HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080415_2220.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER REDFORD COMMISSIONER SMITH CO MMISSI 0 NER KEMPTON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:CURTIS THADEN DATE:APRIL 11 2008 RE:FORMAL COMPLAINT OF MCKAY CONSTRUCTION SEEKING REVERSAL OF UNITED WATER IDAHO, INC. DECISION TO NOT ADD ADDITIONAL CONTRACTORS TO APPROVED CONTRACTOR LIST. On February 19, 2008, the Commission received a "Formal" Complaint (Attachment A) from Mr. Mike McKay on behalf of McKay Construction against United Water Idaho Inc. (UWI). Mr. McKay objects to the decision ofUWI to not add new contractors to its Approved Contractor List for 2008. Mr. McKay was unsatisfied with the outcome ofthe informal procedures to resolve his complaint and has filed this "Formal" Complaint as a result. Mr. McKay requests that the Commission require UWI to evaluate McKay Construction s Application and reinstate McKay status as an approved contractor on the Approved Contractor List. (McKay Construction was previously on UWI's Approved Contractor List). BACKGROUND McKay Construction has over 30 years experience working on UWI projects building water reservoirs as well as water transmission lines. McKay Construction was placed on the UWI list of approved contractors (residential development) in 1997 after meeting all the necessary requirements. In 2005 , McKay Construction failed to carry the required $5 million minimum insurance requirement. Because of the building boom in 2005, McKay Construction was working on many projects outside ofUWI's area of impact. Because of this, Mr. McKay decided to drop the $5 million coverage that UWI required for approved contractors. Mr. McKay noted that the cost of coverage for UWI was above the $2 million standard requirement for the construction DECISION MEMORANDUM APRIL 2008 industry. As a result, UWI removed McKay Construction from the Approved Contractor List in October 2005. In June of2007, Mr. Steve Snead, Project Manager for McKay Construction, contacted UWI to re-establish the company as an approved contractor. Mr. Snead was told that McKay Construction would have to go through the approval process again by submitting a pre- qualification package. In December of 2007, Mr. Snead submitted the required paperwork to UWI. In January 2008 Mr. Snead was notified by phone that UWI was not going to add any new contractors to the Approved Contractor List in 2008. In response to McKay Construction s informal complaint, UWI sent a written response (Attachment B) to the Commission. In summary, UWI maintains that because of the costs associated with administering new contractors , the length of training, the recent decrease in construction, and the lack of projected projects in 2008, it is not going to add new contractors to the Approved Contractor List in 2008. Mr. McKay filed a "formal" complaint on February 19 2008. Mr. McKay provides reasons why he believes McKay Construction meets UWI's qualification requirements and should be reinstated to the Approved Contractor List. Mr. McKay states that McKay Construction previously met the requirements to be on the Approved Contractor List. He also states that McKay Construction has worked on previous UWI projects and is fully experienced with UWI specifications for installation. Furthermore, McKay Construction states that they have projects lined up with a few developers but are at a disadvantage because they have to subcontract the water project to another contractor on the Approved Contractor List. Staff notes that in Order No. 26898, Case No. UWI-96-, the Commission approved a Stipulation and Settlement Agreement that put into place a process allowing developers to choose from a list of approved contractors to install facilities within residential subdivisions. The Agreement allows contractors to install water mains and services if they meet certain requirements. UWI was ordered to implement a system of procedures to monitor the Labor in Lieu of Cash program to ensure that the program does not result in an increase in costs to UWI and its customers. Neither the Stipulation nor Order places a limit on the number of contractors who can participate in the program. Likewise, there are no limits specified in UWI's tariff. UWI decided earlier this year to not add more contractors to the current list consisting of 10 contractors. Prior to DECISION MEMORANDUM APRIL 11 , 2008 this Order, UWI facilities were exclusively installed by one contractor; UWI did not allow other contractors to participate. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION McKay Construction was not satisfied with the outcome of the Informal Complaint. Consequently, Mr. McKay filed a "Formal" Complaint. See Rules 23 , 25 and 54, IDAPA , . 024 and .054. Staff recommends that the Commission issue a Summons to UWI directing the United Water Idaho to file a response to the Complaint. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to accept Mr. McKay s "Formal" Complaint? Does the Commission want to issue a Summons or proceed under Modified Procedure? 1laol-- Curtis Thaden i:udmemoslDecision Memo #rev 7 McKay Construction.doc DECISION MEMORANDUM APRIL 11 , 2008 ilfi::CEf McKAY CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. GENERAL CONTRACTOR PO BOX 2450 EAGLE ill 83616 OFFICE 208-939-6300 FAX 208-939-6401 SERVING THE BOISE VALLEY SINCE 1946 Jpn" r-",J,;tJ rEQ I",1...1 J:, n~.,.! - rn 2: U T! 'fti!!Pc~~fJlgs f. Idaho Public Utilities Commission Jean Jewell - Secretary PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 February 15, 2008 RE: Formal Complaint Request - United Water Idaho, Inc. Dear Jean, I am petitioning the Public Utilities Commission to request that a formal complaint be considered against United Water Idaho, Inc. based on the stated facts below. In December of 2007 United Water Idaho, Inc. (UWI) provided us aPre-Qualification Contractor Package to re-establish our standing as an approved contractor. On December 14, 2007 St~ve Snead of our office met with John Lee of UWI at his office to present and review the pre-qualification package. After review of the packet with John, Steve forwarded a couple of additional items via email on December 17 , 2007 that John requested to complete our package. In January Steve made several calls and left messages to inquire on the status of the packet review and was contacted by Scott Rhead of UWI . and informed that they had made a decision not to add any new contractors at this time. After Steve s conversation with Scott, I directed Steve to contact the Public Utilities Commission to look into our options to dispute their findings. After numerous discussions between Curtis Thaden of your office and Steve, and Curtis s efforts to resolve this issue on our behalf with UWI through the informal complaint process , UWI issued the February 5, 2008 letter (enclosed) . In response to the February 5, 2008 letter addressed to your office from United Water Idaho, Inc., I wish to summarize their position and refute each item as follows: Page 1 1. In the third paragraph it begins......In the labor in lieu program the contractor works directly for the Developer .........Uni ted Wa ter has learned tha newer, less experienced contractors will lower the quali ty installation which often increases future operation and maintenance costs. We have worked on numerous UWI prior to 2005 and have continued to work wi thin other municipalities and have never had our quality of installation questioned or been considered a "new " contractor since our company has been doing business in the valley since 1946. 2. In the third paragraph it continues......Once a contractor knows the process and begins their ini tial project on a Uni ted Wa ter installa tion the Uni ted Wa ter inspector will often be required to spend two to three times more than normal inspection time for similar projects. This is because newer contractors are not familiar wi th Uni ted' specifications for installation from hands-on prospective. This statement a long history same people wejurisdiction. makes little or no sense because we do have wi th UWI and continue to employ most of the did when we were working in UWI 3. On page two, first paragraph it states......Through this past experience United Water has learned that each newly approved contractor will go through a two year learning curve before the contractor becomes efficient in Uni ted Water process. During this two year time frame United Wa ter incurs more administra ti ve and inspection time. Again , this statement is incorrect in regards to our previous work history as stated above. 4. On page two, second paragraph it states......Taking all this into account and due to the recent housing market downturn and lack of anticipated projects for 2008, and the associated cost of administrating new contractors, United Water decided not to add any new contractors to our approved list in 2008. Page 2 I am puzzled why the downturn in the market has any relevance on their decision. We have four developers that have requested us to be placed on UWI contractor list so we can provide them our services. They all feel there is a good chance they will start construction this year. We would be happy to provide letters from each on their intent if requested. Because of the downturn in the market, it has become extremely competi ti ve bidding on proj ects. Because of their decision not to add us, this gives the approved contractors an unfair advantage to solicit work that we are not able to. Secondly, I would think UWI would take advantage of the downturn to bring on new contractors if the learning curve is such as they have stated, and theirinspectors additions man-hours required. 5. On page two, item #1 under The following are answers to your specific questions: At the end of December 2007 Uni ted Wa ter made its decision..................McKay Construction was previously an approved contractor but choQse not to keep Uni ted Water insurance requirements and was dropped off the approved list in October of 2005 (See enclosedcorrespondence wi th McKay Construction) . " This is a correct statement, However; please refer to the UWI letter dated August 22, 2005 (attached) specifically paragraph 2 which states.........When you are able to meet the required insurance coverage minimums you will be allowed perform construction on Uni ted Wa ter Idaho proj ects. Wi th their statement I feel not only should we be accepted because we followed their pre-qualification process, but even more strongly that we should have been placed back on their list in December when we provided them an insurance certificate letter from our insurance agent that our limits- could be increased when required. In conclusion I am petitioning the Public Utility Commission to review our dispute and if accepted by the commissioners begin the process of formal legal proceeding to have UWI reinstate McKay Construction Co., Inc. as an approved contractor. Sincerely, Page 3 ')./ I 'J .("10"' JOHN LEE Construction Coordinator (~() United Water HECE:'~~ez.UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. 8248 West Victory Road, Boise, 10 83709 O. Box 190420, Boise, 1083719-0420 Tel: 208.362.7329 . Fax: 208.362.3858 john.lee~unitedwater.com FES - 7 r. 1(~. I ; February 5 , 2008 Mr. Curtis Thaden Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83702 Boise , I D 83702-0074 Dear Mr. Curtis: United Water has received your letter regarding complaints from Mckay Construction and Schmidt Construction. We want you to know why United Water did not add these contractors to the approved list and that United Water believes it made its decisions based on what we believe is best for our customers. In the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Case No. UWI-96-4 1997 Stipulation and Settlement Agreement United Water was ordered by the Commission to "implement such systems and procedures as are necessary to monitor the implementation of a labor in lieu of cash program to insure that implementation of the program does not result in increased administrative and inspection costs for United and its customers generally In the labor in lieu program the contractor works directly for the developer and is frequently more interested in serving the developer s desire of lower initial cost than trying to achieve lower future operation and maintenance cost , therefore from past experience United Water has learned that newer, less experienced contractors will lower the quality of installation which often increases future operation and maintenance costs. When a new contractor is add to the approved list United Water administration must invest a significant amount of time and effort training the contractor in estimating, in construction standards , and in providing as-built information which is all necessary before the contractor can even provide developers with accurate bids base on United Water standards. Once a contractor knows the process and begins their initial project on a United Water installation the United Water inspector will often be required to spend two or three times more than the normal inspection time for similar projects. This is because newer contractors are not familiar with United's specifications for installation from a hands-on perspective. There were initially six contractors approved in 1997 when the labor in lieu program was implemented. Since then , based on contractor performance, United Water has dropped some and added some so that now there are ten approved contractors on the list. The ten contractors have been able to provide the development community with competitive pricing during the recent building boom. WWW.UNITEOWATER.COM Through this past experience United Water has learned that each newly approved contactor will go through a two year learning curve before the contractor becomes efficient in the United Water processes. During this two year time frame United Water incurs more administrative and inspection time. Taking all this into account and due to the recent housing market downturn and lack of anticipated projects for 2008 , and the associated cost of administrating new contractors United Water decided not to add any new contractors to our approved list in 2008. The following are answers to your specific questions: 1.) At he end of December 2007 United Water made its decision not to add contractors and thus did not invest the time to review the six pre-qualification packages which were submitted to United Water in December of 2007. Therefore we have not made any determination as to if McKay Construction and Schmidt Construction meet all requirements. McKay Construction was previously an approved contractor but chose not to keep United Water insurance requirements and was dropped off of the approved list in October of 2005 (See enclosed correspondence with McKay Construction). ) During any given year United Water will receive requests through out the year from contractors wishing to become approved United Water Idaho contractors. In order to efficiently implement the labor in lieu program United Water will give the pre-qualification package to any contractor requesting the information and at the same time , tell the contractor that United Water does not review completed packages until January of the next year and mayor may not add contractors. ) All six of the contractors submitting completed pre-qualification packages were notified in writing with a letter stating that United Water is not adding any contractors to the approved list in 2008. Some contractors phoned and inquired about approvals and were informed of the decision prior to the written letter. ) United Water currently has ten approved contractors. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, Construction Coordinator CC: Patty Foss , Scott Rhead , Greg Wyatt ." " United Water '. , rID United Water Idaho Inc. 8248 W. Victory Road O. Box 190420 Boise, 10 83719-0420 telephone 208 362 7300 facsimile 208 362 3858 July 15, 2005 McKay Construction, Inc. Mr. Mike McKay PO Box 3066 Boise Id 83703 Dear Mr. McKay: United Water is in the process of revising our pre-qualification contractor requirements for installing water mains in the United Water Idaho s certificated area. Previously approved contractors will not be affected by the new pre-qualification requirements. Along with the new pre-qualification requirements we are also implementing an annual review process for all contractors. We will evaluate each contractor on each project. I am enclosing a copy of the evaluation form. The form is intended to smooth the flow of projects and capitalize on both Contractor s and United Water s time. You will be ratedon a scale from one to five on various stages of your projects. Five is a favorable rating anything below four is unacceptable. These forms will aid us in our annual review process. We also need to have updated information regarding the insurance requirements that United Water contractors are required to carry. I am enclosing a copy of page 3 of our standard contract that refers to the insurance coverage amounts. Please send us your insurance coverage information by July 27 , 2005. If you have any questions , please feel free to call. Sincerely, John Lee Construction Coordinator Enc: Evaluation Form Page 3 Main Extension Contract www.unitedwater.com ..:s. ~ e United Water (8) Unitad Water Idaho Inc. 8248 W. Victory Road O. Box 190420 Boise, 10 83719-0420 telephone 208 362 7300 facsimile 208 362 3858 August 16 2005 McKay Construction Mr. McKay PO Box 3066 Boise, ill 83703 Dear Mr. McKay: On July 15th I requested information from you regarding proof of insurance coverage necessary to become an approved United Water contractor. As of this date I have not received any proof of insurance from you. Our files indicate that we have not received any insurance information from you since January of 2004. It is imperative that you send your proof of insurance by September 1 2005. United Water will not allow McKay Construction to start any new projects until we have received information from your insurance agent that proves McKay Construction meets the necessary limits. I am enclosing a copy of my previous request and the insurance liability minimums required. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Construction Coordinator Enc: Letter Dated July 15, 2005 Page 3 Main Extension Contract www.unitedwater.com ..s "'-"" e z. United Water , , (ID August 22, 2005 McKay Construction, Co, Inc. Mr' McKay. PO Box 2450 Eagle, JI)83616 Dear Mt.McKay: United Wateildaho hic. 8248 w.Victoiy Road , P.O. BoX1 90~20 : Boise; 10837.19-0120; telephone 208 362 7300 facsimile 208 362 3858 Thank you for your response to my request for updated insurance information. The infonnation, which you sent to us, indicates that you do not have the minimum irlsprance necessary to be an approved -United Water Contractor. . " When you are able to meet the required insurance coverage minimums you will be allowed to perform construction on United Water Idaho projects. If you have any questions , please feel free to call. Sincerely, John Lee Construction Coordinator ~ ' I . Complete items 1i~r.ind , Also complete ~ ' item 4 if Restricted Oelivery is desired. : . print your name and address 01), the reverse !' so that we can return the card to you. ~ . Attach this card to the back oUhemailpiece. or on the fi'ont if space permits. 11. Article Address~:.tQ~.."." ~,_. . I - ,,- Mr. McKay McK~y Construction, Inc PO Box 2450 Eagle, ID 83616 \2; ArtiCle Number (Transfer (tom serVice label) Ips F6rm3811.August 2001 ..:.\ ' ::": ""- A,...., .l":c,".c,~:::-",,==:'("L',:c:" :'::::. , 0 Yes 7003 3110 0001 1948 8723 2ACPRi,.Q3-P4cJB1' DomestiG.R~fumAeiceipt ' .---- m_. __'"~"""-- -~o. ",:,,,,"":' ..:T' ::: "7', , "~,:,:~, 'C" ;::'..-...,--....,'",", '0." """" ,,.,..".., , " ., "'O. " , ...:s. """" e z United Water (ID United Water Idaho Inc. 8248 W. Victory Road O. Box 190420 Boise, 1083719-0420 telephone 208 362 7300 facsimile 208 362 3858 September 19, 2005 Mr. McKay McKay Construction, Inc. O. Box 2450 Eagle, ill 83616 Dear Mr. McKay: We still have not received verification from either you or your insurance provider that your company carries the minimum insurance required by United Water Idaho to be an approved contractor. If we do not receive verification ofthe necessary insurance minimums by September 30, 2005, we will have noalternative but to remove McKay Construction, Inc. from our approved contractor list. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Sincerely, John Lee Construction Coordinator Enc: Letter Dated August 22, 2005 O', ' " "-c, ";;;';:"" \ "'"; . '~",,; P"'www.unitedwater.com ..s '-"" e z: " .United Water ,/, (8) United Water Idaho Inc. 8248W. Victory Road " P.O. Box1S0420 Boise, 1083719-0420 telephone 208 362 7300 facsimile 208 362 38(38 October 4, 2005 Mr. McKay McKay Construction , Co , Inc. PO Box 2450 Eagle , ID 83616 pear Mr. McKay: The letter is to inform you that McKay Construction , Inc. has been removed from United Water Idaho s list of approved contractors. This decision results from a f;:lliure to provide our office with a Certificate of Insurance from your insurance carrier guaranteeing minimum insurance coverage as required by the contract. stipulated in our September 19 2005 letter to you , this Certificate of Insurance was to bein our office by September 30, 2005. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Construction Coordinator Enclosure:, Letter Dated September 19 , 2005 '." """C"' "".,...~"~~, " '. ', '.. ' SENDEFt: COMPLETE THIS SECTION ' , " OMPLErErHISSECTIONONDELlV~RY ' ', ," .""" 1 II Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Oelivery.is desired. i' II Print your name and address on the reVerse so that we ca,n return the card to you. ; , II Attach this card to the back of the mail piece or on the front if space permits. : 1. Article ~ddressed to: /Vi r- ,;vr~ ka Y , Iv!cko. X L~/J3 f-rtL L-!-IVp:;r 12'17" 8c x 2~50 jit!'t..:f; /e 2: f) 7f 36/ D Agent D Addressee I C. Date of Delivery ~ ,. 3. SeJi"'lce Type " / ..g:Certified Mail D Exp~aiL---: D Registered D Return Receipt for Merchandise D Insured Mail D C. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Ext,ra Fee)Dyes