HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080128_2154.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER REDFORD COMMISSIONER SMITH CO MMISSI 0 NER KEMPTON COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:GERRY GALINATO DATE:JANUARY 25, 2008 RE:TARIFF I.c. NO., ELECTRIC SERVICE REGULATION 5; ROCKY MOUNTAIN TARIFF ADVICE NO. 07-11. BACKGROUND On December 4 2007, Rocky Mountain Power (Rocky Mountain; Company), a Division ofPaciforp, submitted some proposed changes to its Tariff No. 1 for electric service in Idaho. Specifically, the Company requested revisions of Sheet No.R.2 , Regulation 5, to add a provision addressing the customers ' responsibility to control harmonic distortion from their equipment that back feeds onto the grid. The Company is experiencing increased use of variable frequency drives in farming, commercial and industrial applications. The Company indicated that this equipment could create harmonics that, if not filtered by the customer, travel back onto the electrical grid and may cause problems for other customers. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has published acceptable limits for harmonics standard (IEEE 519) which has been referenced in the Company s proposal. In addition, the Company also proposed a housekeeping change to Rule 5 , paragraph 3.b to make it clear that this paragraph applies to both prospective and existing customers. If approved by the Commission, the Company plans to send letters to all irrigation customers informing them of the revision and the importance of installing filters on their equipment to mitigate service quality problems. After initial review by Commission Staff and discussions with Rocky Mountain Power the Company resubmitted a revised filing for the proposed changes to TariffI.P.C. No.1 on January 22, 2008. DECISION MEMORANDUM JANUARY 25 , 2008 ST AFF REVIEW Adjustable frequency drive (AFD) also known as variable frequency drive (VFD) or adjustable speed drive (ASD) is normally installed by agricultural, commercial or industrial electric customers to improve efficiency and flexibility of electric motor/pump operations. Unfortunately, while variable frequency drives offer many advantages for critical motor speed control and optimizing energy consumption, they are also known for producing significant levels of harmonic distortion. Harmonic distortion is a continuous or sporadic distortions of the 60-hertz voltage sine waveform usually caused by microprocessor-based loads such as variable speed drives. Due to the nature of the electronics creating the variable frequency, harmonic voltage distortion can result. Literature indicates that harmonic distortion could travel back to the utility grid and could potentially create problems with utility equipment such as relays transformers and other control equipment. These harmonics could also potentially cause problems with other customers. On customers ' facilities, harmonic distortion may also create problems with their own plant electrical systems, transformers, motors and others. To minimize harmonic distortion in the system caused by variable speed drives, a device called a "harmonic filter" is normally installed. Staff believes that this type of a device is readily available in the market. There are models that are used specifically for indoor applications and others are for outdoor applications like irrigation pumps installed in the field without building enclosures. The outdoor type harmonic filters are more expensive than the indoor type. In order to prevent harmonic distortion, which could potentially damage utility and other customers' electrical equipment , Staff agrees with the Company s proposal to require its customers who have operating equipment producing harmonic distortions to install harmonic filters to reduce these distortions to acceptable limits. The Commission has previously approved a similar requirement for the Idaho Power Company Tariff No. 101 , Rule K, Customer s Load and Operations, Section 2, which states: Section 2. Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control.Customers are required to comply with Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electric Power Systems as set forth in the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers ("IEEE") Standard 519-1992. The values indicated by IEEE Standard 519-1992 apply at the point where the Company s equipment interfaces with the Customer s equipment. DECISION MEMORANDUM JANUARY 25 2008 Rocky Mountain initially proposed to provide filtering equipment to limit the distortion to within limits prescribed in the Company s Electric Service Requirements as measured at the delivery point. Staff believes that the requirement is consistent with other electric utility rules in Idaho, but should be more specifically cited as IEEE Standard 519-1992 in Section 2.of the Tariff. Staff contacted the Company to make this change and the proposed addition was included in the revised filing submitted on January 22, 2008. Staff also agrees with the proposed housekeeping changes in Rule 5 , paragraph 3.5. This change will make it clear that this paragraph applies to both prospective and existing customers. Staff notes that requiring the Company s current customers, particularly the irrigation customers, to install harmonic filters will be an additional burden to their operation costs, which may affect the economics of operating the variable frequency drives. Similarly, the payback on the installation of VFDs as energy conservation and cost reduction measures may be negatively affected by installing harmonic filters. This additional cost could then reduce installation of VFDs in the field, thereby increasing electric energy consumption. According to the Company, there are approximately 100 adjustable speed devices installed in its service territory. The Company indicated that the average cost of installing filters is approximately $5 000. Staffs independent inquiry from vendors indicates that the cost of installing harmonic filters range from $10 to $13/hp. It would be beneficial if the Company could provide some help through its existing DSM incentive programs or refer their customers to other resources that could lower the cost of installing filters. The Company has indicated that it intends to send a letter to all irrigators about this matter, and based on Staffs recommendation, has agreed to include the following information. The Idaho Office of Energy Resources ' Low Interest Loan Program (208-334-SA VE, Boise) or the USDA Farm Bill Section 9006 Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Grant Program (208-785-5840 Ext. 118 , Blackfoot) may have some financial incentives available to help finance packaged VFD and harmonic filter systems for new installations. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Staff recommends that the Commission approve the requested revisions of Rocky Mountain Power to Rule 5 , Section 2 addressing its customers ' responsibility to control harmonics fed onto the grid from their equipment. DECISION MEMORANDUM JANUARY 25, 2008 2. Staff recommends that the Commission approve the housekeeping change to Rule 5 paragraph 3.b. as proposed by Rocky Mountain Power. 3. If the Commission approves the proposed changes, Rocky Mountain Power suggests and Staff recommends that the revised Tariff pages become effective on February 1 , 2008. COMMISSION DECISIONS Does the Commission wish to approve the proposed revisions to Rocky Mountain Power TariffI.P.u.c. No.Regulation 57 Ifso, should the effective date be February 20087 Does the Commission wish to address anyth~ else7 Attachments i:udmemos/RMC Advice No. 07- DECISION MEMORANDUM JANUARY 25 , 2008 ~ ~2~~;~ ~OUNT AIN 201 South Main , Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 January 22, 2008 VL4 ELECTRONIC FILING Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise, Id 83702-5983 Attention:Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Re:Advice No. 07- Regulation 5 - Customer s Installation Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, hereby re-submits for electronic filing revised proposed tariff pages associated with Tariff LP.C. No.1 of Rocky Mountain Power applicable to electric service in the State of Idaho. The Company respectfully requests an effective date of February 1 , 2008. First Revision of Sheet No. 5.R.2 First Revision of Sheet No. 5.R.3 Regulation 5 Regulation 5 Customer s Installation Customer s Installation The Company originally submitted proposed changes to Regulation 5 on December 4, 2007, to address customers' responsibility to control harmonics fed onto the grid from their equipment. This equipment can create harmonics that, if not filtered by the customer, travel back onto the electrical grid and may cause problems for other customers. After subsequent discussions with the Commission staff, the Company agreed to provide a revised version of Rule 5, directly citing in Section 2 the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Standard 519 to which customers are proposed to be held. It is respectfully requested that all formal correspondence and staff requests regarding this matter be addressed to one or more of the following: By E-mail (preferred):datareq uest(fYpac ificorp. com By fax:(503) 813-7274 By regular mail:Data Request Response CenterPacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 Idaho Public Utilities Commission January 22, 2008 Page 2 Informal inquiries may be directed to Brian Dickman, Idaho regulatory affairs manager, at (801) 220-4975. Very truly yours ,- E-' tf. '::) 'k -l C'-':S c-.. jp~ Jeffrey K. Larsen Vice President, Regulation Enclosures ~ ~8~~~o ~OUNTAIN C. No. First Revision of Sheet No. 5R.2 Cancelin Original Sheet No. 5R.2 SERVICE ENTRANCES AND CONNECTIONS (continued)(c) Clearances Whenever the initial clearances of serving facilities over Customer s premises, required by applicable laws, ordinances, rules, or regulations of public authorities, become inadequate due to changes made by the Customer, the Customer shall be responsible for correction of the deficiency. CUSTOMER'S LOAD AND OPERATION(a) Protection of Customer s Equipment The Customer shall furnish, install , inspect and keep in good and safe condition all electrical wires and lines on Customer s premises. The Customer shall provide devices to protect his equipment from high and low voltage, from overload, single phasing or other abnonnal conditions. (b)Protection of Company s Equipment and other Customers The Customer shall provide control equipment to eliminate excessive starting current or undesirable voltage fluctuations on the Company s circuits. If the Customer makes additions or changes in his electrical facilities, either in size or character, the Customer shall give the Company prior written notice of this fact. Any such additions or changes in load shall not be detrimental to service to other Customers. Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control Customers who have equipment that produces harmonic distortion shall provide filtering equipment to limit that distOltion to within limits prescribed in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Standard 519 as measured at the Point of Delivery. ( e!!)Customer s Generation Customer shall sign a written agreement with the Company prior to connecting to and using another source of power in conjunction with receiving service from Company. The Customer shall supply all equipment, including but not limited to, transfer switches disconnects, overload protection, and any other protective devices necessary to safely connect to and operate from another power source. Emergency generators must be equipped and operated to prevent connection with Company s system. The Customer shall be liable for any damage or injury resulting from using another power source. (4!i)Maintenance of Customer s Facilities Installation and maintenance of all facilities beyond the point of delivery, except Company owned metering equipment, shall be at the expense and responsibility of the Customer except under conditions specified by the Company in writing. (Continued) I Submitted Under Advice Letter No. %07 %11 I ISSUED: August 11 , 2006January 22.2008 EFFECTIVE: September 15February 1. 2008 ~ ;~~;oo ~OUNT AIN LP.C. No. First Revision of Sheet No. 5R.3 Cancelin Original Sheet No. 5R.3 CUSTOMER'S LOAD AND OPERATION (continued)(e!) Highly Fluctuating Loads If a Customer uses welding machines, X-ray apparatus, elevators or other equipment with highly fluctuating load characteristics, or having an abnormal effect on voltage, and whose operation requires the Company to install transformer capacity or other equipment in order to protect the quaIity of service to other Customers or to provide for short period use power by such equipment, the Company will provide service as described in Regulation 12. The Company reserves the right to refuse to supply service to loads of a character which may seriously impair service to any Customer and shall have the right to discontinue service to the Customer who shall continue to use appliances or apparatus detrimental to the service to any customer after being notified thereof in writing by the Company. REFUSAL OF SERVICE The Company may disconnect service or refuse to connect or supply service: (a)when the Customer s wiring or facilities are in Company s judgment unsafe or hazardous to the Customer or others or found to be in violation of applicable laws, ordinances, rules or regulations. (b)where such connection or service will adversely affect or impair or is adversely affecting or impairing the service to its other Customers. (c)where the Applicant or Customer has not compIied with federal, state, municipal or Company regulations. (d)until the Customer is advised by proper authority that the wiring and utilization equipment to be served have been inspected and passed by the controlling public inspection authority, , where inspection is required by 10caI ordinance or other authorized procedures. Any affidavits or certificates of inspection required by law must be furnished before service is connected. COMP ANY LIABILITY The Company s liability shall cease at the ft30int of Q.aelivery. The use of electric service beyond said point is at the risk and responsibility of the Customer. (Continued) I Submitted Under Advice Letter No. G6-%O7- I ISSUED: i\ugust 11, 2006January 22,2008 EFFECTIVE: September IS, 2006February I, 2008 ~8~~~:: aUNT AIN c. No. First Revision of Sheet No. SR.2 Canceling Original Sheet No. SR.2 SERVICE ENTRANCES AND CONNECTIONS (continued)(c) Clearances Whenever the initial clearances of serving facilities over Customer s premises, required by applicable laws, ordinances, rules, or regulations of public authorities, become inadequate due to changes made by the Customer, the Customer shall be responsible for correction of the deficiency. CUSTOMER'S LOAD AND OPERATION(a) Protection of Customer s Equipment The Customer shall furnish, install, inspect and keep in good and safe condition all electrical wires and lines on Customer s premises. The Customer shall provide devices to protect his equipment from high and low voltage, from overload, single phasing or other abnonnal conditions. (b)Protection of Company s Equipment and other Customers The Customer shall provide control equipment to eliminate excessive starting current or undesirable voltage fluctuations on the Company s Circuits. If the Customer makes additions or changes in his electrical facilities, either in size or character, the Customer shall give the Company prior written notice of this fact. Any such additions or changes in load shall not be detrimental to service to other Customers. (c)Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control Customers who have equipment that produces hannonic distortion shall provide filtering equipment to limit that distortion to within limits prescribed in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Standard 519 as measured at the Point of Delivery. (d)Customer s Generation Customer shall sign a written agreement with the Company prior to connecting to and using another source of power in conjunction with receiving service from Company, The Customer shall supply all equipment, including but not limited to, transfer switches disconnects, overload protection, and any other protective devices necessary to safely connect to and operate from another power source. Emergency generators must be equipped and operated to prevent connection with Company s system. The Customer shall be Iiable for any damage or injury resulting from using another power source. (e)Maintenance of Customer s Facilities Installation and maintenance of all facilities beyond the point of delivery, except Company owned metering equipment, shall be at the expense and responsibility of the Customer except under conditions specified by the Company in writing. (Continued) Submitted Under Advice Letter No. 07- EFFECTIVE: February 1 2008ISSUED: January 22, 2008