HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030528_488.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:CO MMISSI 0 NER KJELLAND ER CO MMISSI 0 NER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL FROM: SCOTT WOODBURY DATE: MAY 22, 2003 RE:UNITED WATER IDAHO-TARIFF ADVICE UWI SCHEDULE 8, SHEET lOB 1 % FRANCHISE FEE-CITY OF EAGLE On May 2003 United Water Idaho, Inc. (United Water; Company) filed a tariff advice (Schedule 8, Sheet lOB) adding the City of Eagle to the list of municipalities that assess a franchise fee to United Water Idaho. Accompanying the Company s filing is a copy of a Franchise Agreement between United Water and the City of Eagle, dated May 13 , 2003, and a copy of City of Eagle Ordinance No. 414, dated September 10, 2002. The City of Eagle Ordinance and the Franchise Agreement both contain the following clause: The Grantees franchise fee payment obligations hereunder shall commence with the start of the Grantees ' first full billing cycle following the effective date of this ordinance; provided, that the Grantee must first receive approval from the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for the collection of the franchise fee and the rates charged by Grantee. To harmonize the billing cycle, United Water requests an effective date of May 15, 2003. The first billing cycle would be the two months commencing approximately May 23, 2003. The proposed effective date will enable the Company to begin payments to the City of Eagle in July, rather than September. Commission Decision Staff recommends that the submitted United Water tariff advice (UWI Schedule 8 Sheet lOB) amending the Company s municipal franchise fee schedule to add the City of Eagle be approved for effective date May 15, 2003. The City of Eagle is assessing a 1 % franchise fee. DECISION MEMORANDUM As reflected in the Company s tariff schedule, the franchise fee charges will be shown as a separate item on a customer s billing. Does the Commission concur with the recommended approval? Scott Woodbury Vld/M:UWI Franchise Fee DECISION MEMORANDUM McDevitt & Miller LLP Lawyers (208) 343-7500 (208) 336-6912 (Fax) 420 West Bannock Street O. Box 2564-83701 Boise, Idaho 83702 Chas. F. McDevitt Dean J. (Joe) Miller May 21 2003 Via Electronic Mail Ms. Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83702 Re:City of Eagle--United Water Idaho Inc. Franchise Agreement Dear Ms. Jewell: Transmitted herewith is a proposed revision to United Water Idaho s Schedule 8, Sheet lOB. The revision adds the City of Eagle to the list of municipalities that assess a franchise fee to United Water Idaho. You will note that an effective date of May 15, 2003 is requested. The City of Eagle Ordinance and the Franchise Agreement both contain the following clause: The Grantee s franchise fee payment obligations hereunder shall commence with the start of the Grantee s first full billing cycle following the effective date of this ordinance; provided, that the Grantee must first receive approval from the Idaho Public Utilities Commission for the collection of the franchise fee in the rates charged by Grantee. " As it happens, with respect to the Eagle customers affected by the franchise fee, their meters are read and the billing cycle ends about the 23rd of the month. An effective date after May 23rd would be into the next billing cycle. Pursuant to the language of the ordinance/agreement UWID would not start collecting and making franchise payments until the next full billing cycle (July-September). This could be avoided if an earlier effective date was adopted. UWID is proposing May 15 United, of course, would not retroactively bill any customer back to that date, but this would serve to harmonize the billing cycle and the effective date. Thereby, the first full billing cycle would be the two months commencing approximately May 23rd and United could begin payments to the city in July, rather than September. Ms. Jean Jewell May 21 2003 Page 2 of 2 I am also providing a copy of the City of Eagle Ordinance and the executed Franchise Agreement for review by staff. Very truly yours McDEVITT & MILLER LLP Dean J. Miller DJM/sg Ene!. Greg Wyatt, United Water Idaho Susan Buxton, Eagle City Attorney Sheet No. lOB UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. SCHEDULE NO. MUNICIPAL FRANCHISE FEES Purpose: The purpose of this schedule is to set forth the charges such as license , franchise, business occupation, operating, excise, use of street taxes or other charges that are imposed on the Company by municlpal corporations and billed separately by the Company to its Customers within the corporate limits of a municipality. App licabilit This schedule is applicable to the gross operating revenues received by the Company from the sale of water and water services within the corporate limits of the c~ty. Rate: The rates and charges for the sale of water and water services provided under the Company s schedules will be proportionately increased by the following charge wi thin the municipality on and after the effective date of the applicable munlcipal ordinance. The charges will be shown as a separate item on the customerbilling. Munici ali t Ordinance No.Effecti ve Date Char Gi~ty of Boise 5623 November 1, 1995 City of Eagle 414 May 15 , 2003 1. 0% Issued:Effective: Issued by:UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. By: Gregory P. Wyatt , President