HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090504_2553.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KEMPTON COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER REDFORD COMMISSION SECRETARY LEG AL WORKING FILE FROM:BRYAN LANSPERY DATE:APRIL 30, 2009 RE:IDAHO POWER COMPANY TARIFF ADVICE NO. 09-02; MODIFICATION TO SCHEDULE 40. On April 10, 2009, Idaho Power Company ("IPC" , " Company ) filed modifications to Schedule 40, Unmetered General Service. This schedule is primarily applicable to public entities, such as local governments and agencies, with unmetered units that have predictable load and usage. Such units include, but are not limited to, street and highway lighting, traffic counters and weather stations. It has come to the Company s attention that at several sites, customers have installed power strips in order to provide intermittent power for maintenance and repair equipment. Intermittent power is not captured in the nameplate rating ofthe unit, which is used to calculate the kWh to be billed. The Company contends that under the current standards, each site with a power strip would need to be metered and, presumably, moved to a different schedule. Currently, Idaho Department of Transportation ("ITD") is the only customer IPC has identified as having power strips or intermittent usage variation at units falling under Schedule 40. According to the Company, ITD has between 70 and 75 sites with power strips. The Company contends that it has worked with ITD over the course of a year to negotiate an acceptable solution to this issue. After installing sample meters at locations to ascertain the level of variable power usage, the Company determined that the variable usage was de minimis (less than one kWh during the billing period), and did not warrant the cost of installing metering equipment. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 -APRIL 30, 2009 To resolve the issue, IPC proposes two alterations to Schedule 40. First, the Company proposes to add language that would allow municipalities or agencies of federal, state or county governments to install equipment with potential intermittent variation in energy usage. For those not identified, customers are to notify the Company if power strips or similar equipment are installed. Staff agrees that the proposed language is necessary to maintain such units under Schedule 40. Furthermore, Staff believes that it is in the best interest of all affected parties to maintain such units on Schedule 40 rather than install costly metering equipment. The Company also proposes adding a $1.00 Intermittent Usage Charge applicable to each unit with potential for occasional nominal energy usage as defined above. This charge represents, as the Company contends, a negotiated and reasonable amount for minimal energy usage and the opportunity for Schedule 40 customers to install such equipment in lieu of metering each unit. While Staff believes the language change is necessary, it does not agree that a charge is required to maintain adherence to the tariff. Staff does note that there is value in the opportunity to receive intermittent power under this schedule, and the $1.00 monthly charge is a reasonable, if arbitrary, amount for customers to pay. Given the number of units identified, the revenue impact is between $70 and $75 per month. Staff has verified the negotiations process with ITD, and finds no reason to override the agreement between the parties. IPC has requested that, if approved, the modifications to Schedule 40 become effective June 1 , 2009. To avoid proration of the intermittent charge, the Company requests that the full charge be included as of the June billing cycle. Staff believes this to be reasonable, and recommends the Commission approve the Company request. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission accept the revisions to Schedule 40 as proposed by the Company. Staff believes it is in the best interest to maintain the units in question under this tariff, and that the proposed monthly intermittent charge represents an acceptable solution to providing the opportunity for nominal sporadic energy usage by its customers. If approved, Staff recommends the June 1 , 2009 effective date, with the full charge included in the June billing cycle. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2 -APRIL 30, 2009 COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to accept Idaho Power Company s proposed modifications to Schedule 40, Unmetered General Service? i:udmemos/Schedule40 DECISION MEMORANDUM - 3 -APRIL 30, 2009