previous three year contract period as a baseline for applying the T-4 Block 2 price.In addition,the Company moved existing billing adjustment provisions in Schedules GS-1.LV-1.and T-5 to a more clearly defined Billing Adjustments section in each schedule. DECISION MEMORANDUM 1 MARCH 19,2015 The Company’s modifications include changes to its General Service Provisions to include Christmas Eve Day as a Company holiday.This does not impact customers because the Commission’s Utility Customer Relations Rules state service shall not be terminated on any day immediately preceding a legal holiday or at any time when the utility is not open for business. Finally,the Company removed two discontinued schedules:Residential Furnace and Water Heating Financing and Price Adders and Expiration Dates. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff has reviewed the proposed changes and believes they provide additional clarity for customers and more accurately reflect current business practices.Staff believes the proposed changes do not result in a financial impact to customers.Accordingly,Staff recommends the Commission approve the proposed changes. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission approve the changes set forth in this Tariff Advice? içe4in Keyt :udmemosflntcrmouncain Gas fariflAdvice No,15-01 dcc memo DECISION MEMORANDUM 2 MARCH 19,2015