HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070917_2051.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER REDFORD COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:MARILYN PARKER AND BEVERLY BARKER DATE:SEPTEMBER 14, 2007 RE:FORMAL COMPLAINT FILED BY SOUTH ELMORE IRRIGATION DISTRICT On August 21 , 2007, the Commission received a "formal" complaint (attached) from Peter Richardson, attorney for South Elmore Irrigation Company, against Idaho Power Company. South Elmore Irrigation Company ("South Elmore" or "customer ) disputes a rebilling in the amount of$916 702.24 for energy usage. Due to an Idaho Power employee error, the customer was billed for one-half of the energy consumed from November 18, 2002 to April 26, 2007 (53 months). Idaho Power rebilled for usage only during the most recent 36 months. BACKGROUND The South Elmore Irrigation Company did not file an informal complaint with the Commission prior to filing its "formal" complaint. Consistent with the Commission s standard procedure, the Consumer Assistance Staff contacted Idaho Power to informally investigate the rebilling of this customer. Idaho Power acknowledged that there had been a billing error with regard to usage at South Elmore s Flying H pump station. That pump station is 1 of 18 service points included on a summary bilL ! According to Idaho Power, a load profile meter was Summary billing allows customers who have multiple meters and/or service locations to consolidate charges onto one billing statement each month. Billing detail is provided for each service point and a total amount owing identified. DECISION MEMORANDUM - 1 -SEPTEMBER 14, 2007 replaced with a regular meter at the conclusion of a load profile study. Shortly after the meter change, a meter technician changed the billing constant from 12 000 to 6 000 in error. The error was discovered during an Idaho Power meter inspection in May 2007. The customer was correctly billed for usage prior to December 2002. Following identification of the error, the customer was correctly billed starting in May 2007. In response to Staff s investigation, Idaho Power offered to allow the customer a longer period of time in which to repay the rebilled amount. Idaho Power rebilled for usage over a 36-month period, which means the customer can take 36 months to pay the rebilled amount pursuant to UCRR 204.01. Given the substantial rebilling amount and the possibility that payment might cause a financial hardship for the customer, Idaho Power offered to allow South Elmore the opportunity to pay over a period of at least 4 years. The Company was unwilling to reduce or forgive the rebilled amount. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff was unable to resolve this complaint informally and South Elmore wishes to pursue its formal complaint. See Rules 23 , 25 and 54, IDAP A , . 024 and .054. Staff recommends that the Commission issue a summons to Idaho Power and direct the Company to file a response to the complaint. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to issue a Summons to Idaho Power, directing an Answer be filed? i:udmemos/South Elmore Irrigation.doc DECISION MEMORANDUM - 2 -SEPTEMBER 14, 2007 B'-1l((J Q)Nr &Q!iJr.E~\Ri:Y; PLLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW RECEIVED Peter Richardson Tel: 208-938-7901 Fax: 208-938-7904 mill WG 2 I \.r 21 peterli!'richardsonandoleary.com . ... ." , , ,...,' !n; 11":O. Box 7218 BoISe, ID 83707 - 515 N. 27th St. BoISe, JD ~3Z92.' t_;~;':;t~' UTiUflES COMM1~h)j n 21 August 2007 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission POBox 83720 Boise 10 83720-0074 RE: Case No. IPC-O7. Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed please find an original and seven (7) copies of the FORMAL COMPLAINT OF SOUTH ELMORE IRRIGATION COMPANY TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY. I have also enclosed an extra copy to be service-dated and returned to us for our files. Thank you. Sincerely,~~1\S Administrative Assistant end. Peter J. Richardson ISB No. 3195 Richardson & O'Leary PLLC 515 N. 2ih Street O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Tel Fax: (208) 938-7904 Fax peter(q)richardsonando leary. com Attorneys for South Elmore Irrigation Company RECEIVED luGl AUG 2 I P tr lDi\i-(j F:~~~ \~:_" . UTiUT1ES COMjVjj~~)!Or'l BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION SOUTH ELMORE IRRlGATION COMPANY Complainant CASE NO. IPC-07. FORMAL COMPLAINTvs. IDAHO POWER COMPANY Respondent. COMES NOW, SOUTH ELMORE IRRlGATION COMPANY, by and through its attorneys of record, Richardson & O'Leary, arId pursuant to this Commission s Rules of Procedure, Rule 54 IDAP A hereby files this Fonnal Complaint against the Respondent, the Idaho Power Company. Communications regarding this Fonna! Complaint should be sent to: South Elmore Irrigation ComparIY c/o Peter J. Richardson Richardson & O'Leary PLLC 515 N. 27th St O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Telephone: (208) 938-7901 Fax: (208) 938-7904 peter(fYrichardsonando leary. com Copies of all pleadings, production requests, production responses, Commission orders and other documents should be provided to Peter J. Richardson as noted above and to: . Terry Ketterling, Secretary South Elmore Irrigation Company O. Box 396 Mountain Home, ill 83647 (208)-599-1010 (208) 587-5930 Fax tlketCfYstarband.net FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS The Complainant, South Elmore Irrigation Company, is an Idaho Corporation in good standing with its principle place of business in Elmore County, Idaho. Complainant is an irrigation company that purchases electricity from Respondent Idaho Power Company, Terry Ketterling is the Secretary/Treasurer of the South Elmore Irrigation Company. Jack Post is the President of the South Elmore Irrigation Company. On or about June 11 2007, Quentin Nesbitt, with Idaho Power Company, sent Mr. Ketterling and Mr. Post a letter advising that Idaho Power Company had discovered a billing error regarding metered energy and associated charges for the electricity consumed by South Elmore Irrigation Company between November 2002 and April 2007 for the South Irrigation Pump Location 05S07E2801- 8 800 Horsepower at Flying H substation. Among other things, Idaho Power Company s letter, referenced above, stated: FORMAL COMPLAINT That the billing error had been discovered during a routine inspection at the meter site on 5/16/07; That the billing error was Idaho Power s fault; That the billing error resulted from an Idaho Power Company employee mistakenly changing the meter reading multiplier for the account on Idaho Power s customer billing system on 11/18/2002 from 12 000 to 6 000; (The employee was not identified and the circumstances under which the employee changed the meter reading multiplier were not explained. That, as a result of the billing error, South Elmore Irrigation Company was billed for only half of the energy it consumed at the referenced site from 11/18/02 to 04/26/07; That according to its tariffs and Idaho Public Utilities Commission rules Idaho Power is required to prepare a corrected billing; That the corrected billings are to be for the time period in which the error occurred, but for no more than three years; And that South Elmore Irrigation Company owes Idaho Power Company $916 702.24 for energy use that was not billed between the three-year period 5/26/04 through 4/26/07. A copy of the above-referenced letter is attached hereto as Exhibit A I Although Idaho Power s letter is addressed to the South Elmore Canal Company, as are all bills received, the correct name is the South Elmore Irrigation Company. FORMAL COMPLAINT Complainant timely and fully paid all bills received from Idaho Power Company during the relevant period of time. Prior to receiving the above-referenced letter from Idaho Power Company, Complainant did not know that the billings were erroneous and had no reason to know that the billings were erroneous. 10.The Idaho Public Utilities Commission has jurisdiction over this matter. 11.The Idaho Public Utilities Commission has approved rules and regulations governing electric utilities' billing practices and procedures. COUNT ONE 12.IDAP A provides in relevant part: "(w)henever the billing for utility service was not accurately determined because the meter malfunctions or failed, bills were estimated, or bills were inaccurately prepared, the utility shall prepare a corrected billing. If the utility has failed to bill a customer for service, the utility shall prepare a bill for the period during which no bill was provided. 13.Because the reason for the erroneous billing was that Idaho Power had wrongly changed the reading meter multiplier, and not that the meter failed or malfunctioned, Idaho Power lacks authority to bill the Complainant for the undercharges referenced in its letter. COUNT TWO FORMAL COMPLAINT 14.The jurisdiction of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission is limited and has to be found entirely within the enabling statutes. 15.Administrative regulations cannot exceed the bounds of authority granted to it by the legislature. Thus, Idaho Power s billing authority is limited via statute and its authority cannot exceed the bounds of the statute. 16.As a regulated electric utility subject to this Commission s jurisdiction, Idaho Power must charge only such rates and charges as are authorized by the Commission. 17.Idaho Code Section 61-642 does not allow Idaho Power to back bill Complainant for three (3) years as Idaho Power asserts in its letter to Complainant. COUNT THREE 18.Principles of equity apply in administrative proceedings. 19.A customer of an electrIc utility should be able to expect that the utility will accurately measure and bill the customer for its electric usage. 20.An electric utility should not be protected from the consequences of its own negligence. 21.It is unjust to require an innocent consumer to bear the entire cost of a supplier mistake because, armed with absolute immunity for a three year period, the supplier has little incentive to establish reasonable procedures to guarantee that its meters are properly calibrated or that its bills are computed accurately. RIGHT TO AMEND FORMAL COMPLAINT Complainant reserves the right to amend this FoTInal Complaint in any respect as motion practice and discovery proceeds in this matter. WHEREFORE, Complainant respectfully requests the following relief: This Commission enter an Order determining the following: 1. That Complainant will suffer extraordinary hardship if it is required to pay the amount demanded by Idaho Power Company; 2. That the erroneous billing giving rise to this matter was solely the fault ofIdaho Power Company; 3. That Idaho Power Company has no basis to demand that Complainant pay the undercharges referenced in its letter; 4. That Complainant is relieved from its obligation, if any it has, to pay the under charges referenced in Respondent's letter; 5. That, in order to further the public policy that a utility be encouraged to establish procedures to ensure that its meters are properly calibrated, Idaho Power be prohibited from recouping the amount it failed to bill Complainant from its other ratepayers; 6. That, to the extent authorized by law, Complainant be awarded its reasonable attorneys' fees and costs; and 7. For such other and further relief as the Commission considers just and equitable. FORMAL COMPLAINT DATED this ?-I day of August 2007. Richardson & O'Leary, LLP By rDJ .AD, Peter J. Richardson RICHARDSON & O'LEARY Attorneys for South Elmore Irrigation Company FORMAL COMPLAINT CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the OlIs-rday of August, 2007, a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing FORMAL COMPLAINT, was served by personal service to: Barton Kline Monica Moen Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707-0070 Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise, Idaho 83702 gw.. Cuf\ Nllla urtlS Administrative Assistant FORMAL COMPLAINT EXHIBIT A FORMAL COMPLAINT - SOUTH ELMORE IRRIGATION COMPANY An lDACDRP Company June 11, 2007 South Elmore Canal Company Terry Ketterling & Jack Post PO Box 396 Mountain Home, ill 83647 Dear Terry & Jack This letter is in regards to your metered energy and associated charges for the electricity that was consumed between November 2002 and April 2007 for South Elmore Pump Location OSS07E2801 -- 8,800 Horsepower at Flying H substation. We have discovered a billing error during this period for the energy consumed at this service point. This billing error resulted from an employee mistakenly changing the meter reading multiplier for the account on our customer billing system. The meter reading multiplier was changed on 11/18/2002 from 12 000 to 6 000. The error was discovered during a routine inspection at the meter site on 05/16/07 and the customer billing system has been corrected. As a result of the error you were billed for only half of the energy consumed at the site from 11/18/2002 to 04/26/2007. According to our tariffs and Idaho Public Utilities Commission rules we are required to prepare corrected billings in these types of instances. The corrected billings are to be for the time period during which the error occurred but for no more than three years. Therefore, the total dollar amount of the rebilling for energy use that was not billed between the three-year period OS/26/2004 through 04/26/2007 is $916 702.24. If all of the billings over the four-year period during which the error occurred had been corrected, the total dollar amount of the rebilling would have been approximately $1 344 000. We realize $916,702.24 is a very large sum of money and we are willing to work with you on a repayment plan. Also, we realize this error has affected your kWh and Property Tax credits which are issued each December. Your credits this December will include the incremental usage amounts associated with this rebilling. In addition irrigation customers receive a BOIll1eville Power Adminstration credit at the end of each year. Because this credit caps out at 222 000 k Whs each month, South Elmore s usage in each of the affected months is well above this number. Therefore, the credit amount is not affected by the corrected kWh data. This error was Idaho Power s fault and we apologize for having incoITect1y billed your account. However, the energy was used and we must bill you for it according to our tariffs. If you have '~I.t !~ (fill O. Box 70 (83707) 1221 W. Idaho St. Boise, 10 B3702 Au~20 07 04:21p TLK Dair~ Inc 208 587 5930 p. 1 Page 2 of 2 4/712007) any additional questions or concerns regarding this matter, plea.."oe feel free to contact me at 388- 2519 or e-mail me at qnesbitt(Q)idahopower.com or contact Lisa Nordstrom in our legal department at (208) 388-5825. Sincerely, /\ '" I, A-, r)7~Quentin Nesbitt cc: Lisa Nordstrom Tim Fenwick S am Turner