HomeMy WebLinkAbout20060306_1488.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER CO MMISSI 0 NER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:GRACE SEAMAN DATE:MARCH 3, 2006 RE:2005 TELECOMMUNICATIONS RELAY SERVICE ANNUAL REPORT On January 20 2006, Idaho s Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) Administrator Mr. Robert Dunbar, submitted the 2005 TRS Annual Report to the Commission. He reported the relay service conversation time, including interstate long distance, totaled 362 086 minutes. This represents an 11 % decrease from calendar year 2004. Likewise, disbursements to Hamilton Telecommunications of$366 119 for in-state relay calls were approximately 11 % less than 2004. Idaho s TRS Fund reimburses Hamilton Telecommunications for handling in-state relay traffic while the National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA) reimburses Hamilton for out-of-state relay service. 2005 TRS REVENUE AND EXPENSES The TRS fund is supported by assessments on local access lines and on billed intrastate MTS/W ATS minutes. The total number of intrastate toll minutes reported to the Administrator during calendar year 2005 was approximately 286 206 000, and the total number oflines reported was approximately 665 850. The annual contributions decreased by $6 900 in 2005 and the end-of-year fund balance was $359 000. Program administrative expenses were higher in 2005 due to the TRS Request for Proposal activities, renegotiation of the service contract with Hamilton Telecommunications and the independent TRS audit. Fund Disbursements 2005 2004 Hamilton Telecommunications Program Administrative Expenses & Fees Total $366 120 61,463 $427 583 $413 469 33,815 $447 284 DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 -MARCH 3, 2006 TRS Revenue Contributions 2005 2004 Local access service providers $319 006 (61%)$323 125 (61%) MTS/W A TS providers 200 340 (39%)203 157 (39%) Interest earned on funds 142 112 Total $519 488 $526 394 2006 TRS BUDGET AND TRENDS Mr. Dunbar estimated the 2006 annual operating expense requirement would be approximately $409 130. This includes a forecasted 10 percent decrease in traditional relay usage reflecting continued user migration to Internet and video relay. The Administrator anticipated the line count and long distance billed minutes during 2006 would remain stable with only a slight decrease of 1.4%. As in previous annual reports, the Administrator reminds the Commission, should the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) require states to pay for additional relay-related services such as Internet and video relay, the TRS fund will be quickly exhausted and the financial situation will require an immediate reevaluation of the assessments. ADMINSTRA TOR'S RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the estimated 2006 budget requirements and the downward trend in relay usage Mr. Dunbar recommended an adjustment to the TRS contributions. He presented four options for Commission review. Option 1: Assessment levels remain unchanged. Mr. Dunbar stated that if the current assessment levels of $.04 per month per access line and $.0007 per minute per intrastate MTS/W ATS remain the same, the estimated reserve balance would be approximately $459 000. Option 2: Reduce the MTS/W A TS rates only.In this option, Mr. Dunbar proposed a reduction in the intrastate MTS/W ATS per minute rate to $.0003 , providing a reserve balance of approximately $359 000. Option 3: Reduce both the access line and MTS/W A TS rates.In this option, Mr. Dunbar reduced the access line rate to $.02 per month per access line and the intrastate MTS/W A TS per minute rate to $.0006. This option would result in an estimated reserve balance of approximately $281 000. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2 -MARCH 3, 2006 Mr. Dunbar noted that adoption of emerging technology such as Voice over IP (VoIP) will likely have the greatest impact on the MTS/W A TS contribution and, therefore, favors a greater reduction in this assessment. The Administrator also cited Idaho as the only state currently assessing toll and suggested that the Commission may want to contemplate elimination of this assessment in the future. ST AFF'S RECOMMENDATION Based on the proposed TRS budget for 2006, Staff agrees with the Administrator recommendation to reduce the TRS assessment rates. After reviewing the annual report and assessing the TRS usage, Staff believes the Commission may wish to consider another option of reducing the access line rate to $.03 and reducing the MTS/W ATS per minute rate to $.0003. These reductions would provide an estimated reserve balance of approximately $270 000. COMMISSION DECISION 1. Does the Commission wish to reduce the TRS contribution from levels authorized by Order No. 29754 and adopt Staffs recommendation to reduce the access line rate to $.03 and the MTS/W ATS assessment to $.0003? 2. Does the Commission wish to change the distribution or the methodology in some other way? ce Seaman i:udmemos/trs report for 2005 DECISION MEMORANDUM - 3 -MARCH 3 , 2006