HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110110_3204.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KEMPTON,, CO MMISSI 0 NER SMITH CO MMISSI 0 NER RED FORD COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE I, , FROM:LYNN ANDERSON DATE:JANUARY 7, 2011 RE:ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER TARIFF ADVICE NO. 10- On December 12 2010, Rocky Mountain Power (Rocky Mountain or Company) filed several revisions to its Schedule 115 FinAnswer Express energy efficiency program. The Application requested Modified Procedure with an effective da~e of January 15 2011. The stated purposes of the proposed changes are to align FinAnswer Express program incentives with new federal and industry standards, to add the new Integrated Energy Efficiency Ratio (IEER) to its part-load cooling incentive , ., . qualifications, and to modify program administration. One of the primary drivers of the proposed changes is the federal Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, which is requiring gradual phase-out of inefficient lighting, motors and other equipment. Other new campaigns, standards~J;1d recommendations referenced by the Company as causing program changes are those initiated by the Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE), the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), the Green Motors Group , the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), the Air Conditioning Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI), the International Standards Organization (ISO), and Energy StarCID. Proposed administrative changes include program clarifications and corrections of typographical errors. A more noteworthy administrative change is the proposed additional language of " ... subject to funding availability" on Sheet 115.1. The Company states "This language will enable Rocky Mountain Power to deliver the program in combination with funding caps should they be necessary to operate the Company s Idaho DSM portfolio in alignment with the level of Schedule 191 (Customer Efficiency Services) revenue. DEC1SION MEMORANDUM JANUARY 7 , 2011 , , The Company says the proposed tariff changes are not expected to significantly affect the total resource cost test (TRC) of cost-effectiveness of the Energy FinAnswer program. While the Company s previous DSM annual reports have indicated that this program has been cost-effective, a formal, 3rd party evaluation is currently being conducted for program years 2006 through 2008 and that evaluation will be provided to the Commission as part of the Company s 2010 DSM Report. STAFF ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATION The proposed tariff changes are generally indicative of active management of energy efficiency (or demand side management, DS~) programs in response to changing conditions. While the Company states that the changes are not expected to s,ignificantly alter TRC cost-effectiveness, Staff believes that the alternative of not changing the program to align with changing conditions would significantly reduce cost-effectiveness from the utility cost test (UCT) perspective. The proposed restrictive tariff language of "subject to funding availability" is somewhat troubling because it is at least theoretically at odds with the Commission s mandate for electricity utilities to acquire all cost-effective energy efficiency. Instead of placing limits on such resources utilities should pursue all cost-effective DSM resources and request appropriate recovery through the Commission. But, given the Company s past experiences with the Commission not allowing immediate, full funding of its DSM programs, Staff understands why the Company is proposing the subject to funding" limitation. Nevertheless, Staff does not foresee a need for the Company to limit funding of this program in the near future. Staff recommends approval of the proposed tariff modifications, but without the modified procedure process requested by the Company. Staff reminds Rocky Mountain Power that its recommendation for approval should not in any way be interpreted as a pre-determination of prudency for a future prudency review case. COMMISSION DECISIONS Does the Commission approve the tariff changes? ' Does the Commission want to address the proposed "subject to funding" tariff language addition? i:udmemo/ Rocky Mountain Power Tariff Advice 10-03 dec memo Lynn Anderson ,.,; DECISION MEMORANDUM JANUARY 7, 2011