HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051024_1365.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER.HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL FROM:CECELIA A. GASSNER DATE:OCTOBER 19,2005 SUBJECT:IDAHO POWER'S LOW INCOME WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM REPORT In Order No. 29505 issued in Idaho Power s last general rate case, the Commission directed Idaho Power to file an annual report on its Low Income Weatherization Assistance (LIW A) program. In the attached letter the Company seeks permission to file its report for 2004 along with its 2005 LIW A report on April 1 , 2006. THE LETTER As set forth in Order No. 29505 , the Company was directed to file an annual report on its LIW A program. In addition, the Commission directed the Company to notify the Commission of what date would be most appropriate for such a filing. On July 16, 2004, the Company notified the Commission that April 1 of each year would be appropriate. As explained in further detail in the attached letter, the Company inadvertently failed to file a report on April 1 , 2005. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff re,commends that the Company s request to file its 2004 and 2005 LIW program reports on April 1 , 2006 be approved. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission approve the Company s request to file its 2004 and 2005 program reports on April 1 , 2006? M:IP _LIW AReports IDAHO POWER COMPANY O. BOX 70 BOISE, IDAHO 83707 PJ:f'CfV'\1-..vLr'l . ("'- , t r--.po 1! r:d. f .-L-..... G:-L.-4 An IDACORP Company ~Da5 OCT fa AJv.J 0: n Hi f U. JOHN R. GALE Vice President Regulatory Affairs , , JUAna 'PUBLtr U flU TiES CO Nt"nSSf ON (208)388-2887 FAX (208) 388-6449 MAIL rgale~idahopower.com October 17, 2005 Commissioner Paul Kjellander Commissioner Marsha Smith Commission Denni~ Hansen Idaho Public Uttiiti~s Commission PO BdX 83720 . , , ' . Boise" Idaho 83720-0074 =Lpe-E:, -63 RE:Annual LlWA Report Dear Cbmmissioners: In Order No. 29505 (the Order), issued in Idaho Power's last general rate case, Case No. IPC- 03-13; the Commissioh directed Idaho Power to file an annual Low Income Weatherization Assistance (LlWA) program report. In addition, the Order directed Idaho Power to notify the Commission within 60 days of the date of the Order of the appropriate date to file the report in order to provide the best available data. On July 16, 2004 Idaho Power notified the Commission that the report would be filed by April 1 of each year. Due to our oversight, Idaho Power has not filed the above-referenced annual report on the LlWA program for the 2004 program year. This oversight was unintentional and we have taken steps to ensure that the Company meets the April 1 filing deadline in the future. Following the issuance of Order No. 29505, Idaho Power entered into negotiations with CAPAI to determine several aspects of the LlWA program design. On October 1, 2004 Idaho Power filed a report with the Commission detailing and explaining the LlWA program changes that resulted from those negotiations. Once the program changes, were negotiated, Idaho Power discussed the program provisions and revised, funding' amounts with each of the individual agencies. The various agencies then needed time to adjust their processes and staffing in order to manage the additional funding which resulted from the O~der., Co~sequ~ntly, th~ second half of 2004 was one of transition for both Idaho Power and the agencies. As, a result ' the da~a that ,would have been reported i~ th~: April 1 ' 2005 rep~Jrt wouid have largeiy'fefl~ct~cr:~6~ivtty ,bi:'lde('~he :o!d"rQgran,.structtm~. ,That 'being' sa'jdj' :Idaho pQwet, respectfully requests ,that the Commissi!)n allow the Company to'include in the April 1, 2006 annual LlWA report the program details for both, 2004 and 2005. . In conclusion, I apologize 'for missing the April: deadiine and want to assure 'you that Idaho Power takes the Commission s orders seriously. Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions or would like to discuss this issue. Cordially, John R..-Gale , ' . JRG:ma ..'