HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221004MIN.pdf IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECISION MEETING October 4, 2022 – 1:30 P.M. In attendance was Commissioner Eric Anderson, Commissioner John Chatburn and Commissioner John R. Hammond, Jr. Commissioner Anderson called the meeting to order. The first order of business was APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE PREVIOUS MEETING on September 20, 2022. The Commission voted unanimously to approve the minutes as written. Commissioner Anderson made a motion, under Idaho Code § 74-204, to amend the agenda as proposed by striking Item No. 13 under the Consent Agenda, Chris Hecht and Claire Sharp’s October 4, 2022, Decision Memorandum re: Arrowrock Homeowners Association’s Request for a Formal Investigation of Mayfield Springs Water and the Adequacy of the System as Built; Case No. MSW-W-22-01. A vote was taken on the motion and it carried unanimously. The next order of business was CONSENT AGENDA: 2. Action Item: Riley Newton and Chris Burdin’s October 4, 2022, Decision Memorandum re: In the Matter of Gem State Water Company LLC’s Application for an Order Authorizing an Increase in Its Rates and Charges for Water Service in the State of Idaho; Case No. GSW-W-22-01. 3. Action item: Michael Duval’s October 4, 2022, Decision Memorandum re: In the Matter of Idaho Power Company’s Application for Approval of a Second Amendment to the Energy Sales Agreement with Cassia Wind Farm, LLC; Case No. IPC-E-22-23. 4. Action Item: Michael Duval’s October 4, 2022, Decision Memorandum re: In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Application for Authority to Implement a Commercial and Industrial Demand Response Program; Case No. PAC-E-22-13. 5. Action Item: Claire Sharp’s October 4, 2022, Decision Memorandum re: Compliance Filing in the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power’s Application for Approval or Rejection of the Power Purchase Agreement with Amy Family Holdings, LLC.; Case No. PAC-E-22-08. 6. Action Item: Chris Burdin’s October 4, 2022, Decision Memorandum re: In the Matter of Idaho Power Company’s Application for a Modification to Add an Automatic Dispatch Option to the Company’s Commercial & Industrial Demand Response Program, Schedule 82; Case No. ICP- E-22-24. 7. Action Item: Travis Culbertson’s October 4, 2022, Decision Memorandum re: (1) In the Matter of the Joint Application of SUEZ Water Idaho, Inc. to Acquire Eagle Water Company; Case Nos. SUZ-W-18-02/EAG-W-18-01, (2) In the Matter of the Application of SUEZ Water Idaho for Amendment of Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (“CPCN”); Case No. SUZ-W-21-02, and (3) In the Matter of the Application of Corporate Name Change of SUEZ Water Idaho, Inc.; Case Nos. SUZ-W-22-01/VEO-W-22-01. 8. Action Item: Johan Kalala-Kasanda’s October 4, 2022, Decision Memorandum re: The Application of Blackfoot Communications, Inc. for a Broadband Equipment Tax Credit for the Year 2021; Case No. FRC-T-22-01. 9. Action Item: Johan Kalala-Kasanda’s October 4, 2022, Decision Memorandum re: The Application of Fremont Telecom Co. for a Broadband Equipment Tax Credit for the Year 2021; Case No. FRE-T-22-01. 10. Action Item: Johan Kalala-Kasanda’s October 4, 2022, Decision Memorandum re: The 2021 Broadband Equipment Tax Credit Application for Inland Cellular, LLC.; Case No. INC-T-22-01. 11. Action Item: Johan Kalala-Kasanda’s October 4, 2022, Decision Memorandum re: Potlatch Telephone Company D/B/A TDS Telecom Broadband Equipment Tax Credit for January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021; Case No. POT-T-22-01. 12. Action Item: Johan Kalala-Kasanda’s October 4, 2022, Decision Memorandum re: TDS Metrocom LLC’s 2021 Broadband Equipment Tax Credit; Case No. TML-T-22-02. 14. Action Item: Laura Conilogue and Claire Sharp’s October 4, 2022, Decision Memorandum re: In the Matter of Intermountain Gas’ Application for Authority to Revise Rate Schedule EEC-RS – Residential Energy Efficiency Charge; Case No. INT-G-22-05. 15. Action Item: Joe Terry and Claire Sharp’s October 4, 2022, Decision Memorandum re: In the Matter of CDS Stoneridge Utilities, LLC Charging Customers in Excess of the Commission Approved Tariff Rate for a New Water Service Connection; Case No. SWS-W-22-01. Commissioner Anderson made a motion to approve Staff’s recommendations for Items 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 and 15 under the Consent Agenda. A vote was taken on the motion and it carried unanimously. The next order of business was MATTERS IN PROGRESS: 16. Action Item: Michael Duval’s October 4, 2022, Decision Memorandum re: In the Matter of the Petition for Regulation of Light Emitting Diode Streetlights; Case No. GNR-E-22-02. Mr. Duval presented the Decision Memorandum and asked if the Commission wished to deny SLF’s Petition to require Idaho electric utilities to wait for FDA approval and regulation before installing LED streetlight technology and to deny SLF’s Petition to require Idaho electric utilities to post certain health and safety information about LEDs on their websites. Commissioner Anderson made motion to deny SLF’s Petition to require Idaho electric utilities to wait for FDA approval and regulation before installing LED streetlight technology and to deny SLF’s Petition to require Idaho electric utilities to post certain health and safety information about LEDs on their websites. A vote was taken on the motion and it carried unanimously. The next order of business was FULLY SUBMITTED MATTERS: 17. Deliberation Memorandum re: In the Matter of Idaho Power Company’s 2021 Integrated Resource Plan; Case No. IPC-E-21-43 [Chris Burdin, Attorney]. 18. Deliberation Memorandum re: In the Matter of Idaho Power Company’s Application for Authority to Modify Schedule 79 – Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers; Case No. IPC-E-22-15 [Dayn Hardie, Attorney]. Commissioner Anderson stated that Items 17 and 18 under Fully Submitted Matters would be deliberated privately. Commissioner Anderson stated there was no further business before the Commission and the meeting was adjourned. __________________________ ______________________________ COMMISSION SECRETARY DATE OF APPROVAL