HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051011_1347.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH CO MMISSI 0 NER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:WAYNE HART DATE:SEPTEMBER 29, 2005 RE:CITIZENS TARIFF ADVICE INTRODUCING ELECTRONIC BILL PRESENTMENT AND PAYMENT; ADVICE NO. 05- On August 29 2005, Citizens Telecommunications Company of Idaho d/b/a Frontier Communications of Idaho submitted a tariff advice introducing a new service, Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment. This product provides customers with the option to receive and pay their Frontier bills online. Customers would receive an e-mail notifying them when the bill is available to be viewed on Frontier s website. The electronic bills would include the same information as paper bills, including inserts and bill messages. Customers would be able to make payments via credit card or electronic withdrawals from checking accounts. Customers would receive both paper and electronic bills for two billing cycles after registering for the service. After two billing cycles, customers who replace their mailed paper bills with online statements will not be charged for the service. Customers that elect to continue to receive both electronic and paper bills would incur a charge of $2.00 per month. The Company provided cost studies to demonstrate that the service is expected to ultimately increase revenues and would not involve a subsidy from other services. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION Staff supports providing customers the option of viewing and paying for services online. Not only is this option an added convenience and service for the customer, it should provide long-term savings for the Company by reducing the costs of preparing and mailing bills. While Staff questions the amount of the charge for receiving both written and electronic bills, the DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 -SEPTEMBER 29, 2005 service is optional, and the charge will encourage customers to reduce the printing and mailing of bills. Staff recommends that the Commission approve this Advice. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to approve Citizens Tariff Advice No. 05- udmemos/Citizens Advice No. 05- DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2-SEPTEMBER 29, 2005