HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070910_2046.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:CO MMISSI 0 NER KJELLAND ER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER REDFORD COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF FROM:DON HOWELL DATE:SEPTEMBER 7, 2007 SUBJECT:QWEST'S MOTION FOR STAY OF PROCEEDINGS IN THE AT&T COMPLAINT CASE, CASE NO. QWE-06- On August 10, 2007, Qwest filed a Motion to Stay the Commission s proceedings in this complaint case. In its Motion" to Stay, Qwest noted that it had filed a Motion to Dismiss in the same complaint that AT&T filed in the United States District Court. In essence, Qwest argued that granting a stay of the Commission s proceeding will conserve resources "while the federal court considers the dispositive federal question of whether, as Qwest contends, AT&T's complaint is barred by the two-year statute of limitations in Section 415 of the federal Communications Act." Qwest Motion at 1. On August 30, 2007, AT&T filed an answer opposing Qwest's Motion. AT&T urged the Commission to deny the stay "primarily because there is no good reason why this case which was filed first and is substantially farther along than the federal case, should be stayed in favor of the federal case, which AT&T filed purely as a protective measure.AT&T Opposition at 2. In January 2007 , AT&T filed "a materially identical complaint" in state court, that Qwest removed to federal court. AT&T then filed a Motion to Stay the federal court proceeding before Judge Winmill but the Motion was opposed by Qwest. Id. at 3. The Staff does not believe that the federal court has ruled on the Motion. On September 7, 2007, Qwest filed a reply to AT&T's opposition. In its reply, Qwest asserts that the federal court has concurrent jurisdiction over "an identical action" pending before this Commission. Qwest maintains that the federal court's ruling on the dispositive motion to dismiss based upon the federal statute of limitations "will govern (an potentially eliminate) AT&T's complaint. . ..Qwest Reply at 2. Qwest maintains that judicial and DECISION MEMORANDUM administrative resources will not be wasted by staying the Commission s proceeding until the federal court rules. Both AT&T and Qwest have submitted voluminous pleading regarding Qwest's Motion to Stay. Rather than recite the parties' assertions , the Staff believes the pleadings speak for themselves. Qwest's Motion for Stay, AT&T's Opposition and Qwest's Reply are attached to this memorandum. COMMISSION DECISION What is the Commission s ruling regarding Qwest's Motion to Stay this proceeding pending the federal court's ruling on the statute of limitations question? Don Howell bls/M:QWE-O6-dh3 DECISION MEMORANDUM