HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080331_2197.pdfDONOVAN E. WALKER, ISB No. 5921 BARTON L. KLINE, ISB No. 1526 Idaho Power Company O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Tel: 208-388-5317 Fax: 208-338-6936 dwalkerCWidahopower.com bkl inelCl2 ida hopower. com Attorneys for Idaho Power Company Street Address for Express Mail 1221 West Idaho Street Boise, Idaho 83702 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR APPROVAL OF A PROPOSED STATEMENT OF POLICY AND CODE OF CONDUCT COVERING TRANSACTIONS BETWEEN IDAHO POWER AND SUBSIDIARIES OF IDACORP, INC. ) CASE NO. IPC-01- REVISED CODE OF CONDUCT ) REPLACEMENT A TT ACHMENT A ) TO THE PARTIES' STIPULATION Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or the "Company ), the Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Staff") , and the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power ("ICIP") hereby submit the attached Revised Code of Conduct as a replacement to the Code of Conduct submitted as Attachment A to the Parties Stipulation previously filed in this matter. Pursuant to the Commission s request, the parties have modified the originally proposed Code of Conduct by: 1) removing the word "reasonable" from Revised Code of Conduct Replacement Attachment A Page 1 paragraph Nos. 2 , 14, and 15; and 2) removing the words "upon request" from paragraph Nos. 13 and 19. All Parties agree to the above changes. REQUEST FOR RELIEF The Parties respectfully request that the attached Revised Code of Conduct be substituted for, and be considered a replacement of, Attachement A submitted with the Parties Settlement Stipulation previously filed on February 19 2008. The Parties also request that, pursuant to the Motion for Approval of the Stipulation, also filed on February 19, 2008, the Commission issue its Order: 1) granting said Motion to accept the Settlement Stipulation in its entirety without material change or condition; and 2) approving and accepting the accompanying Revised Code of Conduct agreed to by the Parties in the Stipulation. Respectfully submitted this 2ih day of March 2008 at Boise, Idaho. Attorney for Idaho Power Company Revised Code of Conduct Replacement Attachment A Page 2 REVISED CODE OF CONDUCT IDAHO POWER COMPANY IDACORP COMMISSION STAFF Idaho Power Company will Comply with the following Code of Conduct: 1.)Idaho Power Company will maintain its own books and records, separate from IDACORP's books and records. Idaho Power Company s financial books and records and state and federal utility regulatory filings and documents will continue to be available to the Commission, upon request. Subject to appropriate confidentiality agreements IDACORP and Idaho Power Company will provide the Commission access to all books of account as well as all documents, data, and records of their affiliated interests, which pertain to transactions between Idaho Power Company and its affiliated interests or transactions which could have an adverse affect on the business of Idaho Power Company. IDACORP, Idaho Power Company and all affiliates will make their employees, officers, directors and agents available to testify before the Commission to provide information relevant to matters within the jurisdiction of the Commission. IDACORP and Idaho Power Company agree that one of its independent directors on each Board of Directors will have had prior expelience with respect to the operation, financial analysis or regulation of the regulated gas or electric utility industry. Upon request, Idaho Power Company will provide the Commission with a copy of any affiliated interest report filed in other jurisdictions. IDACORP and Idaho Power Company will comply with all applicable statutes and any regulations promulgated pursuant to the statutes regarding affiliated interest transactions, including timely filing of applications and reports. Idaho Power Company will not subsidize any affiliated interest and shall comply with the Commission s applicable orders and rules with respect to such matters. Any proposed cost allocation methodology for the allocation of corporate and affiliate investments, expenses, and overheads, required by law, rule or order to be submitted to the Commission for approval, will comply with the following principles: REVISED CODE OF CONDUCT IDAHO POWER AND IDA CORP a. For services rendered to Idaho Power Company or each cost category subject to allocation to Idaho Power Company by IDACORP or any of Idaho Power s affiliates, Idaho Power must be able to demonstrate that such service or cost category is necessary to Idaho Power Company for the performance of its regulated operations, is not duplicative of services already being performed within Idaho Power Company, and is reasonable and prudent. (Affiliates and IDACORP do not charge to Idaho Power) b. Cost allocations to Idaho Power Company from IDACORP will be based on generally accepted accounting standards; that is, in general, direct costs will be charged to specific subsidiaries whenever possible and shared or indirect costs will be allocated based upon the primary cost-driving factors. (See above note) c. IDACORP and its subsidiaries will have in place accounting systems adequate to support the allocation and assignment of costs of IDACORP executives and other relevant personnel to Idaho Power Company. (See above note) d. An audit trail will be maintained such that all costs subject to allocation can be specifically identified, particularly with respect to their origin. In addition, the audit trail must be adequately supported. Failure to adequately support any allocated cost may result in denial of its recovery in rates. e. Costs which would have been denied recovery in rates had they been directly incurred by Idaho Power Company regulated operations will likewise be denied recovery whether they are allocated directly or indirectly through subsidiaries in the IDACORP group to Idaho Power Company. (see above note) f. For services provided by Idaho Power to IDACORP or any affiliated interest, Idaho Power current Service Level Agreements (SLA' provide a reasonable method of allocating costs for rate-setting. Any changes to the SLA methodology will be submitted to the Commission upon request. g. IDACORP and Idaho Power Company commit to use asymmetrical pricing (i., lower of cost or market for transactions to Idaho Power Company and higher of cost or market for transactions from Idaho Power Company) for affiliate charges or costs not covered by the provisions of any cost sharing agreement or Service Level Agreements (SLA), if a readily identifiable market for the goods, services or assets exists, and if the transaction involves a cost of more than $100 000. (See above note) REVISED CODE OF CONDUCT IDAHO POWER AND lDACORP 10. 11.) Idaho Power Company will maintain separate debt and, if outstanding, preferred stock ratings. Idaho Power Company will maintain its own corporate credit rating, as well as ratings for each long-term debt and preferred stock (if any) issuance. Neither Idaho Power Company nor its subsidiaries will, on a prospective basis, without prior notification to the Commission, make loans or transfer funds (other than dividends and payments for inter-company services provided as part of the normal course of business) to IDACORP or its affiliates, or assume any obligation or liability as guarantor, endorser, surety or otherwise for IDACORP or its affiliates; provided that this condition will not prevent Idaho Power Company from assuming any obligation or liability on behalf of a subsidiary of Idaho Power Company. Any changes to current arrangements will require Commission approval. IDACORP will not pledge any of the assets of the business of Idaho Power Company as backing for any securities which IDACORP or its affiliates (but excluding Idaho Power Company and its subsidiaries) may issue. Nothing in these commitments shall be interpreted as a waiver ofIdaho Power Company ' or IDACORP'rights to request confidential treatment for information that is the subject of any commitments. 12.Idaho Power Company commits that it will not make any dividends to IDACORP that will reduce Idaho Power Company' common equity capital below 35% of its Total Adjusted Capital without Commission approval. This percentage will be adjusted, as necessary, to account for any changes to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) after approval of this transaction. For purposes of calculating the numerator of the percentage common equity will include equity-like securities a.a. hybrid securities but will not include any portion of Idaho Power Company preferred stock issued and outstanding. Idaho Power Company' Total Adjusted Capital is defined as common equity, equity-like securities, preferred equity, capitalized lease obligations and long-term debt. 13.Idaho Power Company will provide to the Commission a report covering the preceding calendar year, in which it describes its compliance with the provision of item 12, concerning the equity levels and payment of dividends. 14.Upon request, and subject to appropriate confidentiality agreements IDACORP and Idaho Power Company will provide the Commission access to corporate minutes including Board of Director s minutes and all committee minutes, along with any related source documents that are relevant to the business and risk analysis of Idaho Power Company. Idaho Power Company and the Commission Staff currently have established a reasonable and mutually acceptable procedure to review these confidential documents. REVISED CODE OF CONDUCT IDAHO POWER AND IDACORP 15. 16. 17. Upon request, and subject to appropriate confidentiality agreements IDACORP and Idaho Power Company will provide the Commission reasonable access to operational, internal and risk audit reports and documentation. Idaho Power Company and the Commission Staff currently have established a reasonable and mutually acceptable procedure to review these confidential documents. Idaho Power Company will provide the Commission and Staff with notification of all publicly announced proposals for divestiture, spin-off, or sale of any integral Idaho Power Company function. Idaho Power Company will also file for Commission approval of divestiture, spin-off, or sale of any integral Idaho Power Company function, which is subject to IPUC jurisdiction. This condition does not limit any jurisdiction the Commission may have. Subject to appropriate confidentiality agreements, Idaho Power Company will notify the Commission prior to implementation of plans by Idaho Power Company or IDACORP: (I) to form an affiliate for the purpose of transacting business with Idaho Power Company' regulated operations; (2) to commence new business transactions between an existing affiliate and Idaho Power Company; or (3) to dissolve an affiliate which has transacted substantial business with Idaho Power Company. 18.Idaho Power Company will notify the Commission as soon as practicable following any public announcement of: (I) any acquisition of a regulated or unregulated business representing 5 percent or more of the capitalization of IDACORP; or (2) the change in effective control or acquisition of any material part or all of Idaho Power Company by any other firm, whether by merger, combination, transfer of stock or assets. 19.Idaho Power Company will provide to the Commission, on an informational basis, credit rating agency news releases and final reports regarding Idaho Power Company when such reports are known to Idaho Power Company and are available to the public. 20.Idaho Power Company commits that in the event that Idaho Power Company obtains a loan from its parent company or any affiliated company, Idaho Power Company will, in any subsequent rate proceeding demonstrate that the debt obligation interest, terms, and conditions are comparable to or less than what Idaho Power Company could have obtained in the market at the time the debt was obtained by Idaho Power Company, that the loan is on reasonable terms and without markup to the holding company s cost of funds, and that the debt procurement will not interfere with any mechanisms that secure the utility. REVISED CODE OF CONDUCT IDAHO POWER AND lDACORP : i : I ! i e w . i~ c 3 X ~: . . R e p l y :~ R e p l y t o Al l Fo ~ a r d ' f ' T :J S e n d ; H e f e i v e . ;j J J : ; " , '! r C h 3 0 , j r e - . s s D ' ) Q ; : , . ~ F - , - - , ~ ~ . _ - _ . - , -- . - . . - ~ ~. . ._ , _ . . , " - - , - - - - " ~ - ~ _ . . , . . _. . . - - - - - - - , - - , ~~ - ~ - _ .' - " ' " - -- - - - , - , , - -_ . . . . . , _ . . , - Ji4 .. . ~I ~ , ~,. , ~~ ~ ~ .. . . . , . . . . . ~~ . J ! To d c f 1 y ' S He a d l i n e , : S u p p l i e r U n d e r S c r u t i n y 01 1 ; ' . 9 1 1 1 9 " . I ' m , f o r AX g h a n 5 . M e s s a g e IH T / , 1 L ) I A l l F o l d e r s :: ; : ; I 1. e 3 A l l o u t l o o k I t e m s .. . I i s 'f 1 : f . .l a i l b o x - S c o t t W o o . - S L: : a C a b i n e t L: : a A m a z o n i2 ) Ga A t t y . G e n . 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Io o l s Ac t i o n s tl e l p !f / v S a f e l i s t s ~ Bl o c k Se n d e r )'. 1 " " Ca t e g o r i z e De l e t e M o v e t o C r c a t e O t h e r Fo l d e r ~ Ru l e Ac t i o n s ~ Se n t : T h u 3 / 2 7 ' 2 0 0 8 4 : 2 0 NY T i m e s . co m r n l ' t d i r e c t ~ Y b m e s . co m J Sc o t t W o o d b u r y Fr o m : To : Cc :Su b j e c t : To d a y ' s H e a d l i n e s : S u p p l i e r U n d e r S cr u t i n y o n A g i n g A r ms f o r A f g h a n ! ,. . - - - . . - " - -- - - - - - - - " - - " - ' . . - - . . - - -. . - . " . . . - - . . . . , . . . . If lo U "h ' e " 0 " 0 $ ' e s . : : ! " . , " , s " - ! ' r \ S " , g o ' 0 " n p : ; ' \y , w , ' . " " ! " . " . . ; ; "" , , , " , j , ' ;; ; " " S : r " H _. . , - ~ - ' " ". . ._ . , , - - ~ - Th u r s d a y , ) ' l a r c h . : " 7 , 2 0 0 8 Co m p i l e d ' : A . \ 1 E . T . el J ( ' ~c t l ' l l o r k ~ m ( ' S To d a y s H e a d l i n e s In T h i s E - :\ I a i l : Yo r l d U S , \ 1 . ai l i i n J ! t o n B U 5 i n e ~ s Te c h n o l o $ ! ' v S p o n ~ A n ~ Ne \ ' . . ) , - ot k ~ e I l i O J J , F a w o n & ; St v l e E d i t o r i a h Cu s to m i z e . To d _ " R e . a d J . i n e _ Se a r c h TO P S T O R I E S Su p p l i e r r n d e r S c r u t i n y o n A! i n ! A n u s f o r A f ! h a n s By C . J . C H I Y E R S To a n n . -" . f g h a n f o r c e ; , t o f i g h t a g a i r e t . -\ 1 Qa e d a a n d t h e T a l i b a n , t h e U . . S- h a s re l i e d o n a t l e d g J . i n g c o m p a n y th a t h a " pw d d e d a m m u r r i t i o n t h a t i s m o r e t h a n ~O y e a r " o l d , In t r o d u c i n g W a ! ~ ~~ . _ ~~ ~ ' ! ~ ~ ~ ! ! Y 35 I t e m s ;. . ~_ . . . lt f 5 t a r t l ~~ ' I n b o x . M i c r o s o f t O u t l o o k .. . J T o d a y ' ", H e a d l i n e s : S - Fi n d Re l a t e d ' ~. t S e l e c t . Fi n d il' c o . :J Q u 8 s t o n f o r h e l p - ' 5 . X r : ; : " , , ~J ~. . , (f l ; r a t e g . . . V .. . . L- - - .. . . .: " j I t E x c h a n g € r; ; - ~. 1 1 I 1 2 : O Z P M 21.)IDACORP and Idaho Power Company commit that no amendments, revisions or modifications will be made to the agreements and commitments set out in their settlement stipulation without prior Commission approval. REVISED CODE OF CONDUCT IDAHO POWER AND IDA CORP