HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031201_698.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:DOUG COOLEY DATE:NOVEMBER 28, 2003 RE:CUSTOMER COMPLAINT REGARDING QWEST LINE EXTENSION IN NEZ PERCE COUNTY. BACKGROUND In July 2001 , approximately 30 customers in the Forest, Idaho area petitioned for telephone service in and around Forest in Lewis County and Soldiers Meadow Reservoir in Nez Perce County. In an effort to identify those actually interested, the Commission Staff sent out surveys in June 2002, to as many people on the petition as possible. Twenty-five of the twenty-nine surveys returned indicated interest in telephone service. Based on the locations of these twenty-five interested individuals, Qwest prepared a cost estimate to extend service to three groups of potential customers. The first two groups, comprising thirteen customers, are within Qwest's service territory and the Company has agreed to build the plant required to serve them. The third group is approximately one mile outside of Qwest's Craigmont exchange boundary in unserved territory. (see attached map) This third group of twelve is located approximately 3.5 miles west of Forest at various locations around Soldiers Meadow Reservoir. Qwest estimates that its cost to extend service 3.5 miles from Forest to Soldiers Meadow Reservoir for this group is $70 408. Of the fourteen parties near the reservoir who responded to Staff's survey, nine indicated that they are vacation or weekend residents. DECISION MEMORANDUM NOVEMBER 28, 2003 STAFF ANALYSIS When the petition for telephone service was first filed, Qwest's northern Idaho tariff allowed for one-half mile of line extension per applicant. Since that time, Qwest has modified its tariff to allow a $1 600 line extension credit per applicant similar to its southern Idaho tariff. After discussions with Qwest, Staff determined that the first two groups of potential customers in and around Forest had enough grouped line extension allowances to avoid additional line extension charges. These customers are within Qwest's Craigmont exchange. Qwest has obtained commitment letters from these two groups and has already begun construction. Staff further requested that Qwest design and extend service to those customers around Soldiers Meadow Reservoir within the scope of the same construction project. However, Qwest believes that line extension allowances apply only to applicants within its service territory and that line extension charges to applicants outside its service area would be billed at the cost of construction. Qwest points to Section 4.6 (C) (3) of its current Northern Idaho Exchange and Network Service Tariff which states that "construction required to provide service outside of exchange areas will be subject to construction charges equal to the entire cost of the construction beyond the exchange boundary." Because Qwest is not interested in extending service outside its service area to Soldiers Meadow Reservoir, it did not attempt to obtain commitment letters from these parties. Upon learning that Qwest did not intend to serve those applicants outside its service area unless the estimated $70,408 cost was paid by the applicants, Ms. Vivian Kastner-Maras a Soldiers Meadow resident, wrote a letter to the Commission dated September 29 2003. In that letter, Ms. Kastner-Maras asked the Commission to "support our request for phone service" for those near the reservoir. Had the exchange boundaries included Soldiers Meadow Reservoir at the time of the original petition, there could have been enough grouped allowances to extend service without additional line extension charges. Of the fourteen that responded to Staff's survey, twelve were interested in telephone service and were willing to pay up to $200 in line extension charges if necessary. The Soldiers Meadow area has some cell phone coverage, although it is patchy, and the residents appear to be largely seasonal or part-time occupants. In addition Staff realizes that the exchange boundaries do not include the reservoir and that $70,408 for twelve customers, or almost $5 900 per customer, is a relatively expensive project that could burden other ratepayers in Qwest's northern Idaho service area. DECISION MEMORANDUM NOVEMBER 28, 2003 Idaho Code 961-508 authorizes the Commission, based on evidence presented at a hearing, to determine "that additions, repairs or improvements to or changes in the existing plant , " ... facilities or other physical property of any public utility. . ." ought reasonably to be made, or that a new structure or structures should be erected, to promote the security or convenience of its employees or the public, or in any other way to secure adequate service or facilities" and issue an order directing the improvements "be erected in the manner and within the specified time in said order. Staff has informally been working with Qwest and the petitioners on this issue and believes both have legitimate positions. Staff is sympathetic to those interested in telephone service but, after weighing both sides of this argument, is not convinced that an extension to Soldiers Meadow Reservoir is in the public interest or "ought reasonably be made (Idaho Code 961-508) at this time. Staff presumes that the parties knew telephone service did not exist when they purchased what is largely vacation property near Soldiers Meadow Reservoir. Staff is also concerned that $70,408 for twelve customers is a relatively expensive project that could eventually burden other rate payers in Qwest's northern Idaho service area. Staff hopes that extending service may become more economical if more people move into that area in the future. COMMISSION DECISION The Commission can either decline to further investigate the Soldiers Meadow Reservoir residents ' request for service from Qwest or open a docket and schedule a hearing to obtain additional evidence on the standards for ordering facilities construction contained in Idaho Code 961-508. Does the Commission wish to open a case and follow the procedures established in Idaho Code 961-508 to investigate extending telephone service to Soldiers Meadow Reservoir? DC/forestdecmem ~~Y DECISION MEMORANDUM NOVEMBER 28, 2003