HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030825_603.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF SCOTT WOODBURY WORKING FILE FROM:CAROL COOPER DATE:AUGUST 22, 2003 RE:UNITED WATER'S DENIAL OF SERVICE TO CUSTOMER OF TERRE GRANDE WATER Tira Jones, owner of Mother s Choice Day Care (Mother s Choice), contacted the Commission because she wants to be served by United Water Idaho (UWI). Mother s Choice is currently a customer of Terre Grande Water (Terre Grande), an unregulated water company with approximately 120 customers located south of Overland Road near the Edwards Theaters in Boise. See attached map. UWI is refusing to serve Mother s Choice until it receives a letter of release from Terre Grande Water. According to Mother s Choice, Terre Grande has refused to provide such a letter because it is in the process of negotiating the sale of its water system to UWI and does not want to lose any customers. Staff confirmed that United Water s Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity includes the subdivision currently served by Terre Grande. UWI has main lines on three sides of this subdivision. UWI, however, contends it has an obligation to treat Terre Grande in the same manner it would another regulated water company and is refusing to serve Mother s Choice without the permission of Terre Grande. However, UWI did extend its facilities to the property. BACKGROUND In 1997, Ms. Jones, owner of Mother' s Choice, contacted UWI to ask for a service connection to her business location. UWI thought that the business was served by a private well that was contaminated. UWI extended service across Overland Road to where it thought Mother s Choice property line was located. The line extension cost the Company approximately DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 -AUGUST 22, 2003 000. However, no service connection was made because Mother s Choice did not do the necessary work on the customer s property. Mother s Choice did not pursue connection at that time due to the owner s family illness. In June 2003 , Ms. Jones called the Commission because she believed the meter box UWI installed in 1997 was on the wrong side of the irrigation ditch and UWI would not move the line so she could connect to UWI's system. She was worried about the safety of the children at the day care due to poor water quality and long outages on Terre Grande s system. When Staff contacted UWI regarding placement of the meter box, UWI indicated there was an easement issue with the canal company, and Ms. Jones was advised of the steps necessary to resolve that issue. At the time, Staffwas under the impression that UWI intended to provide service to Mother s Choice and that Mother s Choice would be responsible for resolving whatever contractual obligations it might have with Terre Grande as a separate matter. On July 11 , 2003 , United Water moved the service line and meter box to the other side of the irrigation ditch to Mother s Choice s property line. The cost to UWI was approximately 500. On July 15, Ms. Jones contacted the Commission again because she had received a call from United Water asking for payment of $2 500 to move the meter box. Ms. Jones refused since in 1997 she was advised that it would not cost her anything to install service. UWI did not actually connect the service, nor has it billed Mother s Choice for line extension costs. UWI indicated to Staff that it does not intend to pursue collection of the $2 500 charge. STAFF ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATION In June 1959, Terre Grande Mutual Water Company filed an Application with the Commission for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. A year later, the Application was withdrawn and Case No. U-I081-l was dismissed. The file contains no information about why the Application was withdrawn. Staff has not yet conducted an investigation of Terre Grande to determine whether it is a public utility subject to regulation by this Commission. According to UWI, negotiations to purchase Terre Grande have been in process for approximately three (3) years. UWI has refused to provide service to Mother s Choice and at least one other customer of Terre Grande. The other customer has also filed an informal complaint with the Commission Staff regarding UWI's refusal to serve. Both customers indicate that they have experienced water quality, water pressure, and service reliability problems. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2 -AUGUST 22, 2003 Although the Electric Supplier Stabilization Act prohibits "pirating" of customers of one electric company by another electric company, there is no similar provision in the law for water companies. However, Staffrecognizes that it is not good public policy to encourage the duplication of facilities to serve a customer. Unfortunately, in this instance, UWI has already extended facilities to serve a location (Mother s Choice) already served by Terre Grande. As the first step towards resolving the issue of which company has the obligation to serve, Staff recommends that the Commission open an investigation into whether Terre Grande should be a regulated public utility. Such an investigation may also examine the issue of serving the daycare center. COMMISSION DECISION Should the Commission open an investigation into whether Terre Grande should be a regulated public utility? (Y J1J7~ Carol Cooper i:udmemos/uwi teITe grande dm DECISION MEMORANDUM - 3 -AUGUST 22, 2003 07/31/03 THU 09:28 FAX 208 362 1479 UNITED WATER IDAHO ~002; ,"\":;~:' 'i" ~--------.... :, II 'I' ' ... /'1' :-" ~+, J 18!.'6' ' '" ;,~; ;;( , ," ~'~ ~ :~:: TJ.;J ~: ' "" ~. .~~,... ""'. 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