HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060628_1604.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:CO MMISSI 0 NER KJELLAND ER COMMISSIONER SMITH CO MMISSI 0 NER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF FROM:DON HOWELL DATE:JUNE 26, 2006 SUBJECT:P ACIFICORP'S APPLICATION FOR AN ACCOUNTING ORDER TO DEFER RATE CREDITS ADOPTED BY THE COMMISSION IN THE RECENT MIDAMERICAN-ACIFICORP ACQUISITION CASE, CASE NO. PAC-06- On April 28, 2006, PacifiCorp (dba Rocky Mountain Power) filed an Application requesting that the Commission issue an accounting order. Rocky Mountain requested authority to book and defer the rate credits arising as a result of Commitments 127 and 131 approved by the Commission in the MidAmerican-PacifiCorp acquisition proceeding, Case No. P AC-05- See Order No. 29998. On May 17 2006, the Commission issued a Notice of Modified Procedure requesting that interested parties submit comments in this matter no later than June 14, 2006. The only comments received were submitted by the Commission Staff and it recommended approval of the Application. THE APPLICATION A. Background In the MidAmerican-PacifiCorp acquisition proceeding, the Commission adopted numerous State-specific commitments including 127 and 131.In Commitment 127 MidAmerican and PacifiCorp committed to reduce the annual non-fuel costs on a total Company basis of the West Valley lease by an expected $3.7 million in 2006, $5 million in 2007, and $2.1 million in 2008. This adjustment would reduce costs by $417,000 per month (total company). Commitment 127 also provided that: "Beginning with the first month after the close of the transaction. . . , Idaho s share of the monthly rate credit will be deferred for the benefit of DECISION MEMORANDUM (Idaho) customers and accrue interest at PacifiCorp s authorized rate of return.Order No. 29998, Idaho Commitments at p. 17. In Commitment 132, MidAmerican and PacifiCorp committed to reduce the total Company administrative and general (A&G) costs by $500 000 per month and to provide (subject to offset provisions) a total Company rate credit in that amount. Id. at pp. 18-19. On an annual basis, A&G costs would be reduced in FERC Accounts 920 through 935 by $6 million. This commitment also provided that Idaho s share ofthe monthly rate credit will be deferred for the benefit ofIdaho customers and accrue interest at PacifiCorp s authorized rate of return. B. The Accounting Treatment In its Application, Rocky Mountain proposed to book and defer the rate credits beginning on April 1 , 2006. The Company proposed to allocate the deferrals relating to the West Valley lease (127) among the six states based upon the "seasonal system generation combustion turbine" (SSGCT) allocation factor for the 12 months ending March 31 , 2006. The amount of the deferral accounting related to the A&G cost savings in Commitment 131 will be allocated among the six states based upon the system overhead (SO) allocation factor for the 12 months ending March 31 , 2006. Application at ~ Rocky Mountain proposed to account for these rate credits by charging the general cost savings to Account 400 (Operating Revenues) with the credits being recorded in Account 254 (Other Regulatory Liabilities). The Company proposed that the amortization of the balances would be accomplished by debiting Account 254 and crediting Account 400.Id. at ~ 6. Rocky Mountain did not request a determination of ratemaking treatment for these rate credits at this time. Instead, the Company proposed to address these issues associated with the rate credits in the Company s next general rate case. ST AFF COMMENTS After reviewing the Company s proposed accounting treatment, the Staff agreed that the rate credit created by the Commitments should be deferred as set forth in the Company Application. The Staff also agreed that the appropriate date for beginning the deferral accounts is April 1 , 2006. Staff Comments at 3. While the specific amounts of the deferral credits cannot be determined at this time, the Staff agreed with the Company that the credits should be allocated to Idaho based upon the SSGCT and the SO allocation factors. DECISION MEMORANDUM In addition to the deferral credits, Rocky Mountain agreed that the deferral accounts will accrue interest at its authorized rate of return and will continue to accrue interest until the Commission determines the ratemaking treatments of the rate credits in the next general rate case. Staff proposed that the appropriate interest rate should be 8.827% based upon the Staffs 1999 audit. Staff indicated in its comments that Rocky Mountain agrees that this is the appropriate interest rate. Id. at 4. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to issue the requested accounting order? Does the Commission adopt the proposed accounting procedures with the beginning deferral date of April 1 , 2006? Does the Commission find that the appropriate rate of interest on the deferred accounts is 8.827%? Anything else? 0--- Don Howell blsfM:PAC-O6-05 dh2 DECISION MEMORANDUM