HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080825_2341.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER REDFORD COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER KEMPTON COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF FROM:DON HOWELL DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DATE:AUGUST 22, 2008 SUBJECT:MDU RESOURCES GROUP'S PURCHASE OF INTERMOUNT AIN INDUSTRIES (INCLUDING INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY) On July 9, 2008 MDU Resources Group and Intermountain Gas Company (Intermountain or IGC) filed a "Notification of Change in Control" regarding MDU's purchase of IGC's parent , Intermountain Industries. Briefly, MDU is purchasing "all the outstanding shares of capital stock of Intermountain Gas Company. Intermountain would thereafter become a wholly owned subsidiary of MDU Resources." Notification at 1. This Memorandum reviews: the purchase transaction; "ring-fencing" safeguards that the Staff and the parties have agreed to in a "Memorandum of Understanding" dated August 21 , 2008; and the Commission s authority over such transaction. DET AILS OF THE TRANSACTION On July 1 , 2008, MDU Resources Group and Intermountain Industries executed a Stock Purchase Agreement" (the Agreement)) whereby MDU purchases all the outstanding stock of Intermountain Industries for approximately $328 million. Through various subsidiaries and divisions, MDU Resources currently provides electric and natural gas distribution services to more than 630 000 customers in the states of North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Montana Wyoming, Oregon and Washington. Intermountain Gas Company (IGC) is a wholly owned subsidiary of privately-held Intermountain Industries and serves about 300 000 customers. Notification at 4-5. IGC is subject to the Commission s regulatory authority pursuant to Idaho Code 9 61-129. 1 The parties submitted a copy of the "Stock Purchase Agreement" as a confidential and trade secret document pursuant to the Commission s Rules of Procedure and Idaho Code 99 9-340C and 9-340D. DECISION MEMORANDUM The parties generally assert that the transaction is not subject to the Commission review and approval given the nature of the wholesale stock transaction. Nevertheless, the parties have provided the Commission with the confidential Stock Purchase Agreement (Agreement or SPA), met with the Staff on several occasions, and have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding discussed in greater detail below. The parties concede that IGC will remain subject to the Commission s regulation. SP A 9 3.17. Intermountain Gas shall continue to operate under its own name. Id. 9 5.11. The Agreement contemplates that the Commission will complete its review of the parties' Notification filing and advise the parties in writing that it has completed its review. Id. 9 6.1 (c). The parties expect the transaction to close on or about October 1 , 2008. As indicated in the Agreement, the parties anticipate that they will acquire the approval of various regulatory entities including FERC, the Minnesota PUC, and the North Dakota PSC. The parties have also made informational notifications to the Washington and Oregon Commissions. Agreement Exh. A. The Purchaser MDU Resources was incorporated in 1924 and has been engaged in the regulatory utility business for more than 80 years. Its utility division (Montana-Dakota Utilities) provides natural gas and electric service to customers in North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Wyoming. In July 2000, MDU acquired Great Plains Natural Gas Company which serves 000 in western Minnesota and southeastern North Dakota. In 2007, MDU acquired Cascade Natural Gas Corporation which serves more than 250 000 customers in Oregon and Washington. The Company also owns four electric generating plants and has an ownership interest in two additional plants. Notification at 5. The Company also owns interstate natural gas pipelines and storage facilities as well as natural gas production properties. "Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Company operates over 350 miles of interstate natural gas pipeline and 340 miles of natural gas field and gathering lines within various production areas in North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming. Its storage fields have a working capacity of approximately 193 billion cubic feet of natural gas. Notification at 8. MDU's assets exceed $5.8 billion and its operating revenues for the 12 months ending March 31 , 2008 total approximately $4.6 billion. MDU reports it had operating income DECISION MEMORANDUM of $457 million. MDU is a publicly-traded company on the New York Stock Exchange with its principal headquarters in Bismarck, North Dakota. Notification at 5. MDU reports in the Notification that its corporate credit is currently rated BBB+ by Standard & Poor , A3 by Moody , and A- by Fitch. Id. at 6. B. Plans for Intermountain MDU states in the Notification that it "plans to own Intermountain (Gas) for the long term, and because of the nature of the stock purchase, will continue to operate Intermountain under the name Intermountain Gas Company." Notification at 10. MDU intends to maintain the continuity of IGC operations including maintaining the "operational headquarters of Intermountain in Boise.Id. The parties do acknowledge that several corporate functions and administrative functions may be consolidated at MDD.However , " the management of Intermountain will remain located in Idaho, and Idaho personnel will be authorized to represent and bind Intermountain in its dealings with customers, regulators and suppliers.Id. The parties maintain that MDU's acquisition ofIGC is in the public interest and will provide benefits to IGC's customers. In particular , the Notification cites that IGC customers will benefit from: (1) the financial strength of MDU Resources; (2) effective consolidation of corporate functions and approved purchase power "should lead to prices that are lower than they otherwise would have been without the consolidation ; (3) IGC will continue to operate in much the same way as it does today; and (4) MDU Resources will maintain and enhance IGC' commitment to its employees and the communities it services. Id. at 11-12. The Notification indicates that MDU intends to honor all existing agreements with IGC employees and "work to maintain and expand constructive relationships with labor unions representing Intermountain s employees, including safety and training initiatives.Id. at 14. MDU indicates that it has not experienced a union work stoppage in more than 30 years. The Notification asserts that IGC "will not request rate recovery of the transaction costs associated with the acquisition nor will it seek recovery of the purchase premium except to the extent integration synergies from the transaction are also passed through retail rates.Id. 14. MDU also pledges that IGC's customers will not be exposed to the financial risks ofMDU' other businesses. The Notification indicates that MDU will position IGC as a subsidiary of MDU Resources "which will protect Intermountain from the risks associated with the operations DECISION MEMORANDUM of MDU Resources' unregulated operations which are held by a separate subsidiary - Centennial Energy Holdings, Inc.Id. at 15. RING-FENCING SAFEGUARDS To more clearly delineate conditions that will protect Intermountain customers from unreasonable risks, MDU, IGC and the Commission Staff entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on August 21 , 2008. As in other recent acquisition transactions, the Commission Staff sought to memorialize ring-fencing safeguards to protect IGC customers and to ensure the continued access to the books and records ofIGC and MDU Resources that pertain to IGC. Accordingly, the MOU parties agreed on 17 commitments included in the MOD. See attached MOD. Included among the 17 commitments are the following safeguards: . The common stock of Intermountain will be transferred from MDU Resources to Prairie Intermountain Energy Holdings. MDU Energy Capital will own 100% of Prairie Intermountain and MDU Resources will own 100% of the stock of MDU Energy Capital. This structure will result in the assets, liabilities and equity of Intermountain remaining as presently recorded. In addition, IGC debt will be maintained separately from the financial securities of MDU Resources and its affiliates. ,-r 1. . Intermountain will not make loans to MDU Resources or its respective subsidiaries, or assume any obligation or liability as guarantor, endorser surety or otherwise for MDU Resources or its respective subsidiaries without the specific approval of the Commission. MDU Resources and IGC will not pledge any of the assets of the business of Intermountain as backing for any securities which MDU Resources or its respective subsidiaries, but excluding Intermountain, may issue. ,-r 1 (e). . Intermountain will maintain its own accounting documents and its financial books and records which will continue to be maintained Intermountain s Boise, Idaho office. Documents will be available to the Commission Staff upon request. ,-r,-r 3- MDU Resources and Intermountain will provide the Commission access to all books of accounts, as well as all documents, data, and records of their affiliated interests, which pertain to transactions between Intermountain and other affiliates. ,-r 5. MDU Resources and Intermountain will provide the Commission access to those portions of corporate minutes including Board of Directors minutes that may lead to relevant information regarding Intermountain business and associated risk analysis. ,-r 6. DECISION MEMORANDUM . Intermountain or MDU Resources will notify the Commission of certain transactions and credit agency news releases regarding MDU Resources. ,-r,-r 8-10. . Intermountain and MDU Resources commit that Intermountain will not make any dividends that will reduce Intermountain s common equity capital below 35% without Commission approval through 2018. Intermountain will provide notice to the Commission if dividend payment increases by 10% or more. ,-r 11. . Cost allocation between Intermountain and MDU Resources will be based upon general acceptable accounting standards. ,-r 13. . The premium paid by MDU Resources for Intermountain will be excluded from the utility accounts of Intermountain. Intermountain will not request rate recovery of the transaction costs associated with the acquisition nor will it seek recovery of the purchase premium except through the integration synergies from the transactions are also passed through retail rates. ,-r 15. Consistent with other ring-fencing safeguards, the Staff believes that the commitments in the MOU provide additional protections for ratepayers. The Staff asserts these commitments are in the public interest. COMMISSION AUTHORITY OVER THE TRANSACTION As set out above, MDU and IGC contemplate that this is a stock purchase agreement where MDU is acquiring all the stock of privately-held Intermountain Industries. As such, this transaction is taking place at the holding company level. Because MDU will continue to operate Intermountain Gas as a separate operating utility, IGC's Certificate will not be transferred to another entity. Given the structure of this transaction, the Commission does not exercise authority to approve or disapprove of this transaction. Unlike the Commission s authority over similar transactions involving electric public utilities under Idaho Code 9 61-328, there is not a similar provision granting the Commission jurisdiction over the sale of natural gas utilities. The present transaction is similar to other holding company purchases of utilities where the Commission did not exercise jurisdiction. For example, similar transactions occurred in 1999 when United Water Resources (the holding company for United Water) merged with Lyonniase to form Suez. In November 2006, Suez merged with France s GdF without Commission oversight. The Staff believes the same treatment applies in this case. DECISION MEMORANDUM COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish for me to advise the parties to the Agreement that the Commission has completed its review of the Notification filing and shall not condition the transaction? f)~ Don Howell Deputy Attorney General bls/MMDU Purchase IGC DECISION MEMORANDUM MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING On July 9 , 2008 , Intermountain Gas Company ("Intermountain ) and MDU Resources Group, Inc. ("MDU Resources ) filed a Joint Notification with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("IPUC") notifying the IPUC that on July 1 , 2008 MDU Resources agreed to acquire from Intermountain Industries , Inc., effective upon closing of the transaction , all of the outstanding shares of capital stock of Intermountain. Intermountain would thereafter become a wholly-owned subsidiary of MDU Resources. The corporate organizational structure that MDU Resources anticipates after closing of the stock acquisition as it pertains to Intermountain is set forth in the organizational chart attached herein. MDU Resources and the Staff of the IPUC enter into this Memorandum of Understanding to more clearly delineate those "Conditions to protect Intermountain Customers" as described on pages 13 through 15 of the above noted Joint Notification including the manner in which MDU Resources intends to establish Intermountain as a ring-fenced" subsidiary. By execution of this Memorandum of Understanding, MDU Resources agrees to perform all of the commitments as set forth herein. 1. Without regard to the possible use of short-term bridge financing (which if used would be repaid at the time permanent financing is put in place), the following describes the manner in which MDU Resources intends to establish Intermountain as a "ring-fenced" subsidiary: MDU Resources will either issue new common equity or utilize other available capital resources to fund a portion of the purchase of the Intermountain stock. MDU Energy Capital , LLC , will obtain additional funds through long-term debt financing to complete the funding of the purchase of the Intermountain stock. The existing debt of Intermountain will remain at Intermountain and be unaffected by the acquisition. Upon completion of the acquisition transaction , the common stock of Intermountain will be transferred from MDU Resources to Prairie Intermountain Energy Holdings , LLC ("Prairie Intermountain ). MDU Energy Capital , LLC will own 100 percent of the stock of Prairie Intermountain. MDU Resources will own 100 percent of the stock of MDU Energy Capital , LLC. The above-described structure results in the assets, liabilities, and equity of Intermountain remaining as presently recorded. Intermountain s debt will be maintained separate from the financial securities of MDU Resources and its affiliates. Intermountain will not make loans to MDU Resources or its respective subsidiaries, or assume any obligation or liability as guarantor endorser, surety or otherwise for MDU Resources or its respective subsidiaries without the specific approval of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission; provided that this condition will not prevent Intermountain , to the extent allowed by law, from making loans or transferring funds to a subsidiary of Intermountain or assuming any obligation or liability on behalf of a subsidiary of Intermountain. MDU Resources and Intermountain will not pledge any of the assets of the business of Intermountain as backing for any securities which MDU Resources or its respective subsidiaries , but excluding Intermountain may issue. 2. MDU Resources will file a Notification with the IPUC within thirty days of when the short-term bridge financing and the permanent debt financing, as described in paragraph 1 , is complete. Intermountain and MDU Resources will file a Joint Notification with the IPUC within sixty days of when the permanent financing, including the repayment of short-term bridge financing, as described paragraph 1 , is complete. The joint notification shall provide the accounting details for the permanent financing. 3. Intermountain will maintain its own accounting documentation and its financial books and records, and state and federal utility regulatory filings and documents will continue to be maintained at Intermountain s Boise, Idaho office consistent with current practice and will be available to the IPUC Staff upon request. 4. Financial statements and other financial books and records of Intermountain shall be maintained separate from the books and records of MDU Resources. The assets of Intermountain will be accounted for separately from the assets of MDU Resources and its other subsidiaries , divisions, and affiliates. This will not prevent the maintenance of books and records of Intermountain , MDU Resources , or their affiliates on or through a common computer accounting platform. This will also not prevent the consolidated treatment or reporting of financial statements, financial results , and other financial books and records of Intermountain , MDU Resources , or their subsidiaries and affiliates for financial reporting, tax, or other purposes. 5. MDU Resources and Intermountain will provide the Commission access to all books of account, as well as all documents , data , and records of their affiliated interests , which pertain to transactions between Intermountain and its affiliated interests or which are otherwise reasonably calculated to lead to discoverable information regarding Intermountain. 6. MDU Resources and Intermountain will provide the Commission access to those portions of corporate minutes including Board of Directors' minutes , all committee and subcommittee minutes , along with any related reports and source documents that may lead to relevant information regarding Intermountain business and associated risk analysis. 7. Intermountain will not own or hold shares of any parent entity, Prairie Intermountain , MDU Energy Capital , MDU Resources or any other parent entity that may be formed. 8. Intermountain or MDU Resources will notify the Commission subsequent to MDU Resources' board approval and as soon as practicable following any public announcement of: (1) any acquisition of a regulated or unregulated business representing 5 percent or more of the capitalization of MDU Resources; or (2) the change in effective control or acquisition of any material part or all of Intermountain by any other firm , whether by merger, combination , transfer of stock or assets; or (3) any acquisition of a business with a substantial business presence in Intermountain s service area that has a value in excess of $100 million or requires notification of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. 9. For a period of five years from the acquisition date , and thereafter as requested by the IPUC, Intermountain will provide the Commission on an information basis credit agency news releases and final reports regarding MDU Resources when such reports are known to MDU Resources and Intermountain and are available to the public. 10.lntermountain will provide the IPUC and Staff with notification of all publicly announced proposals for divestiture, spin-off, or sale of Intermountain utility assets where the gross asset value of the assets being disposed of comprises more than ten percent of Intermountain s original gross utility plant costs. 11.lntermountain and MDU Resources commits that Intermountain will not make any dividends that will reduce Intermountain s common equity capital below 35% of Intermountain Total Adjusted Consolidated Capital (using a purchased accounting approach) without Commission approval. Intermountain Total Adjusted Consolidated Capital is defined as the common equity, preferred equity, long-term debt, short-term debt and capitalized lease obligations of both Intermountain and Intermountain s intermediate holding companies viewed on a consolidated basis. 12. Through December 31 , 2018 Intermountain will provide notice to the Commission , when the dividend payment increases by 10% or more than one- fourth of the dividends paid over the previous 12 months. 13. Cost allocations between Intermountain and MDU Resources, including its utility divisions and subsidiaries will be based on generally accepted accounting standards; that is: (a) Costs incurred specifically for a party will be directly assigned to that party; (b) Costs that are impractical to assign directly but for which a cost/benefit relationship can be reasonably identified between the service provided and the recipient, will be assigned a service charge based on a practical allocation method that allocates the costs equitably and consistently to the recipient party based on cost driving factors; and (c) Costs that are incurred for the general benefit of the entire utilities group for which direct assignment or service charges are not practical , will be allocated to the parties using an allocation methodology that is established and used consistently from year to year. 14. Intermountain will provide the Staff with notification of all affiliate transactions excluding administrative cross charges as provided in paragraph 7, between Intermountain and MDU and its subsidiaries if the transaction involves a cost of more than $100 000. 15. MDU Resources will maintain continuity in the operations of Intermountain while looking for opportunities to improve customer service and to increase efficiencies through the sharing of "best practices" and the consolidation of certain corporate and administrative functions. Intermountain will maintain adequate staffing consistent with the provision of safe and reliable service and cost-effective operations. 16. The premium paid by MDU Resources for Intermountain (Goodwill or Acquisition Premium) will be excluded from the utility accounts of Intermountain. Further Intermountain will not request rate recovery of the transaction costs associated with the acquisition nor will it seek recovery of the purchase premium except to the extent integration synergies from the transaction are also passed through retail rates. 17. Nothing in this Memorandum of Understanding shall be interpreted as a waiver Intermountain s or MDU Resources' right to request confidential treatment for information that is subject to this memorandum. Dated this 2..\ ~~day of August, 2008. MDU Resources Group, Inc. By: /!.~' Title: ?,eel/JbJ7 '" C!-.Eo ,4401./7"",.11/1'1- Pd~.!? tcflt.. ,rIB CtJo PIVISltJ.AJ of" MJ!JtL REJOW'ld..$ ~bWt; ::1:"/c. Intermountain Gas Company By: ~ . Title ~~\ bC;~~ By: Title: ~y /J. f-lwney ~~ ( MDU RESOURCES GROUP, INC. UTILITY DIVISIONS & PRIMARY SUBSIDIARIES Centennial Energy Holdings, Inc. (MDU Subsidiary) Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. (MDU Division) Great Plains Natural Gas Co. (MDU Division)