HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080902_2349.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER REDFORD CO MMISSI 0 NER SMITH COMMISSIONER KEMPTON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEG AL WORKING FILE FROM:GERRY GALIN A TO DATE:AUGUST 29, 2008 RE:CASE NO. MSW-08- COMPLIANCE FILING - TARIFF As part ofthe Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 30628, the Commission directed Mayfield Springs Water Company to implement rates and charges as set out in the Order and to submit tariffs in compliance with the rates and charges identified in this Order. The rates and charges authorized by the order shall become effective for service rendered on and after August 30, 2008. Staff reviewed the tariff submitted by the Company on August 29 2008, to ensure that the language and rates reflect Commission directives as stated in Order No. 30628. The tariff includes Rate Schedule No., Schedule No., Non-Recurring Charges, and the Company Rules and Regulations. Staff confirms that the language and rates comport with Commission Order 30628. Staff recommends approval of the tariff. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to approve the tariff as submitted on August 29 2008 with an effective date of September 1 , 2008? GG/udmemos/mswwO8.\ tariff DECISION MEMORANDUM AUGUST 29, 2008