HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090831_2693.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KEMPTON CO MMISSI 0 NER SMITH COMMISSIONER REDFORD COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:T J GOLO BEVERL Y BARKER DATE:AUGUST 27, 2009 RE:ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER TARIFF ADVICE NO. 09-04; UPDATE REGULATIONS 7, 8, 9, AND 10 TO COMPLY WITH CHANGES TO IDAPA ADMINISTRATIVE RULES CASE NO. 31-2101-0701, CASE NO. RUL-07-, EFFECTIVE APRIL 2, 2008. BACKGROUND On July 28 2009, Rocky Mountain Power ("Company ) filed Tariff Advice No. 09- with the proposed revisions of the Company s regulations 7,, and 10 in the State ofIdaho. The purpose of the filing is to update the Company s regulations to comply with changes to ID AP A Administrative Rules from Docket No.3 1-2101 in Case No. R UL- U -07 -02. The proposed revisions for the Company s regulations correspond to the following areas: Regulation 7 - Meter Tests and Adjustments Regulation 8 - Billings Regulation 9 - Deposits Regulation 10 - Termination of Service and Payment Arrangements Table of Contents - Electric Service Regulations. There are also minor proposed revisions included in the filing, which are considered housekeeping changes. On August 24 2009, Staff recommended to the Commission to suspend Tariff Advice 09-04 to allow Staff and the Company to complete its discussions to clarify the proposed tariff language. On August 25, 2009, the Company filed the revised tariff sheets for this Tariff Advice to incorporate Staff comments. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 -AUGUST 27 2009 ST AFF REVIEW Staff reviewed the proposed changes of the Company s Regulations 7 , and 10 and the other minor proposed housekeeping changes. Specifically: Section 3 (Meter Tests and Adjustments) of Regulation 7 was reformatted to three parts to provide a clear understanding of how to handle billings in case of meter malfunction or error according to IDAP A rule. . A minor proposed change in the language of Section 4, Part a (Master-Metering) of Regulation 7 to clarify the master-metering provisions of mobile home parks that were built before July 1 , 1980 and partially sub-metered on July 1 , 1980. Section 6 (Adjustment for Billing Error) of Regulation 8 was also reformatted similar to Section 3 of Regulation 7 to comply with IDAPA rule. Section 7 (Billing under Inappropriate Tariff Schedule) is a new section added in Regulation 8 to comply with IDAP A rule to mirror the rules of adjusting billings under inappropriate tariff schedules Section 4 of Regulation 9, the Company proposed to add the language "The Company shall advise the Customer or applicant" to advise the customer that a deposit can be paid in 2 equal installments as outlined in IDAP A rule. Section 7 (Restrictions on Termination of Service) in Regulation 10 is modified to reflect when service can be terminated according to IDAPA and IDAPA rules. Other proposed changes are minor housekeeping changes that provide clarification to the tariff and formatting changes for the tariff sheets which does not materially affect the regulations. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission approve Rocky Mountain Power s Tariff Advice No. 09-04 to comply with changes to IDAPA Administrative Rules Docket No. 31-2101-0701 in Case No. RUL-07-, with an effective date of September 1 2009. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2 -AUGUST 27, 2009 COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to accept the proposed modifications in Rocky Mountain Power s Tariff Advice No. 09-047 TJG i:udmemoslRMP Tariff Advice No. 09-04 Revised.doc DECISION MEMORANDUM - 3 -AUGUST 27, 2009