HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020722_196.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:CO MMISSI 0 NER KJELLAND ER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN JEAN JEWELL RANDY LOBB DON HOWELL LYNN ANDERSON JOE CUSICK CAROLEE HALL WAYNE HART BIRDELLE BROWN BEVERLY BARKER RON LAW TONY A CLARK GENE FADNESS WORKING FILE FROM:DOUG COOLEY DATE:JULY 15, 2002 RE:FREMONT TELCOM'S APPLICATION FOR BROADBAND EQUIPMENT TAX CREDIT. BACKGROUND On March 28, 2002, the Commission received an Application from Fremont Telcom to receive an investment tax credit for eligible broadband equipment pursuant to Order No. 28784 and Idaho Code 9 63-30291(4). To be eligible for the tax credit, the taxpayer must apply for and obtain from the Commission an order confirming that installed equipment qualifies for the tax credit. DISCUSSION Fremont stated that, during Calendar Year 2001 , it installed Tl transceivers, routers fiber optic multiplexers, power supply and back-ups, supporting line card accessories, and various other components that support the provision of high-speed Internet access to customers in eastern Idaho. Fremont also included such items as buried cable, buried fiber, one pole and DECISION MEMORANDUM JULY 15 2002 supporting labor and overhead costs. (See attached Application) Fremont indicated that it began offering 640 kbps to 1.5Mbps access speeds to end users in 2001 via Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL). STAFF REVIEW Staff has reviewed the list of proposed broadband equipment submitted by Fremont and believes that, with the exception of one load coil, the equipment identified qualifies for the investment tax credit pursuant to Idaho Code 9 63-30291. Load coils are induction devices in long local loops that boost the voice-grade frequencies. However, load coils must be removed when high-speed data transmissions are required. This item accounts for $400 of Fremont's $1. million Application total. Therefore, Staff recommends approval of the Company s Application with the exception of the load coil and further recommends that the Commission forward the approving Order along with a copy of the original Application to the Idaho Tax Commission. COMMISSION DECISION Should the Commission approve Fremont Telcom s Application, with the exception of the load coil, for the broadband investment tax credit? udmemos/Fremont memo. DECISION MEMORANDUM JULY 15 2002 Conley Ward ISB #1683 GIVENS PURSLEY LLP 277 North 6th Street, Suite 200 O. Box 2720 Boise, ill 83701 (208) 388-1200 (208) 388-1300 (fax) F:=:CE:iVEO F!LED 2002 h~.\ 28 Pi: 3: t:3 , , ".. ' m" I ' U r ;;'_ .". :3 CG,ijSS10N Attorneys for Fremont Telcom s: \MACS \CEWIFREM ONTlbroadband\App lieati on. rtf ~E: \\f~f (; i~~ ~ ~~ BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF : CASE NO.~/t IF 1= tI..1.~o .;t FREMONT TELCOM FOR BROADBAND TAX:CREDIT CERTIFICATION : FREMONT TELCOM'S APPLICATION Fremont Telcom ("Fremont"), by and through its attorneys Givens Pursley LLP, files this Application for an Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission ) Order certifying that certain telecommunications equipment is eligible for the broadband infrastructure tax credit authorized by Section 63-3029, Idaho Code. In support of its Application, Fremont states as follows: 1. Fremont is an incumbent local exchange carrier that provides both basic local exchange and advanced telecommunications services to its customer/patrons primarily in Fremont County, Idaho. 2. During the calendar year 2001 , Fremont made certain investments that constitute qualified broadband equipment" within the meaning of Section 63-3029(I)(3)(b), Idaho Code. Exhibit A, attached hereto, describes Fremont's qualified broadband equipment and contains the infonnation and representations required by this Commission s Order No. 28784 in Case No. GNR-OI-I0. 3. Communications regarding this Application should be addressed to the following: FREMONT TELCOM'S APPLICA TION- Conley Ward Givens Pursley LLP 277 North 6th Street, Suite 200 O. Box 2720 Boise, ill 83701 (208) 388-1219 cew cmgi venspursley. com Mike Dolezal Fremont Telcom 110 East Main St. Anthony, ill 83445 (208) 624-7300 4. Applicant does not believe that the public interest requires a hearing on this matter and therefore requests that the Commission approve the Application by Minute Order or under Modified Procedure. In the event the Commission determines that further proceedings are necessary, Applicant stands ready for immediate hearings. WHEREFORE Fremont Telcom requests that the Commission issue its order determining that the installed equipment identified in Exhibit A constitutes qualified broadband equipment eligible for the investment tax credit authorized by Section 63-30291, Idaho Code. /) (J .RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this day of March, 2002. JlJ (J~ GIVENS PURSLEY LLP Attorneys for Fremont Telcom FREMONT TELCOM'S APPLICATION- 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the $~day of March, 2002, I caused to be served a true and correct copy of the foregoing by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Secretary 472 W. Washington Street O. Box 83720 Boise, ill 83720-0074 u.S. Mail - Fax -1L By Hand Jpu ina Smith FREMONT TELCOM'S APPLICATION- 3 FEB-O7-2002 THU 01: 35 PM FREMONT TELCOM FAX NO. 2086247909 P. 02 Idaho YI.. 2001 Broadband Equipment Tax Credit Application Companv Information 1. Name of company: 2. Address: 3. Type of company: 4. Contract person: Fremont Telcom 110 East Main 81., St. Anthony, Idaho 83445 Telecommunications Can'ier Mike Dolezal (208) 624-7300 , (Don Coleman (208) 624-7300) Equipment Description 5. Broadband services offered: 6. Network description: DSL services G.DMT / G,Ute (OS-) to OS- OC48/2.5gb Sonet backbone with OC3/48 transport in specjfic exchange. areas 640kb to 1.544 mb plus scaleable transmission rates )20 (2%) 7. Transmission rate: 8. Number and percentage of Idaho customers served: 9. Equipment list:See attached Broadband Equipment List I hereby certifY that I have read the applicable statutes for broadband investment income tax credit and believe that the equipment listed herein qualifies for the tax credit under Idaho Code 63-30291. 9~/~ EXHIBIT .D tbje lot ICI MAR-21-2002 THU 10:56 AM FREMONT TELCOM FAX NO, 2086247909 Fremont Telcom Broadband Investment Tax Credit for 2001 Gl#Gl DescrIption Total Property Purchasad 358,580.2232.00 Circuit Equipment 2411.00 Poles 3,459. 2422.10 Underground Fiber 358,843. 2423.00 Buried Cable 159,395. 337,256.31 - D \ o l'12423.20 Line Extension Total Property 217.534, - cJ- ':7~:v,'o' p, 02 ~ EX I)BIT !?cr:e:J f /21 MAR-21-2002 THU 10: 56 AM FREMONT TELCOM F AX NO,2086247909 'Fremont TBleom Broadband Investment Tax Credit \lendor CPR#WorkOrder # &. Description I CPR # Description WO closed QTY Total WO 2211001 SA-AFC Interface Cards for GR303 Dec- Comstock Telcam 5774 Transceiver Card 0120-eO15-973. Comstock Teleom 5775 DLP Card 0101-0008 315. Comstock Telcom 5776 T1 Transceiver Card 0120-0123 002. Total 291. WO 2211002 SA-DS3 link for Teton Telcom iona Dec- Comstock Telcarn 5777 NEC/DS3 Channel Card x 3349A 533.41 Comstock Telcam 5778 NEC/DS3 Channel Card j( 3350A1 533.41 Total 066. WO 2211003 SA-AFC Fiber Optic cards Parker Dec- Comstock Teleom 5779 Fiber Optic Transceiver Card 862.41 WO 2211004 SA-SLC to AFX Emax conv at Salem Nov- Advanced Fiber Comm 1774 WW CBA Protector Panel Emax 4,418. Advanced Fiber Comm 2004 Central Processing Unit 2.088. Advanced Fiber Comm 2058 Remote Subs Power Supply 210. Advanced Fiber Comm 3721 Data Link Processor 6,426. Advanced Fiber Comm 2005 T1 Transceiver (DSX)006. Advanced Fiber Comm 2059 RST POTS Channel Unit 278. Total 26,429. WO 2211006 SA-Hog Hollow AFC Addition Dec- Advanced Fiber Comm 568 WW CBA Protector Panel 203. Advanced Fiber Comm 562 Central Processor Unit 2.639. Advanced Fiber Gomm 563 Remote Suserlber Power Supply 151.40 Advanced Fiber Comm 2267 T1 Transceiver Powered 589. Advanced Fiber Comm 593 RST POTS Charmel Unit 921. Advanced Fiber Comm 78 Volt Battery Pack 35AH 815. Total 22,319. wa 2211007 Arboo-Flber MUX Oec- Silver Star Telephone 5780 Install Alarm Interface card, Xconn, 288 8T8336 VT 648. In house labor 2882 Install Timing Contml card, OC48 Long Reach Laser 315. Total 963.48 WO 2211008 American Falls- Fiber MUX Oec- in house- labor 2882 Install Alarm loterface card, Xconn. 288 8T8336 VT 739. Install Timing Control card, OC12 & OC4B Long Reach Laser wa 2211009 Mink Creek-Fiber Iv1UX in house labor 2882 tnstall Alarm Interface card, )(conn, 28B STS336 VT Dec-O1 573. Install Timing Control card, OC48 Long Reach Laser 2900 WO 2211010 McCammon-Fiber MUX in house labor Install Alarm Illterface card, Xconn, 288 STS336 VT Dee-01 258. Install Timing Control carel, OC48 Long Reach Laser WO 22'11011 Soda Sprlngs- Fiber I\!IUX ~BIT 2232,00 Circuit Equipment j/Joje .(II If) MAR-21-2002 THO 10: 57 AM FREMONT TELCOM FAX NO, 2086247909 p, 04 Fremont Te\com Broadband Investment Tax Credit Vendor CPR#WorkOrder # & Description CPR # Description we closed OTY Total in house labor 2882 Install Alarm Intertace card, XcDnn, 288 8T8336 \IT Dec-146. Install Timing Control card, OC48 Long Reach Laser Silver Star Telephone 5780 WO 2211013 Bone. Power Supply Unit Dec-196. Advanced Fiber Camm Advanced Fiber Comm Advanced Fiber Carom Advanced Fiber Carom Advanced Fiber Carom Advanced Fiber Carom Advanced FiberComm Advanced Fiber Carom Advanced Fiber Carom Comstock Telcarn Comstock Teleam Comstocl\ Telearn Comstocl( Teleam Comstock Telearn Advanced Fiber Camm 5736 5738 5739 5740 5741 5742 5743 5744 5745 5746 5747 5748 5749 5750 5751 WO 2212001 Teton-Green Canyon telee to AFC conversionCabinet 48pkgO' C:110AC 6MS23C Oct- RSC/48 Integrated Gen Con 20 arnp Oct- RSC/48 HILghtng AG Surge Arstr Oc1-48volt battery pack 14AH Oct- RSC/48 battery tray warmer 6" Oct- RSG/48 H-frame wall mount kit 00t- Central Processing Unit 2.01 Oct-T1 Transceiver Oct-RST POTS Channal Unit Oet-Office repeaterTIR190Y3M Oct-Kent Rex shelfT1MRP2A7RA Oct-Cable Equalizer D4EC100AAA Oot- Mini Repeaters 1239-01T8 Oct- Mini Repeaters 1239-02LS Oct- Network & AC Power Supply Unit Oct-O1 Total 788. 485. 208. 832. 347. 416.41 595. 165. 248. 177. 414, 112. 657. 483. 967. 21,899. WO 2213002 p.shtoli-Gave Falls 8LC/AFC conversion Sprint North Supply 1676 RSC240 Cab Cbid 240 MetlFbr Nov-24,573. Advanced Fiber Comm 1677 RSG/240 Integrated Gen Con 30amp Nov-422. Sprint North Supply 167B Battery 12v 30AH-Hold 12SLA30 Nov-630. Sprint North Supply 1679 RSC/240 Battery Tray Warmer Nov-357. Sprint North Supply 1684 T1-XGVR Transceiver Nov-859. Sprint North Supply 2101 POTS RST POTS Channel Unit Nov-372. Sprint North Supply 3528 PWR XFR Switch Cab-Pad IlJov-686. Total 38,901. we 2213003 Ashtoll-Ubiqultel T'\ hicap lID SBA tower Sprint North Supply 3765 T1 25 Repeater Housing 621205 Nov.596, DaB-Co of Idaho 1942 239A Repeater Cards Nov.508. Total 5:105. WO 2213004 A5htoll-DSL cards UE9000 Access !..jades Norte! t\letworks 5781 4+4 Combo ADSL DMT Ln Gel Dec-325. Norte! Networks 5782 UE9000 ATM Clct Pad: AO7B2264 01::,,260, Total 585. we 2213006 Asl1tol1-Cisco 15454 Mw( parts install Comstock Teleorn 5783 8T to SC Adapter Dec-600/J7 Cisco Systems 5784 154M-AIC Alarm Intl1o Gtrl Dee-619.46 Cisco Systems 5785 15454-TCC+ Timing Ctrl Plus Dec-398.21 GIlSon Systems 5786 15454-XC-VT )(conn 576,STS.672V Dec-O 1 14. Cisco Systems 5787 15454-0C481/1R1310 0O4-8,"IR,131 Dec-O1 25.695.47 Cisco Systems 5788 154M-SA"I\IEBS3E Shelf Assembly Dec-642,(,)3 Cisco Systems 5789 15454-EIA-SMB-A84 Elect A Side Dee-876. 2232.00 Circuit Equipment EXHIBIT ktCr C cj ol /t' MAR-21-2002 THU 10: 57 AM FREMONT TELCOM FAX NO,2086247909 Fremont Teleom Broadband Investment Tax Credit Vendor CPR#WorkOrder # & Description / CPR # Description we dosed QTY Total Cisco Systems 5790 15454.EIA-SM8~A84 Eleet B Side Oec-876. Total 42,323. WO 2213007 Ashton-Cave Falls AFC Line Cards Splint North Supply 2012 POTS RST Channel Unit Nov-619. WO 22140011P-Bills Island AFC exhaust-cont Advanced Fiber Comm 5791 WW CBA Protector Panel ete Dee-081. Advanced Fiber Comm 5792 Central Processing Unit 2.Dee-562. Advanced Fiber Comm 5793 Remote Subscriber Power Supply Dee-118. Advanced Fiber Comm 5794 RST POTS Channel Unit Dee-736.48 Total 9,499. we 2214002 IP-Valley View SLC/AFC conversion Sprint North Supply 3529 AFC RSC-240 Cabinet Nov-26,740.41 Sprint North Supply 548 T1 Transceiver Nov-927. Sprint North Supply 3498 Power Transfer Switch Cab-Pad Nov-923. Sprint North Supply 545 POTS RST POTS Channel Unit Nov-110. Sprint North Supply 3411 Battery 12v 30AH.HOLD Nov-685. Sprint North Supply 2676 RSC/240 Battery Tray Warmer NoY-389. Advanced Fiber Camm 2677 RSC/240 Intrgrtd Gen Con 30amp Nov-459. Total 42,235. we 2214003 IP~lstand'Park News T1 Hic;ap 3412 Hwy 20 Comstock Telearn 5601 T1 line termonator 3100-Aug-110. WO 2214004 IP-AFC conversion GR303 Advanced Fibel" Camm 5795 Central Processing Unit Dee-508. Advanced Fiber Comm 5796 Data link Processor Dee-665. Advanced Fiber Comm 5797 T1 Transcelver(DSX)Dec-783. Total 956. WO 2215001 IF-Syringa POP 477 Shoup Idaho Falls Binary 1 2063 Reltec 4Bvolt Inverter Nov-160. CES Internatiol1al 1708 ISP Locking Cabinet Nov-477. Alpha Equipment 1815 A92004-12 Cable Raok Nov-576. Alpha Equipment 2052 A913000-6 Wall Support Nav-331. Alpha Equipment 1709 A912020-12 Wall Ending Nov-O1 100.47 Alpha Equipment 1816 A932000-14 Aux Frame Chnl Nov-39.42 Alpha Equipment 2053 A 140026 Isolation Kit Nov-30. Alpha Equipment 1710 A14001 Isolation Pad Nov-49. Total 765. WO 2311004 SA"StAnlhcny to Parker AFC 12/48 FlberCable Comstock Telcen;5630 FlberOptic Transeeiver Card 0120wO038 Aug-537. R.lM 5631 LMS w/16way (Jutputs-J/LMS3w 16W Aug-25,690. RJM 5632 Proteotorfor LMS 10/4457-350 Aug-910, Total 35,138- WO 2311004 8A-St.Anlhony to Parker AFC 12/48 FiberCable A(amon 5655 Alall1ol1 install labor Sep-C)1 156. EXHIBIT 2232.00 Cirwit Equipment ~, R.~:l.' ~-;i)f MAR-21-2002 THU 10: 58 AM FREMONT TELCOM FAX NO,2086247909 Fremont Telearn Broadband Investment Tax Credit Vendor CPR#WorkOrder # IS. Description CPR # Description we closed aT'(Total we 2314010 IP-Count transfer repeater #6 Comstock Telearn 5659 25 slot repeater 621205-000102 Sep~01 593. 'NO 2314021 IP-Move repeater 9A2 for county Comstock Teleam 3792 25 Slot Repeater Nov-799. Comstock Teleam 5560 CKT01 01 1 NIU Card Jan-770. CKTD1 02 Comstock Teleam 5561 814420'N-REV-E STA Term Card Feb-685. Comstock Teleam 5562 104DPB1-A1 OCU/DDA DP Card Feb-- 146. Total 832. Cisco Systems 5576 Check 1465 DS3,DSX, Transmux, 6 CKT May-10,461.43 Check 1824 Comstock Teleam 5582 Through Repeater Jul-523. Comstock T eleem 5583 Looped Repeater Jul-174.40 Comstock Telearn 5584 Transmission Cards Jul.145. Total 842. CKTO1 08 CircuIt Equip Silver Star Telephone 5599 Cisco 1605 Router JAB033252MV Aug 050. CKT01 09 Circuit Purchases Comstock Teleam 5640 2PDS LSDS3 B/U Channel 4BV Sep 1 ,578. Comstock Telcarn 5641 2PDS LSDS3 U/B Channel 48V Sap 578. Total 157. CKTO1 10 Circuit Equipment Purchasas Comstock Teleam 5673 OPT Cards D4CD200EAA Oct 209, CI(TO1 12 Transmission Equipment Purchases Comstock T elcom 5772 Adtran TSU Card & Cable Dee 719. Grand Total 358,580. EXHIBIT ~ . """) J9 !jr?(J' of )() 2232.00 Circuit Equipment MAR-21-2002 THU 10: 59 AM FREMONT TELCOM Vendor Das-Co of Idaho 2411.00 Poles FAX NO. 2086247909 Fremont relearn Broadband Investment Tax CreditCPR# WorkOrder '# & Description CPR '# Description we closed we 2311018 SA-Temp pole replacement Keefer Park 5681 35' pole Oct- p, 07 QTY Total 3,459. EXHIBIT J1 :8 ' --;; jl?! o ~ If) MAR-21-2002 THU 10:59 AM FREMONT TELCOM FAX NO, 2086247909 p, 08 Vendor Fremont Telcom Broadband Investment Tax Credit CPR#WorkOrder# &. Description! CPR '# Description WO closed QTY Total Fiber Optic Supply Fiber Optic Supply Fiber Optic Supply WO 2311004 SA-St.Anthony to Parker AFC 12/48ct Fiber Cable5626 12FSM Single Armor Double Jacket Fiber Aug- 5627-5629 48FSM Single Armor Double Jacket Fiber Aug- 5633.5635 SDR 13.5 2" Plowconduit Aug- Total 638 23,616 19,310 12,456. 166,459. 22,523. 201 439. in house lnventmy 5657 WO 2311017 SA-Entrance cable term ML Technologies LBI-02A2T-O5 25pr entrance temina!Ssp-936. WO 2311002 SA - Fiber South Project Harp Engineering 5505"96FSM Single Armor Double Jacket Fiber Dee-493 000 140,086.43 Harp Engineering 5496 48FSM Single Armor Double Jacket Fiber Dee-156,000 892. Harp Engineering 5499 24RW5 Fiber Dec-283 283. Harp Engineering 5504u Handholes 14"Decu 205 6,472. Harp El1gineering 5498 Coyote 6.5x22 SpHce Case Dee-366. l-l,arp Engineering 5494 264 TA Vault Oec-915. Harp Engineering 5507"""Fiber Warning Posts Dee-010 3,448. Total 156,466.48 .. Multiple CPRs 5506, 5493, 5495, 5497 ".. Multiple CPRs 5510, 5511, 5512,5500 , 5501, 5502 5503 5513 ...... MulUple CPRs 5508, 5509, 55'14, 5515 , 5516 5517,5518 Grand Total 358,843. EXHIBIT 'XI il- fe;r;e .Yo r III 2422.10 U nciergroulld Fiber MAR-21-2002 THU 11: 00 AM FREMONT TELCOM FAX NO, 2086247909 p, 09 Vendor Fremont Telcom Broadband Investment Tax CreditCPR# WorkOraer # & Description CPR # Description we closed OTY Total Sprint North Supply 5585 iOOpr x 22 cable Oeo-543. Sprint North Supply 5618*100pr x 24 cable Oec-O 1 1 B. 179 56,230. Sprint North Supply 5589*"20Qpr x 24 cabie Oec~O1 975 55,855. Sprint North Supply 2219&5699 300pr x 24 cable Oee-227 17,559. Sprint North Supply 5698 400pr x 24 cable Dee-636 11,566. Sprint North Supply 5591***80-4 Pedestal Dee-O 1 1 ,994.34- Sprint North Supply 5637&5669 BD.3 Pedestal De 0-0 1 117. Sprint North Supply 5702 80-5 Pedestal Dec-585. Sprint North Supply 5703 BO.7 Pedestal Dee-1,434. Amcor 5592 ~~:;~ 605-010016 060-400. Amcor 5670 37" x 12" Grade Ring Oee-O1 747. Amcor 5671 37"6" Grade Ring Dee-431. Amcor 5672 3" x 4" Grade Ring Dee-264. Comstock Teleom 5645-5646 2" (nnerduct Oee-557 665. ~ Multiple CPRs 5636. 5668, 5716, 0567, 2056, 5643 5624,5700 .." Multiple CPRs 5590, 5696, 2293, 5642 "..* Multiple CPRs 5697 5625, 5701 159.395.72Grand Total EXHIBIT i, lfJ i! U 4(9~~;f/() 2423,00 Burled Cable MAR-21-2002 THU 11: 00 AM FREMONT TELCOM FAX NO. 2086247909 p, 10 Fremont Teleam Broadband Investment Tax Credit Vendor CFR#CPR Description WO closed 01Y Total Sprint North Supply 5809&5798 2pr x 22 cable Oec~020 228. Sprint North Supply 5808*3pr x 22 cable Oec-108 213. Sprint North Supply 5807**6pr x 22 cable Oec-44,037 366.49 Sprint North Supply 3665&5587 25pr x 22 cable Oec-21.981 51,940. Sprint North Supply 5564***25pr x 24 cable Oec-729 50,317. Sprint North Supply 2009""'**50pr x 22 cable Oee-01 '\, 356 974.44 Sprint North Supply 5660*"***50pr x 24 cable Oec"28,506 85,120. Sprint North Supply 5662&5801 BO 2 Pedestal Oee-464. Sprint North Supply 2010"BD 3 Pedestal Oec-125 22,791. Sprint North Supply 5664"'"BO 4 Pedestal Oee-3,477. Sprint North Supply 2061/111A BD 5 Pedestal Oee-345.40 Sprint North Supply 2007&5607 D'Terminator 12pr Oec-184. Sprint North Supply 2006&5606&5568 D'Termlnator 25pr Oec- '\, 522. Sprint North Supply 5814&5656&5680 BET 700 25pr Building Entrance Term Dec-5,409.41 Sprint North Supply 5754 25pr Outdoor Building Term Dee-810. Sprint North Supply 578 25pr Term Assy w/1Z' stub Dee-259. Sprint North Supply 2060&3664 BET 700 50pr Entr Term Oee-321.42 Sprint North Supply 5762 1 1/4" Innerduct Dee-768 513. Sprint North Supply 589 GATM2000 25pr IDC Block Dee-190. Sprint North Supply 5567 D'Terminator 10pr Oee-B02. * Multiple CPRs 56B1 , 5B 12, 5799, 5805 , 5616 *.. Multiple CPRs 5620,5723,5729 3779,5811,5603,5610 5648, 3667 5800,5615,5705,5810 *".. Multiple CPRs 3781,5619,5638 5718,5722,5728,5728 3657 5813, 5602, 5605,5753, 5755, 561 , ZO11 3663.5804, 5580. 5614, 5704, 5711, 5712, 5770, 580 ".... Multiple erRs 5586, 5658, 2678 ...'O.... Multiple CPRs 5665,5717 5721.5725,556,587,3784,5609 5644,5654., 5759, 5803, 5761, 5769, 2008 /I Multiple CPRs 379B, 5588, 5621, 5639, 5663, 5666, 571 g, 5724 5730,0557,2262,3791 5604,5611,5647,5655,5756 5760, 5802, 5806, 5581, 5617, 5713, 5763, 5771 M Multiple CPRs 5720, 5726,2057 2263 5757 2062,2055 """ Multiple CPRs 5727, 2261 Grand Total 337,256. :l-UBIT . 11 ------' v /C/4f /11 rf /(5 2423.20 Line Extension