HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221007Veolia to Staff 1-5.pdfPrestonN. Carter,ISB No. 8462 Morgan D. Goodin, ISB No. I1184 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, D 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1300 prestoncarter@ sivenspursley. com moreansoodin@ eivenspursley. com VeouA WnrERIoAHo, INc.'s RrspottsEs ro Fm.srPRoDUcrroN REeuEsr oF THr CouursstoN Surr 1640699!_t.Docx (3G.l7l) iqECTIVED ?0?? 0tT -1 Al{ ll:35 riliti{l )usLlc "' tLlli I s couutsslot't Attornqts for Yeolia Water ldaho, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION TO AMEND BRIAN WATER SURCHARGE AND REFUND CUSTOMERS. CaseNo. VEO-W-22-03 Vrom WnrER Iolno, INc.'s Respousps ro Fm.sr pRoDUCTIoN RnquEsr or ruE CouurssroN Srarr Veolia Water ldaho, Inc. ('Veolia" or "Company''), in response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff to Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. dated Septe,mber 16,2022, submits the information below. The requested documents will be provided under the tenns of the Protective Agreernent. PAGE I oF 8 yEoLIA WATER IDAIIO, INC. cAsE vEo-w-22-03 FrRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMTSSION STAIF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: J.Cary REOUEST NO. 1: Please provide a list of all customers that are eligible for the credit and or refund, the principal balance still owed, and whether they pay monthly or bi-monthly. RESPONSE NO. 1: Please see the attached list, which is filed as confidential per Commission rules. Based on inforrnation as of Septemb er 23 , 2022, customers are eligible for a refund if they made a Brian Subdivision Surcharge installment payment between October 2018 and such time as the surcharge rate is modified by the Commission. The Company's billing system does not reflect a principal balance still owed by the customer, or premise. However, based on the surcharge payment table and the number of installment payments made, including any pay-offamounts made to date, file Brian Subdivision Surcharge CONFIDENTIAL Response to Request No l.xlsx will show customers eligible for refund, the calculated principal balance still owed, if any, and the customer's payment frequency. The file will also show the amount of surcharge payments (principal plus interest) made to date as of September 23,2022 and the amount of surcharge interest overpaid (calculated as $2.87 per each $141.35 installment palmrent made), plus any extra installment overpayments made to date through September 23,2022, the amount of additional interest the Company intends to refund to customers to make them whole, and the total amount of credit to be refunded to customers. Please note that customers making additional surcharge paynents which will be billed during the month of November and going forward until the surcharge is changed, the amount of refund due will change due to the interim billing activities. VEoLLA WATER IDAHo, INC.'S REspoNSEs ro FR.sr PRoDUcTIoN REeUEST oF THE CoMMrssroN SrRrr 1640691_l.Docx (lGr7l) PAGE 2 oF 8 vEoLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. cAsE yEo-w-22-03 FrRST PRODUCTTON REQUEST OF TIrE COMnIISSTON STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witress:J.Cary REOTJEST NO.2: The Company's Application states that it "will provide credits on customer bills in the arnount of the customer's surcharge overpaynent, including interest at a rate of 2%o, which is the amount of interest on customer deposits." Does the Company propose to apply the credit to the customers' monthly water bill, or to the principal balance still owed by the customer for Schedule No. lC - Brian Water Surcharge? RESPONSE NO.2: The Company intends to include the2o/o calculated additional interest and apply it to the amount of overpalment. The total amount to be refunded is reflected in the file accompanytng Response to Request No. 1. VrolnWarrR IDAHo, INC.'S REsPoNsEs ro FIRSTPRoDUcTIoN Rnqursror nrn Comutsslox Surr t640691_l-Docx (3Gt7l) PAGE 3 oF 8 YEOLIA WATER IDArrO, rNC. cAsE vEo-w-22-03 FrRST PRODUCTION REQT EST OF TIrE COMMTSSTON STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witress: J.Cary REOUEST NO.3: If the credit will be applied to the customers' monthly water bill, did the Company consider applying the credit to any unpaid principal balance for Schedule No. 1C - Brian Water Surcharge? RESPONSE NO.3: No. The Company believes the amount of the overpaynent should be refunded to customers, including interest, as described in Response to Request No. 2 for the benefit of the customer. Additionally, the Company's billing system does not reflect a principal balance still owed by the customer, which is a manual process, and therefore it is administratively more efficient to credit the customer bills to refund the surcharge and interest, and correct the surcharge amount billed going forward. VEoLr.A WATER IDeHo, INc.'s RsspoNsEs ro FRsrPRoDUcrIoN RseuEsr or rHr CouurssloN Srerr 16406991_1.Docx (30-l?l) PecB4 or 8 vEoLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. cAsE vEo-w-22-03 FIRST PRODUCTION REQ[TEST OF TrrE COMMTSSTON STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witress: J.Cary REOI]EST NO.4: Does the Company have a contingency plan for returning the overpaynent to former customers if those customers cannot be located? RESPONSE NO.4: The Company has a last known address for all former Brian Subdivision customers. None of the customer notification letters that were mailed by the Company to the last known address advising customers of this proceeding have been retumed as undeliverable. Accordingly, the Company expects that all fonner customers will receive their checks. If a refund check is returned by the US Postal Service, the Company staffwill make every effort to contact the customer via phone numbe(s) listed on their account and email address(es). Uncashed refund checks after a period of time, will escheat to the State of Idaho as unclaimed property. VEoLTA WATER IDAHo, INC.'S RESPoNSES To FRsr PRoDUCTIoN Rrquesr or rnr CouurssloN Srerr 1640691_l.Docx (3Gr7t) PAGE 5 oF 8 vEoLIA WATER IDArrO, INC. cAsE vEo-w-22-03 FrRST PRODUCTTON REQUEST OF TIrE COMMTSSION STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: J.Cary REOT]EST NO.5: Did the Company consider any other options on how to retum the overpaynent to customers? If so, please explain those options and why the Company chose a bill credit as the appropriate means to refund the overpayurent. RESPONSE NO.5: The Company considered issuing a refund check to all impacted customers. However, the Company decided to offer a bill credit because it ensures that customers will receive the amount due in the most expedient way possible. By providing a bill credit, the customer receives the money expeditiously and does not have to contend with a physical check which, for some, may require a visit to their bank when ordinarily they do not make such trips. By issuing a bill credit, administrative issues,like lost checks, significant delays in checks being cashed etc. are avoided. Additionally, the Company's billing system includes the most up to date information provided by customers. Refund checks remain the most efficient way to provide refunds to former customers. VSoLIA WergR IDAHo, INc.'s REspoNsEs ro FR.sr PnooucuoN Requnsr or rur CouurssroN Srern 16406991_l -Docx (3Gl7l) Pece 6 or 8 DATED: October 7,2022 By: Vrorl{ WerER IDAHo, INc.'s REspoNsEs ro Fnsr PnoDUCTToN REeuEsr oF THr CouursstoN Srerr I 6406991_l.Docx (30-l7t) Preston N. Carter Givens Pursley LLP Attornqtsfor Yeolia Water ldaho, Inc. ."ZL--Z-- PAGE 7 oF 8 CERTIXICATE OF SERVICE I IIEREBY CERTIFY TIIAT on October 7,2022,I caused a ttre and correct copy of the foregoing to be servod upon the following parties as indicated below: JanNoriyrki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission F.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 8372A-007 4 i an.noriyuki@nuc. idaho. gov secretary@Fuc.idaho. eov antru Emait U.S. h[ail Fax HandDelivery ,2 a-d PrestonN. Carter VuouA WATER IDAHo, INc.'s REspoNsEs ro FRsr PRoDUcTIoN REeuEsJ oF THE CorrlansroN StAFr 16406991_l-DOcx €elil) PAGE 8 oF 8