HomeMy WebLinkAbout971121.docxSCOTT WOODBURY DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 472 WEST WASHINGTON STREET STATEHOUSE MAIL BOISE,  IDAHO  83720-6000 (208) 334-0320 ATTORNEY FOR THE COMMISSION STAFF BEFORE  THE  IDAHO  PUBLIC  UTILITIES  COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION) OF UNITED WATER IDAHO INC. FOR) CASE  NO.  UWI-W-97-6 AUTHORITY TO REVISE AND INCREASE) RATES CHARGED FOR WATER SERVICE.) FIRST PRODUCTION      )    REQUEST OF THE )COMMISSION STAFF )TO UNITED WATER )IDAHO INC. __________________________________________) The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission by and through its attorney of record, Scott Woodbury, Deputy Attorney General, requests United Water Idaho Inc. (UWI) provide the following documents and information, pursuant to Commission Rule of Procedure 225, IDAPA, on or before  FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1997. This production request is to be considered as continuing, and United Water Idaho Inc. is requested to provide by way of supplementary responses, additional documents that you or any person acting on your behalf may later obtain that will augment the documents produced. Please provide answers to each question; supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations; the name and telephone number of the person preparing the documents; and the name, location and telephone number of the record holder. REQUEST NO. 1:  By service level, please show water customer growth, total consumption and total supply over the past five years.  Specifically identify growth and consumption in southeast Boise including consumption for Micron. REQUEST NO. 2: By service level, please show projected customer growth and consumption for the next five years.  Specifically identify growth and consumption in southeast Boise including projected consumption for Micron. REQUEST NO. 3:  Please provide project descriptions or plat maps for developments proposed in Yanke well field area. REQUEST NO. 4:  Please identify all existing sources of water supply currently serving  southeast Boise.  What were the diversion alternatives considered by UWI? REQUEST NO. 5:  Does UWI intend to serve the Harris Ranch development?  If so what is UWI’s water service plan for that development? REQUEST NO. 6:  When does UWI propose to construct the new water treatment plant that requires the river diversion and 30-inch mainline? REQUEST NO. 7:  Does UWI have water rights for the new treatment plant?  If so, how much right and how were the rights obtained. REQUEST NO. 8:  How much money has UWI paid to Micron as reimbursement for the Yanke well field pipeline project? REQUEST NO. 9: Please provide an itemized cost breakdown of Project C96A007. REQUEST NO. 10:  Please provide an itemized cost estimate for Project C97D101. REQUEST NO. 11:  What is the construction schedule for Project C97D101? REQUEST NO. 12:  Company Exhibit No. 2 appears to show Project C97D101 ending at a location approximately 1 1/4 mile east of the Floating Feather well.  How will the mainline be  interconnected to the Floating Feather well.  If City of Eagle facilities will be used, what is the arrangement between the City and UWI?  What physical separation, if any, is contemplated      between the water system of the City and that of UWI. REQUEST NO. 13: What is UWI’s obligation to provide water to the City of Eagle from the Floating Feather and Redwood Creek wells? REQUEST NO. 14:  Are fire flows in the Lexington Hills subdivision adequate after interconnection of UWI’s Floating Feather well and the City of Eagle system?  Please provide the latest fire flow test information. REQUEST NO. 15:  Will interconnecting the City of Eagle water system and the Hidden Hollow reservoir improve fire flows in the Lexington Hills subdivision? REQUEST NO. 16:  Does UWI anticipate providing water supply to meet the new demand placed on the City of Eagle system by customer growth? REQUEST NO. 17:  Given the existing interconnection between the systems of UWI and City of Eagle, how would UWI limit supplying the City’s system from the Floating Feather well even if it wanted to? REQUEST NO. 18:  What is the projected customer growth and water demand in the Eagle area over the next ten years?  Please include customer and demand growth in both the UWI service area and areas served by the City of Eagle. REQUEST NO. 19:  Please list all supply sources located in the main service level and their capacities. REQUEST NO. 20:  Please list all storage available to the main service level. REQUEST NO. 21:  Please provide the number of customers located in the main service level and the peak demand. REQUEST NO. 22:  Please list all sources of supply in the main service level west of 36th Street.  Please include all purchases from other water suppliers and identify the point of interconnection. REQUEST NO. 23:  Please list all supply projects within the main service level and west of 36th Street undertaken in the last five years.  Identify the nature of the project, the additional capacity provided if any and the project cost. REQUEST NO. 24:  On page 13, lines 16 through 18 of Linam’s Direct Testimony, Company witness Linam states that Project C97D101 will defer another of $980,000 investment that would have otherwise occurred. Please describe the project and investment that will be deferred. REQUEST NO. 25:  Please describe all supply projects planned for the main service level over the next five years.  Please include cost and additional capacity added. REQUEST NO. 26:  Please provide annual revenue generated from customers served by the Redwood Creek and Floating Feather system. REQUEST NO. 27:  Please describe all other water supply alternatives considered to eliminate the supply deficiency in the main service level.  Please include the type of project, the capacity provided and the project cost. REQUEST NO. 28:  Please provide the escrow analysis showing that eighty-one Island Woods customers will support an investment of $103,850. REQUEST NO. 29:  Besides the Pierce Park mainline, what other points of interconnection exist between the Hidden Hollow reservoir and the main service level? REQUEST NO. 30:  Please describe all points of interconnection between the newly acquired Garden City exchange distribution system and UWI’s existing main service level distribution system. REQUEST NO. 31:  Including the distribution facilities obtained from Garden City through the exchange, please describe all UWI mainline facilities located in Gary Lane. REQUEST NO. 32:  Please provide a list of all new mainlines constructed in the last five years that did not replace an existing mainline and which costs were not contributed in any part by a developer.  Please include a description of the project, the purpose of the project and the total cost. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this              day of November 1997. ________________________ Scott Woodbury Deputy Attorney General Technical Staff:  Randy Lobb SW:RL:gdk/uwiw976.swr/umisc/pr