HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100927_3091.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KEMPTON COMMISSIONER SMITH CO MMISSI 0 NER RED FO RD COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:GRACE SEAMAN DATE:SEPTEMBER 23, 2010 RE:POTLATCH TELEPH ONE CO MP ANY AD VI CE LETTER 10-03 TO ADD AN EXCEPTION TO THE COMPANY'S INTRASTATE ACCESS SERVICES AGREEMENT. On September 1 , 2010, Potlatch Telephone Company (Potlatch) filed Tariff Advice Letter 10-03 seeking approval to add an exception to the Company s Intrastate Access Services Agreement. The exception will include jurisdictional report requirement provisions and will include language to establish a 10% floor for terminating access minutes when originating number information is lacking, but is necessary to determine the jurisdiction. Potlatch states that the practice of setting a threshold for unidentified traffic is common in the industry and is the result of a consistent problem with under-reporting originating information on the call detail records. Potlatch further asserts that modifying the process for unidentified traffic that exceeds a percentage threshold will help to reduce any financial incentive for inaccurate or inattentive reporting of call detail. Carriers will be notified of this change in the Carrier Access Billing System (CABS) bill. Potlatch requests an effective date of October 1 2010. ST AFF DISCUSSION Potlatch Telephone Company is a Title 61 company. Unidentified carrier traffic is a call that is associated with a carrier, but does not provide the information that identifies the call as an intra or inter state call. An unidentified call often defaults to the less expensive interstate traffic rate which creates an economic disadvantage for the incumbent local exchange company (ILEC). Unidentified traffic is a growing administrative and financial problem for ILECs. Staff discussed DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 -SEPTEMBER 23 2010 with Potlatch alternative methods of resolving this problem including the determination of the carrier s ratio of inter versus intrastate minutes of use and the application of this ratio to the unidentified traffic. The Company states that this method requires that the carrier provide Potlatch with sufficient call record detail in order to apply the appropriate access rates. This is difficult when some carriers have a significant amount of unidentified traffic (as much as 50%). Another alternative looked at applying the carrier s declared percent of interstate usage (PIU)l to the unidentified traffic. Potlatch asserts that it is not uncommon for the PIUs declared by the carriers to have little resemblance to the actual ratio of inter versus intrastate for the identifiable traffic. There is limited availability for validation or auditing of the carrier submitted jurisdictional factors. The application of these declared unaudited factors to a high proportion of the traffic can provide a financial incentive for the carriers and a disincentive for ILECs. ST AFF ANALYSIS Staff has reviewed the filing and believes the proposed changes are reasonable and recommends approval of this filing. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission agree? Ih~u ~c~ Grace Seaman UdmemoslPotAdvLtri 0- IPIU refers to the amount of interstate traffic and thus subject to FCC authority. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2 -SEPTEMBER 23 2010