HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030121_368.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:CO MMISSI 0 NER KJELLAND ER CO MMISSI 0 NER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN JEAN JEWELL COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL FROM:LISA NORDSTROM DATE:JANUARY 15, 2003 RE:IN THE MATTER OF THE INVESTIGATION INTO THE PURCHASE GAS ADJUSTMENT (PGA) MECHANISM AND THE NATURAL GAS PURCHASING POLICIES OF INTERMOUNTAIN GAS COMPANY. CASE NO. INT-Ol- In the year 2000, Intennountain Gas Company filed two Purchase Gas Adjustment (PGA) increases. Intennountain Gas customers observed their winter rates increase by 60% in one year. While a PGA increase is not uncommon, two increases in less than a year are unusual and the total increase to customers was unprecedented. On February 7, 2001 , the Commission issued a Notice of Investigation in Order No. 28632 directing Staff to investigate Intennountain Gas' PGA mechanism and purchasing policies. ST AFF REPORT Staff filed its report on May 25, 2001 and detennined that natural gas wholesale market prices skyrocketed after three years of unseasonably wann weather, decreasing storage inventories, increased demand due to growth and increased reliance on natural gas for electric generation, increasing competition for Canadian natural gas, and a colder than nonnal winter. Staff found that the high wholesale prices for natural gas were unexpected and unprecedented. Staff was unable to find any material that predicted increases of that magnitude. Staff believes the Company has since taken some steps to minimize the volatility of gas prices to customers. Intennountain Gas provides a diverse gas portfolio with purchases from all available supply basins. The Company has taken advantage of capacity releases and off- DECISION MEMORANDUM system sales. It has an extensive amount of storage to take advantage of seasonal differences between summer and winter gas prices. After reviewing other possible gas purchase mechanisms, Staff continued to believe that the existing PGA mechanism is the best system to ensure customers pay the lowest price for the natural gas commodity. The mechanism is readily auditable, provides no perceived regulatory disincentives, sends the correct price signal to customers, allows the Commission the flexibility to detennine the price to customers, and assures customers that they will pay no more than the Company pays for the procurement of natural gas. In light of changes occurring in the natural gas industry in recent years, Staff believed it more important than ever for the Commission and the Company to communicate and document Company activities. The Company must be willing to provide the Commission an increased amount of infonnation to assure customers that the Company is using all available expertise to optimally minimize natural gas procurement costs. As a result of the investigation Staff made the following recommendations: Maintain the existing purchase gas cost adjustment mechanism. Improve documentation and increase communication between the Company, the Commission, and Staff. At a minimum the Company should retain the following infonnation: All graphs, visuals and charts used in discussions to make gas procurement and hedging decisions; Articles, letters, memos, reports, notes, etc. detailing the current gas market and/or projections; Summary of risk management meetings between IGI and Intennountain; and Written decisions resulting from each risk management meeting that is signed by a corporate officer. The Company should document and report all new contracting arrangements and initiate a bidding process for new gas contracts as existing contracts expire. The Company should be directed to file its required Integrated Resource Plan (which it has since done) and provide additional annual updates in addition to the required biannual filing. DECISION MEMORANDUM The Company should be directed to provide to Staff the most complete current infonnation and services for the following: A complete statement of qualifications for IGI Resources; complete list of the services that IGI Resources provides to Intennountain Gas Company; complete list of other available services offered by IGI Resources not currently utilized by Intennountain Gas Company; and A complete list of services and qualifications the Company finds necessary in a marketing service provider. The Company should investigate all conservation opportunities and develop cost-effective programs that could be offered to all customer classes. INTERM 0 UNT AIN' S REPL Y On June 1 , 2001 , Intennountain Gas filed a reply indicating that the Company concurred with Staff s finding that the PGA should be maintained. Intennountain Gas further agreed to consult with Staff to provide the level of documentation necessary to assist Staff in reviewing the Company s ongoing gas purchasing decisions. The Company also stated that it would continue documenting all new contracting arrangements and bid new gas contracts as existing contracts expire. COMMISSION DECISION Based on the findings of Staff s report, does the Commission wish to issue an Order adopting Staffs recommendations and close out the case? ~- JJ. ~~~ Lisa D. Nordstro M:INTGOIOI In DECISION MEMORANDUM