HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080929_2369.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER REDFORD COMMISSIONER SMITH CO MMISSI 0 NER KEMPTON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:GERRY D. GALINATO DATE:SEPTEMBER 26, 2008 RE:EAGLE WATER TARIFF ADVICE NO. 08-RATE SCHEDULE 1 On September 16 2008, Eagle Water Company (Eagle Water; Company) submitted proposed changes to its Rate Schedule 1 for Small Volume Unmetered Water Service pursuant to Commission Order Nos. 29903 and 30266. Eagle Water did not previously submit a revision to its Rate Schedule 1 , reflecting the surcharge authorized by the Commission in Order No. 29903 and subsequently extended by the Commission in Order No. 30266, because the Company has not had any Rate Schedule 1 customers prior to initiating new service to Floating Feather Mobile Home Park (FFMHP) this summer. The Company indicated that the rate schedule would be provided to the owners of Floating Feather Mobile Home Park as soon as the same is approved by the Commission. Staff reviewed the proposed tariff revisions initially submitted by the Company on September 16, 2008 to ensure that the language reflect Commission directives in Order Nos. 29903 and 30266. Staff had concerns about the clarity of the Availability provision and the application of the surcharge to individual non-metered customers and master-metered customers. After discussing these issues and suggested staff changes with Eagle Water, the Company submitted its revised filing for the proposed changes to Rate Schedule 1 on September 25 2008. See Attachment. Staff reviewed the revised filing and Staff confirms that the language and rates comport with Commission Order Nos. 29903 and 30266. Staff recommends approval of the tariff with a recommended effective date of September 30, 2008. DECISION MEMORANDUM SEPTEMBER 26, 2008 COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to approve the tariff as submitted on September 25 , 2008, with an effective date of September 30, 2008? , i; I . ~ ejerry: \ . qalin~to\J Attachment DECISION MEMORANDUM SEPTEMBER 26, 2008 B'Jl~lIir~(t)Nf &k )IrAFJ~X 11L4G; ATTORNEYS AT LAW MoHy O'Leary . Tel: 208-938.7900 Fa", 203-938.7904 ",oU1('iJr i"ha "h""0 ...4,,) 0:1 rj". ""m RO. 130. nJ8 801...10 $37()7 . 51" N. 27th St. fffijs". ID 83792 25 September 2008 Ms. Jean Jewel! Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission POBox 83720 Boise ID 83720-0074 V'ia Electronic Mail jean.jewel! (gJpuc.idaho.gov RE: Eagle Water Company, Inc., 4th Revised Rate Schedule Dear Ms. Jewel!: Pursuant to Commission Order Nos. 299903 and 30266, and upon further consultation with Commission Staff, Eagle Water Company, Inc. ("Eagle Water'1, herewith re-submits its 4th Revised Rate Schedule 1 for Smal! Volume Unmetered Water Service. As previously noted, Eagle Water did not file a revision to its Rate Schedule 1 earlier, to reflect the surcharge authorized by the Commission in Order No. 29903 and subsequently extended by the Commission in Order No. 30266, because Eagle Water has not had any Rate Schedule 1 customers prior to initiating new service to Floating Feather Mobile Home Park this summer. A copy of this Rate Schedule will be provided to the owners of Floating Feather Mobile Home Park as soon as the same is approved by the Commission. It is intended that this revision go into effect immediately upon the Commission s acceptance. Sincerely, Attachment Decision Memorandum 09/26/08 Page 1 of 3 Tariff No.Page: Sheet 29 4th Revised C. No. Canceling Sheet No. 29 3((1 Revised Name of UtiBity: Ea Ie Water Company, inc.(Approval Stamp) RATE SCHEDULE NO. small Volume Unmetemd Water Service VAlLAa:U..ITY:I . Service Und$f this Rate. Schedule is available for each serviceconnectionof1~ 114 inch or smaller that fsllot metered and Where approved for a master-metered mobUe. home park. RATE: For individual non,.metered~ustomers (8) For the months of November through April,Jnciusive, a flat rate 01$1'1.75 per mootft (b) Fortne mooths afMay through Q~ober inclu$ive.aflat rate or:$19.7$ per month. J Formaster-m~md Mobile HOme?arks (a) Thelma! moritfl~yrateiscalculated as the number of individual Park Units timestneappropriate indivJdual non-metered co$tomer rate (summer and non-summer), (0) A surcl1argeof42.5% wiU be added toa!1 water usage greaterthan60Q cu. it. per month per indiVidual ParkUrlit f. Usage'subjecHosurcnarge ("Excess Usage") shall be calculated by multiplying the number of im:fMdualPark Units times60.0dcu, ftandthen subtracting that number from the overall Ma5ter Metertotal fora timing cyCle. it Thesurcnarge shall thenbeca.ttUlated by multiplying the Excess Usage figure by the Schedule' 2 metered rateoHl451 cents per 100 cu. ft anotheR multiplying that numberbythe surcharge of 42.5 .percent The resulting number shaH be the $urchargeamount collected. Attachment Decision Memorandum 09/26/08 Page 2 of 3 SERVICE CONDITIONS: (a) ~~~:~~;::;~~:~~~~j :a~~~C~::~~::~:~:~J. O the Genera! Service Provisions 01 the (0) The Company, aNts option, may meterserviceothelWise qualifying underthis Rate Schedule, In ! which case such serViCe shan be governed by Rate Schedule No. Issued:2008 Effective:2008 Trtlt=!: President Attachment Decision Memorandum 09/26/08 Page 3 of 3