HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221202Staff 42-147 to Veolia.pdfCHRIS BURDIN DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-007 4 (208) 334-0314 IDAHO BAR NO. 98IO ,-:=rjStvED :11?1 [[n -2 PH lr trO , '.'l l ; l, r--, i '..rtll iU'' :',,, -.; lt'3l"{;.{lssi0N Street Address for Express Mail: 1I33I W CHINDEN BLVD, BLDG 8, SUITE 2OI-A BOISE, ID 83714 Attorney for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. FOR A GENERAL RATE CASE THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission, by and through its attomey of record, Chris Burdin, Deputy Attorney General, requests that Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. ("Veolia") provide the following documents and information as soon as possible, but no later than FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2022. This Production Request is to be considered as continuing, and Veolia is requested to provide, by way of supplementary responses, additional documents that it, or any person acting on its behalf, may later obtain that will augment the documents or information produced. Please provide answers to each question; supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations; and the name, job title, and telephone number of the person preparing the documents. Please also identifi, the ntune, job title, location, and telephone number of the record holder. THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VEOLIA WATER IDAHO ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. VEO-W-22-02 I DECEMBERZ,2022 In addition to the written copies provided as response to the requests, please provide all Excel spreadsheets and electronic files on CD with formulas intact and enabled. REQUEST NO. 42: Please provide supporting workpaper(s), in Excel format with formulae intact, for Management & Service ("M&S") Fee Adjustment No. 19. Please update workpaper(s) with actual amounts as data become available. REQUEST NO. 43: Please provide a copy of the Cost Allocation Manual ("CAM") in Word and PDF format. RXQUEST NO. 44: Please provide the following for each employee(s) that allocated time to Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. that is included in M&S fees: a. Offer letters b. Number of hours spent on Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. directly c. Percentage pay increase received per year since hired. REQUEST NO. 45: Please provide detailed descriptions and the cost-benefit analysis for each M&S Shared Services department. REQUEST NO. 46: Please provide a description of the work that M&S Shared Services, Legal, directly performed for Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. REQUEST NO. 47: Please provide the Company's operating plans and capital budgets for each year from 2022 tlrrough 2026. Please provide a breakdown for each year by category (mains, services, hydrants, meters, etc.) and by specific project. Please indicate which projects the Company would include within the first year in the Distribution System lmprovement Charge ("DSIC"), if it is approved. REQUEST NO.48: Please describe the material, number of miles, size, and age for each type of transmission and distribution pipe in the Company's system that will require replacement THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VEOLIA WATER IDAHO 2 DECEMBER2,2022 and/or rehabilitation within the next five years. Include why it needs replacing, when it needs to be replaced, and the expected cost. REQUEST NO. 49: Regarding Company witness Cagle's Direct Testimony at 3, please explain the difference between replacement and rehabilitation. REQUEST NO. 50: Please describe any other infrastructure in the system that currently requires, or will require, replacement and/or rehabilitation within the next five years. Include why it needs replacing, when it needs to be replaced, and the expected cost. REQUEST NO. 5l: Please describe any investments the Company has made over the last five years to reduce and minimize replacement and/or rehabilitation costs. REQUEST NO. 52: Please demonstrate how Operation and Maintenance ("O&M") costs will change if the DSIC is approved. REQUEST NO. 53: Please provide an update through November 2022 to the SUZ-W-19-01 Semi-Annual Deferred Convenience Fee Report filed in November 2021 REQUEST NO. 54: Please provide the following information related to the Agreement for Replacement and Operation of Fire Hydrants with the City of Boise identified in Case No. UWI-W-15-02: a. A drawing detailing a typical new fire hydrant installation along with quantities listing individual components necessary for the hydrant replacement installation. b. Component specifications used for the installation. c. A map reflecting the location of each fire hydrant replaced by the Company since approval in Commission Order No. 33390. This map should identifu individual hydrants at each location. Please provide this map in "pdf format" with adequate resolution to easily identifr each hydrant location and its corresponding tag number. THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VEOLIA WATER IDAHO J DECEMBER2,2022 d. A table listing each hydrant replaced since the agreement. Please provide this table in Excel format. Within the table include the following information related to each fire hydrant: i. Tag number ii. Location iii. Basis of need for replacement (i.e., age, inoperability, reliability, leaking, other) iv. Date of replacement v. Estimated cost vi. Basis considered in determining least cost replacement vii. Indication whether the work was completed by the Company or a contractor. Also, provide the name of the contractor as applicable. viii. Listing of replaced items for the hydrant replacement installation ix. Itemized costs for the replacement installation x. Items salvaged xi. Items delivered to the City of Boise per the agreement. REQUEST NO. 55: Please describe the Company's process for contracting services used for the installation of the water transmission piping system, distribution piping system, and the system fire hydrants. REQUEST NO. 56: Please explain how the Company assures the cost of installation for transmission plant, distribution plant, and fire hydrants is at least cost to the Company's ratepayers. REQUEST NO. 57: Please identifu any procurement starting January 1,2021, through September 30,2022, where the procurement was not compliant with the SUEZ North American Inc. Procurement Policy (Revised JuJy 2020). In each case, please explain why it was not compliant and provide all Company documentation used to justifr moving forward with the procurement even though it was not compliant. THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VEOLIA WATER IDAHO 4 DECEMBERZ,2022 REQUEST NO. 58: Please provide the Company's completed Procurement Review Form ("PRp") for all procurements up to $300,000 made between January 1,2021, and the current date. REQUEST NO. 59: Please provide the following documentation for each capital project with a budget amount of $300,000 or more that was initiated or completed between January l, 2021, and September 30, 2022. For the requested information not provided, please explain why it was not provided, and how the Company assured that the construction of the project was completed at least cost to ratepayers. a. A full description of the work completed for each project b. Analysis of Need - a justification of need for each project along with a cost/benefit analysis comparison of the alternatives c. Project Plan including: i. Initial project scope ii. Proposed budget iii. Proposed schedule d. Documentation supporting competitive bidding practices including: i. Company's completed PRF ii. Requests for proposals ("RFP") including: l. Project requirements 2. Specifications iii. Short list bidder scorecard iv. RFP from winning bid e. Project construction documentation including: i. Construction contract ii. Organizational chart iii. Scope document iv. Work breakdown structure v. Baseline Schedule vi. Monthly project status report(s) vii. Project action items list(s) viii. Contractors change order request(s) THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VEOLIA WATER IDAHO 5 DECEMBER2,2022 f. Company project completion analysis including: i. Lessons learned ii. Budget-to-actual comparisons for the overall project, by work breakdown structure, and by year iii. Baseline schedule-to-actual schedule comparison iv. For any actual costs differing from the budget amount by plus or minus 5 percent during a particular year, please list and explain the reason(s) for the budget amount difference. REQUEST NO. 60: Please provide a yearly listing of all Company sourced water used to meet customer demand during the past l0 years. Please include the source name, source type, peak available capacity, annual available capacity, and any contractual limitations for utilizing the water resource. Please state the year that the water resource was procured and its total initial andlor annual costs. Please also state the average cost per delivered gallon for the resource. REQUEST NO. 61: Please provide the following monthly information in Microsoft Excel electronic format for each well pump and/or booster pump within the system over the past 5-years: a. Electric energy consumed (kVfh) b. Differential pressure between the pump suction and discharge (psi) Electric energy consumed (kwh) c. Amount of water pumped (gal). REQUEST NO. 62: Please provide the following monthly information in Microsoft Excel electronic format for each location where chemical treatment is introduced into the system over the past S-years: a. Location b. Chemical treatment type and concentration c. Amount of chemical treatment introduced into the system d. Amount of water treated. THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VEOLIA WATER IDAHO 6 DECEMBER2,2022 REQUEST NO.63: With reference to Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide the following workpapers and source documents (invoices, emails, reports, etc.) for the following adjustments, in native format with formulas intact: Adjustment No. I - Payroll Adjustment No. 2 - Workers Compensation Adjustment No. 3 - Pension Cash Contributions Adjustment No. 4 - Post-retirement Benefits Other than Pension (PBOP) Adjustment No. 5 - Employee Healthcare Adjustment No. 8 - Payroll Overheads (Fringe Benefits Allocation) Adjustment No. l0 - Energy - Purchased Power and Other Utilities Adjustment No. I I - Chemicals Adjustment No. 12 - Subcontractors Adjustment No. l3 - Customer Billing Expenses Adjustment No. l7 - Offrce Expenses Adjustment No. 20 - General Insurance Adjustment No. 22 - Safety Adjustment No. 29 - Adjustment to Variable Expenses Due to Volume Normalization. REQUEST NO. 64: With reference to the Number of Positions on page 6 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide job descriptions and pay scales for all current positions. REQUEST NO. 65: With reference to the increase in staffing from the Company's Test Year levels described on page 6 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide the job description for each position listed, as well as the proposed pay rates. For each new position listed, please indicate whether the position has been filled, or the anticipated date that the position will be filled. Please also include a description of why these positions are needed by the Company and how they benefit the Idaho customers of Veolia. THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VEOLIA WATER IDAHO 7 DECEMBER2,2022 REQUEST NO. 66: With reference to the Wage Adjustments on page 6 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide a copy of the union contract showing the contractually obligated pay increase for Bargaining Unit employees. REQUEST NO. 67: With reference to the Wage Adjustments on pages 6 and 7 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide the basis for the 4o/o pay change over 2022. Please include any and all studies used to justify the 4o/o wage adjustment. REQUEST NO. 68: With reference to the Wage Adjustments on page 7 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide supporting documentation for the test year ratio of 66.17% of the opex payroll to gross payroll. REQUEST NO. 69: With reference to Stand-by Pay, Shift Pay, and Overtime Pay on pageT of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide the policies goveming when these pay rates are used. Please provide the supporting documentation and workpapers for calculating the three-year average for overtime. REQUEST NO. 70: With reference to the Incentive Programs on page 7 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide a description of the Company's Short-Term Incentive Plan, including the goal targets and criteria requirements. Please provide descriptions and amounts of the target awards based upon the job/salary grade, including the personal goals and Company goals. REQUEST NO. 71: With reference to the Incentive Programs on page 7 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide a description of the Non-Exempt Incentive Program, including the basis for the incentive payments and the amount or percentage of the incentive payment. REQUEST NO. 72: With reference to Adjustment No. 2 - Workers Compensation on page 8 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide the supporting THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VEOLIA WATER IDAHO 8 DECEMBER2,2022 documentation and workpapers for the adjustment, including the inputs for the three-year average of workers compensation. REQUEST NO. 73: With reference to Adjustment No. 3 - Pension Cash Contributions on page 8 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide the Actuarial Reports for years 2017 through 2022. Additionally, please include all correspondence, letters, and emails between the Company and its actuaries for years 2017 through2022. REQUEST NO. 74: With reference to Adjustment No. 4 - Post-retirement Benefits Other than pension ("PBOP") on page 9 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide the supporting documentation and workpapers contained in the Towers Watson actuarial valuation for2022 with a service cost of $163,925 and interest component of ($687,681). In addition, please provide the Towers Watson actuarial valuations anticipated in October 2022 once they are available. REQUEST NO. 75: With reference to Adjustment No. 5 - Employee Healthcare on page 9 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide documentation and workpapers supporting the calculation of the adjustment. Please provide the updated 2023 benefit costs anticipated in October 2022 once they are available. REQUEST NO. 76: With reference to Adjustment No. 8 - Payroll Overheads on page 10 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide an overview of the fringe benefit allocation method. Please provide the calculation for this adjustment, including the inputs used and the source documents for the inputs. REQUEST NO. 77: With reference to Adjustment No. 10 - Energy - Purchased Power and Other Utilities on page 10 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide the source documents for the items included in Test Year Other Power totaling $ 157,953, as shown in Exhibit No. 10, Schedule l, Adjustment No. 10. THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VEOLIA WATER IDAHO 9 DECEMBER2,2022 REQUEST NO. 78: With reference to Adjustment No. I I - Chemicals on page 12 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide the transaction detail reports for Chemicals, Account 50635, for the historical test year that ended June 30, 2022,in Excel format with formulas intact. REQUEST NO. 79: With reference to Adjustment No. 1l - Chemicals on page 12 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide the source documents supporting the pro forma prices. REQUEST NO. 80: With reference to Adjustment No. 1l - Chemicals on page 12 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide the source documents forthe additional chemicals for the former Eagle Water service area. REQUEST NO. 81: With reference to Adjustment No. 12 - Subcontractors on page 12 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide the transaction detail reports for Subcontractors, Account 50400, for the historical test year ended June 30, 2022, in Excel format with formulas intact. REQUEST NO. 82: With reference to Adjustment No. l2 - Subcontractors on page 12 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide the source documents and invoices supporting the new costs related to Itron Temetra's meter reading software, and supporting the increase in fees from GeoSCADA, and the costs for the well cleaning and tank inspections not reflected in the historic test year. REQUEST NO.83: With reference to AdjustmentNo. 13 - Customer Billing Expenses on page 13 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide source documents and other supporting documentation for the bill generation vendor increase of $8,144. Please provide the source documents and other supporting documentation for the anticipated lYo customer growth adjustment, and the calculation supporting the postage increase. THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VEOLIA WATER IDAHO l0 DECEMBER2,2022 REQUEST NO. 84: With reference to Adjustment No. 17 - Office Expenses, on page 13 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide additional details ofthe "Cityworks" license mentioned. In the response, please include: a. an itemization of the annual costs required for the "Cityworks" licensing costs. b. the number of current licenses and new licenses that will be obtained. c. an explanation why additional licenses are required for new employees and an identification of which new employees will require licenses. d. a copy of the contract reflecting the increase in licensing cost with "Cityworks." REQUEST NO. 85: With reference to Adjustment No. 17 - Office Expenses, on page 14 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide additional details of the $821 increase in the first-class postage cost of 3.45%. Please include the calculation and supporting documentation for this adjustment, including a description of the types and number of mail pieces. REQUEST NO. 86: With reference to Adjustment No. 17 - Office Expenses, on page 14 of Company witness Cary's Direct Testimony, please provide a description of the Right Systems maintenance support fee for the Company's UPS backup system cost. Please provide a copy of the invoice and supporting documentation for the increase. REQUEST NO. 87: With reference to Adjustment No. 22 - Safety, please explain the increase in the Safety Expense account for the test year expense. Please provide the source documentation supporting the budgeted amounts or prior costs. Please include any invoices and calculations that support the increase in costs. Additionally, please provide the actual expenses, by item and category, for the years 2019 through202l. REQUEST NO. 88: With reference to Adjustment 9 - Purchased Water, on page 5 of Company witness Wilson's Direct Testimony, please provide the source documentation such as contracts and invoices for the following items: a. Shares Leased in Canals b. Contract Storage c. State Water Bank (Natural Flow) THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VEOLIA WATER IDAHO 1l DECEMBER2,2022 d. Basin 63 Rental Pool e. Additional Rental Pool f. Garden City Water Purchase g. New York Inigation Canal. REQUEST NO. 89: With reference to Adjustment 9 - Purchased Water, on page 5 of Company witness Wilson's Direct Testimony, please provide the transaction detail report for the purchased water, Account 50605, for the historical test year that ended June 30. 2022, in Excel format with formulas intact. REQUEST NO. 90: With reference to Adjustment 14 - Bad Debt on pages 5 and 6 of Company witness Wilson's Direct Testimony, please provide the transaction detail reports for Bad Debt Reserve, Account 90405 and Bad Debt, Account 90400 from March2020 through the historical test year that ended June 30, 2022, in Excel format with formulas intact. REQUEST NO. 91: With reference to Adjustment 15 - Materials on page 6 of Company witness Wilson's Direct Testimony, please provide the transaction detail report for Materials, Account 50300 for the historical test year that ended June 30. 2022, in Excel format with formulas intact. REQUEST NO. 92: With reference to Exhibit No 10, Schedule 1, Adjustment 16 - Vehicle Allocation, please provide supporting documentation for the following transportation expenses as shown in Company witness Wilson's Direct Testimony beginning on page 6. In the response, please identifu any additional costs necessary for future employees that have been included as a pro forma adjustment to the Company's revenue requirement. Also, please verify that the mechanic payroll has not been already included in the Payroll Adjustment. a. Mechanic payroll and benefits b. Lease Cost & GPS fees c. Fuel d. Material,Maintenance THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VEOLIA WATER IDAHO t2 DECEMBER2,2022 e. Insurance f. Other Costs g. Depreciation h. Tax i. VA Allowance. REQUEST NO. 93: Please provide a schedule showing the year, make, and model of the Company's current fleet of vehicles. For each vehicle, please state whether it is leased or owned by the Company, along with the purchase price and net book value. REQUEST NO.94: Please provide a copy of the Company's vehicle replacement policy and any studies the Company has performed in the last five years relating to vehicle replacement. REQUEST NO. 95: Please provide the source documents and calculations related to the projected fuel prices reflected in the Test Year at $4.68 per gallon for gasoline and $5.19 per gallon for diesel. In addition, please provide the calculations supporting the fuel consumption. REQUEST NO. 96: Please provide the source documents and calculations that support the increase in costs of $70,176 for the insurance and vehicle maintenance costs mentioned on page 8 of Company witness Wilson's Direct Testimony. Please include the invoices, insurance policies, and other source documents to support this increase. REQUEST NO. 97: Please state whether the Company has performed a cost-benefit analysis to show that leasing the vehicles is the least-cost alternative to owning its own fleet. Please provide a copy of any cost-benefit analysis and explain how leasing the vehicles benefits customers. REQUEST NO. 98: Please state the last time the Company had a competitive request for proposal for the vehicle fleet. Please provide the source documents related to the most recent competitive bidding process for its fleet management. THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VEOLIA WATER IDAHO 13 DECEMBER2,2022 REQUEST NO. 99: With reference to Adjustment l8 - Advertising, on page 8 of Company witness Wilson's Direct Testimony, please provide the transaction detail report for the Advertising, Account 50651, for the historical test year that ended June 30, 2022, in Excel format with formulas intact. REQUEST NO. 100: With reference to Adjustment 18 - Advertising, on page 8 of Company witness Wilson's Direct Testimony, please provide: a. the analysis that determined that the Consumer Confidence Report ("CCR") needs to be mailed to each customer. b. the analysis that shows that customers have read and will continue to read the paper copy. Please include in your response the number of telephone or email contacts the Company received pertaining to the CCR, for the last 3 years that the CCR was mailed to customers. c. the statutory and regulatory requirement that the CCR be mailed to customers. d. the feedback received from customers when the CCR was mailed. REQUEST NO. 101: With reference to Adjustment 18 - Advertising, on page 8 of Company witness Wilson's Direct Testimony, please state whether customers receive a message on their digital bill prompting them to read the CCR. REQUEST NO. 102: With reference to Adjustment 23 - Amortization Expenses - Deferred Rate Case on page 4 of Staff witness Zerhouni's Direct Testimony, please provide a schedule showing actual rate case costs incurred to date, including the entity paid and the service that entity provided. Please supplement this response each month as additional costs are incurred. REQUEST NO. 103: With reference Adjustment No. 25 - Amortization Expense - Deferred Tank Painting, as shown on page 5 of Company witness Zerhouni's Direct Testimony, please provide additional details for the Tank Painting mentioned. In the response, please include: a. the size and type of tank for the Broken Hom, Columbia, and Hidden Hollow tanks. THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VEOLIA WATER IDAHO t4 DECEMBER2,2022 b. an explanation why painting of the Broken Horn tank, Columbia tank, and Hidden Hollow interior painting projects were required. c. anitemization of the costs for painting the Broken Horn tank, Columbia tank, and Hidden Hollow interior painting projects. d. the budgeted and actual expense for the Broken Horn tank, Columbia tank, and Hidden Hollow interior painting projects. e. all quotes received for the Broken Horn tank, Columbia tank, and Hidden Hollow interior painting proj ects. f. the expected number of years before the Broken Horn tank, Columbia tank, and Hidden Hollow interior painting projects will need to be painted again. REQUEST NO. 104: Please provide a copy of the Company credit card and purchase card policy. REQUEST NO. 105: Please provide the transaction detail reports for the following accounts, for the historical test year that ended June 30, 2022, in Excel format with formulas intact: a. 50650 - Include all sub accounts - Off,rce Expense b. 50655 - Include all sub accounts - Miscellaneous Expense c. 91860- Include all sub accounts - Other Awards d. 92300930 Bank Charges - A&G Ops Miscellaneous General e. 92600920 through 92600932 -OtherG&A Exp. REQUEST NO. 106: Following up on Production Request No. 3, please provide the amount of outside legal expense included in the Company's test year and proposed for recovery in this case. Please reconcile the outside legal expenses provided in the Company's response to Production Request No. 3 to the actual test year amount for outside legal expense. REQUEST NO. 107: Please provide a list of all workman's compensation insurance claims that Veolia paid for the test year. THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VEOLIA WATER IDAHO 15 DECEMBERZ,2022 REQUEST NO. 108: Please answer the following for the 15 newly hired positions: a. Are they going to provide a mitigation of overtime? b. What gaps, including service or overtime, will be filled with these positions? REQUEST NO. 109: Please answer the following for the incentive program: a. How are the employees' personal goals and the Company goals set for the Short- Term Incentive Plan ("STIP")? b. What are the required criteria for both exempt and non-exempt employees that allow them to qualiff for the STIP? REQUEST NO. 110: Please provide copies of the Health, Vision, and Dental Insurance Plans Veolia provided to its employees, with cost breakdowns for employee, spouse, and family. REQUEST NO. 111: Please provide answers to the following questions regarding Payroll: a. How is payroll processed, especially time sheets? b. How do employees track and submit their hours? REQUEST NO. 112: Please provide a copy of Veolia's Cityworks contract. Also please itemize a. licensing cost per employee. b. the cost of additional licenses needed for new employees REQUEST NO. 113: Please provide all business insurance claims affecting liability and property coverage for the test year. REQUEST NO. 114: Please provide an itemized list of all necessary training and safety- related costs for the test year for each of the following: THTRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VEOLIA WATER IDAHO l6 DECEMBER2,2022 a. Uniform costs, Arc Flash personal protective equipment (PPE) rental costs, fire suppression system inspectionslalarm monitoring, OSHA standards and safety equipment costs b. Hearing tests for the 75 Bargaining Unit employees c. ArcFlash, Confined Space, Trenching and Excavation training programs and d. Industrial Hygienist Respirator/chemical/asbestos program assessment and exposure monitoring. REQUEST NO. 115: Please provide supporting documentation for the pro forma adjustment made to the miscellaneous equipment account for December 2022. Please include any cost/benefit analysis and approvals for projects included in the adjustment. REQUEST NO. 116: Please provide the Company's policy for purchasing and retiring fleet vehicles. REQUEST NO. 117: Please explain and provide supporting documentation for the "File Relocation Plan," found on the list of pro forma capital projects. Please include any cost benefit analysis and approvals for the project. REQUEST NO. 118: Please explain and provide supporting documentation for the "Computer Refresh," found on the list of pro forma capital projects. Please include any cost benefit analysis and approvals for the project. REQUEST NO. 119: Please provide updated actual plant-in-service additions and retirement amounts for July 2022 through the most recent period. REQUEST NO. 120: Please provide receipts for the credit card transactions listed in Attachment A, and identifu where the costs are included in the Application. REQUEST NO. 121: Please identifu the number of disconnections for non-payment on a monthly basis for calendar years2020,2021, and2022 to date. For comparison, please include THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VEOLIA WATER IDAHO t7 DECEMBER2,2022 the number of customers for those same timeframes, and the number of disconnections as a percentage of total residential customers for the same time period. REQUEST NO. 122: Please provide the number and total dollar amount of deposits the Company is currently holding for residential and commercial accounts. Please report the numbers based on the reason the deposit was requested (termination of service, misrepresentation of identity, damages, unauthorized service, failure to pass credit screen, indebted household, new commercial customer, bankruptcy, etc.) and the customer's rate schedule. REQUEST NO. 123: Please provide the following details for the Company's leak adjustment program by year for 2020,202I, and2022 to date. a. What are the audit parameters that prompt the Company to send a notice to the customer because of high usage? b. How many customers have received an adjustment of their water bill after providing evidence of repairs? c. Does the Company have an arrangement with all waste-water system operators to adjust sewer rates if there was a leak and subsequent repair? d. When and how does the Company notifu the respective waste-water authority of the adjustment? REQUEST NO. 124: For residential accounts identified as having been disconnected for non-payment in the previous request, please provide the number of accounts that received Veolia Cares benefits by month for calendar years 2020, 2021, afi 2022 to date. How many of those customers were subsequently disconnected for nonpayment during the following two months? REQUEST NO. 125: Without revealing customer identities or other confidential information, please provide a spreadsheet showing the average monthly consumption of all customers receiving assistance through the Veolia Cares program for calendar years 2020,2021, and2022 to date. THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VEOLIA WATER IDAHO l8 DECEMBER2,2022 REQUEST NO. 126z Please provide an update on the Veolia Cares program. Please explain any changes to the program since 2020. Please include monthly and annual data for calendar year 2020,2021, and2022 to date by Company contributions, customer contributions, total dollar amount awarded to customers, total number of customers assisted, and total amount provided to El-Ada for administration. REQUEST NO. 127: Please state whether all costs associated with the Veolia Cares program are covered by shareholders. Please explain. REQUEST NO. 128: Please provide the number of incoming calls handled by the customer service representatives by month for calendar years 2020,2021, and 2022 to date. Are all incoming calls handled within the Boise office? [f not, how are incoming calls handled? REQUEST NO. 129: Please provide a breakdown of the number of incoming calls and emails from customers to the Company by category (e.g., payment arrangements, starVstop service, high bills, disconnections, etc.). Please include all calls, including those calls routed to another department. Please provide the information by months for the years2020,2021, and2022 to date. REQUEST NO. 130: Please provide the number of incoming calls handled by the customer service representatives by month, about discolored water and the corresponding flushing credit, on the East First Bench for calendar years 2020,2021, and 2022 to date. REQUEST NO. 131: Please describe the customer self-help tasks that can be handled by the lnteractive Voice Response ("IVR") or online, (e.g., bill payment, payment arrangements, etc.). REQUEST NO. 132: Please provide the Company's performance objectives for handling incoming calls; include objectives for both IVR and customer service representative ("CSR") handled calls. What steps does the Company take if it fails to meet its performance objectives? THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VEOLIA WATER IDAHO t9 DECEMBER2,2022 REQUEST NO. 133: Please provide the average speed of answer for CSR-handled calls by month of the calendar years2020,202l,and2022 to date. REQUEST NO. 134: Please provide a detailed explanation of the Company policy for handling calls after hours whether for reconnection after a disconnection, for non-payment, or for emergency shut-off because of leaks. The Company's office hours are listed as 8:00 am to 4:30 pm and the reconnection is offered at a higher charge between 4:31 pm and 6:30 pm. a. Does the Company offer reconnect or emergency shut-off after the listed hours or on weekends or holidays? b. How does the Company provide support to fire and police emergencies after hours? REQUEST NO. 135: Do the CSRs have access to the status of the customer's certification (if required under the Company program?). If not, how does a customer obtain that information? REQUEST NO. 136: Please provide the number of complaints made directly to the utility in 2020, 2021, and 2022 to date, pursuant to Rules 401 and 402 of the Commissions Utility Customer Relations Rules. For each complaint, please describe the general nature of their subject matter, how it was received (in person, by letter, telephone, or email), and whether a Commission review was conducted. Did the Company change its practices in response to its analysis of those complaints? If so, please explain the changes and/or modifications made. REQUEST NO. 137: Please provide the number of 3/o-inch and l-inch residential meters installed for new accounts for the years 2020,2021, and 2022 to date. Were the meters installed all AMI meters? Please explain. REQUEST NO. 138: Please provide the number of customers who have requested the Company install an AMI meter to replace an older functioning non-AMI meter for 2020,2021, and2022 to date. Please identify the size of the meter installed and whether the customers were residential or commercial. THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VEOLIA WATER IDAHO 20 DECEMBER2,2022 REQUEST NO. 139: Please provide the audit parameters the Company uses to detect slowing or stopped meters. How often are reports reviewed, and within what time frame are field investigations conducted and corrective action taken if necessary? Please provide the number of meters replaced in 2020,2021, and 2022 to date, because of age or malfunction. How does the Company determine whether to rebill the customer for usage when a meter malfunctions? REQUEST NO. 140: Please provide a copy of the most recent Company Cross Connection Control Program as required by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality. a. Please provide copies of the Company's annual and long-term Cross Connection Control Program work plans. b. Please explain how the Company is notified when an existing residential customer installs a cross connection assembly or device. Is the notif,rcation process the same regardless of whether or not the customer is located within a municipality? c. Does a Certificate of Occupancy require the Company to inspect and sign off on cross connections? d. Please explain how the Company is notified when an existing customer. of any type, has an existing cross connection assembly or device tested. How does the Company confirm that the person performing the testing has adequate certification and/or expertise? e. Please provide examples of notices sent to customers regarding backflow assembly testing, including'Notice to Test Your Irrigation/Fire Backflow Assembly." REQUEST NO. l4l: Please provide a current copy of the Company's database for its Cross Connection Control Program. REQUEST NO. 142: For calendar years2020,2021, and2022 to date, please provide: a. the number of customers who the Company has identified as having a cross connection control device interconnected with their potable water service connection. Please indicate whether the customer is a commercial customer or a residential customer THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VEOLIA WATER IDAHO 2l DECEMBER2,2022 b. the number of customers who were sent a notice regarding their cross-connection control device and the reason for the notice (i.e., missing or expired test certificate, improper device or installation, or other failure to comply with the Company's cross connection control program, etc.) c. the number of customers that provided the required test certificates. d. the number of customers disconnected for failure to provide remedy. REQUEST NO. 143: Please provide the average time between initial notification by the Company of non-compliance, and final customer compliance with the Company's Cross Connection Control Program for systems with year-round use for the following: a. Testing of backflow assemblies and devices b. A lack of backflow protection c. An improper backflow protection assembly or device. REQUEST NO. 144: Please provide a copy of the Summary of Rules provided to customers. Please provide an explanation of how and when it is sent. REQUEST NO. 145: Please provide a copy of the Explanation of Rate Schedules provided to customers. Please provide an explanation as to how and when it is sent. REQUEST NO. 146: Please provide copies of the following Company documents: a. Initial Notice to Terminate b. Final Notice of Intent to Terminate Service c. Notice of Procedure for Reconnecting Service left at the premises following disconnection of service (door tag or notice, if used). REQUEST NO. 147: Please provide a sample copy of a billing statement currently sent to customers who have: a. no past due balance owing. b. apast due balance. c. a monthly payment arrangement. THIRD PRODUCTION REQUEST TO VEOLIA WATER IDAHO 22 DECEMBER2,2022 DATED at Boise,Idaho, U, LJ day of Dece mM2022. i:umbcprodrcqfucon22.2cMsrnho* prod rcq 3 THIRD PRODUCTION RE.QUEST TO VEOLIA WATERIDAHO Chris Burdin Doputy Attorney General 23 DECEMBER 2,2022 ATTACHME,NTA TO THIRI) PRODUCTION REAUEST IN CASE NO. vEo -22-02 c =o E o cooxU oq d<J\ ou] ${^ o01(o<rt Lr)oq Nlrt g(o O)q $$ l'-n O)F-<t\ oq ood O)ol OlNln (oq l--cnN Olq O)<J'l Nog drorn onnN N\o+<J\ rn@ Ci(ovI 00q N F\og 00N<f<t\ oq m@ lJl rnq l-- v! ro d<t<J) q N@<J) m\l'-Nal) dq o)or1J.} N4$ @o9 N O)olr)da rodr;cn(o oq da O)q NOl<t oo 6:cn oq i q rn1Jl Olq <rLN l-.dl(o O)G Olul $LN1J\ oEtrG' r o UU(J o- o UUU o =o UUU o-o rJ)6UUU o-o uU(J o(-)U rn(odN z-o = F\@ )) =tnd o- o UU CJ Uz UUIuoU UJ) Udl UdF U4UUuLoU UJ) UE.:)t1 UdF c =-(JJ Uz UULIo(J U)J Ut = UdF st@do zo FdUcoJ Uz. UUuuoU UJJ UE.f UdF z c o(J UfUUd)E, coooo =oo(, oto,do zO F&Ud)) U z._ Uu4uo U)J Ud.f UdF UotoU(, =Uo Uz. qFu(, d J do)I z. oaU Uz UUuIoU UJJ Udf UdF $r) o 6z F&Uco) Uz UuruoU uJJ Ud.f,v1 Ud.F oc Fu JUNFUtL JUNFU = U) Fzo Fo-o-U ) E(,o =UFIUU Z Uuuuoll U)) Udl UnF c =-(J) FE.o Uc. U)J zl dU o z o- oU NN do-o C =-(J) (J z. UuuuoU U J Ud.l UdF Uz. UUuuoU UJJ Utl UE.F oz 3E.U o =Uoy)o l = U =UULuoU U)J Utf UdF o G6c .9uo coF oN Uoo l--d N co 6 N cG Nc6 LAN r+N -o0.)4 Ncrc NcN mN N -oOJI O! dN o <t dN o- N o NN N o l--N N cf O)N dN-1l NN N cf s dN.If l--N N u(f Ol dN 0i sf N o o N oz rn N oz d dN o0lood dN Uooo dN oo l'- dN UG'o(o NNcrc rnN NN -ooL l-- NN o NN NN o td NN 6 N NN o NN NN -If .lN NNcf O)N NN o. 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YEO-W-22-02, BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF, TO THE FOLLOWING: PRESTON N CARTER MORGAN GOODIN GIVENS PURSLEY LLP PO BOX 2720 BOrSE tD 8370t-2720 E-MAIL: prestoncarter@sivenspursley.com rnorqanqoodi nf@ gi venspursley.com stephaniew@ g ivenspursl e),.com LORNA K. JORGENSEN MEG WADDEL ADA COTINTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY'S OFFICE / CIVI DIVISION 2OO W. FRONT STREET, ROOM 3I9I BOISE,ID 83702 E-MAIL : civilpafi les@adacount,v-. id. gov JIM SWIER MICRON TECHNOLOGY,INC 8OOO SOUTH FEDERAL WAY BOISE, ID 83707 E-MAIL : j swier@micron.co MARY R. GRANT DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY BOISE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 105 N. CAPITOL BLVD. PO BOX 500 BOISE,ID 83701-0500 E-MAIL : mrgrant@cit.v.'otboise.orq boisec itvattorney(@citr"ofboise.org DAVID NJUGUNA MGR-REGULATORY BUSINESS VEOLIA WATER M&S INC 46I FROM ROAD STE 4OO PARAMUA NJ 07052 E-MAIL : David.ni ucuna(D,veolia.com SHARON M. ULLMAN, PRO SE 599I E. BLACK GOLD STREET BOISE,ID 83716 E-MAIL: sharonu2O I 3@qmail.com AUSTIN RUESCHHOFF THORVALD A. NELSON AUSTIN W. JENSEN HOLLAND & HART, LLP 555 17TH STREET SUITE 32OO DENVER, CO 80202 E-MAIL : dameschhoff@hollandhart.com tneI son@hoIIandhart.com awj ensen(@hol I andhart. corn ac lee@hollandhart.com kdspri g gs[Dhol landhart.corn SECRETAR CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE