HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101129_3164.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KEMPTON COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER REDFORD COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:MATT ELAM DATE:NOVEMBER 24 2010 SUBJECT:A VISTA'S TARIFF ADVICE - SCHEDULE 146 REVISIONS On October 15 2010, Avista filed a Tariff Advice proposing changes to the terms and conditions of Transportation Schedule 146. The Company requested an effective date of December 1 2010. On November 3 2010, the Company filed substitute tariff sheets removing a provision from the terms and conditions allowing transportation customers to contract with the Company for a specified daily quantity of sales gas. The proposed changes are intended to address the customer s agent and its role in delivering gas, and to pass along penalties that protect system customers from the costs of mismanaged supplies. THE TARIFF ADVICE Currently, Avista s Schedule 146 terms and conditions do not address the customer agent and its role in delivering gas. According to the Company, it has become common for transportation customers to contract with an agent, who acquires the gas and pipeline transportation for delivery to the Company s system. The agent will "pool" the nominations of the Company s transportation customers and then provide a daily nomination to the Company for that amount of customer-owned gas delivered to the system. The Company incorporates these daily nominations into its daily nominations provided to the pipeline transporter. The proposed changes make the agent responsible for nominating and balancing gas supplies for all customers in its pool. The agent would be billed for the entitlement and supply imbalance penalties on behalf of customers in its pool. Unlike the present schedule which states that the customer is responsible for all applicable penalties, the customer would only be billed for entitlement and balancing penalties ifthey are not part of an agent's supply pool. Referencing the provision numbers on the proposed tariff, the Company proposes to add: (1) Provision No. describing the role and requirements ofthe customer s agent, (2) Provision No.9 requiring DECISION MEMORANDUM NOVEMBER 24 2010 customers to show credit worthiness ifthe nominated volumes are not delivered, and (3) Provision No. 11 assigning a penalty for unreasonable imbalance levels. The Company proposes to change: (1) Provision No.2 clarifying the customer s payment responsibilities to suppliers, (2) Provision No.3 clarifying the customer s payment responsibilities on customer owned gas transported by the Company, (3) Provision No.4 removing standard protocol language regarding metering equipment owned and maintained by the Company, (4) Provision No.7 assigning a penalty for unauthorized over usage during "overrun entitlement periods " and (5) Provision No. 8 assigning a penalty for unauthorized under usage during '\1nderrun entitlement periods. STAFF REVIEW Staff reviewed the Company s proposed additions and changes to the terms and conditions of Schedule .146, specifically: 1) Transportation tariffs in the Company s otherjurisdictions 2) Transportation tariffs of other local distribution companies, and 3) The Company s process for notifying customers. Staff found several differences in the Company s proposal to its transportation tariffs in its other jurisdictions. However, according to the Company, the proposed changes will make its tariff the same as its recent tariff proposal filed in Washington. After reviewing the transportation tariffs of other local distribution companies, Staff believes the Company proposal is reasonable. The Company sent an adequate notice to customers regarding the changes. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that Avista Utilities' Tariff Advice to change Schedule 146 be approved and the associated tariff sheet revisions be allowed to go into effect on December 1 2010. Staff believes that the proposed changes satisfy the Commission s Rule of Procedure for Tariff Advices, Rule 134, IDAPA COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to approve the Tariff changes to Schedule 146? i:udmemos/ A vista schedule 146 T A.doc Matt Elam DECISION MEMORANDUM NOVEMBER 24 2010