HomeMy WebLinkAbout20221026Veolia to Staff 1-38.pdfPrestonN. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Morgan D. Goodig ISB No. 11184 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise,ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-1300 prestoncarter@ eivenspursley. com morganeoodin@ eivenspursley. com VsoLrA WerER IDAHo, INc.'s REspoNsEs ro FRsr PRoDUCTIoN REeUEST oF THs CoMr\rrssroN Srerr 16433368_l.Docx (3G235) i:TIi]EIVED 2f;?? OcT ?6 Pt{ 2: 18 , ,'\?i&:&Y'?&l8t,o* Attomeys for Yeolia Water ldaho, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PT]BLIC UTILITIES COMI\flSSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. FOR A GENERAL RATE CASE CaseNo. Vf;O-W-2z-02 Vnoua Wernn Ioenq INC.'s Rsspousns ro FRsr PRoDUCTToN REquesr or rrE CorrnatssroN $16p Veolia Water Idaho, lnc. ("Veolia" or "Company''), in response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staffto Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. dated October 5,2022, submits the attached information. The requested documents will be provided under the temrs of the Protective Agreernent. Pecr I or3 DATED: October 26, 2022. By: VEoLTA WATER IDAHo, INC.'S RESPoNSES To FrRST PRoDUCTToN REeUESToF rHs CouursstoN Stepr 16433368_l.mcx (30-235) Preston N. Carter Givens Pursley LLP Attorneysfor Veolia Water ldaho, Inc. PAGE 2 oF 3 Preston N. Carter, ISB No. 8462 Morgan D. Goodin, ISB No. I I184 Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock St. Boise, D 83702 Telephone: (208) 388-1200 Facsimile: (208) 388-l 300 prestoncarter@ givenspursley. com moreangoodin@ eivenspursley. com Attorneys for Veolia Water ldaho, Inc. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. FOR A GENERAL RATE CASE Case No. YEO-W-22-02 Veoln Weren IolHo, INc.'s RrspoNsBs ro FrRsr PRoDUCTToN Rpeuesr oF THE ComarssroN $1ap Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. ("Veolia" or "Company''), in response to the First Production Request of the Commission Staff to Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. dated October 5,2022, submits the attached information. The requested documents will be provided under the terms of the Protective Agreement. RFCEIVED 2022 jcr 26 Pt'A 2.18 IDAHO PUBLIC UI II" IT IES COIMh/ISSION Veoua W TER IDAHO, INC.,S RESPONSES TO FIRST PRODUCTIoN Rrqursror tun Coutvttsstoti Srerr 16433368 l.Docx(30-235) PAGE I oF 3 DATED: October 26, 2022. By: VEoLtA Wersn IDAHo, INC.'S RESroNSES To FIRSTPRoDUCTIoN REeuESr oF rHs Courr,lssroN Srenr 16433368_l.mcx (30-235) Preston N. Carter Givens Pursley LLP Attornqts for Veolia Water ldaho, Inc. ,,4-{ - Pecs 2 on 3 CERTIHCATE OF SERVICE I IIEREBY CERTIFY THAT on October 26,2022,I caused a tnre and correct copy of the foregoing to be served upon the following parties as indicated below: JanNoriyrki Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 837 20-007 4 j an.noriyuki@.nuc. idaho. gov secretarv@.puc. idaho. eov xtr!tr Email U.S. Mail Fax Hand Delivery ,,A--> PrestonN. Carter Vpoln Wergn IDAHo, [Nc.'s RESPoNSES ro Fnsr PRopucnoN REeuEsroF THe CoMMtssIoN Srerr 16433368_l.Docx (3G,235) Pacr 3 or 3 YEOLTA WATER rDArrO, INC. cAsE vEo-w-22-02 FIRST PRODUCTTON REQUEST OF TIrE COMMTSSTON STArr' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Zerhouni REOUEST NO. 1: Please provide copies of the monthly trial balances from January 1,2020, through the most current month available. Please supplement your response when additional months become available throughout 2022. RESPONSE NO. 1: Please see the attachment for the monthly trial balances from January 2020 through September 2022. wo-w-22-02 IPUC DR I Page I ofl vEoLIA WAItsR rIrAHO, INC. cAsE \IE(}.W-22-02 TIRSTT PROTIUCTTON nEQUEST OFTHE COMMISSION STATI' PreearerlSponsoring Witness: REOUEST NO.2r Please provide a copy of the Company's Chart ofAccounts. RESPIONSE NO.2: Please soe tho attached file for a copy ofthe Company's Chart ofAooomts. Zerhouni vEo-w-22-02 IPUC DR2 Page l of I VEOLIA WATER IDAHO INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMI\{ISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness :Zerhouni REOUEST NO.4: Please provide the total amount that the Company spent on the following activities for 2021 and 2022 to date, and show how the Company allocated the amounts between its operating division and the rest of the Company and its subsidiaries: a. The Company's annual report; b. Rating agencies; c. All software or information system-related issues; d. Board of Directors compensation, travel expenses, and meeting expenses; e. Travel and training for all shared executives of Veolia North America and affiliates; f. Insurance coverage; g. Overhead items including utilities, property taxes, security services, and other corporate headquarter expenses; and h. All other allocated or shared expenses. RESPONSE NO.4: Veolia Water M&S (Paramus) Inc. ("M&S") allocates shared expenses from Corporate M&S and Regulated M&S to Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. ("VWID") and other business units through the allocation of M&S fees based on the three - factor formula net of capitalization as applicable to each department. a. VWID's financial statements are not separately audited however, VWID financial information is included in Veolia Utility Resources LLC ("VUR") annual audited YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 4 Page I of4 financial statements. The total cost of VUR's audited consolidated financial statements is allocated to VWID using the three-factor formula: b. VWID is not separately rated. However, VUR is rated and such costs to ratings agencies cost are allocated to VWID using the three-factor formula: c. Software, information systems. and related costs incurred at M&S are allocated to VWID using the three-factor formula for ratemaking purposes: d. Board of Directors compensation, travel expenses and meeting expenses for the Directors of VUR are paid by M&S and allocated to SWID using the three-factor formula: Jan-Dec 2021 Jan-Sept 2022 Activity Total YWID Other Business Units Total VWID Other Business Units a.641,892 3s.790 606.102 508.374 29.965 478.409 Jan-Dec 2021 Jan-Seot 2022 Activitv Total VWID Other Business Units Total VWID Other Business Units b.122.325 I 1,001 lll,324 99.325 9,449 89,876 Jan-Dec 2021 Jan-Sept 2022 Activitv Total YWID 0ther Business Units Total YWID Other Business Units c.29,268,065 1.514.175 26.7s3.890 21,128,372 l.103,304 20.025.069 Jan-Dec 2021 Jan-Sent 2022 Activitv Total VWID Other Business Units Total VWID Other Business Units d 35,000 1,952 33,048 35,000 2,064 32,936 vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR4 Page 2 of 4 e. Travel and training for all shared executives is incurred at the M&S company and is allocated to VWID using the three- factor formula: f. Insurance costs for auto liability is based on the number of vehicles and worker's compensation is based on payrollcosts of each business unit. In addition, general liability and property insurance costs are allocated from M&S using the three-factor formula. I. Corporate M&S headquarters expenses including utilities, propefty taxes and security services are allocated first among each M&S depaftment based on the headcount and then to VWID and other business units r.rsing the three-factor forrnula: Jan-Dec 2021 Jan-Sept 2022 Activitv Total VWID Other Business Units Total VWID Other Business Units e.8,344 375 7,969 27,033 1,286 25,747 Jan-Dec 2021 Jan-Sept 2022 Activitv Total Veolia Water Idaho. Inc. Other Business Units Total Veolia Water Idaho. Inc. 0ther Business Units f. - Auto Liability & Workerrs Compensation f. - General Liability & Propertv 616,799 2.s73.924 69,276 143,515 547,503 2.430.409 568,845 2.s86,s9s 75,053 152,565 493,792 2,434,030 Jan-Dec 2021 Jan-Sept 2022 Activitv Total VWID Other Business Units Total vwII) Other Business Units s.3,149.0s7 127,264 3,021,793 2.396.481 105,266 2,291.2t6 vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR4 Page 3 of4 h. The remainder ofthe shared oosts are allocated to VWID and other business using the three-factor formula: 48.155.395 2.t82.432 45.972.9U 33.140.970 t.698.t24 3t.44224sh. VEG,W-22-02 IPUCDR4 Page 4 of4 vEoLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. cAsE vBo-w-22-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cooper REOUEST NO.5: Please provide a matrix identifing the major capital expenditure approval levels that includes the dollar level of authorization by employee title, division, and company. Please include within your response the dollar level at which the individual capital expenditures require approval by the Board of Directors. RESPONSE NO.5: The following table shows the capital expenditure approval levels. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 5 Page I ofl Al Projects up to $100,000 VP/General lVhnager Veolia Water ldaho, lnc.Veolia Water ldaho, lnc. $250,000 VF Capitallnvestments Planning and Delivery LJtility DMsion Veolia Water ttI&S (Paramus), lnc. $500,000 tXility CFO utili$ Division Veolia Water ltI&S (Paramus), lnc. $1,250,000 tJtility Chief Operating Officer utility Division Veolia Water ltI&S (Paramus),lnc. $2,500,000 Corporate tvl&S CFO itunicipalWater Veolia Water ttl&S (Paramus),lnc. $5,000,000 IttunicipalWater CEO ItfunicipalWater Veolia l.lorth funerica, lnc $10,000,000 Veolia l.lorth America CEO Veolia North Anerica Veolia Mrth America, lnc Note: Board of Directors approves the overall capital plan for the upcominq vear Approval Amount Approver Division Company vEoLIA WATER TDAHO, rNC. cAsE vEo-w-22-02 FrRST PRODUCTTON REQTIEST OF TIIE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cooper REOUEST NO. 6: Please provide a schedule of all additions and retirements to Plant- in-Service since January 1,2020, including installation date,account, installed cost,andestimated depreciable life. RESPONSE NO.6: Please see the attached file with the information requested. The depreciation schedule is provided on a separate tab in the attachment for each depreciation group. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 6 Page I of1 vEoLrA WATER rDArrO, rNC. cAsE vEo-w-22-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQTIEST OF TIIE COMN{ISSION STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cooper REOTIEST NO.7: Please provide all joumal entries related to additions and retirements to Plant-in-Service since January 1,2020. RESPONSE NO.7: Please see the attachment showing journal entries related to additions and retirements to Plant-in-Service from January 1,2020 to September 30,2022. vEo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 7 Page I ofl YEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. cAsE vEo-w-22-02 FrRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TrrE COMMTSSTON STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cooper REOUEST NO.8: Please provide an analysis ofany sales ofland and/orplant forthe years 2020 -2022to date if any. Please show gains, losses, and supporting documentation including accounting entries for removal of items from rate base. RESPONSE NO.8: There was one parcel of land sold during the time period. The Lancaster Tank land was a small parcel, which was sold to a nearby homeowner. The land was sold for $2,000 and had a book value of $7,602. The book loss on the sale of the land is not included for recovery. Dr. Cash $2,000. Cr. Land $7,602 Dr. Gain- Disposition of Property $5,602 Please see the attachment, which also includes salvage proceeds. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 8 Page I ofl vEoLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. cAsE vEo-w-22-02 FrRST PRODUCTTON REQTTEST OF TIrE COMMTSSTON STArr Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cooper REOUEST NO. 9: Please provide details of any planned sales of land and/or plant forthe remainder of 2022 and 2023. Please include within your response the estimated date of these sales and the planned accounting treatment. RESPONSE NO. 9: No sale of land or plant is currently planned during the remainder of 2022 and2023. vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 9 Page I ofl yEoLIA WATER TDAHO, INC. cAsE vEo-w-22-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TIIE COMI\flSSION STATT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: J. Cary REOUEST NO. 10: Please provide a list of "out-of-period adjustments" and "extraordinary items" for the years 2020 - 2022to date. RESPONSE NO. 10: Veolia Water Idaho Inc.'s financial information is subject to the annual audit by the independent auditors in connection with the annual audit of its parent Veolia Utility Resources LLC. For the three years ended December 31,2019,2020 and202l, there were no significant out of period adjustments or extraordinary items identified and recorded. For the year ending December 31, 2022, the annual audit is in progress, and there were no significant out of period adjustments or extraordinary items identified as of the date of this response. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR IO Page I ofl vEoLIA WATER TDAHO, rNC. cAsE vEo-w-22-02 FIRST PRODUCTION T OF TITT' COMMISSION STATT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOTIEST NO.lI: Please provide a schedule showing injuries and damages claims for the years 2021 and 2022 to date. Please include within your response the description of each item, the amount for each item, and the account charged. RESPONSE NO. 11: Please see the attached file, which details all injuries and damage claims and workers compensation claims from202l to September 2022 from the Company's insurance providers. Injury & Damage claims are recorded to the Insurance Reserve Liability Account 26200. Automobile insurance costs are charged to Transportation expense account 50645, Injury & Damage premiums are charged to Liability Insurance expense account 91400, while Worker Compensation expenses are recorded in account 91460. Prior to 2020, General Liability claims were recorded in M&S Fees Account 90850. The timing of claim payment expense will also differ from the date of loss or incident. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR I1 Attachment Page I of1 vEoLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. cAsE vrco-w-22-02 FIRST PRODUCTION T OF THE COMIVIISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOUEST NO. 12: Please provide a listing of all organizations the Company participates in and the costs of participating in those organizations (e.g. NAWC, IACI, R&l Alliance, etc.). If the costs are allocated from a parent company, please illustrate how the amounts were allocated to Veolia Water ldaho. RESPONSE NO. 12: The Company includes in its Operating Expenses AWWA American Water Works Association fees (individual membership dues for participating employees), Idaho Ground Water Appropriators, ISLE Inc. TAG Services, IWUA Idaho Water Users Association, and the non- lobbying fee portion of NAWC National Association of Water Companies dues. ParticipatingOrganization costs not requested for recovery in rates include Chamber dues, Boise Valley Economic Partnership, IACI Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry and the lobbying fee portion of NAWC National Association of Water Companies dues. vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 12 Page I of2 Organization Operating ExDense Non-Recoverable Expense AWWA American Water Works Association $2.000 Boise Metro Chamber of Commerce $5,038 Boise Valley Economic Partnership $5,290 Eagle Chamber of Commerce s474 IACI Idaho Association of Commerce & Industry $r2.200 IGWA Idaho Ground Water Appropriators $5.000 ISLE Inc. TAG Services $15,000 IWUA Idaho Water Users Association $s00 NAWC National Association of Water Companies $37.1 l0 $s.s45 Veolia Water M&S @aramus), Ino. ('M&S') also allocates shared expenses from Corporate M&S and Regulated M&S to Veolia Water Idaho, Inc. ('VWID') and other business units through the allocation of M&S fees based on the three- factor Formula net of capitalization as applicable to each deparfinent. The Company's membership fee of The Water Research Foundation and Amerioan Water Works Association is allocated to VWID using the thrpe-f,actor formula. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 12 Page2 of 2 $163,582 $45.890 $133,829 $0 $7,888 $0 $125,940 $o Water Researoh Foundation American Water Works Association $t7324r $48"600 $2,710 $9,659 VEOLIA WATER IDAIIO, INC. CASE YEO-W-22-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Wilson REOUEST NO. 13: Please provide a list ofall advertising expenses recorded above the line, including account and subaccounts, where posted, dates posted, vendor names, explanations, and amounts posted during 2021 and2022. RESPONSE NO. 13: See the affachment for a list of all advertising expenses posted to account 50651660 - Advertising Expense for the period requested. Expense lines that begin "EXACC" in the Joumal ID column are purchase card expenses. The associated Supplier Name and description, listed in column "Voucher Line Descr", are included for further detail. The following expenses were excluded in the Test Year Advertising Expense filed in Adjustment No. l8 and highlighted on the attachment. $2000.00 - Red Sky Inc. Voucher ID 00127836 - Removed one month of Red Sky Inc. service to reflect only l2 months in the Historic Test Year. $8000.00 - Donahoe Pace Voucher ID 00122919 ($4000.00) and Voucher ID 0012330 ($4000.00) - Removed 2021 customer education Conservation costs due to costs doubled up in Historic Test Year due to timing of campaigns. $2,686.88 - Hilton Garden Inn Journal ID EXACC49896 - Removed Eagle Water Company customer town hall costs as they are non-recurring. $6715.00 - Draper Associates Inc. Voucher ID 00125800 - Removed Rules & Regulations insert from February 2022 as it was reprinted in June 2022 to reflect May 1,2022 rate change per SUZ-W-20-01 rate case. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 13 Page I of I vEoLrA WATER IDAHO, rNC. cAsE YEO-W-22-02 FrRST PRODUCTTON REQUEST OF TrrE COMI{TSSTON STATT', Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Wilson REOUEST NO. 14: Please provide copies of all advertisements used during 2021 and2022 and comelate the advertisement with the specific detail provided in the Company's response to Request No. 13. RESPONSE NO. 14: Please see attachments of all advertisements used during 2021 and2022. The files are labeled'SUPPLIERNAME - VOUCHER ID - DESCRIPTION'. Please referto the attachment provided in response to Request No. 13. Refer to Column AI for Voucher ID and column AP for SupplierName to correlate the attachment with associated expense detail. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 14 Page I of 1 VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. cAsE YEO-WA2-02 rIRsT PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMSSION STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Wilson REOUEST NO. 15: Please provide copies of all billing inserts for 2021 and 2022 and indicate the date they were sent. Please also provide a schedule showing the amount and account numbers charged for all costs to produce, print, and distribute the inserts. RESPONSE NO. 15: Please see Attachment I schedules for details on billing inserts provided to customers during the requested time period. Invoice 12437 dated ll28l22 is not included as it was removed from the Test Year Advertising Expense because it was later reprinted in June 2022to reflect the May I rate change per SUEZ-W-20-02 rate case. Attachment 2 includes the billing inserts referenced in Attachment l. vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR I5 Page I ofl vEoLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. cAsE vEo-w-22-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Wilson REOUEST NO. 16: Please provide copies of the monthly, quarterly, and annualcomparison of operating and capital budget to actual expenditures for 2019 - 2022 to date. Please include within your response a narrative explanation for budget variations. This should include, but not be limited to, written operating and capital budget variance reports and explanations used by Company officers and managers to monitor and control budgets under their responsibility. Please supplement your response as additional information becomes available throughout 2022. RESPONSE NO. 16: Please see attached files for Operating expense and Capital budget variances and explanations. The following monthly variance files are not available and are supplemented with financial Income Statements showing the variance to budget and Year to Date variance analysis in subsequent months - Operating Variances: April20l9, and May 2019. Request No l6 Attachment I -Capex Variances - containing capex budget variances from January 2019 through September 2022. Request No l6 Attachment 2 - containing operating expense budget variances from January 2019 through September 2022. Request No l6 Attachment 3 - containing the income statement and variances from budget for months: April 2019 and May 2019. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 16 Page I of I vEoLrA WATER IDAIIO, INC. cAsE vEo-w-22-02 FrRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TIIE COMMISSTON STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Wifiess: Cary REOUEST NO. 17: Please provide a list of all leased items in 2021 and2022 to date. Please separate capital leases from operating leases and show the dates, terms, amounts, and accounts used for each lease. RESPONSE NO. 17: The Company's leases for 2021 and2022 to date are reflected in the attachment to this response. These operating leases include office equipment, building space, communication tower leases, annual water right agreements, company vehicles and heavy equipment. YE,O-W-22-02 IPUC DR 17 Page I of I vEoLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. cAsE vBo-w-22-02 FrRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMI\{ISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Wilson REOUEST NO. 18: Please provide a schedule of prepaid items for 2021 and 2022 to date showing amounts posted, vendor names, explanations, and accounts to which these items were booked. Please include within your response any significant changes to prepaid items occurring or planned to occur in 2022 and2023. RESPONSE NO. 18: Account 16599 reflects the prepaid balance of Azteca Systems LLC - Cityworks subscription license costs that are invoiced and paid in September for the ensuing year. Cityworks is the work order management program which allows the Company to schedule and track employee work and activities performed in the freld. The number of authorized users utilizing the software has changed over time as the program was deployed in various phases which required additional Cityworks employee licenses. The monthly expense is recorded to account 50650. The 2020 Cityworks expense was $ 168,405 for 103 licenses and covers the period October 15,2020 through October 14,2021. The 2021 invoice expense was $183,561 for 103 licenses and covers the period October 15,2021through October 14,2022. the increase coming from a 9%o contractual obligation. The planned expense covering the period October 15,2022 through October 14,2023 is$222,562 for I l8 licenses. vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 18 Page I of2 Additionally, in December 2021, the Company prepaid an invoice to the Bureau of Reclamation for 1000 acre-feet of storage in Anderson Ranch Reservoir on the Boise River System. The leased storage was for the2022 calendar year. This is an annual payment and is typically made in the same calendar year as the leased water is made available. In order to align the cost with the leased water usage, a monthly amortization of $2030.00 was setup to record the expense in2022 to account 50605 (Purchased Water). We do not anticipate prepaying this expense in the future. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR I8 Page2 of 2 vEoLIA WATER IDAHO, rNC. cAsE vEo-w-22-02 nRsT PRODUCTION REQTTEST OF TrrE COMMISSTON STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Wifiress: Thompson REOUEST NO.20: Please provide the quantifiable savings from any cost/workforce reduction programs during the past five years. Please provide any additional workforce reduction programs planned for2022 -2023. RESPONSE NO.20: The company has not initiated any workforce reduction plans in the past 5 years, and has no plans to reduce its workforce in the time period from2022 -2023. I/Eo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 20 Page I ofl vEoLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. cAsE \rEo-w-22-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOUEST NO.2I: Please summarize all benefit and retirement plans provided to Company employees of all classifications. Please also include any changes that have occurred to the benefits/accruals during the past five years. RESPONSE NO.21: Please see below and attached summary benefit and retirement plan descriptions: Request No 2l Attachment I Retirement Plan (Pension Plan) Request No 2l Attachment 2 40lkPlan Request No 2l Attachment 3 40lk Bargaining Plan Request No 2l Attachment 4 Amendments to 40lk Plans RequestNo 2l Attachment 5 Amendment to Retirement Plan Request No 2l Attachment 6 Over 65 Retiree Plan Request No 2l Attachment 7 Pre 65 Retiree Plan The following changes to benefit plans have occurred in the past five years: 401(k) Plans . Record keeper change from Vanguard to Fidelity November l, 2018 . Automatic enrollment feature added November l, 2018 . BiPartisan Budget Act effective lll/2020 - required plan amendment regarding the hardship withdrawals - withdrawal should not exceed the financial need including any taxes or penalties. Hardships will be allowed if funds are not reasonably available by any other withdrawal or distributions available under the plan or other YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 2I Page I of3 plans maintained by the employer and the participant demonsffates that they have insufficient funds to satisfu the need. . CARES Act - effective April 2020 - plan will allow distributions up to $50,000 for COVID-19 related expenses (participant has to self-certify). Plan will also allow deferral of loan repayments for COVID-I9 related reasons (participant must self- certify). Loan repayments will begin again l/112021. . 2nd amendment - rollovers into the plan must be made within 60 days of the distribution from a prior retirement plan o 3rd amendment - Plan Sponsor name change to SUEZ Water Resources LLC, clarification of earnings used in the Age Based calculator, and adoption of the required minimum distribution age moving fro 70.5 to 72 (SECURE Act) . 4th amendment - clarification of the Hoboken location / matching contributions for Lynn, MA location Retirement Pension Plans . Definition of Disability Retirement - participant has to be on LTD and have at least l0 years of service to qualify for disability retirement . Pension administration outsourced to Willis Towers Watson, September 6,2018 . 3rd amendment - Plan sponsor name change to SUEZ Water Resources LLC, required minimum distribution age moving from 70.5 to 72 (SECURE Act), o Lump sum window offered in Q4 2020 to vested terms in the SWR Retirement Plan. . Hoboken amendment There were no changes to the plan designs for either the pre-65 or post 65 retiree medical plans. Only changes are the premium rates (pre-65) and the Health Reimbursement Account rate (post-65). YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 2I Page 2 of3 Please see the following files for plan amendments: Request No 21 401(k) Plan Auachment 8 - 2nd Amendment (rollover) Request No 21 401(k) Plan Attachment 9 - 3rd Amendment (Name) Request No 21 401(k) Plan Attachment l0 - 4th Amendment (Hoboken) RequestNo 2l Barg 401(k) Plan Attachment I I - 2nd Amendment (rollover) Request No 21 Barg 401(k) Plan Attachment 12- 3rd Amendments (Name) RequestNo 21 Retirement Plan Attachment 13 - Amendment (Hoboken) RequestNo 2l Retirement Plan Attachment 14- Amendment (Lump Sum Window) RequestNo 2l Retirement Plan Attachment 15- 3rd Amendment (Name) YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 2I Page 3 of3 VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. cAsE vEo-w-22-02 FrRST PRODUCTTON REQUEST OF THE COMMSSTON STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witress: Cary REOUEST NO.22: Please provide copies of the Company's pension and actuarial reports for the years 2020 - 2022. Also, please provide any actuarial calculations and documentation that shows the development of FAS 87 expenses (ASC 715 Compensation- Retirement Benefits as codified), Company contributions, balances, and assumptions. RESPONSE NO.22: Attachment I 2020 Pension Actuarial Report Attachment 2 2021 Pension Actuarial Report T\e 2022 Pension Actuarial Report is not available at this time. It should be available in the first quarter of 2023. vEo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 22 Page I ofl vEoLIA WATER IDArrO, INC. cAsE vEo-w-22-02 FrRST PRODUCTTON REQUEST OF TrrE COMMISSION STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Njuguna REOUEST NO.25: Please provide a schedule showing the estimated extemal rate case expenses the Company expects to incur for the preparation and processing of this case. RESPONSE NO.25: Please see Exhibit No. 10, Schedule I (Adjusfrnent No.23) which outlines the estimated external rate case expenses. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 25 Page I ofl vEoLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. cAsE YEO-WA2-02 FIRST PRODUCTTON REQUEST OF TrrE COMIflSSTON STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOUEST NO.26: Please provide a copy of the Company's property tax bills for 2021 and2022. RESPONSE NO.26: The Company expects to receive the2022 Property Tax bills in November for Ada County, Boise Kuna lrrigation District, Nampa Meridian lrrigation District, and New York lrrigation District. The Company's Irrigation District property tax invoice payments are administered directly by the Altus Group. Please see attached files: Attachment 1-Ada County Property Tax Bill 2020 a portion was paid in202l. Attachment 2-Ada County Property Tax Bill 2021. Attachment 3-Boise Kuna Nampa Meridian Irrigation Property Tax Bill 2021. Attachment 4-New York lrrigation Properly Tax Bill 2021. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 26 Attachment 4 Page I ofl YEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. CASE VEO-W-22-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMMISSION STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOUEST NO.31: Please provide a list of all contractors used in 2020,2021 and 2022 to date. Please include with this response the contract amount, project name, project location, and completion date. RESPONSE NO.31: The attached file includes information for field contractors used in2020 through September 2022 on capital expenditure and tank painting projects. The project locations are generally described in the project and work order definitions if there was a specific site for the work. Work on projects such as "Replacement Customer Meters" happened in various locations around the Veolia Water Idaho service area. We have not included items on the list such as testing at Analytical Laboratories, our third party safety inspector groups, professional services such as engineering consultants and attorney services, or vendors that we purchase only supplies from. Please note that there are no "in-serviceo' dates for Preliminary ("M") projects, when the preliminary work is complete, those dollars are moved to "execute" projects. Blanket projects (such as meters, service lines, etc.) are put in-service on a monthly basis. vBo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 3I Page I of I YEOLTA WATER rDArIO, INC. cAsE vEo-w-22-02 FIRST PRODUCTTON REQUEST OF THE COMnIISSTON STArr' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cooper REOUEST NO.34: Please provide a copy of the Company's policy for water main exensions. RESPONSE NO.34: The Company's policy for water main extensions can be found in the approved Suez Water Idaho Inc. Tariffs (the name on the tariff has not yet been changed to Veolia Water Idaho) approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. The section entitled "Rules and Regulations Governing Water Main Extensions" begins on Sheet 37 of the approved tariff document, and ends on Sheet 41. Please see the attachment showing the section from the Company's approved tariff indicating the "Rules and Regulations Governing Water Main Extensions". VEOLIA WATER IDAHO, INC. cAsE vEo-w-22-02 nRsT PRODUCTION REQUEST OF TrrE COMMTSSTON STAFF Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cooper REOUEST NO.35: For each of the Company's wells, please provide the quantity (gallons) pumped for each month between January 2020 and2022to date. RESPONSE NO.35: The attachment shows the quantity pumped from the Company's wells by month. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 35 Page I ofl vEoLIA WATER IDAHO, rNC. cAsE vEo-w-22-02 FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST OF THE COMIVISSION STATT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cooper REOUEST NO.36: Please provide the Idaho Department of Water Resources unique identifier (e.g. Well Tag/D-TagNumber) for each of the Company's wells. RESPONSE NO.36: The Company's wells have identifiers assigned by Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR) and/or Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ). IDWR assigns several different identifiers, somewhat dependent on when the well was drilled. These include: IDWR Well ID No: Number assigned to wells on file by IDWR. IDWR Permit ID No: IDWR drilling permit number. IDWR Well Tag No: Number on the metal tag required by IDWR starting in the mid to late 1990's. ldentifiers assigned to Veolia wells are provided in the attached file. YEO-W-22-02 IPUC DR 36 Attachment Page I of I YEOLIA WATER TDAHO, INC. cAsE vEo-w-22-02 FIRST PRODUCTTON REQUEST OF THE COMl\drSSrON STAIT' Preparer/Sponsoring Witness: Cary REOI]EST NO.37: Please provide the following foreach meter size for each month from January 2020 through2022 to date: a. Number ofBilled Customer Charges; b. Gallons ofwater provided to customers at no charge as part ofthe Minimum Charge; and c. Gallons sold to customers in excess of the maximum gallons allowed inthe Minimum Charge. RESPONSE NO.37: a. Please refer to Request No. 37 Attachment. b. There is no water provided to customers as part of a minimum charge. c. There is no water provided to customers as part of a minimum charge. vEo-w-22-02 IPUC DR 37 Page I ofl