HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230404Customer Hearing Transcript Vol I.pdfBEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION )OF VEOLIA WATER IDAHO INC.FOR )CASE NO.VEO-W-22-02AUTHORITYTOINCREASEITSRATES)AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN )THE STATE OF IDAHO ) BEFORE COMMISSIONER ERIC ANDERSON (Presiding) COMMISSIONER JOHN HAMMOND COMMISSIONER EDWARD LODGE PLACE:Commission Hearing Room11331WestChindenBlvd.Building 8,Suite 201-ABoise,Idaho DATE:March 27,2023 VOLUME I -Pages 1 -40 CSB REPORTINGORIGINALCertgiedShorthandReporters PostOfficeBox9774 Boise,Iddio 83707 Reporter:csbreporting@yahoo.corn Constance Bucy,Ph:208-890-5198 CSR 1 A PPE A R A NCES 2 3 For the Staff:Chris BurdinDeputyAttorney General 4 IPUC 11331 W.Chinden Blvd., 5 Bldg.No.8,Suite 201-A PO Box 83720 6 Boise,Idaho 83720-0074 7 For Veolia Water Idaho:Preston N.Carter 8 (Of Record)Morgan D.Goodin Givens Pursley LLP 9 601 W.Bannock Street Boise,Idaho 83702 10 11 For Ada County:Meg Waddel Ada County Prosecuting 12 Attorney's Office/Civil Division 13 200 W.Front Street,Room 3191Boise,ID 83702 14 15 For Sharon M.Ullman:Sharon M.Ullman,pro se 5991 E.Black Gold Street 16 Boise,ID 83716 17 For Micron Technology:Austin Rueschhoff 18 (Of Record)Holland &Hart,LLP 555 17th Street,Suite 3200 19 Denver,CO 80202 20 For City of Boise:Mary R.Grant 21 (Of Record)Deputy City Attorney Boise City Attorney's Office 22 105 N.Capitol Blvd. PO Box 500 23 Boise,ID 83701-0500 24 25 CSB REPORTING 2 APPEARANCES208.890.5198 1 I NDEX 2 3 WITNESS EXAMINATION BY PAGE 4 Scott McDougall Statement 8(Public)Ms.Ullman (Cross)11 5 Tabitha Fuerstenau Statement 12 6 (Public)Ms.Ullman (Cross)16 7 Lee Joe Lay Statement 18(Public) 8 Steve Kisley Statement 22 9 (Public)Ms.Ullman (Cross)25 10 Kevin Williamson Statement 27(Public) 11 Suzanne Knorr Statement 31 12 (Public)Ms.Ullman (Cross)33 13 Joel Festerly Statement 35(Public) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 3 INDEX208.890.5198 1 BOISE,IDAHO,MONDAY,MARCH 27,2023,6:00 P.M. 2 3 4 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Thank you very 5 much everyone and good evening.This is the time and 6 place for a customer hearing in Case No.VEO-W-22-02, 7 also referred to as in the matter of the application of 8 Veolia Water Company Idaho for authority to increase its 9 rates and charges for water service in the State of 10 Idaho. 11 I'm going to read --I'm reading a 12 little bit slower because Connie has reminded me I need 13 to read a little bit slower.The purpose of this hearing 14 is to take testimony from members of the public in 15 reference to Veolia Water's request that was filed with 16 the Commission on September 30th,2022. 17 My name is Commissioner Eric Anderson. 18 I'm the Chair of tonight's proceedings and I'm joined by 19 Commissioner Hammond to my left and Commissioner Edward 20 Lodge to my right.We comprise the Commission in this 21 case that will collectively make the final determination 22 in this matter. 23 To this point,several parties have 24 intervened and a public workshop has been held by both 25 the Company and the Public Utilities Commission. CSB REPORTING 4 COLLOQUY 208.890.5198 1 Tonight's objective is to take live testimony which will 2 be added to the underlying record in the case.The 3 Commissioners will review facts and evidence in the 4 record to make its final decision to these proceedings. 5 For those of you that are wishing to 6 submit written comments,the deadline is Friday,April 7 7th,at 5:00 p.m.,and we have comment sheets available 8 in the lobby and you may leave them with our Public 9 Information Officer Adam Rush,if you would raise your 10 hand,and he will take those and file them. 11 We have not very many people signed up to 12 speak this evening,so I do not believe we will put time 13 constraints.Anybody that goes too long we'll give a 14 little nudge and ask you to speed it up,but I think 15 we'll be fine. 16 As far as the procedure goes this evening, 17 I will call your name from the sign-up sheets and you 18 will take the stand and I will swear you in and ask you 19 to raise your right hand and swear or affirm that the 20 testimony you're providing will be the whole truth.The 21 Deputy Attorney General will then ask you to identify 22 yourself for the record,which will include your name, 23 spelling of your last name,your city of residence,and 24 whether you are a customer of Veolia Water.Then you may 25 present your testimony. CSB REPORTING 5 COLLOQUY208.890.5198 1 Please remain seated to see if the parties 2 or the Commissioners have any questions,and the parties 3 would be the intervenors who are sitting in these front 4 tables here and after that you will be excused. 5 I want to take this opportunity to remind 6 anyone who plans to offer testimony tonight that the 7 substance of your testimony should focus on the matters 8 being decided in this case.Any testimony that focuses 9 on policy issues that we as economic regulators do not 10 have the authority over or the ability to change should 11 be directed instead to the appropriate decision making 12 bodies that are out there. 13 While we invite and encourage anyone who 14 wishes to testify to do so tonight,we want to respect 15 the time of those who came prepared to testify on the 16 merits of this case.As you provide your testimony 17 tonight,please remember that the proper decorum of this 18 proceeding is similar to a courtroom.Your comments 19 should be directed to the Commissioners and not members 20 of the audience. 21 For those in the audience,we ask you to 22 refrain from reacting to any testimony while it is being 23 presented.I know sometimes you'll want to applaud or 24 different things,but let's refrain from that,no 25 clapping,no verbal comment. CSB REPORTING 6 COLLOQUY208.890.5198 1 Since our cases are judicial in nature,we 2 have a court reporter,Connie Bucy,so don't speak too 3 softly or too quickly or she will correct you and ask you 4 to slow down or speak up. 5 The transcript is necessary,because in a 6 quasi-judicial role,we must base our decisions on the 7 official record of which this is a part of,and that 8 record is also significant in the event that our decision 9 is appealed. 10 The appearance of the parties tonight,we 11 have the Applicant Veolia Water who's present.Please 12 identify yourself. 13 MR.THOMPSON:My name is Marshall 14 Thompson.I'm vice president and general manager of 15 Veolia Water Idaho Incorporated. 16 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Thank you and 17 welcome.We have the Staff of the Idaho Public 18 Utilities. 19 MR.BURDIN:Thank you,Mr.Chair.My 20 name is Chris Burdin.I'm the Deputy Attorney General 21 representing Commission Staff in this case. 22 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Thank you, 23 Mr.Burdin.We have Ada County. 24 MS.WADDEL:My name is Meg Waddel.I'm 25 the Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for Ada County. CSB REPORTING 7 COLLOQUY208.890.5198 1 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Thank you.Boise 2 City?Micron Technology?Sharon Ullman? 3 MS.ULLMAN:Sharon Ullman,member of the 4 public. 5 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Thank you,Sharon. 6 Are there any other parties to the case that I have 7 failed to recognize for the record this evening?Seeing 8 none,with that,we are ready to call our first witness, 9 and on my list let me call Scott McDougall. 10 11 SCOTT McDOUGALL, 12 appearing as a public witness,having been duly sworn, 13 was examined and testified as follows: 14 15 EXAMINATION 16 17 BY MR.BURDIN: 18 Q Would you please state your name and spell 19 your last name for the record? 20 A Scott McDougall,M-c-D-o-u-g-a-l-1. 21 Q And where do you reside? 22 A 4455 North McKenzie Lane,Boise,Idaho. 23 Q And are you a customer of the Company? 24 A Yes. 25 Q Thank you.Go ahead,please. CSB REPORTING 8 McDOUGALL 208.890.5198 Public 1 A Well,thank you very much for this 2 opportunity,Mr.Chairman,members.I was apprised of 3 this case due to some customer service issues.I would 4 like to thank Mr.Hecht of your Staff for helping me out 5 with those.This is just --I have no detail to go into 6 on this case,but I have an overview. 7 I saw an article in the Statesman on March 8 25th,2023.Madeline Wyatt,a spokesman for Veolia, 9 Veolia,told the Idaho Statesman by phone,"The 24 10 percent sounds like a huge amount of money.Yes,it does 11 and it is."The article goes on to note that "Veolia 12 acquired Suez,"and it was early in 2022 and that's what 13 piqued my interest,because it's only been about a year 14 and I read on that in the application,Veolia had spent 15 $70 million and wanted to be reimbursed approximately at 16 a rate of about $12 million a year over the next six 17 years. 18 You have to consider that.They spent 70 19 million in improvements in just one year,so in just 12 20 months,they sent out to their engineers --they sent 21 their engineers out to look at the entire system, 22 identified all the improvements that were needed, 23 scheduled the work,budgeted the work,and completed the 24 work,in 12 months from scratch. 25 That is highly unlikely.Most likely they CSB REPORTING 9 McDOUGALL 208.890.5198 Public 1 knew there were going to be improvements needed,which 2 they should because they did due diligence before 3 acquiring Suez,one would hope,so they know going into 4 negotiations that they need $70 million of improvements, 5 which they would put on the table and they would take 6 that off of the purchase offer,so it's already being 7 considered.It's already been spent and it's already 8 been recovered in the purchase price reduction. 9 The only alternative that I can think of 10 is they didn't do actual due diligence.They didn't know 11 about it and if that's the case,if they didn't go into 12 the purchase negotiation knowing that $70 million in 13 improvements were needed,then that's on them.That's 14 not on the ratepayers,so I am speaking in opposition to 15 the request for the rate increase. 16 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Thank you, 17 Mr.McDougall. 18 THE WITNESS:Thank you. 19 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Do We have any 20 questions from the intervenors?Ms.Ullman. 21 MS.ULLMAN:Thank you,Mr.Chairman. 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 10 McDOUGALL 208.890.5198 Public 1 CROSS-EXAMINATION 2 3 BY MS.ULLMAN: 4 Q Mr.McDougall,for the record,I'm 5 curious,you seem to know a lot about project 6 construction,if you would care to,would you like to 7 give a little bit about your background where you would 8 be knowledgeable about how long it would take to analyze 9 a system like a water system and spend $70 million within 10 an approximately 12-month period? 11 A Ms.Ullman,not a great deal and none in 12 the water delivery business,but in the 80's and 90's,I 13 did work for the SBA liquidation office and I had a lot 14 of companies that came into our possession,which I had 15 to evaluate and then sell,and prior to that,I also 16 worked for a venture capital firm doing much the same. 17 MS.ULLMAN:Thank you. 18 THE WITNESS:Thank you. 19 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Thank you.Any 20 other questions?Thank you for your testimony tonight. 21 THE WITNESS:Thank you. 22 (The witness left the stand.) 23 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Next we have 24 Tabitha Fuerstenau. 25 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:I'm sorry about CSB REPORTING 11 McDOUGALL (X)208.890.5198 Public 1 the mispronouncing of the name. 2 MS.FUERSTENAU:No worries.It's 3 Fuerstenau. 4 5 TABITHA FUERSTENAU, 6 appearing as a public witness,having been duly sworn, 7 was examined and testified as follows: 8 9 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Please give us 10 your testimony. 11 THE WITNESS:Okay. 12 13 EXAMINATION 14 15 BY MR.BURDIN: 16 Q Will you please state your name and spell 17 your last name for the record? 18 A Tabitha Fuerstenau,F-u-e-r-s-t-e-n-a-u. 19 Q And where do you reside? 20 A Boise,Idaho. 21 Q And are you a customer of the company? 22 A Yes,I am. 23 Q Go ahead,please. 24 A All right.First off,thank you.This is 25 my first time in a forum like this,so I appreciate --I CSB REPORTING 12 FUERSTENAU 208.890.5198 Public 1 had to double-check that it was for the public because we 2 might be missing here a little bit.I as well read the 3 article about the 24 percent rate hike.I understand 4 that the spokesperson said it's like a cup of coffee, 5 it's not a big deal.It's not a big deal when you are a 6 person who has.It is a big deal when you are a person 7 who does not have. 8 There are people in Southwest Boise who go 9 tonight to get food boxes,so a company --sorry,I have 10 the notes here. 11 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Please take your 12 time.You don't need to be nervous.Just take your time 13 and read your notes if you need to. 14 THE WITNESS:The CEO commented,and this 15 was based on Business Wire,it is an exceptional year for 16 Veolia marked by the acquisition of Suez.I am 17 particularly proud of the performance we have achieved in 18 both the terms of activity and the results.We have been 19 able to adapt the many geopolitical,economic,and energy 20 challenges of 2022 to deliver historic results for the 21 group.Historic,I want us to understand that. 22 After a pandemic we're coming out and then 23 they're achieving historic results.While successfully 24 bringing together 40,000 Suez colleagues that have joined 25 us,we have already seen the first fruits of this with CSB REPORTING 13 FUERSTENAU208.890.5198 Public 1 synergies well ahead of our plan and beyond that.That 2 was before this rate hike.They're already seeing 3 aptitudes so much more beyond that. 4 We are putting the vision into action to 5 build together the world champion of ecological 6 transformation.It goes on to talk about the EBITDA. 7 That's the earnings before interest,tax deductions of 8 7.2 percent and an EBITDA of 16.3 with a current net 9 income of 29.7,which exceeded all of our objectives,so 10 they have put a financial objective on their Company and 11 they're already exceeding that. 12 If they're already exceeding that with an 13 investment like that,coming in and then saying that the 14 people who did not have a choice in these rate hikes, 15 it's not like we can choose where we go and get our 16 water.We can choose when there are things like 17 inflation happening.You can go and get your groceries 18 at WinCo versus Albertsons.We can't choose where we get 19 our water,so when there are things that the mass 20 majority of the customers don't understand and decisions 21 are being made for them,it's hard to read the financials 22 that you can go out to Wall Street Journal.Wall Street 23 Journal was showing the quarterly income statements of 24 under 400 million for Veolia in 2018.In 2022,they're 25 almost 800. CSB REPORTING 14 FUERSTENAU 208.890.5198 Public 1 Then you look at their balance sheet,in 2 '18,they are about 40 billion and now in 2022,they're 3 going to be at 80,so when you see those things and then 4 cash flow,you look at their cash flow pre-pandemic,you 5 were below 2.7 and now they're going to be at 3.6 and now 6 they're asking for more.That's from every individual 7 customer.People don't have that to give. 8 The company that owns this is owned by 9 other companies who are looking to continue to increase 10 their profits.The people of Idaho are already 11 struggling.There are people out there we see every day. 12 I am Idaho born and raised and I don't want to see my 13 neighbors struggle,so I ask if this is the largest water 14 company in the world who is already asking for more rate 15 hikes prior to doing infrastructure changes in New York, 16 why did they do it after here in Idaho? 17 I just ask you to think about the people 18 here in these communities who don't know where to come, 19 don't know where to speak and don't know how to speak on 20 this.This is my first time,but a 24 percent?When 21 people just say it's just Starbucks,not everyone even 22 has money for Starbucks,so please consider that when 23 you're thinking about it,because when you have it,it's 24 easy to say it's nothing,but when you don't have it,it 25 is something,and all the people in Idaho are looking to CSB REPORTING 15 FUERSTENAU208.890.5198 Public 1 you to all really understand the impacts that this can 2 make.If people don't care,then let people give it 3 freely.Don't force them to pay for something we didn't 4 ask for.Thank you. 5 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Thank you very 6 much.Are there any questions?Ms.Ullman. 7 MS.ULLMAN:Thank you,Mr.Chairman. 8 9 CROSS-EXAMINATION 10 11 BY MS.ULLMAN: 12 Q Ms.Fuerstenau,I would ask the same 13 question,if there's anything that you would like to add 14 to the record about your background since you sound like 15 you have a lot of empathy for people who are struggling 16 and some knowledge about where to look for financial 17 information about very big water companies. 18 A Yeah,so first off,I do want to say I 19 have a sister who is disabled and who is on social 20 security disability.That means she gets less than 21 $1,000 a month.She has to live with her children,her 22 grown children,because she can't make rent.She's 23 disabled.She doesn't have the ability to fight for 24 herself,so when there are things that are out of her 25 control,she doesn't know to come here,I want to be her CSB REPORTING 16 FUERSTENAU (X) 208.890.5198 Public 1 voice. 2 I have a niece who is disabled who lives 3 with her older sister because she can't live on her own. 4 I want to help be her voice,so I know from that because 5 I came from poverty and this great state helped me get 6 here,get my education.I have an accounting degree,so 7 I understand the numbers.I unfortunately don't work in 8 a public setting where I can help fight for this,but I 9 think it's really important when you have to do that 10 research on your own and you have limited time on what 11 you can pull up and what you can research,so what I have 12 done is searched the things that are available to people 13 to understand. 14 If I could have gone into more,I would 15 have looked at bonus structures to understand where are 16 they going to hit next,because obviously,working for a 17 public company,you have to have a certain return.They 18 had record breaking last year.That means that the CEO 19 wants to break it again to have another one,but when 20 there are people struggling,that isn't,so I come from 21 understanding poverty,working through it and then also 22 understanding what the financials are behind it in a 23 basic company. 24 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Thank you.Are 25 there any other questions?Thank you for your testimony. CSB REPORTING 17 FUERSTENAU (X)208.890.5198 Public 1 (The witness left the stand.) 2 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Next we have Lee 3 Joe Lay. 4 5 LEE JOE LAY, 6 appearing as a public witness,having been first duly 7 sworn,testified as follows: 8 9 EXAMINATION 10 11 BY MR.BURDIN: 12 Q Would you please state your name and spell 13 your last name for the record? 14 A Lee Joe Lay.L-a-y is my last name. 15 Q Where do you reside? 16 A 7109 Northview Street,Boise,Idaho. 17 Q And are you a customer of the Company? 18 A I'm a former customer of the Company and 19 there's a reason why I live where I live now. 20 Q Please go ahead. 21 A All right.First off,I am a heavy 22 construction superintendent.I am an expert in water 23 installation.I've worked with Suez and Veolia on 24 different projects,and what I have to say is I was a 25 city council candidate in 2009 and this was one of my CSB REPORTING 18 LAY208.890.5198 Public 1 major --I should probably slow down because I'm about to 2 go faster. 3 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:You may be seated 4 if you wish to. 5 THE WITNESS:This was one of my major 6 issues was the water rates in Boise under United Water 7 and Suez and now Veolia.I see the water projects,one 8 of the water projects,they've undertaken in the last 9 short while.It's a large water tank over in Hidden 10 Springs to help with the increased demand on subdivisions 11 that I built over there,which was entirely or can 12 entirely be recovered with their current billing rates. 13 Where I live now,I live in Capitol Water 14 District,and Capitol Water in 20 years has increased 15 their water rate from $25.00 per month for unlimited, 16 unmetered water to $35.00 per month for unlimited, 17 unmetered water.They fix lines.They keep safe water. 18 They do all the same things that Veolia does,and when I 19 lived under United Water/Suez and now Veolia,my rate to 20 have a small garden per month was over $135 per month. 21 Their fees are exorbitant and 22 unjustifiable and whenever the PUC raises their 23 allowance,the cities in the area raise theirs as well. 24 They're kind of the bellwether,so Meridian will raise 25 its water rate and everyone will come up with a CSB REPORTING 19 LAY 208.890.5198 Public 1 justification to increase their water rates so that 2 Veolia seems to be competitive;however,they are owned 3 by a French corporate conglomerate. 4 As the previous person testified,it's a 5 humongous company and it's a foreign-owned company and 6 the shareholders of that company,the larger shareholders 7 of that company,are actually Arab oil sheiks,so we have 8 this situation where Arab oil sheiks control the water 9 that the people of Boise drink and demand these,you 10 know --and when you have a $70 million input cost 11 without any competitive restriction on what you do and 12 then you come to the PUC and say we want our $70 million 13 back and we never asked your permission to spend it in 14 the first place,that gives them no incentive not to 15 spend another $70 million tomorrow or the next day,and 16 so I see this as another part of the exorbitant rate 17 hikes that Veolia has and the previous companies have in 18 the past done. 19 I have nothing against the local people 20 that work here at Veolia,they work hard,but even with 21 their construction policy,they have had sole provider 22 contractors who are the sole contractor to provide new 23 construction,new water line construction,and it just 24 makes this monopoly monolith even worse to compete 25 against,because those companies who get that bid end up CSB REPORTING 20 LAY208.890.5198 Public 1 just knowing that they can charge X when there are people 2 who will actually do it for less,same quality. 3 Long story short,they have been gouging 4 the people of Boise.If you drive through Boise and you 5 see a dead yard,it's a renter who cannot afford the 6 water.I find that to be true most of the time.Their 7 water rates decrease the quality of life and the quality 8 of property in the city and I think that they should be 9 disbanded as a corporate entity in Idaho for the things 10 that they have done to the people of Boise and will be 11 doing to the people of Eagle who they just bought a 12 section of Eagle Water who I previously worked for. 13 I find it to be corporate greed in the 14 most extreme,egregious.I could add more words,but it 15 is not an Idaho value to have a French conglomerate 16 control a local state resource and charge basically per 17 barrel oil prices for the water that comes out of the 18 ground that I get,again,unmetered for $35.00 a month 19 from a company that has to do the exact same thing; 20 provide water,provide for new customers,replace pumps, 21 replace water lines,and it's amazing to me that they 22 have not been held in check. 23 Anything else?Any questions? 24 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Thank you, 25 Mr.Lay,very much.Do we have any questions from CSB REPORTING 21 LAY 208.890.5198 Public 1 intervenors?Hearing none,thank you for your testimony. 2 (The witness left the stand.) 3 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Steve Kisley.May 4 I have your name,sir? 5 MR.KISLEY:Steve Kisley,K-i-s-l-e-y. 6 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Okay,thank you. 7 8 STEVE KISLEY, 9 appearing as a public witness,having been first duly 10 sworn,testified as follows: 11 12 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Chris? 13 14 EXAMINATION 15 16 BY MR.BURDIN: 17 Q Where do you reside? 18 A In Avimor and Kevin has to help me.I 19 have Parkinson's,so I struggle and I have no background 20 in any of this.I'm a new resident in the state.We 21 bought here in Avimor and love it.We love everything 22 about Idaho,and we were just talking with my daughter 23 and son-in-law last night and they mentioned what Kevin 24 was going to do and I said I would like to go along and 25 listen.When I heard it was 24 percent,I didn't know CSB REPORTING 22 KISLEY 208.890.5198 Public 1 anything about the background and the numbers and 2 everything else,I said that's unheard of. 3 I can't imagine any place I've ever heard 4 of having a 24 percent increase in price on people like 5 us that are fixed income.I'm 83 years old.I don't 6 have resources.I can't go out and bring that into the 7 budget and when you build a house out here,you find that 8 it's difficult to pay your bills,just to live,just to 9 live.An extravagant life,it's a nice life.It's a 10 great life,but I worked hard for it and I don't have any 11 recourse for a 24 or 55 percent increase,whatever that 12 might be,or even a 30 percent or 20 percent. 13 Hearing the numbers that have been put out 14 by the people here that know what they're talking about, 15 I don't know what I'm talking about,but I'm talking 16 about just an increase that seems a whim.I think we can 17 get it pushed on through here because we didn't do our 18 due diligence.We can build it our way because no one 19 pays attention at these meetings and we'll get our way 20 like we always do. 21 Big money always gets big money,but I 22 don't have big money.I worked long and hard so I can 23 live for the next few years,so I think it's 24 unconscionable and I think if action isn't taken,it's a 25 great injustice to the public,because people like me CSB REPORTING 23 KISLEY 208.890.5198 Public 1 haven't been exposed to this,because people typically 2 like me don't pay attention to the notices and the news, 3 so I mean,if you should do that,you should send a 4 letter to every customer advising them of what's going on 5 and why it's happening. 6 Let the customer document what it is that 7 justifies this 24 percent increase and what's to ensure 8 against not another 10 percent increase the next year or 9 15 percent increase the next year after that,and there 10 needs to take a responsibility of our government to 11 enforce this,to partner up with the provider to make 12 things easy to contract things.I've dealt with those in 13 my past life in business.I know what that's like. 14 It's good we all have good partnership 15 with them to be able to do well and so forth and so on 16 and it's not really about the customer itself,because 17 once they're in,they're trapped.They don't have an 18 outcome,so I don't know where the piece comes in that 19 represents somebody like me,so I'm just a piece in the 20 wind and I haven't been here a year yet,and I would 21 never have known about it unless Kevin and I were talking 22 about it and I said,well,I'll go along just to listen. 23 I didn't know I was going to be a participant,so that's 24 really what I want to say. 25 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Thank you very CSB REPORTING 24 KISLEY 208.890.5198 Public 1 much,Mr.Kisley.Is there any questions here? 2 Ms.Ullman. 3 4 CROSS-EXAMINATION 5 6 BY MS.ULLMAN: 7 Q I'm going to ask the same question, 8 Mr.Chairman,Mr.Kisley,thank you for being here.Is 9 there anything that you'd like to share about your 10 background,how hard you worked I understand to get here 11 and enjoy these years,anything that you would like to 12 share in terms of your perception on this water rate 13 increase of 24 plus percent? 14 A Well,my business,I was with the Xerox 15 Corporation for 38 years in sales management.I managed 16 large sales groups and divisions and so I know what the 17 corporate relationship is with their customers and I know 18 that a company like Xerox,their customers,we were 19 deeply involved with meeting their needs and requirements 20 and their judgment for what they needed to do to make a 21 difference. 22 That's a whole different ball game. 23 There's a lot of politics here because there's so much 24 money here,and if people say there's no politics that's 25 in play,that's baloney.We all know --at least I CSB REPORTING 25 KISLEY 90208.890.5198 Public 1 believe that.Do I have a document that shows that I can 2 prove it,but the general concept is we'll rip them off 3 for as much we can get and once you're in there,we're 4 living in [inaudible]we're able to pay for,but the 5 water bill,that might force you to have to figure out 6 how you're going to live,and at this stage of life,I 7 don't want to do that,and like the entry price coming in 8 sometime too,the same thing.How are the people going 9 to make it now that they had free water for $35.00, 10 whatever,that's amazing.Does it go from that 35 to 75? 11 I just know how things work right if they work ethically 12 and there's good care and balance for the end customer. 13 The end customer is the one here that has to be served, 14 not ripped off. 15 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Thank you, 16 Mr.Kisley.Any other questions? 17 (The witness left the stand.) 18 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Next we have Kevin 19 Williamson. 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 26 KISLEY (X) 208.890.5198 Public 1 KEVIN WILLIAMSON, 2 appearing as a public witness,having been first duly 3 sworn,testified as follows: 4 5 EXAMINATION 6 7 BY MR.BURDIN: 8 Q Will you please state your name for the 9 record and spell your last name? 10 A Yeah,Kevin Williamson, 11 W-i-1-l-i-a-m-s-o-n. 12 Q And where do you reside? 13 A In Avimor in Boise. 14 Q And are you a customer of the Company? 15 A I am. 16 Q Thank you.Go ahead,please. 17 A Yeah,so I to Veolia's credit,I did get a 18 letter stating this was going to happen and had 19 information and I contacted the PUC.I emailed and then 20 this weekend I got --Adam sent me an email reminding me 21 this thing is coming,so I have prioritized it, 22 rescheduled some stuff,brought my father-in-law who I 23 usually sit with on Monday nights while his wife goes to 24 a Bible study with my wife,and that is a statement of 25 our family that,you know,we want to do things together. CSB REPORTING 27 WILLIAMSON 208.890.5198 Public 1 We helped them move here partly because 2 it's end of life as you can see.You know,he's got 3 Parkinson's and we want to be together and to have 4 rates --and I used to work for a public utility,for an 5 energy company,before we moved here and I watched the 6 game,you know,that they put in for rate increases to 7 recover and it just almost always got pushed through,and 8 we moved here so we could be together as an entire 9 extended family. 10 My sons have moved here,my daughter moved 11 here,because Boise gave us what we could see as 12 affordable living,cost of living,and so when Suez got 13 bought and we got the notices,first of all,it was a 14 total botched transition.I've seen transitions between 15 providers and it was horrible.There was almost no way 16 to get ahold of Veolia.I had to search online and not 17 through their website to find a local office and a local 18 phone number and I just want to pay my stinking bill by 19 check like I always have and not use their online portal. 20 There's no way to do it.It's like customer disservice 21 and I work in the IT industry and I've seen this same 22 strategy in other big corporations.You just buy a 23 company and rape their customers and you don't provide 24 any service,anything more than they already did. 25 Suez provided water.I don't see there's CSB REPORTING 28 WILLIAMSON 208.890.5198 Public 1 any difference except now I get sort of the equivalent 2 of,you know,selling me a warranty on my car that I 3 don't own anymore.You know,they send these mailings, 4 buy insurance on your water line.It's like I thought 5 that was your job.Well,not between your house and the 6 street.It's like I live in a brand new development. 7 There's no way my water line is going out. 8 Anyhow,it just feels like extortion,but 9 anyhow,lack of service.Everything that was said 10 earlier,I researched.You know,it's like they had to 11 have done their due diligence about the cost of taking on 12 the Idaho market.They had to have taken on a lot of 13 research before they invested that kind of capital,and 14 to think that,you know,they're surprised by the cost of 15 running a utility,either they're incompetent or they're 16 greedy or they're both,and I think a 24 percent 17 increase,everybody's cost of living is going up.It's 18 not going up 24 percent. 19 I can see,you know,some things going up, 20 but there just doesn't seem to be any justification for a 21 24 percent increase,and because I've been around this 22 industry,there's no guarantee they're not going to ask 23 for another increase in the next cycle and the next cycle 24 and meanwhile,my parents-in-law,they moved here with a 25 fixed income and we told them what our water bill was and CSB REPORTING 29 WILLIAMSON 208.890.5198 Public 1 now for it to be going up and I know there's a lot of 2 areas of Boise that have irrigation water,we don't. 3 It's all Veolia and they want to have a garden.We have 4 a garden.You know,it's going to be exorbitant. 5 It's already expensive to water a garden. 6 It's going to be really expensive and if it keeps going 7 up,anyhow,it's a publicly granted monopoly,these 8 utilities,and I just think,I'd like to think,that our 9 government is looking out for the best value for 10 customers,the best value for our citizens.You know,we 11 pay our taxes and,you know,we didn't come here with 12 torches and pitchforks,just want to say hey,24 percent 13 seems insane. 14 It's just way too high,and I'm not 15 against a utility recovering its cost,but that's cost 16 plus,plus,plus and I'm not even against capitalists 17 owning a company in private industry,owning utilities. 18 It just seems to be --it needs some governance to say 19 lower your rate of return expectations,because that's 20 out of line with everything else in our market,and I am 21 very concerned about and I do help a lot of refugees. 22 They were brought here.You know,the US government 23 brings refugees to different cities and we've received a 24 lot here in Boise,and this is going to make it really 25 difficult for them to pay their water bills and I know a CSB REPORTING 30 WILLIAMSON 208.890.5198 Public 1 few of them that I've tutored,they're like water costs 2 this much?What if we don't pay?And I said,well, 3 that's not a good idea.It's not a choice,so it's just 4 going to make Boise a lot more expensive. 5 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Thank you very 6 much for your testimony.Any questions?Hearing none, 7 thank you. 8 (The witness left the stand.) 9 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Suzanne Knorr. 10 11 SUZANNE KNORR, 12 appearing as a public witness,having been first duly 13 sworn,testified as follows: 14 15 EXAMINATION 16 17 BY MR.BURDIN: 18 Q Would you please state your name and spell 19 your last name for the record? 20 A My name is Suzanne Knorr,K-n-o-r-r.I'm 21 a resident of Southwest Boise.I am both a current 22 customer of Veolia and a prospective new customer.We 23 own property which we now rent.We cover --we pay the 24 utilities on that property,so we know what the water 25 costs.We also have a pretty good idea what a 24 percent CSB REPORTING 31 KNORR 208.890.5198 Public 1 increase would be,but I'm also here as a representative 2 of the well owner community down in Southwest Boise,many 3 of whom have been struggling with their wells and are 4 looking to connect to Veolia Water,many of whom have 5 been without water now for ten months and counting,but a 6 24 percent increase is pretty significant and for in 7 their quest in order to connect to Veolia,they came up 8 with some pretty expensive costs,anywhere from 9 $30-40,000 when the water main was literally right next 10 to their property to 110,000 or more for them to connect 11 to Veolia. 12 A representative of Veolia and certainly 13 the local people do their best to try to keep the costs 14 down when they negotiate with the contractors that they 15 approve;however,it is an incredible increase,so 16 they've often made the choice do I try to deepen my well, 17 how long will the water last with the water table 18 reducing at 12 inches per year.A 24 percent increase is 19 a significant consideration. 20 One thing Veolia has maintained to the 21 well owners down there is that they would not ask their 22 current subscribers to pay for what they consider to be 23 new construction and so everything has to be paid up 24 front.We've always operated with this understanding; 25 however,it's also not consistent with Veolia coming to CSB REPORTING 32 KNORR 208.890.5198 Public 1 all of their constituents after their work with Eagle 2 Water and saying subscribers,you must pay for this. 3 That's all I have. 4 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Thank you very 5 much for your testimony.Are there any questions? 6 Ms.Ullman. 7 MR.ULLMAN:Mr.Chairman,thank you. 8 9 CROSS-EXAMINATION 10 11 BY MS.ULLMAN: 12 Q I'm trying to figure out exactly what 13 question or how to ask,so you're talking about people 14 who have been on well water,if I'm understanding 15 correctly,who have --are in the service area of Veolia 16 Water,is that correct -- 17 A Yes. 18 Q --that are trying to connect,but you 19 said you've heard 30-110,000 for the privilege of 20 connecting,plus a monthly water bill at that point;is 21 that correct? 22 A That is correct. 23 Q Do you have any idea what the distance is 24 from existing Veolia lines to any of these houses for 25 providing service? CSB REPORTING 33 KNORR (X) 208.890.5198 Public 1 A It varies.It just depends on where the 2 main lines were.This is a community that was built back 3 in the 1970s and it was considered rural at one time,but 4 it's been engulfed by development,so development has 5 built around it and with that development,of course, 6 Veolia,Suez prior,United Water prior,has extended 7 their lines with that development,but not necessarily 8 into this particular section. 9 This section,again,it has been dependent 10 upon where the water line was.30-40,000 was when the 11 water line was literally right next to the property. 12 110,000,they would have had to extend the lines much 13 farther.From what I understand,if the line was in the 14 street,it's anywhere from $100-200 per foot of line laid 15 to go from their property to the line,and that's just a 16 rough estimate. 17 Q And would that work -- 18 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Ms.Ullman,I'm 19 going to correct you here for just a moment.Let's talk 20 about the case that is before this.This is not even 21 part of this case.This is for another time,those 22 discussions,and if they're within the boundaries of 23 Veolia,they would be served by Veolia,so let's try to 24 maintain what this meeting here is about. 25 Q BY MS.ULLMAN:So my follow-up question, CSB REPORTING 34 KNORR (X) 208.890.5198 Public 1 I know in the 1990s,the PUC ordered that the Company 2 allow a variety of contractors who met a certain minimum 3 standard to work on their water lines.At the time they 4 only had a sole source contractor,so are you aware 5 whether this was specifically Veolia doing the work or 6 only one contractor? 7 A No,they have a list of approved 8 contractors.They might have inherited that list from 9 Suez,but it's a list of approved contractors,so they 10 could contractor shop within that list. 11 MS.ULLMAN:Thank you. 12 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Thank you very 13 much for your testimony. 14 (The witness left the stand.) 15 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Joel Festerly. 16 17 JOEL FESTERLY, 18 appearing as a public witness,having been duly sworn, 19 was examined and testified as follows: 20 21 BY MR.BURDIN: 22 Q Would you please state your name for the 23 record and spell your last name? 24 A Joel Festerly.That's F-e-s-t-e-r-1-y. 25 Q And where do you reside? CSB REPORTING 35 FESTERLY 208.890.5198 Public 1 A Boise. 2 Q And are you a customer of the company? 3 A Yes. 4 Q Thank you.Go ahead,please. 5 A Well,I just found out about this today, 6 actually,but it is one of those issues that I'm not 7 going to say anything new here that hasn't already been 8 said as a concerned customer with large rate hikes,24 9 percent going up.I do appreciate Ms.Fuerstenau's 10 testimony about the financials and being able to break 11 that down because not everybody can,but Boise has been a 12 place that's family friendly,retirement friendly,people 13 friendly. 14 It's kind of a place for the people and 15 this doesn't seem like a move for the people when we 16 think about the fact that we don't have a choice on where 17 to go get our water and large increase for --if you're 18 doing well and you just happen to be blessed financially 19 with your business or whatever might be happening,that's 20 fine.It doesn't hurt that much,right,but the concept 21 of ah,just another Starbucks or just a little bit here, 22 a little bit there,that's fine for when you're doing 23 well,but we all just came out of the pandemic. 24 There's a lot of us that aren't doing 25 really well.There's a lot of us that were hurt and are CSB REPORTING 36 FESTERLY 208.890.5198 Public 1 struggling,not just for people that are on fixed income 2 or SSI,which that's a legit thing.You don't have a way 3 to go out and get more resources,that's a legitimate 4 complaint.That's a legitimate concern for people,but 5 also,there's a lot people that lost businesses,lost 6 jobs,just industry hurting,people hurting,and when I 7 think about raising my children and having to get on 8 them,you know,like my parents did,like hey,shut that 9 water off.Hey,don't play in the sprinklers.Hey,who 10 left the water running?Hey,we can't fill the pool 11 today.You filled it yesterday.You know,the little 12 kiddie pools that they play with. 13 You know,the idea of having to regulate 14 which days your kids play on the slip and slide,that's a 15 little bit much,but I think that's reality for a lot of 16 us,and so Ms.Fuerstenau pointed out that the profit 17 margins and the record intake for this large Company who 18 we had no say in them being our water supplier --I'm 19 sorry,I'm trying to gather my thoughts here. 20 It's one of those I get a little bit 21 emotional with injustice and it feels a little bit like 22 injustice or like you don't have a voice,so I have a lot 23 of notes here,but I think what I really want to say is 24 as corporations have board members and people to look out 25 for their shareholders and their bottom lines and for CSB REPORTING 37 FESTERLY208.890.5198 Public 1 making profits,I'm all about making profits.I've been 2 a business owner.That's good,that's a good thing,but 3 it's not a good thing when the customer doesn't have a 4 choice. 5 I've been in the trades a long time and we 6 run bids and you've got to have a competitive price and 7 good service and that's what makes you a flourishing 8 business.You take care of your people.You take care 9 of your customers,but if I don't have a choice and 10 there's no one looking out for me as a customer,that 11 puts us in a different situation,and so I'm here to ask 12 you guys,our representatives --I'll be honest right 13 now,I'm not sure how this works,but I believe that's 14 what this meeting is about,that we the people need a 15 voice,need somebody looking out for our best interests 16 as well,so that's what I'm here to ask you guys to do 17 the right thing and to hear our voices. 18 This is not a big crowd,not a big 19 turnout.Like I said,I just found out about it today 20 and fortunately,I live right down the road,you know, 21 just a couple of blocks away.I just live right over 22 here,so I walked in late.I also do mentoring.I do 23 discipling.I do ministering,but I do want to come here 24 and just make our voice known and ask you guys to take 25 care of us,to look out for us. CSB REPORTING 38 FESTERLY 208.890.5198 Public 1 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:Well,thank you, 2 Mr.Festerly,for your testimony. 3 Are there any questions?Hearing none, 4 thank you again. 5 THE WITNESS:Thank you. 6 (The witness left the stand.) 7 COMMISSIONER ANDERSON:I don't have 8 anybody else on my list.Is there anybody that wishes to 9 testify that hasn't?If that's the case,this is your 10 opportunity to testify if you wish to.If not,we will 11 be adjourned,which we are. 12 (The Hearing adjourned at 6:54 p.m.) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 39 COLLOQUY208.890.5198 1 A UTHENT I C A T I ON 2 3 4 This is to certify that the foregoing 5 proceedings held in the matter of the application of 6 Veolia Water Company Idaho for authority to increase its 7 rates and charges for water service in the State of 8 Idaho,commencing at 6:00 p.m.,on Monday,March 27, 9 2023,at the Commission Hearing Room,11331 West Chinden 10 Blvd.,Building 8,Suite 201-A,Boise,Idaho,is a true 11 and correct transcript of said proceedings and the 12 original thereof for the file of the Commission. 13 14 CŒSTANCE S.BUCY17CertifiedShorthand Reportér 187 18 19 CONSTANCE S BUCY 2 0 NOTARY PUBUC -STATE OF IDAHO COMMISSION NUMBER 12995 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 9-5-2024 2 1 22 23 24 25 CSB REPORTING 40 AUTHENTICATION208.890.5198