HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031015_644.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:KEITH HESSING DATE:OCTOBER 6, 2003 RE:VISTA - CITY OF POTLATCH 1 % ELECTRIC FRANCHISE FEE On September 29 2003, Avista Corporation filed a Tariff Advice with the Commission requesting an increase in electric rates within the City of Potlatch. The increase would allow Avista to recover a 1 % franchise fee that Avista is required to pay the city beginning November 2003. The franchise fee was imposed on Avista by city Ordinance No. 432 passed and approved August 25 2003. The Company s filing is attached to this Decision Memorandum. COMMISSION DECISION The Staff recommends that Schedule 58 be accepted for filing with an effective date of November 1, 2003 as proposed by the Company. Does the Commission agree? KHESSING/AvistalPotiatch City Franchise Fee DECISION MEMORANDUM AUGUST 13, 2003 Avilta Corp. 1411 EaltMiaion PO Box37Z7 SpOkane. Washington 9923).3721 Telephone !iI&48!HI5OO Toll Free 1DI-727-9170 ~~JV'STA. COrp. September 29, 2003 State of Idaho Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W Washington Street Boise, ID 83702 Attention: Ms. Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Advice No. E-O2-O3 RE: Tariff IPUC No. 28. Electric Service Enclosed for filing with your Commission is an electronic copy of the Company s proposed revisions to the following tariff sheet: Seventh Revision Sheet 58 Canceling Sixth Revision Sheet 58 Pursuant to the Commission s Electronic Filings Pilot the Company is filing this material only in electronic format in accordance with the revised Electronic Filings Project User s Manual. The purpose of this filing is to pass through a new franchise fee of 1 % imposed on gross revenues from the sale, transmission, and/or distribution of electrical power to customers within the City of Potlatch as specified by Ordinance No. 432. The fee becomes effective on November 1, 2003 and is estimated to increase annual revenues by at most $5,500. The Company provides electrical s~rvice to at most 434 residential, 80 commercial and 2 industrial customers in the City of Potlatch. The Company is in the process of identifying any of these area customers who may be outside the city limits. The Company requests that the Commission approve the proposed tariff changes included in this filing to be effective November 1, 2003. Enclosed are copies of the pertinent city ordinance, as well as a Notice of Tariff Change" which will be posted in the Company s Idaho offices coincident with the date of this filing. Questions or comments regarding this filing should be directed to Tara Knox at (509) 495-4325. Sincerely, ?4lk Ak~ Kelly Norw Vice President, Rates & Regulation Enclosures TLK A VISTA CORPORATION DBA A VISTA UTll.JTIES NOTICE OF TARIFF CHANGE (Electric Service Only) ----------------------- Notice is hereby given that the "Sheet" listed below of Tariff IPUC No. 28, covering electric service, has been filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission in Boise, Idaho: Seventh Revision Sheet 58 Canceling Sixth Revision Sheet 58 The purpose of this filing is to pass through a new franchise fee of 1 % imposed on gross revenues from the sale, transmission, and/or distribution of electrical power to customers within the City of Potlatch as specified by Ordinance No. 432. The fee becomes effective on November 1, 2003 and is estimated to increase annual revenues by at most $5,500. Copies of the proposed tariff changes are available for inspection in the Company s offices. Issue Date: Keep Posted Until: September 29, 2003 November 1, 2003 Seventh Revision Sheet 58 Canceling Sixth Revision Sheet 58 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities I.P.C. No. SCHEDULE 58 TAX ADJUSTMENT SCHEDULE - IDAHO The rate schedules of the Company for electric service furnished in Idaho do not include any portion of municipal occupation, business, excise or use of the streets, taxes, or charges. In order to reimburse the Company for such taxes or charges, amounts equivalent to such taxes or charges where now imposed, or which may hereafter be imposed, will be billed by the Company to its Customers as set forth below. APPLICABLE: To all charges for electric service rendered pursuant to this tariff within the jurisdiction imposing a tax or charge, as provided in Rule 3 of the Rules and Regulations included in this tariff. TAX ADJUSTMENT: The rates and charges named in this tariff shall be proportionately increased by an adjustment equivalent to the amount of the tax or charge imposed by the jurisdiction and effective as listed below: Idaho Munic Dal City of Coeur d'Alene City of Dover City of Hayden Lake City of Kamiah City of Kootenai City of Lapwai City of Lewiston City of Moscow City of Mullan City of Orofino City of Osburn City of Pierce City of Ponderay City of Post Falls City of Potlatch City of Sandpoint City of St. Maries City of Wallace City of Worley Federal bills excluded Ord ance o Resolut Ord. No. 2517 Ord. No. 54 Ord. No. 148 Ord. No. 97- Ord. No. 113 Ord. No. 300 Ord. No. 4256 Ord. No. 98- Ord. No. 310A Ord. No. 707 Ord. No. 234 Res. No. 136 Ord. No. 3- Res. No. 2002.17 Ord. No. 432 Ord. No. 998 Ord No. 598A Ord. No. 95. Ord. No. 163 Issued September 29, 2003 Date Ord ce Effecti July 1,1993 October 1, 2000 June 1, 1998 January 1, 1997 August 1, 1996 January 1, 2001 January 1 , 2000 November 1,1998 May 1,1997 January 11, 2002 June 1, 2001 May 1,1999 November 1,1996 June 1, 2002 November 1, 2003 July 1,1997 July 1,1996 January 1,1996 February 2,1987 arge 5% franchise fee 1 % franchise fee 1% franchise fee 1 % franchise fee 1% franchise fee 1 % franchise fee 1 % franchise fee 1% franchise fee 1 % franchise fee 3% franchise fee 1% franchise fee 1 % franchise fee 1% franchise fee 1 % franchise fee 1% franchise fee 1% franchise fee 1 % franchise fee 1 % franchise fee 3% franchise fee Effective November 1, 2003 Issued by Avista Utilities /11m... .",dt"y Norwood Vice President, Rates & Regulation Seventh Revision Sheet 58 Canceling Sixth Revision Sheet 58 AVISTA CORPORATION d/b/a Avista Utilities C. No. SCHEDULE 58 TAX ADJUSTMENT SCHEDULE - IDAHO The rate schedules of the Company for electric service furnished in Idaho do not include any portion of municipal occupation, business, excise or use of the streets, taxes, or charges. In order to reimburse the Company for such taxes or charges, amounts equivalent to such taxes or charges where now imposed, or which may hereafter be imposed, will be billed by the Company to its Customers as set forth below. APPLICABLE: To all charges for electric service rendered pursuant to this tariff within the jurisdiction imposing a tax or charge, as provided in Rule 3 of the Rules and Regulations included in this tariff. TAX ADJUSTMENT: The rates and charges named in this tariff shall be proportionately increased by an adjustment equivalent to the amount of the tax or charge imposed by the jurisdiction and effective as listed below: Idaho MuniciDalitv City of Coeur d' Alene City of Dover City of Hayden lake City of Kamiah City of Kootenai City of Lapwai City of lewiston City of Moscow City of Mullan City of Orofino City of Osburn City of Pierce City of Ponderay City of Post Falls City of Potlatch City of Sandpoint City of St. Maries City of Wallace City of Worley Federal bills excluded dinance or Reso utio Ord. No. 2517 Ord. No. 54 Ord. No. 148 Ord. No. 97- Ord. No. 113 Ord. No. 300 Ord. No. 4256 Ord. No. 98-31 Orc!. No. 310A Ord. No. 707 Ord. No. 234 Res. No. 136 Ord. No. 3. Res. No. 2002- Ord. No. 432 Ord. No. 998 Ord No. 598A Ord. No. 95-07 Ord. No. 163 Issued September 29, 2003 Date Ordi ance E ect July 1,1993 October 1 , 2000 June 1,1998 January 1, 1997 August 1, 1996 January 1, 2001 January 1, 2000 November 1, 1998 May 1, 1997 January 11, 2002 June 1, 2001 May 1 1999 November 1, 1996 June 1, 2002 November . 2003 July 1,1997 July 1,1996 January 1,1996 February 2, 1987 Charae 5% franchise fee 1% franchise fee 1 % franchise fee 1% franchise fee 1 % franchise fee 1% franchise fee 1 % franchise fee 1% franchise fee 1 % franchise fee 3% franchise fee 1 % franchise fee 1% franchise fee 1 % franchise fee 1 % franchise fee 1 % f anc 1 % franchise fee 1% franchise fee 1 % franchise fee 3% franchise fee Effective November 1, 2003 Avista Utilities Kelly Norwood "'" ~ ", -=J Issued by Vice President, Rates & Regulation . - ORDINANCE NO. t/ 3 L AN ORDINANCE TO THE CITY OF POTLATCH, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, GRANTING A TEN YEAR FRANCHISE TO AViSTA CORPORATION, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE OF ELECTRIC FACILITIES WITHIN THE CITY OF POTLATCH: PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; WHEREAS, Avista Corporation, a corporation o~anized under the laws of the State of Washington (hereinafter referred to as "Granteej, has heretofore filed with the City of Potlatch, State of Idaho, (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor" or the "Cityj its written application for a Franchise to locate, construct, operate and maintain poles, wires, underground cables and appurtenances over, under, along and across all of Grantor's rights of way and public proper:tY in the City of Potlatch, State of Idaho: and WHEREAS, the Grantor duly fixed the time and place for hearing said application and due and timely notice of said hearing on such application was given pursuant to statute and ordinance, and hearing on said application having been held as prescribed by law, and the Grantor having been fully advised in the premises and having determined that it is in the public interest to grant such Franchise in the manner herein set forth: and WHEREAS, Grantee Is engaged in the business of providing utility services to customers consistent with applicable laws and regulations, and Grantor has determined It Is in the interest of persons and businesses in this jurisdiction to have access to Grantees services: NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED, that Avista Corporation, its successo~ and assigns, Is hereby granted a Franchise for the purposes identified below and subject to the following terms and conditions: I. GRANT Grantor hereby grants to Grantee, its successo~ and assigns, the right, power, privilege and authority to enter upon all roads, rights of way. streets, alleys, public places or structures lying within the boundaries of Grantor and owned or maintained by Grantor, to locate, construct, operate and maintain poles, wires, underground cables and all necessary or desirable appurtenances for the purpose of transmitting and distributing electricity. This Franchise shall allow for the placement. of such facilities as may be necessary to provide service within the City and surrounding areas. II. TERM The rights, privileges and franchise hereby granted to, and conferred upon the Grantee shall, unless this Franchise be sooner terminated as herein provided. extend for a term of ten (10) years from the date of written acceptance hereof by Grantee, which acceptance shall occur no later than thirty (30) days following the approval of this Franchise by Grantor. Grantee shaD provide Grantor ninety (90) days written notice in advance of the expiration date of the tennof this Franchise allowing Grantor to review franchise for any alterations. If both parties do not desire to make any changes to the franchise doCl.lment, this Franchise will then automatically renew for an additional ten (10) year period from the expiration of the initial term. III. TRIMMINGIREMOV AL OF TREES The right of Grantee to maintain its lines, facilities and appurtenances shall include the right, as exercised in Grantee s sole discretion, to utilize an integrated vegetation management program, including the right to cut., trim or remove any and all trees, brush or shrubs growing in, on, or hanging over any City roads, rights of way, streets, aHeys or City property that interfere with or may interfere with Grantee s facilities, including wires, poles, conduits or other apparatus of Grantee, itS successors and assigns. Such work shall be done under the direction of a licensed arborist and in compliance with the Grantor's tree ordinance. IV. RIGHT OF EXCAVATION For the purpose of carrying into effect the privileges granted hereunder, Grantee is authorized at any time to make all necessary excavations in the streets, alleys, roads, rights-Of . way and public grounds within the franchised area, but such excavation shall be earned out with reasonable dispatch and with as liWe interference with or inconvenience to the rights of the public as may be feasible. Grantee shall restore all traveled surfaces and compact all ditches over and under streets, alleys, roads, rights of way and public grounds to a standard as agreed upon for conditions of safety and use after excavation. Grantee will be responsible for replacing failed asphalt patches for a period of one year. In case any obstruction caused by Grantee shall remain longer than seven (7) days after notice to remove it. or in case of neglect by Grantee to safeguard any dangerous places, Grantor may remove such obstruction or safeguard such dangerous places at the expense of the Grantee. V. NON..JNTERFERENCE WITH EXISTING FACILmES All construction, installation. repair or relocation of lines and appurtenances perfonned by Grantee along or under the roads, rights of way or properties subject to this Franchise shall be done in such a manner as not to interfere with the construction and maintenance of other utilities, public or private, drains, drainage ditches and structures, inigation ditches and structures located therein, nor with the grading or improvement of such roads, rights of way or other public property subject to this Franchise. VI. NECESSARY CONSTRUCTlONJMAINTENANCE BY GRANTOR The laying, construction, operation and maintenance of ~rantee Ones and appurtenances authorized by this Franchise shall not preclude the Grantor, its agents or its contractors, from blasting, grading, excavating, or doing other necessary road work contiguous to the said nnes and facilities of Grantee, provided that Grantee shall be given not 1es5 than five (5) days' notice of said blasting or other work, and provided further that the Grantor, its agents and contractors, if negligen~ shall be liable for any damages to the extent of Its liability under the Idaho Tort Claims Act, including any consequential damages to third parties, caused by said work to any installations belonging to Grantee. VII. CONDUCT OF GRANTEE'S BUSINESS The Grantor shall have the right to make and enforce reasonable rules and regulations pertaining to the conduct of the Grantees business. Service shall be supplied to the Grantor and its inhabitants In accordance with the Grantee s rules and regulations and tariffs filed or hereafter filed with the appropriate regulatory body of this State having jurisdiction over the Grantee. VIII. RIGHTS OF INGRESSIEGRESS The Grantor shall not interfere with the right of Grantee, its agents and employees power of ingress and egress upon its customers' properties for the purpose of installing, servicing and maintaining its facilities, including the testing and reading of service meters. IX. VACATION OF PROPERTIES BY GRANTOR If, at any time, the Grantor shaD vacate any road, right of way or other public property which Is subject to rights granted by this Franchise, to the extent pennitted by law, such vacation shall be subject to the reservation of a perpetual easement in favor of Grantor for the purpose of operating and maintaining the facilities of the Grantee and other public utilities. Such ease~ent shall also expressly prohibit any use of the vacated properties which will interfere with Grantor's ability to provide Grantee s full enjoyment of its rights under this Franchise. Grantor shall also continue to pennit Grantee to operate and maintain its faCIlities in or on the vacated property consistent with and subject to this Franchise. X. RELOCATION OF FACILmES Grantor shall notify Grantee of any intended or expected requirement or request to relocate Grantee s facilities as early as practicable, but not later than 90 days prior to any such relocation when the requirement or request reasonably could have been foreseen by that date. If notice is given less than 30 days prior to any such work, the Grantor will pay the excess costs created by the unscheduled work, including if necessary contractor overheads and expenses related to providing timely relocation. Grantor shall endeavor to cause any such relocation to be consistent with any applicable long-teRn development plan or projection ot Grantor or approved by Grantor. If, at any time. the Grantor shall cause or require the alteration or the improvement (the Rlmprovementj of any road, highway or right-ot-way wherein Grantee maintains facilities subject to this franchise by grading or re-grading, planking or paving the same, changing the grade, altering, changing, repairing or relocating the same or by constructing drainage or sanitary sewer facilities, the Grantee upon written notice trom the Grantor shall, with all diligent speed. change the location or readjust the elevation of Its system and other tacilities so that the same shall not interfere with such work and so that such equipment and facilities shall conform to such new grades or routes as may be established. The relocation of Grantee s facilities anywhere within the public right-of-way shall be at the sole expense of Grantee unless: (1) the Improvement was not paid for solely by public funds, in which case the Grantor agrees to make reasonable efforts to facilitate an agreement between the adjoining and/or affected property owners or developers to pay for the costs of relocation; or (2) Grantor has failed to provide the required advance notice, in which case any and all increased costs caused by the failure to provide such notice shall be paid by Grantor, or (3) the required move forces Grantee .off public right-of-way, in which case Grantor will provide for proper easement or right-of-way to accommodate said relocation. XI. PRESERVATION OF GRANTOR'S RIGHTS TO CONTROL The Grantor, in granting this Franchise, does not waive any rights which it may now have or may hereafter acquire with respect to road rights of way Dr other property of Grantor under this Franchise, and this Franchise shall not be construed to deprive the Grantor of any such pQWers, rights or privileges which it now has or may hereafter acquire to regulate the use of and to control the Grantor's roads, rights of way and other public property covered by this Franchise. XII. UNDERGROUNDING OF FACIUTIES Grantor, subject to applicable laws, rules, regulations and tariffs, may direct Grantee to Install (or relocate from above ground to below ground) wires, transformers or other apparatus for the distribution of electricity underground, after a finding by Grantor, with Grantee s concurrence, that such installation is feasible, practical and required for the public interest, safety and convenience. The "excess cost" of such installation or relocation of existing facilities to provide for underground service shall be borne and paid by the Grantor or other party requesting or benefiting from the same, subject to law and such rules, regulations, and tariffs as the appropriate state regulatory agency may prescribe or approve. XIII. EMERGENCY REMOVAL BY GRANTOR The Grantor reserves the right to remove any such wires, poles, or apparatus ("Grantee facilitie$j herein provided for In case of general conflagration or in other cases of extreme emergency where there is neither the time nor the opportunity for Grantee to perform such work. Grantor shall use reasonable care in the exercise of such emergency powers. Grantor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Grantee, its successors and assigns, against any and all property damage, personal Injury, death, or other liability to third parties sustained as a result of the negligent exercise of such reserved emergency powers, and shalt. at itS expense, restore Grantee s facilities removed as a result of such exercise. XIV. NON-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE This Franchise shall not be deemed to be an exclusive Franchise. It shall in no manner prohibit the Grantor from granting other franchises of a like nature or franchises to other public or private utilities under, along, across, over and upon any of Grantor's roads, rights of way or other f". property of Grantor subject to this Franchise and shall in no way prevent or prohibit the Grantor from constructing, altering, maintaining or using any of said roads, rights of way. drainage structures or facilities, irrigation structures or facilities, or any other property of Grantor or affect its jurisdiction over such property to make all necessary changes, relocations, repairs, maintenance, etc., insofar as the Grantor may deem fit. XV. FRANCHISE FEES, COSTS AND EQUALITY Grantor hereby imposes.a franchise fee of one percent (1%) as.allowed or authorized by Idaho State law, which fee shall be collected and paid by Grantee to Grantor during the teRn of this Franchise Agreement unless changed as provided herein. Grantor hereby reserves to itself the right, at any time during the teRn and existence of the Franchise herein granted, to increase or decrease any franchise fee as authorized by the law of the State of Idaho and Grantee shall collect and pay the same to Grantor. Grantor shall give one hundred twenty (120) days notice to Grantee prior to the alteration of any franchise fee. In the event that Grantor charges or imposes upon Grantee any fees. taxes or other costs in connection with the issuance, maintenance, existence, continuation, or use of the franchise, or the public rights-of-way governed hereby, granted pursuant to this document, then Grantor shan impose equivalent charges, fees, taxes or costs upon any other franchisee in the same business or competing with Grantee. XVI. FORFEITURE If Grantee shall willfully violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this Franchise through willful and unreasonable neglect or willful and unreasonable failure to heed or comply with any notice given Grantee under the provisions of this grant, then Grantee shall forfeit all rights conferred hereunder and this Franchise may be revoked or annulled by the Grantor, provided, however, the Grantor shall give ninety (90) days' written notice of its Intention to revoke or annul the Franchise during which period Gnmtee shall have the opportunity to remedy any breach. XVII. EXPANSION OF GRANTEE'S FACIUTIES Any facilities and appurtenances in streets, alleys, rights of way and publiC places, incidental to the franchise system, that have been, or are at any future time acquired, leased, or utilized in any manner by Grantee are thereupon to be deemed authorized by and shall be subject to all provisions of this Franchise. XVIII. CHANGE OF BOUNDARIES OF GRANTOR Any subsequent additions or modifications of the boundaries of the Grantor, whether by annexation, consolidation or otherwise, shall be subject to the provisions of this Franchise as to all such areas. Grantor shall notify Grantee of the precise scope of any change of boundaries not less than sixty (60) days prior to such change becoming effective. XIX. PRIOR FRANCHISES SUPERSEDED This Franchise shall update and supersede all prior electric franchises for the above stated purpose heretofore granted to Avista Corporation or its predecessors, by Grantor, or Its predecessors, and shall affinn, authorize and ratify all prior installations authorized by permits or other action not previously covered by this Franchise. xx. ASSIGNMENT OF FRANCHISE Grantee, its successors and assigns, shall have the right to sell, transfer or assign this Franchise. All provisions, conditions, regulations and requirements herein contained shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. XXI. EFFECT OF INY AUDITY The Franchise is granted pursuant to the laws of the state of Grantor relating to the granting of such rights and privileges by Grantor. If any article, section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Franchise is for any reason heldiHegal, invalid, or unconstitutional, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the Franchise or any of the remaining portions. The invalidity of any portion of this Franchise shall not abate, reduce, or otherwise affect any obligation required of Grantee. XXII. FRANCHISE AS CONTRACT This Franchise shall have the effect of and shall be a contract between Grantor and Grantee and shall be the measure of the rights and liabilities of the Grantor as well as of Grantee. XXIII. INDEMNITY Grantee agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Grantor, its appointed and elected officers and employees, from any and all liabilities, claims, causes of action, losses, damages and expenses, including costs and reasonable attomeys fees, that the Grantor may sustain. Incur, become liable for, or be required to pay, as a consequence of or arising from the construction, instailation, maintenance, condition or operation of the Grantee s equipment or facilities, or appurtenances thereto, connected with this franchise, that now or may hereafter be upon, under, over, In. across or along, the highways, roads, alleys, bridges or other public ways or places of the Grantor, provided, however, that this indemnification provision shall not apply to the extent that said liabilities, claims, damages, losses and so forth were caused by or result from the negligence of the Grantor. Grantor agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Grantee, its officers and employees, from any and aliltabilities, claims, causes of action, losses, damages and expenses, including costs and reasonable attorneys fees, that the Grantee may sustain, incur, become liable for, or be required to pay, as a consequence of or arising from the negligent acts or omissions of the Grantor, its officers, employees or agents; provided, however, that this indemnification provision shall not apply to the extent that said liabilities, claims, damages, losses and so forth were caused by or result from the negligence of the Grantee. "'. XXIV. ABANDONMENT OF FRANCHISE Grantee may at any time abandon the rights and authorities granted hereunder, provided that six (6) months' written notice of intention to abandon is given to Grantor. XXV. ACCEPTANCE OF FRANCHISE Grantee shall notify Grantor in writing of Its acceptance of this Franchise within thirty (30) days of the approval of this Franchise by Qrantor. XXVI. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and publication according to law. PASSED AND APPROVED on tt,;s y 01 City of Potlatch !1u. ~;?b fJ~ Title: J7f 11 AA- 2003. F Fa nchIa. \C ItyE lee \Potlatch . , II. III. IV. VI. VII. VIII. IX. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. '/N. '/NI. POTLATCH ELECTRIC FRANCHISE TABLE OF CONTENTS GRANT TERM TRIMMINGIREMOVAL OF TREES RIGHT OF EXCAVATION NON-INTERFERENCE WITH EXISTING FACILITIES NECESSARY CONSTRUCTIONJMAINTENANCE BY GRANTOR CONDUCT OF GRANTEE'S BUSINESS RIGHTS OF INGRESSJEGRESS VACATION OF PROPERTIES BY GRANTOR RELOCATION OF FACIUTIES PRESERVATION OF GRANTOR'S RIGHTS TO CONTROL UNDERGROUNDING OF FACILITIES EMERGENCY REMOVAL BY GRANTOR NON-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE FRANCHISE FEES, COSTS AND EQUALITY FORFEITURE '/Nil. . EXPANSION OF GRANTEE'S FACILITIES '/NIII. CHANGE OF BOUNDARIES OF GRANTOR XIx. xx. XXI. PRIOR FRANCHISES SUPERSEDED ASSIGNMENT OF FRANCHISE EFFECT OF INVALIDITY XXII. FRANCHISE AS CONTRACT XXIII. INDEMNITY XXIV. ABANDONMENT OF FRANCHISE ~. ACCEPTANCE OF FRANCHISE ~I. EFFECTIVE DATE