HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100621_2999.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KEMPTON COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER REDFORD COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:CAROLEE HALL DATE:JUNE 17 2010 RE:POTLATCH TELEPHONE COMPANY t'POTLA TCH~ TARIFF FILING REQUESTING COMMISSION APPROVAL TO GRANDFATHER CURRENT TERMINATION LIABILITY CHARGES AND ADD NEW TERMINATION LIABILITY CHARGES; TARIFF ADVICE 1O-02P. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION On June 15, 2010, Potlatch filed Advice No.1 0-02P requesting Commission approval to grandfather its current Termination Liability Charge application for Centrex and Dedicated DS services. The filing also requests Commission approval to add new Termination Liability charges. The Company is requesting an effective date of July 15 , 2010. Currently the termination liability language states that if service is canceled by the customer after installation of the service, but prior to the completion of the service period, the customer shall be obligated to pay a termination liability charge. The termination liability charge is calculated by multiplying the monthly rate by the remaining months in the contract period and then multiplying that calculation by fifty percent. The Company wishes to grandfather this service for all contracts signed before July 15 2010. For contracts entered into after July 15 2010, the Company wishes to introduce new terms and conditions for early termination of service. The new terms require the customer to pay an early termination fee equal to the difference between the amount billed had the customer been billed at the applicable rate under the contract and the amount which would have been billed DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 -JUNE 17 2010 under a shorter term contract. The difference in monthly contracted amounts would apply each month that the customer received the service prior to the termination. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION Staff has reviewed this tariff filing and believes that the Company will be recovering its costs and recommends approval. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission agree? u/chall/decisionmemos/Potlatch Telephone Co. IO-O2P I Example: Customer signs a 36 month contract and tenninates after 28 months. 24 Mo. Rate ($21.00) - 36 Mo. Rate (20.50) = $. 50 x 28 months = $14.00 Early Tennination Charge DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2 -JUNE 17 2010