HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080226_2179.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER REDFORD COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER KEMPTON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:WAYNE HART DATE:FEBRUARY 25, 2008 RE:AVISTA TARIFF ADVICE NOS. 08-01-E AND 08-01-G, INCREASING INCENTIVE LEVELS FOR ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES. On January 11 2008, Avista Corp. submitted Tariff Advice Nos. 08-01-E and 08-01- revising Schedules 90 and 190 of the Company s Tariffs for electricity and natural gas. The proposed changes increase the incentive rates and revise associated terms and conditions offered to customers who elect to install demand side management (DSM) measures. The revised incentive levels are illustrated in the following table. Incentive levels are based upon the estimated simple pay back of the project and the estimated savings during the first full year after installation. Incentives are capped at 50% of the total project cost, except for low income programs, market transformation programs or low cost- high savings programs, such as compact fluorescent lighting. Electric Efficiency Measures Sim le Pa back Period 1 to under 2 years 2 to under 4 years 4 to under 6 years 6 to under 10 years Over 10 years - Non lighting Over 10 years - Lighting Incentive Levels (cents per first year kWh savings)Existing Proposed6 cents 8 cents 10 cents 12 cents 12 cents 16 cents 14 cents 20 cents4 cents 20 cents4 cents 12 cents DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 -FEBRUARY 25 , 2008 Fuel Conversion Measures Incentive Levels (cents per first year kWh savings) Simple Payback Period Existing Proposed1 to under 2 years 1 cent 1 cent2 to under 4 years 2 cents 3 cents4 to under 6 years 3 cents 5 cents6 to under 10 years 4 cents 7 centsOver 10 years 1 cent 7 cents Gas Efficiency Measures Incentive Levels (dollars per first year therm) Simple Payback Period Existing Proposed18 to 48 months $2.48 to 72 months $2.Over 72 Months $3. 1 to under 2 years 2 to under 4 years 4to under 6 years Over 6 years $2. $2. $3. $3. The incentive structure for gas efficiency measures was changed to be consistent with the electricity efficiency measures to reduce confusion. The incentive cap is proposed to increase from 30% to 50% of total installed cost. The special incentive rates for new technology gas efficiency measures was seldom used and is being replaced with language that allows the Company to develop special programs to address such applications. The Company indicated the proposed revisions were reviewed and approved by the Company s DSM advisory body, its Triple E Board. The Company also provided documentation to demonstrate that the new incentive levels are cost effective. STAFF ANALYSIS The Company s most recent Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) includes a significant increase in the amount of DSM that the Company will rely upon to meet future load growth. In its comments on the IRP, Staff indicated that this target level of DSM would require a more aggressive effort from the Company if it expected to acquire the higher level of savings. Therefore, a filing increasing the DSM incentive levels was expected. That plan also indicated that the costs of other resources are increasing, and that the avoided cost levels used by the Company in determining the cost effectiveness of DSM measures DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2 -FEBRUARY 25 , 2008 would also be increasing. This is consistent with Staff s understanding of the trends throughout the industry. Staff has reviewed the revised incentive levels, the Company s cost effectiveness calculations using the new avoided cost levels, and the other changes identified in the proposal and finds that they are a prudent response to the challenges facing the Company and the industry. However, Staff notes that the Company provided a very simple analysis of the savings expected from the Company s DSM programs and has not provided a complete evaluation of its efforts to demonstrate that projected savings will be fully realized. Based upon other utility efforts, Staff expects the savings estimates to decline somewhat when the impact of "free riders (customers who would have installed the DSM measures without the utility incentive, but because it is available, take advantage of the incentive), consumer take-back (greater use of an efficient appliance because it costs less to operate) and other factors which tend to reduce savings from projected levels, are taken into account. Staff also notes that there is still a considerable margin between the projected cost of DSM measures at the proposed incentive levels and the revised marginal cost levels. The projected costs are approximately half of the cost of avoided resources. Therefore, Staff is confident that the proposed incentive levels will remain cost effective when these factors are taken into account and therefore recommends the Commission approve the Company s filing. Nevertheless, Staff has advised the Company that it expects these factors to be evaluated and quantified before it would recommend approval of any additional increases to these incentive levels. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Avista Tariff Advice Nos. 08-01-E and 08-01- COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to approve Avista Corp. Tariff Advice Nos. 08-01-E and 08-01- i:udmemos/Avista tariff advice 08-01 g & e DECISION MEMORANDUM - 3 -FEBRUARY 25 2008