HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230221Veolia to Staff No. 163.pdfVEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC.’S RESPONSES TO SIXTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF PAGE 1 OF 3 16630115_1.DOCX (30-235) Preston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Blake W. Ringer, ISB N. 11223 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1300 prestoncarter@givenspursley.com blakeringer@givenspursley.com Attorneys for Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. FOR A GENERAL RATE CASE Case No. VEO-W-22-02 VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC.’S RESPONSES TO SIXTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF In response to the Sixth Production Request of the Commission Staff to Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. dated January 25, 2023, Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. (“Veolia” or “Company”), submits the non-confidential responses contained below. Documents are available for download at the link provided in the transmittal email. DATED: February 21, 2023. By:_____________________________ Preston N. Carter Givens Pursley LLP Attorneys for Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. RECEIVED Tuesday, February 21, 2023 3:15:20 PM IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC.’S RESPONSES TO SIXTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF PAGE 2 OF 3 16630115_1.DOCX (30-235) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I certify that on February 21, 2023, a true and correct copy of the foregoing was served upon all parties of record in this proceeding via electronic mail as indicated below: Commission Staff Via Electronic Mail Jan Noriyuki, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83714 jan.noriyuki@puc.idaho.gov Dayn Hardie Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 11331 W. Chinden Blvd., Bldg. 8, Suite 201-A Boise, ID 83714 dayn.hardie@puc.idaho.gov Lorna K. Jorgensen Meg Waddel Ada County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office Civil Division 200 W. Front Street, Room 3191 Boise, ID 83702 civilpafiles@adacounty.id.gov Sharon M. Ullman, pro se 5991 E. Black Gold St. Boise, ID 83716 sharonu2013@gmail.com Austin Rueschhoff Thorvald A. Nelson Austin W. Jensen Holland & Hart, LLP 555 17th Street, Suite 3200 Denver, CO 80202 darueschhoff@hollandhart.com tnelson@hollandhart.com awjensen@hollandhart.com aclee@hollandhart.com kdspriggs@hollandhart.com Jim Swier Micron Technology , Inc. 8000 South Federal Way Boise, ID 83707 jswier@micron.com VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC.’S RESPONSES TO SIXTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF PAGE 3 OF 3 16630115_1.DOCX (30-235) Mary Grant Deputy City Attorney Boise, City Attorney’s Office 150 N. Capitol Blvd. PO Box 500 Boise, ID 83701-0500 BoiseCityAttorney@cityofboise.org mrgrant@cityofboise.org Preston N. Carter VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 SIXTH PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary/Michaelson REQUEST NO. 163: Please explain the customer meter mis-read errors that occurred during calendar year 2022. In addition, please provide: 1. The causes of the issue and the Company's corrective actions. 2. The timeframe and specific months that actual consumption data was impacted. 3. Any corrections that need to be made or have already been made to actual consumption data for each month from January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022. 4. A detailed explanation how the Company determined the amount of the corrections for each month. 5. The Company's final actual customer counts and customer consumption from January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022, by updating the Company's workpaper file "VEO- W-22-02 Revenue Exhibits - Workpapers to IPUC STAFF," provided in electronic format with all formula enabled. RESPONSE NO. 163: 1.Cause of the issue: Inaccurate meter readings were provided by one meter reader for approximately 1,019 customers, or less than 1% of the total customer base. The preliminary number of customers impacted of 1,136 provided informally to Commission Staff was incorrectly totaled due to duplicate account numbers listed in the tracking file. 2.Timeframe: The bill periods impacted by inaccurate meter readings span from July 2022 through January 2023. VEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 163 Page 1 of 7 Background information: During December 2022 VWID’s billing staff began receiving system generated exceptions for potentially problematic meter readings. The pending bills showed an unusually high water usage amount for that (two-month) billing period compared to the customer’s prior year usage consumption history for that same period. A pattern with a single Meter Reader became evident as billing staff reviewed these customer accounts and found irregularities in generally consistent and predictable consumption patterns. All safeguards to ensure meter reading accuracy and validity were in place, including: company vehicle GPS positions, handheld meter reading device locations and distances from last reading, acceptable parameters, average time to read the assigned meter route, and the valid meter reading range (both high and low) based on the customer’s prior year consumption. While the facts gathered during the investigation did not reveal whether the employee intentionally falsified meter readings and there was no admission of such, the company has reason to believe that the Meter Reader did not reach each customer’s meter (by opening the meter box lid) as they moved through the assigned meter reading route. The Company suspects the Meter Reader misrepresented meter readings as actual that were low enough to avoid triggering the aforementioned acceptable reading safeguards. Due to the number of delayed exceptions triggered and erratic consumption generated from one Meter Reader’s work, it is the Company’s belief that this individual was misrepresenting meter readings which were the basis for customer bills and this required correction. Under-reported consumption from inaccurate meter readings required rebilling for approximately 1,019 customers, to reallocate actual consumption to the appropriate periods and true up under-reported water usage. VEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 163 Page 2 of 7 Rebilling is a necessary step in order for customer usage history to be accurately reflected for billing purposes, including for customers who use budget billing level-pay options based on their 12 months of consumption history, as well as for customers who have their sewer bills based on their wintertime water usage. Rebills are generally done for one prior billing period, however in this instance it was necessary to rebill customers for up to 3 billing periods. That determination was made based on the billing staff’s careful review of the customer’s usage history which indicated that this “mis-read” issue was not a system error and not isolated to just one period but also that prior meter readings by the same Meter Reader were suspect as well even though they fell within acceptable system parameters. These inaccurate readings did not trigger an exception at that time and were billed as actual readings on customer bills. Corrective actions: The initial step in addressing meter read exceptions includes verifying the meter reading by field customer service staff and conducting a leak check if warranted. After the meter reading is verified as actual with no indication of constant usage which would indicate a leak, billing staff perform an in-depth review of the customer’s account to address the cause of the error, and determine whether a cancel- rebill is warranted. Based on a careful review of the customer’s consumption history and relying on their expertise, when billing staff determine a rebill is necessary, they cancel the pending and prior bills(s) and rebill actual usage based on best available information. Customer service representatives then contacted the affected customer by phone as the rebillings are generated, rather than relying on the normally mailed customer letter to inform customers of the extraordinary situation, to answer any questions and advise VEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 163 Page 3 of 7 that they should expect to see cancel/rebills on their next bill. Customers may request a payment plan to extend the period they have to pay their bill. Even though the rebilling(s) represent actual usage for each customer, the company uses its discretion to provide an appropriate credit to customers with outstanding concerns when they contact the company or Commission, if they are burdened financially, unduly inconvenienced, or face hardship as a result. The Company’s customer service staff work with customers to find an agreeable solution. The meter reader responsible for the abnormally large number of mis-read meter readings was placed on unpaid suspension during the investigation and was separated from the company following completion of the investigation on January 20, 2023. 3.Corrections made to consumption data by month: Verified meter readings for actual meter reads were completed as of January 24, 2023. Rebillings due to this abnormality in mis-read meter readings have been processed starting November 29, 2022, with the majority completed in January 2023, and a few remaining rebills completed in February 2023. Consumption billed by month for system reports are not retroactively restated. Any consumption and the amount billed difference between prior bills that are subsequently canceled and rebilled, are reflected in the month when the rebilling takes place. Even though consumption was “reallocated” to the other billing periods, the subsequent meter reading and rebilled total captures a true-up of under-reported consumption and potentially “new” consumption for the current billed period. Bills for bi-monthly billed customers reflect consumption over a two-month period. The consumption reported for December 2022 will include rebilled consumption for prior bills that span as far back as July 2022 in this instance. The canceled and rebilled amounts below reflect 100 cubic VEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 163 Page 4 of 7 feet (CCF) consumption as well as the total amount billed, which includes: consumptive fees, meter fees, franchise taxes, safe drinking water fees, surcharges, etc. There are no retroactive adjustments made to prior month-end consumption or revenue reports. However based on the company’s analysis the rebilling which took place and based on available data for 994 rebilled customers resulted in the approximate impact per TABLE 1 below: TABLE 1 Bill Date (Start - End) Canceled Bills CCF's Rebilled CCF's (with Consumptio n True-up) Cancele d Bills Total Rebilled Total CCF Differenc e Billed $ Differenc e July - September 2022 -1,206 5,222 -$4,332 $12,681 4,016 $8,348 August - October 2022 -12,582 58,147 -$39,454 $131,592 45,565 $92,138 September - November 2022 -5,837 25,586 -$23,044 $58,371 19,749 $35,327 October - December 2022 -6,505 1,599 -$12,641 $4,695 -4,906 -$7,947 November - January 2023 -8,149 1,877 -$16,692 $6,332 -6,272 -$10,360 TOTAL -34,279 92,431 -$96,163 $213,670 58,152 $117,507 Billed by December 2022 Revenue Cutoff Date -14,643 48,724 -$40,663 $110,756 34,081 $70,093 Billed after December 2022 Revenue Cutoff Date -19,636 43,707 -$55,501 $102,914 24,071 $47,414 TOTAL -34,279 92,431 -$96,163 $213,670 58,152 $117,507 The difference in the count of rebilled accounts of 1,019 compared to the data that calculated the impact of above for 994 accounts, is due to incorrect account numbers reflected in the tracking file of 1,019 accounts, and data query limitations. To adjust for the discrepancy in number of accounts tracked as rebilled versus the available data to calculate the impact, a gross-up of 1,019 divided by 994 accounts or 1.02515% is applied and reflected in TABLE 2 Grossed-up below: VEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 163 Page 5 of 7 TABLE 2 Grossed-up Bill Date (Start - End) Canceled Bills CCF's Rebilled CCF's (with Consumptio n True-up) Cancele d Bills Total Rebilled Total CCF Differenc e Billed $ Differenc e July - September 2022 -1,236 5,353 -$4,441 $12,999 4,117 $8,558 August - October 2022 -12,898 59,609 -$40,447 $134,902 46,711 $94,455 September - November 2022 -5,984 26,230 -$23,623 $59,839 20,246 $36,216 October - December 2022 -6,669 1,639 -$12,959 $4,813 -5,029 -$8,147 November - January 2023 -8,354 1,924 -$17,111 $6,491 -6,430 -$10,620 TOTAL -35,141 94,756 -$98,582 $219,044 59,615 $120,462 Billed by December 2022 Revenue Cutoff Date -15,011 49,949 -$41,685 $113,541 34,938 $71,856 Billed after December 2022 Revenue Cutoff Date -20,130 44,806 -$56,897 $105,503 24,676 $48,606 TOTAL -35,141 94,756 -$98,582 $219,044 59,615 $120,462 Of the 2022 under-reported consumption and revenue plus any “new” usage, 34,938 CCF of the 59,615 CCF total difference is reflected in year 2022 revenue and consumption total, while the remainder was rebilled and reflected in year 2023. 4.Explanation for amount of correction: The amount of correction for each rebilling (two month) period is based on the customer’s unique consumption history.Billing staff compare the customer’s consumption to the three-year average consumption for the same time period. During this review they must factor in several variables including: seasonality, number of billing days in the cycle, historical averages for the same time period in previous years, how much historical data exists for the current customer and prior customer of record, is the meter manually read or is an automated meter, previous reads in the read history, regular reads, estimated reads, and verified reads. VEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 163 Page 6 of 7 If there are anomalies in the customer’s usage history i.e., unusually high or low consumption for a particular period and unexplained or uncharacteristic changes in consumption trends from one bill period to the next, billing staff may exclude those outliers from the standard three-year average on which the reallocation of usage is based. If billing staff determine that the customer’s usage history indicates that more than just one bill period reflected incorrect consumption based on inaccurate meter readings (such as in this instance) they will analyze and re-allocate customer usage for up to three billing periods, according to Commission rules. 5.Actual customer counts and customer consumption: In response to staff’s request, please see the attachment which is an update to the Company Revenue schedules incorporating the final actual customer counts and customer consumption from January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022. Please note the attached does not necessarily represent the Company’s rebuttal position in this case. VEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 163 Page 7 of 7